private static IEnumerator InformClientAboutOlmod(int connectionId, bool customLevel, int delaySeconds) { if (!MPTweaks.ClientHasMod(connectionId)) { yield return(GameManager.m_gm.StartCoroutine(WaitForMPTweaks(connectionId, 3, 1))); } if (!NetworkMatch.m_players.ContainsKey(connectionId)) // disconnected? { yield break; } if (!MPTweaks.ClientHasMod(connectionId)) { // client does not have olmod LobbyChatMessage lmsg = null; if (customLevel) { Debug.LogFormat("client {0} doesn't seem to have olmod, but we use a custom level, warning it", connectionId); lmsg = new LobbyChatMessage(connectionId, "Server", MpTeam.TEAM0, "Joining this match might be impossible without OLMod!", false); NetworkServer.SendToClient(connectionId, 75, lmsg); } else { lmsg = new LobbyChatMessage(connectionId, "Server", MpTeam.TEAM0, "Please install OLMod for enhanced multiplayer experience!", false); NetworkServer.SendToClient(connectionId, 75, lmsg); } lmsg = new LobbyChatMessage(connectionId, "Server", MpTeam.TEAM0, "See for instructions...", false); NetworkServer.SendToClient(connectionId, 75, lmsg); if (delaySeconds > 0) { yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime((float)(delaySeconds * 10))); } } }
// helper function to send a lobby chat message private static void SendToLobbyHelper(LobbyChatMessage lmsg, int connection_id, bool authOnly, bool unblockedOnly) { bool doSend = true; if (authOnly || unblockedOnly) { MPBanEntry entry = MPChatCommand.FindPlayerEntryForConnection(connection_id, true); if (authOnly) { doSend = doSend && MPChatCommand.CheckPermission(entry); } if (doSend && unblockedOnly) { if (entry != null) { doSend = !MPBanPlayers.IsBanned(entry, MPBanMode.BlockChat); } else { doSend = false; } } } if (doSend) { NetworkServer.SendToClient(connection_id, 75, lmsg); } }
private static bool Prefix(int sender_connection_id, LobbyChatMessage msg) { MpTeam team = NetworkMatch.GetTeamFromLobbyData(sender_connection_id); MPChatCommand cmd = new MPChatCommand(msg.m_text, sender_connection_id, msg.m_sender_name, team, true); return(cmd.Execute()); }
private static IEnumerator WaitForMPTweaks(int connectionId, int maxSeconds, int informAfter = -1) { int cnt = 0; while (!MPTweaks.ClientHasMod(connectionId) && cnt < maxSeconds * 10) { cnt++; yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(0.1f)); if (!NetworkMatch.m_players.ContainsKey(connectionId)) // disconnected? { yield break; } if (cnt == informAfter * 10) { // it's already unlikely to be a modded client. LobbyChatMessage lmsg = new LobbyChatMessage(connectionId, "Server", MpTeam.TEAM0, "This server uses OLMod", false); NetworkServer.SendToClient(connectionId, 75, lmsg); } } }
// Send a chat message // Set connection_id to the ID of a specific client, or to -1 to send to all // clients except except_connection_id (if that is >= 0) // If authOnly is true, only send to clients which are authenticated for chat // commands. // If unblockedOnly is true, only send to clients which are not BlockChat-BANNED // You need to already know if we are currently in Lobby or not public static bool SendTo(bool inLobby, string msg, int connection_id = -1, int except_connection_id = -1, bool authOnly = false, bool unblockedOnly = false, string sender_name = "Server", MpTeam team = MpTeam.TEAM0, bool isTeamMessage = false, int sender_connection_id = -1) { bool toAll = (connection_id < 0); if (!toAll) { if (connection_id >= NetworkServer.connections.Count || NetworkServer.connections[connection_id] == null) { return(false); } } if (inLobby) { var lmsg = new LobbyChatMessage(sender_connection_id, sender_name, team, msg, isTeamMessage); if (toAll) { if (except_connection_id < 0 && !authOnly && !unblockedOnly) { NetworkServer.SendToAll(75, lmsg); } else { foreach (NetworkConnection c in NetworkServer.connections) { if (c != null && c.connectionId != except_connection_id) { SendToLobbyHelper(lmsg, c.connectionId, authOnly, unblockedOnly); } } } } else { SendToLobbyHelper(lmsg, connection_id, authOnly, unblockedOnly); } } else { if (isTeamMessage) { msg = Loc.LS("[TEAM]") + " " + msg; } foreach (var p in Overload.NetworkManager.m_Players) { if (p != null && p.connectionToClient != null) { if ((toAll && p.connectionToClient.connectionId != except_connection_id) || (p.connectionToClient.connectionId == connection_id)) { bool doSend = true; if (authOnly || unblockedOnly) { MPBanEntry entry = new MPBanEntry(p); if (authOnly) { doSend = doSend && MPChatCommand.CheckPermission(entry); } if (doSend && unblockedOnly) { doSend = !MPBanPlayers.IsBanned(entry, MPBanMode.BlockChat); } } if (doSend) { p.CallTargetSendFullChat(p.connectionToClient, connection_id, sender_name, team, msg); } } } } } return(true); }