private static void ModStrawberriesCounterRender(ILContext il) { ILCursor cursor = new ILCursor(il); while (cursor.TryGotoNext(MoveType.After, instr => instr.MatchLdstr("collectables/goldberry"))) { Logger.Log("CollabUtils2/InGameOverworldHelper", $"Changing strawberry icon w/ silver one at {cursor.Index} in IL for StrawberriesCounter.Render"); cursor.EmitDelegate <Func <string, string> >(orig => { if (isPanelShowingLobby()) { return("CollabUtils2/rainbowberry"); } if (Engine.Scene == overworldWrapper?.Scene && !LobbyHelper.IsHeartSide(overworldWrapper.WrappedScene?.GetUI <OuiChapterPanel>().Area.GetSID())) { return("CollabUtils2/silverberry"); } return(orig); }); } }
public static List <OuiJournalCollabProgressInLobby> GeneratePages(OuiJournal journal, string levelSet) { List <OuiJournalCollabProgressInLobby> pages = new List <OuiJournalCollabProgressInLobby>(); int rowCount = 0; OuiJournalCollabProgressInLobby currentPage = new OuiJournalCollabProgressInLobby(journal, levelSet); pages.Add(currentPage); int totalStrawberries = 0; int totalDeaths = 0; int sumOfBestDeaths = 0; long totalTime = 0; long sumOfBestTimes = 0; bool allMapsDone = true; bool allLevelsDone = true; bool allSpeedBerriesDone = true; string heartTexture = MTN.Journal.Has("CollabUtils2Hearts/" + levelSet) ? "CollabUtils2Hearts/" + levelSet : "heartgem0"; foreach (AreaStats item in SaveData.Instance.Areas_Safe) { AreaData areaData = AreaData.Get(item.ID_Safe); if (!areaData.Interlude_Safe) { if (LobbyHelper.IsHeartSide(areaData.GetSID())) { if (allMapsDone || item.TotalTimePlayed > 0) { // add a separator, like the one between regular maps and Farewell currentPage.table.AddRow(); } else { // all maps weren't complete yet, and the heart side was never accessed: hide the heart side for now. continue; } } string strawberryText = null; if (areaData.Mode[0].TotalStrawberries > 0 || item.TotalStrawberries > 0) { strawberryText = item.TotalStrawberries.ToString(); if (item.Modes[0].Completed) { strawberryText = strawberryText + "/" + areaData.Mode[0].TotalStrawberries; } } else { strawberryText = "-"; } Row row = currentPage.table.AddRow() .Add(new TextCell(Dialog.Clean(areaData.Name), new Vector2(1f, 0.5f), 0.6f, currentPage.TextColor)) .Add(null) .Add(new IconCell(item.Modes[0].HeartGem ? heartTexture : "dot")) .Add(new TextCell(strawberryText, currentPage.TextJustify, 0.5f, currentPage.TextColor)); if (item.TotalTimePlayed > 0) { row.Add(new TextCell(Dialog.Deaths(item.Modes[0].Deaths), currentPage.TextJustify, 0.5f, currentPage.TextColor)); } else { row.Add(new IconCell("dot")); } AreaStats stats = SaveData.Instance.GetAreaStatsFor(areaData.ToKey()); if (CollabMapDataProcessor.SilverBerries.TryGetValue(areaData.GetLevelSet(), out Dictionary <string, EntityID> levelSetBerries) && levelSetBerries.TryGetValue(areaData.GetSID(), out EntityID berryID) && stats.Modes[0].Strawberries.Contains(berryID)) { // silver berry was obtained! row.Add(new IconCell("CollabUtils2/silver_strawberry")); } else if (stats.Modes[0].Strawberries.Any(berry => areaData.Mode[0].MapData.Goldenberries.Any(golden => golden.ID == berry.ID && golden.Level.Name == berry.Level))) { // golden berry was obtained! row.Add(new IconCell("CollabUtils2/golden_strawberry")); } else if (item.Modes[0].SingleRunCompleted) { row.Add(new