public void ScheduleLocalNotification()
        //schedule notification
        //1000 = 1 sec
        int delay = 3000;
        //request code is the unique id of local notification
        int requestCode = notificationRequestCodeCollection.Count;

        localNotificationPlugin.ScheduleNotification("my notification title", "my notification message", "my notification ticker message", delay, true, true, requestCode);

        Debug.Log("added scheduled notification with requestCode " + requestCode);
    public void ScheduleLocalNotification()
        //schedule notification
        //2 minutes
        int delay = 2 * ONE_MINUTE;
        //request code is the unique id of local notification
        int requestCode = REQUEST_CODE + notificationRequestCodeCollection.Count;

        //i'm planning to remove this call in the future because this is useless anymore because you can do Schedule a specific notificataion now
        localNotificationPlugin.ScheduleNotification("my notification title", "my notification message", "my notification ticker message", delay, true, true, requestCode);

        Debug.Log("added scheduled notification with requestCode " + requestCode);