Exemple #1
        private static Mod Instantiate(LoadedMod mod)
                Type modType = mod.assembly.GetTypes().SingleOrDefault(t => t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Mod)));
                if (modType == null)
                    throw new Exception("It looks like this mod doesn't have a class extending Mod. Mods need a Mod class to function.")
                              HelpLink = "https://github.com/blushiemagic/tModLoader/wiki/Basic-tModLoader-Modding-FAQ#sequence-contains-no-matching-element-error"

                var m = (Mod)Activator.CreateInstance(modType);
                m.File        = mod.modFile;
                m.Code        = mod.assembly;
                m.Side        = mod.properties.side;
                m.DisplayName = mod.properties.displayName;
            catch (Exception e)
                e.Data["mod"] = mod.Name;
        private static Mod Instantiate(LoadedMod mod)
            try {
                Type modType = mod.assembly.GetTypes().SingleOrDefault(t => t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Mod)));
                if (modType == null)
                    throw new Exception(mod.Name + " does not have a class extending Mod. Mods need a Mod class to function.")
                              HelpLink = "https://github.com/blushiemagic/tModLoader/wiki/Basic-tModLoader-Modding-FAQ#sequence-contains-no-matching-element-error"

                var m = (Mod)Activator.CreateInstance(modType);
                m.File              = mod.modFile;
                m.Code              = mod.assembly;
                m.Logger            = LogManager.GetLogger(m.Name);
                m.Side              = mod.properties.side;
                m.DisplayName       = mod.properties.displayName;
                m.tModLoaderVersion = mod.properties.buildVersion;
            catch (Exception e) {
                e.Data["mod"] = mod.Name;
            finally {
                MemoryTracking.Update(mod.Name).code += mod.bytesLoaded;
        // Get the def set of a specific type for a specific mod

         * public static ModDefSet<T>          DefSetOfTypeForMod<T>( LoadedMod mod ) where T : Def, new()
         * {
         *  if( mod == null )
         *  {
         *      return null;
         *  }
         *  var defSets = typeof( LoadedMod ).GetField( "defSets", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic ).GetValue( mod ) as Dictionary<System.Type, ModDefSet>;
         *  ModDefSet modDefSet = (ModDefSet) null;
         *  if( !defSets.TryGetValue( typeof (T), out modDefSet ) )
         *  {
         *      return null;
         *  }
         *  return (ModDefSet<T>) modDefSet;
         * }

        // Get the def of a specific type for a specific mod
        public static Def                   DefOfTypeForMod(LoadedMod mod, Def searchDef)
            if (mod == null)
            return(mod.AllDefs.FirstOrDefault(def => (
                                                  (def.GetType() == searchDef.GetType()) &&
                                                  (def.defName == searchDef.defName)
        // Get the def list of a specific type for a specific mod
        public static List <T> DefListOfTypeForMod <T>(LoadedMod mod) where T : Def, new()
            if (mod == null)
            var list = mod.AllDefs.Where(def => (
                                             (def.GetType() == typeof(T))

            return(list.ConvertAll(def => ((T)def)));
        // Get the ModHelperDef for a mod
        public static ModHelperDef          ModHelperDefForMod(LoadedMod mod)
            if (mod == null)
            var rVal = (ModHelperDef)null;

            if (Controller.Data.DictModHelperDefs.TryGetValue(mod, out rVal))
        // Get a mods index in the load order by mod
        public static int                   ModIndexByMod(LoadedMod mod)
            if (mod == null)
            var allMods = Controller.Data.Mods;

            for (int i = 0; i < allMods.Count; i++)
                if (allMods[i] == mod)
Exemple #7
 internal static void Initialize(string[] args = null)
     if (args != null)
         for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
             if (args[i] == "--mod" && Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "mods", args[i + 1])))
                 ModName = args[i + 1];
             if (args[i] == "--visisble3d") //this opens a form and renders the gameplay in realtime(will certainly make it slower, well, unsure. Since otherwise it would be rendered in memory)
                 new FrmMain().Show();      //requires client zips
     EventRegistry = new GameEventRegistry();
     BF2Engine     = new BF2Engine();
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ModName))
         Console.WriteLine("No mod was defined, which mod would you like to load?");
         var directories = Directory.EnumerateDirectories(Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "mods")).Select(d => new DirectoryInfo(d).Name);
         for (int i = 0; i < directories.Count(); i++)
             Console.WriteLine("[" + i + "] " + directories.ToArray()[i]);
         var mod = Console.ReadLine();
         if (!directories.Contains(mod))
             Console.WriteLine("Invalid mod! Press any key to exit...");
         ModName          = "mods/" + mod;
         ModAssembly      = Assembly.Load(File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, ModName, "phoenixmod.dll")));
         ModPath          = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, ModName);
         LoadedMod        = (IMod)Activator.CreateInstance(ModAssembly.GetTypes().Where(x => x.GetInterfaces().Contains(typeof(IMod))).First());
         ConFileProcessor = LoadedMod.GetConFileProcessor();
     LoadedMod.Initialize(BF2Engine, EventRegistry);
     Console.WriteLine("Loaded " + LoadedMod.Name);
Exemple #8
 public void AddDependency(LoadedMod dep)
Exemple #9
        // Validate ModHelperDefs, CCL load order, CCL versioning
        public override bool Validate()
            // Hopefully...
            var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            var rVal          = true;