TextCell(Dialog.Deaths(item.Modes[0].BestDeaths), currentPage.TextJustify, 0.5f, currentPage.TextColor)); sumOfBestDeaths += item.Modes[0].BestDeaths; } else { // the player didn't ever do a single run. row.Add(new IconCell("dot")); allLevelsDone = false; } if (item.TotalTimePlayed > 0) { row.Add(new TextCell(Dialog.Time(item.TotalTimePlayed), currentPage.TextJustify, 0.5f, currentPage.TextColor)); } else { row.Add(new IconCell("dot")); } if (CollabModule.Instance.Settings.BestTimeToDisplayInJournal == CollabSettings.BestTimeInJournal.SpeedBerry) { if (CollabMapDataProcessor.SpeedBerries.TryGetValue(item.GetSID(), out CollabMapDataProcessor.SpeedBerryInfo speedBerryInfo) && CollabModule.Instance.SaveData.SpeedBerryPBs.TryGetValue(item.GetSID(), out long speedBerryPB)) { row.Add(new TextCell(Dialog.Time(speedBerryPB), currentPage.TextJustify, 0.5f, getRankColor(speedBerryInfo, speedBerryPB))); row.Add(new IconCell(getRankIcon(speedBerryInfo, speedBerryPB))); sumOfBestTimes += speedBerryPB; } else { row.Add(new IconCell("dot")).Add(null); allSpeedBerriesDone = false; } } else { if (item.Modes[0].BestTime > 0f) { row.Add(new TextCell(Dialog.Time(item.Modes[0].BestTime), currentPage.TextJustify, 0.5f, currentPage.TextColor)).Add(null); sumOfBestTimes += item.Modes[0].BestTime; } else { row.Add(new IconCell("dot")).Add(null); allSpeedBerriesDone = false; } } totalStrawberries += item.TotalStrawberries; totalDeaths += item.Modes[0].Deaths; totalTime += item.TotalTimePlayed; if (!item.Modes[0].HeartGem) { allMapsDone = false; } rowCount++; if (rowCount > 11) { // split the next zones into another page. rowCount = 0; currentPage = new OuiJournalCollabProgressInLobby(journal, levelSet); pages.Add(currentPage); } } } if (currentPage.table.Rows > 1) { currentPage.table.AddRow(); Row totalsRow = currentPage.table.AddRow() .Add(new TextCell(Dialog.Clean("journal_totals"), new Vector2(1f, 0.5f), 0.7f, currentPage.TextColor)).Add(null) .Add(null) .Add(new TextCell(totalStrawberries.ToString(), currentPage.TextJustify, 0.6f, currentPage.TextColor)) .Add(new TextCell(Dialog.Deaths(totalDeaths), currentPage.TextJustify, 0.6f, currentPage.TextColor)) .Add(new TextCell(allLevelsDone ? Dialog.Deaths(sumOfBestDeaths) : "-", currentPage.TextJustify, 0.6f, currentPage.TextColor)) .Add(new TextCell(Dialog.Time(totalTime), currentPage.TextJustify, 0.6f, currentPage.TextColor)) .Add(new TextCell(allSpeedBerriesDone ? Dialog.Time(sumOfBestTimes) : "-", currentPage.TextJustify, 0.6f, currentPage.TextColor)).Add(null); for (int l = 1; l < SaveData.Instance.UnlockedModes; l++) { totalsRow.Add(null); } totalsRow.Add(new TextCell(Dialog.Time(SaveData.Instance.Time), currentPage.TextJustify, 0.6f, currentPage.TextColor)); currentPage.table.AddRow(); } return(pages); }
public static List <OuiJournalCollabProgressInLobby> GeneratePages(OuiJournal journal, string levelSet, bool showOnlyDiscovered) { bool displaySpeedBerryColumn = shouldDisplaySpeedBerryColumn(levelSet); List <OuiJournalCollabProgressInLobby> pages = new List <OuiJournalCollabProgressInLobby>(); int rowCount = 0; int totalStrawberries = 0; int totalDeaths = 0; int sumOfBestDeaths = 0; int sumOfBestDashes = 0; long totalTime = 0; long sumOfBestTimes = 0; bool allMapsDone = true; bool allLevelsDone = true; bool allSpeedBerriesDone = true; string heartTexture = MTN.Journal.Has("CollabUtils2Hearts/" + levelSet) ? "CollabUtils2Hearts/" + levelSet : "heartgem0"; int mapsPerPage = 12; int mapAmount = SaveData.Instance.Areas_Safe.Where(item => !AreaData.Get(item.ID_Safe).Interlude_Safe && (!showOnlyDiscovered || item.TotalTimePlayed > 0)).Count(); // we want to display the map icons if they're not actually all the same. ^^' bool displayIcons = AreaData.Areas .Where(area => !area.Interlude_Safe) .Select(area => area.Icon) .Distinct() .Count() > 1; OuiJournalCollabProgressInLobby currentPage = new OuiJournalCollabProgressInLobby(journal, levelSet, displayIcons); pages.Add(currentPage); if (mapAmount >= mapsPerPage) { // we want the last page to contain at least 2 maps. while (mapAmount % mapsPerPage < 2) { mapsPerPage--; } } List <AreaStats> sortedMaps = new List <AreaStats>(SaveData.Instance.Areas_Safe) .Where(map => !AreaData.Get(map).Interlude_Safe) .ToList(); // sort maps by icon name if all of their icons start with [number]-... // because then we know the ordering is intentional (and not accidental like easy > hard > medium) Regex startsWithNumber = new Regex(".*/[0-9]+-.*"); if (sortedMaps.Select(map => AreaData.Get(map).Icon ?? "").All(icon => startsWithNumber.IsMatch(icon))) { sortedMaps.Sort((a, b) => { AreaData adata = AreaData.Get(a); AreaData bdata = AreaData.Get(b); bool aHeartSide = LobbyHelper.IsHeartSide(a.GetSID()); bool bHeartSide = LobbyHelper.IsHeartSide(b.GetSID()); // heart sides should appear last. if (aHeartSide && !bHeartSide) { return(1); } if (!aHeartSide && bHeartSide) { return(-1); } // sort by icon name, then by map bin name. return(adata.Icon == bdata.Icon ? adata.Name.CompareTo(bdata.Name) : adata.Icon.CompareTo(bdata.Icon)); }); } foreach (AreaStats item in sortedMaps) { AreaData areaData = AreaData.Get(item.ID_Safe); if (LobbyHelper.IsHeartSide(areaData.GetSID())) { if (allMapsDone || item.TotalTimePlayed > 0) { // add a separator, like the one between regular maps and Farewell currentPage.table.AddRow(); } else { // all maps weren't complete yet, and the heart side was never accessed: hide the heart side for now. continue; } } if (showOnlyDiscovered && item.TotalTimePlayed <= 0) { // skip the map, because it was not discovered yet. // since it wasn't discovered, we can already say all maps weren't done though. allMapsDone = false; allLevelsDone = false; allSpeedBerriesDone = false; continue; } string strawberryText = null; if (areaData.Mode[0].TotalStrawberries > 0 || item.TotalStrawberries > 0) { strawberryText = item.TotalStrawberries.ToString(); if (item.Modes[0].Completed) { strawberryText = strawberryText + "/" + areaData.Mode[0].TotalStrawberries; } } else { strawberryText = "-"; } Row row = currentPage.table.AddRow() .Add(new TextCell(Dialog.Clean(areaData.Name), new Vector2(1f, 0.5f), 0.6f, currentPage.TextColor)); if (displayIcons) { row.Add(null).Add(new IconCellFromGui(GFX.Gui.Has(areaData.Icon) ? areaData.Icon : "areas/null", 60f, 50f)); } row.Add(null) .Add(new IconCell(item.Modes[0].HeartGem ? heartTexture : "dot")) .Add(new TextCell(strawberryText, currentPage.TextJustify, 0.5f, currentPage.TextColor)); if (item.TotalTimePlayed > 0) { row.Add(new TextCell(Dialog.Deaths(item.Modes[0].Deaths), currentPage.TextJustify, 0.5f, currentPage.TextColor)); } else { row.Add(new IconCell("dot")); } AreaStats