Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ProcessSharp" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="native">The native process.</param>
        /// <param name="type">The type of memory being manipulated.</param>
        public ProcessSharp(Process native, MemoryType type)
            native.EnableRaisingEvents = true;

            native.Exited += (s, e) =>
                ProcessExited?.Invoke(s, e);

            Native = native;

            Handle = MemoryHelper.OpenProcess(ProcessAccessFlags.AllAccess, Native.Id);
            switch (type)
            case MemoryType.Local:
                Memory = new LocalProcessMemory(Handle);

            case MemoryType.Remote:
                Memory = new ExternalProcessMemory(Handle);

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(type), type, null);

            native.ErrorDataReceived  += OutputDataReceived;
            native.OutputDataReceived += OutputDataReceived;

            ThreadFactory = new ThreadFactory(this);
            ModuleFactory = new ModuleFactory(this);
            MemoryFactory = new MemoryFactory(this);
            WindowFactory = new WindowFactory(this);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Initializes Orion by attaching to the specified CSGO process.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="process">The process.</param>
        /// <param name="isInjected">if set to <c>true</c> [is injected].</param>
        public static void Attach(Process process, bool isInjected = false)
            if (_isAttached)

            // We won't require the injector for now - we're completely passive.
            if (isInjected)
                Memory = new LocalProcessMemory(process);
                Memory = new ExternalProcessMemory(process);

            ClientBase = Memory.GetModule("client.dll").BaseAddress;
            EngineBase = Memory.GetModule("engine.dll").BaseAddress;

            ClientSize = Memory.GetModule("client.dll").ModuleMemorySize;
            EngineSize = Memory.GetModule("engine.dll").ModuleMemorySize;


            _log.Debug($"Client Base Address: 0x{ClientBase}");
            _log.Debug($"Engine Base Address: 0x{EngineBase}");


            _log.Info("Initializing ObjectManager..");

            Objects     = new ObjectManager(ClientBase + (int)BaseOffsets.EntityList, 128);
            GlowObjects = new GlowManager(ClientBase + (int)BaseOffsets.GlowObjBase);

            var clientState = Memory.Read <IntPtr>(EngineBase + (int)BaseOffsets.ClientState);

            _log.Debug($"Engine Pointer: 0x{clientState}");

            if (clientState == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new Exception("Couldn't find Engine Ptr - are you sure your offsets are up to date?");

            _log.Info("Initializing GameClient..");

            Client = new GameClient(clientState);

            _log.Debug($"Orion attached successfully to process with ID {process.Id}.");

            _isAttached = true;
Exemple #3
        public static void Attach(System.Diagnostics.Process process, bool isInjected = false)
            if (_isAttached)

            if (isInjected)
                Memory = new LocalProcessMemory(process);
                Memory = new ExternalProcessMemory(process);


            Renderer   = new Renderer(process);
            ClientBase = Memory.GetModule("client.dll").BaseAddress;
            EngineBase = Memory.GetModule("engine.dll").BaseAddress;
            ClientState = Memory.Read <int>(EngineBase + Offsets.ClientState.Base);
            Objects     = new ObjectManager(ClientBase + Offsets.Misc.EntityList);

            Box           = new Box();
            HeadHelper    = new HeadHelper();
            SkinChanger   = new SkinChanger();
            ControlRecoil = new Rcs();
            TriggerBot    = new TriggerBot();
            KeyUtils      = new KeyUtils();
            BunnyJump     = new BunnyJump();
            SoundEsp      = new SoundEsp();
            Radar         = new Radar();
            NoFlash       = new NoFlash();
            AutoPistol    = new AutoPistol();
            Glow          = new Glow();
            AimAssist     = new AimAssist();

            var enginePtr = Memory.Read <IntPtr>(EngineBase + Offsets.ClientState.Base);

            if (enginePtr == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new Exception("Couldn't find Engine Ptr - are you sure your offsets are up to date?");

            Client      = new GameClient(enginePtr);
            _isAttached = true;
 public void CreateWithInjector()
     var lpm = new LocalProcessMemory(Process.GetCurrentProcess(), new InjectorCreationOptions(true, true));