            // Limit one ModHelperDef per mod
            // Create the ordered list by inserting dummies for mods which don't have one
            var allMods = LoadedModManager.LoadedMods.ToList();

            // Find Core and CCL in the mod order
            coreModIndex = -1;
            cclModIndex  = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i < allMods.Count; ++i)
                LoadedMod mod = allMods[i];
                if (mod.name == "Core")
                    coreModIndex = i;
                if (mod.name == Controller.Data.UnityObjectName)
                    cclModIndex = i;
            if (coreModIndex == -1)
                stringBuilder.AppendLine("\tUnable to find 'Core' in mod load order!");
                //rVal = false; // Don't throw as an error, will be caught special
            else if (coreModIndex != 0)
                stringBuilder.AppendLine("\t'Core' must be first in mod load order!");
                //rVal = false; // Don't throw as an error, will be caught special
            if (cclModIndex == -1)
                stringBuilder.Append("\tUnable to find '");
                stringBuilder.AppendLine("' in mod load order!");
                //rVal = false; // Don't throw as an error, will be caught special
            else if (cclModIndex != 1)
                stringBuilder.AppendLine("' must be second in mod load order, immediately after 'Core'! :: Current position is #" + (cclModIndex + 1).ToString());
                //rVal = false; // Don't throw as an error, will be caught special
            if (rVal)
                for (int i = 0; i < allMods.Count; i++)
                    var modHelperDef  = (ModHelperDef)null;
                    var mod           = allMods[i];
                    var modHelperDefs = Find_Extensions.DefListOfTypeForMod <ModHelperDef>(mod);
                    if (!modHelperDefs.NullOrEmpty())
                        if (modHelperDefs.Count > 1)
                            stringBuilder.Append("\t" + mod.name);
                            CCL_Log.AppendSectionNewLine(ref stringBuilder, "Multiple ModHelperDefs detected");
                            rVal = false;
                            // Validate the def
                            modHelperDef = modHelperDefs.First();
                            if (!modHelperDef.IsValid)
                                // Don't do anything special with broken mods
                                stringBuilder.Append("\t" + mod.name);
                                CCL_Log.AppendSectionNewLine(ref stringBuilder, "ModHelperDef is invalid");
                                rVal = false;
                            else if (!modHelperDef.dummy)
                                // Don't show validation message for dummy defs
                                stringBuilder.Append("\t" + mod.name);
                                CCL_Log.AppendSection(ref stringBuilder, "ModHelperDef");
                                CCL_Log.AppendSectionNewLine(ref stringBuilder, "Passed validation, requesting v" + modHelperDef.minCCLVersion);
                    else if (rVal == true)
                        // Doesn't exist, create a dummy for logging but only
                        // create if we're not just checking for remaining errors
                        modHelperDef               = new ModHelperDef();
                        modHelperDef.defName       = mod.name + "_ModHelperDef";
                        modHelperDef.minCCLVersion = Version.Minimum.ToString();
                        modHelperDef.ModName       = mod.name;
                        modHelperDef.Verbosity     = Verbosity.NonFatalErrors;
                        modHelperDef.dummy         = true;
                    if (rVal == true)
                        // No errors, def is valid or a dummy
                        // Associate the def with the mod (the dictionary is to go the other way)
                        modHelperDef.mod = mod;
                        // Insert it into it's ordered place in the lists
                        Controller.Data.Mods.Insert(i, mod);
                        Controller.Data.ModHelperDefs.Insert(i, modHelperDef);
                        // Add a dictionary entry
                        Controller.Data.DictModHelperDefs.Add(mod, modHelperDef);
                // Should now be a complete pair of lists in mod load order
                // as well as a dictionary of mods and their defs

                //Dump ordered list of mods and their defs
                string dump = "Mod load order:\n";
                for (int i = 0; i < Controller.Data.Mods.Count; i++)
                    dump += "\t[" + i + "] - " + Controller.Data.Mods[i].name + " - " + Controller.Data.ModHelperDefs[i].defName + (Controller.Data.ModHelperDefs[i].dummy ? " - dummy" : "") + "\n";
                if (rVal)
                    LoadedMod    CCL_Mod       = Controller.Data.Mods[cclModIndex];
                    ModHelperDef CCL_HelperDef = Find_Extensions.ModHelperDefForMod(CCL_Mod);

                    // Validate xml version with assembly version
                    var vc = Version.Compare(CCL_HelperDef.minCCLVersion);
                    if (vc != Version.VersionCompare.ExactMatch)
                        stringBuilder.AppendLine("\tModHelperDef version mismatch for Community Core Library!");
                        rVal = false;

                    // CCL rank is #2 in load order and def version matches library
                    Controller.Data.cclMod       = CCL_Mod;
                    Controller.Data.cclHelperDef = CCL_HelperDef;

            // Should be all good or up until the first error encountered
                rVal ? "Validated" : "Errors during validation"
            strReturn = stringBuilder.ToString();

            // Return true if all mods OK, false if any failed validation
            State = rVal ? SubControllerState.Validated : SubControllerState.ValidationError;
        public static void                  TraceMod(LoadedMod mod, Verbosity Severity, string content, string category = null)
            var modHelperDef = Find_Extensions.ModHelperDefForMod(mod);

            _Trace(modHelperDef, Severity, content, null, category);
 public void AddDependency(LoadedMod dep) {