stats = SaveData.Instance.GetAreaStatsFor(areaData.ToKey()); if (CollabMapDataProcessor.SilverBerries.TryGetValue(areaData.GetLevelSet(), out Dictionary <string, EntityID> levelSetBerries) && levelSetBerries.TryGetValue(areaData.GetSID(), out EntityID berryID) && stats.Modes[0].Strawberries.Contains(berryID)) { // silver berry was obtained! row.Add(new IconCell("CollabUtils2/silver_strawberry")); } else if (stats.Modes[0].Strawberries.Any(berry => areaData.Mode[0].MapData.Goldenberries.Any(golden => golden.ID == berry.ID && golden.Level.Name == berry.Level))) { // golden berry was obtained! row.Add(new IconCell("CollabUtils2/golden_strawberry")); } else if (item.Modes[0].SingleRunCompleted) { row.Add(new TextCell(Dialog.Deaths(item.Modes[0].BestDeaths), currentPage.TextJustify, 0.5f, currentPage.TextColor)); sumOfBestDeaths += item.Modes[0].BestDeaths; } else { // the player didn't ever do a single run. row.Add(new IconCell("dot")); allLevelsDone = false; } if (OuiJournalCollabProgressDashCountMod.IsDashCountEnabled()) { if ((OuiJournalCollabProgressDashCountMod.DisplaysTotalDashes() && item.TotalTimePlayed > 0) || item.Modes[0].SingleRunCompleted) { row.Add(new TextCell(Dialog.Deaths(OuiJournalCollabProgressDashCountMod.GetLevelDashesForJournalProgress(item)), currentPage.TextJustify, 0.5f, currentPage.TextColor)); sumOfBestDashes += OuiJournalCollabProgressDashCountMod.GetLevelDashesForJournalProgress(item); } else { row.Add(new IconCell("dot")); } } if (item.TotalTimePlayed > 0) { row.Add(new TextCell(Dialog.Time(item.TotalTimePlayed), currentPage.TextJustify, 0.5f, currentPage.TextColor)); } else { row.Add(new IconCell("dot")); } if (displaySpeedBerryColumn) { if (CollabMapDataProcessor.SpeedBerries.TryGetValue(item.GetSID(), out CollabMapDataProcessor.SpeedBerryInfo speedBerryInfo) && CollabModule.Instance.SaveData.SpeedBerryPBs.TryGetValue(item.GetSID(), out long speedBerryPB)) { row.Add(new TextCell(Dialog.Time(speedBerryPB), currentPage.TextJustify, 0.5f, getRankColor(speedBerryInfo, speedBerryPB))); row.Add(new IconCell(getRankIcon(speedBerryInfo, speedBerryPB))); sumOfBestTimes += speedBerryPB; } else { row.Add(new IconCell("dot")).Add(null); allSpeedBerriesDone = false; } } else { if (item.Modes[0].BestTime > 0f) { row.Add(new TextCell(Dialog.Time(item.Modes[0].BestTime), currentPage.TextJustify, 0.5f, currentPage.TextColor)).Add(null); sumOfBestTimes += item.Modes[0].BestTime; } else { row.Add(new IconCell("dot")).Add(null); allSpeedBerriesDone = false; } } totalStrawberries += item.TotalStrawberries; totalDeaths += item.Modes[0].Deaths; totalTime += item.TotalTimePlayed; if (!item.Modes[0].HeartGem) { allMapsDone = false; } rowCount++; if (rowCount >= mapsPerPage) { // split the next zones into another page. rowCount = 0; currentPage = new OuiJournalCollabProgressInLobby(journal, levelSet, displayIcons); pages.Add(currentPage); } } if (currentPage.table.Rows > 1) { currentPage.table.AddRow(); Row totalsRow = currentPage.table.AddRow() .Add(new TextCell(Dialog.Clean("journal_totals"), new Vector2(1f, 0.5f), 0.7f, currentPage.TextColor)).Add(null); if (displayIcons) { totalsRow.Add(null).Add(null); } totalsRow.Add(null) .Add(new TextCell(totalStrawberries.ToString(), currentPage.TextJustify, 0.6f, currentPage.TextColor)) .Add(new