public static async Task <bool> CreateTable(AmazonDynamoDBClient client)
            var createTableRequest =
                new CreateTableRequest()
                TableName             = _tableName,
                ProvisionedThroughput =
                    new ProvisionedThroughput()
                    ReadCapacityUnits  = 1,
                    WriteCapacityUnits = 1

            var attributeDefinitions = new List <AttributeDefinition>()
                // Attribute definitions for table primary key
                { new AttributeDefinition()
                      AttributeName = "CustomerId", AttributeType = "S"
                  } },
                { new AttributeDefinition()
                      AttributeName = "OrderId", AttributeType = "N"
                  } },
                // Attribute definitions for index primary key
                { new AttributeDefinition()
                      AttributeName = "OrderCreationDate", AttributeType = "N"
                  } },
                { new AttributeDefinition()
                      AttributeName = "IsOpen", AttributeType = "N"
                  } }

            createTableRequest.AttributeDefinitions = attributeDefinitions;

            // Key schema for table
            var tableKeySchema = new List <KeySchemaElement>()
                { new KeySchemaElement()
                      AttributeName = "CustomerId", KeyType = "HASH"
                  } },                                              //Partition key
                { new KeySchemaElement()
                      AttributeName = "OrderId", KeyType = "RANGE"
                  } }                                            //Sort key

            createTableRequest.KeySchema = tableKeySchema;

            var localSecondaryIndexes = new List <LocalSecondaryIndex>();

            // OrderCreationDateIndex
            var orderCreationDateIndex = new LocalSecondaryIndex()
                IndexName = "OrderCreationDateIndex"

            // Key schema for OrderCreationDateIndex
            var indexKeySchema = new List <KeySchemaElement>()
                { new KeySchemaElement()
                      AttributeName = "CustomerId", KeyType = "HASH"
                  } },                                                //Partition key
                { new KeySchemaElement()
                      AttributeName = "OrderCreationDate", KeyType = "RANGE"
                  } }                                                        //Sort key

            orderCreationDateIndex.KeySchema = indexKeySchema;

            // Projection (with list of projected attributes) for
            // OrderCreationDateIndex
            var projection = new Projection()
                ProjectionType = "INCLUDE"

            var nonKeyAttributes = new List <string>()

            projection.NonKeyAttributes = nonKeyAttributes;

            orderCreationDateIndex.Projection = projection;


            // IsOpenIndex
            var isOpenIndex
                = new LocalSecondaryIndex()
                IndexName = "IsOpenIndex"

            // Key schema for IsOpenIndex
            indexKeySchema = new List <KeySchemaElement>()
                { new KeySchemaElement()
                      AttributeName = "CustomerId", KeyType = "HASH"
                  } },                                                //Partition key
                { new KeySchemaElement()
                      AttributeName = "IsOpen", KeyType = "RANGE"
                  } }                                             //Sort key

            // Projection (all attributes) for IsOpenIndex
            projection = new Projection()
                ProjectionType = "ALL"

            isOpenIndex.KeySchema  = indexKeySchema;
            isOpenIndex.Projection = projection;


            // Add index definitions to CreateTable request
            createTableRequest.LocalSecondaryIndexes = localSecondaryIndexes;

            Console.WriteLine("Creating table " + _tableName + "...");
            await client.CreateTableAsync(createTableRequest);

            WaitUntilTableReady(client, _tableName);