TextCell(Dialog.Deaths(totalDeaths), currentPage.TextJustify, 0.6f, currentPage.TextColor)) .Add(new TextCell(allLevelsDone ? Dialog.Deaths(sumOfBestDeaths) : "-", currentPage.TextJustify, 0.6f, currentPage.TextColor)); if (OuiJournalCollabProgressDashCountMod.IsDashCountEnabled()) { totalsRow.Add(new TextCell(OuiJournalCollabProgressDashCountMod.DisplaysTotalDashes() || allLevelsDone ? Dialog.Deaths(sumOfBestDashes) : "-", currentPage.TextJustify, 0.6f, currentPage.TextColor)); } totalsRow .Add(new TextCell(Dialog.Time(totalTime), currentPage.TextJustify, 0.6f, currentPage.TextColor)) .Add(new TextCell(allSpeedBerriesDone ? Dialog.Time(sumOfBestTimes) : "-", currentPage.TextJustify, 0.6f, currentPage.TextColor)).Add(null); for (int l = 1; l < SaveData.Instance.UnlockedModes; l++) { totalsRow.Add(null); } totalsRow.Add(new TextCell(Dialog.Time(SaveData.Instance.Time), currentPage.TextJustify, 0.6f, currentPage.TextColor)); currentPage.table.AddRow(); } return(pages); }
private static void ModOuiChapterPanelRender(ILContext il) { ILCursor cursor = new ILCursor(il); // 1. Swap the "chapter xx" and the map name positions. while (cursor.TryGotoNext(MoveType.After, instr => instr.MatchLdcR4(-2f) || instr.MatchLdcR4(-18f))) { Logger.Log("CollabUtils2/InGameOverworldHelper", $"Modding chapter panel title position at {cursor.Index} in IL for OuiChapterPanel.Render"); cursor.EmitDelegate <Func <float, float> >(orig => { if (Engine.Scene == overworldWrapper?.Scene && !isPanelShowingLobby()) { return(orig == -18f ? -49f : 43f); } else { return(orig); } }); } cursor.Index = 0; // 2. Resize the title if it does not fit. while (cursor.TryGotoNext(MoveType.After, instr => instr.MatchLdcR4(-60))) { Logger.Log("CollabUtils2/InGameOverworldHelper", $"Modding chapter panel title bookmark position at {cursor.Index} in IL for OuiChapterPanel.Render"); cursor.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); cursor.EmitDelegate <Func <float, OuiChapterPanel, float> >((orig, self) => { if (Engine.Scene == overworldWrapper?.Scene) { float mapNameSize = ActiveFont.Measure(Dialog.Clean(AreaData.Get(self.Area).Name)).X; return(orig - Math.Max(0f, mapNameSize - 550f)); } else { return(orig); } }); } cursor.Index = 0; // 3. Turn the chapter card silver or rainbow instead of gold when relevant. while (cursor.TryGotoNext(MoveType.After, instr => instr.MatchLdstr("areaselect/cardtop_golden") || instr.MatchLdstr("areaselect/card_golden"), instr => instr.MatchLdarg(0), instr => instr.MatchCall <OuiChapterPanel>("_ModCardTexture"))) { Logger.Log("CollabUtils2/InGameOverworldHelper", $"Modding chapter panel card at {cursor.Index} in IL for OuiChapterPanel.Render"); cursor.EmitDelegate <Func <string, string> >(orig => { if (orig != "areaselect/cardtop_golden" && orig != "areaselect/card_golden") { // chapter card was reskinned through Everest, so don't change it. return(orig); } if (isPanelShowingLobby()) { return(orig == "areaselect/cardtop_golden" ? "CollabUtils2/chapterCard/cardtop_rainbow" : "CollabUtils2/chapterCard/card_rainbow"); } if (Engine.Scene == overworldWrapper?.Scene && !LobbyHelper.IsHeartSide(overworldWrapper.WrappedScene?.GetUI <OuiChapterPanel>().Area.GetSID())) { return(orig == "areaselect/cardtop_golden" ? "CollabUtils2/chapterCard/cardtop_silver" : "CollabUtils2/chapterCard/card_silver"); } return(orig); }); } }