public Joint Testjoint() { //info: Octopus-joint, all start points Project project2 = new Project("projectname"); PointRAZ puntA = new PointRAZ(project2, -2, 0, 0); PointRAZ puntB = new PointRAZ(project2, 0, 0, 0); PointRAZ puntC = new PointRAZ(project2, 2, 0, 0); PointRAZ puntD = new PointRAZ(project2, 0, 0, 2); PointRAZ puntE = new PointRAZ(project2, 0, 0, -2); KarambaIDEA.Core.MaterialSteel steel = new MaterialSteel(project2, MaterialSteel.SteelGrade.S275); KarambaIDEA.Core.CrossSection.CreateNewOrExisting(project2, "HEA100", KarambaIDEA.Core.CrossSection.Shape.ISection, steel, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20); KarambaIDEA.Core.CrossSection.CreateNewOrExisting(project2, "HEA160", KarambaIDEA.Core.CrossSection.Shape.ISection, steel, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20); //CrossSection cross = new CrossSection(project2, "HEA100", "I", steel, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20); new ElementRAZ(project2, 0, new LineRAZ(0, puntA, puntB), project2.crossSections[1], "Column", 1, 0.0); new ElementRAZ(project2, 1, new LineRAZ(1, puntB, puntC), project2.crossSections[1], "Column", 1, 0.0); new ElementRAZ(project2, 2, new LineRAZ(2, puntB, puntE), project2.crossSections[0], "Diagonal", 3, 0.0); new ElementRAZ(project2, 3, new LineRAZ(3, puntB, puntD), project2.crossSections[0], "Diagonal", 3, 0.0); List <PointRAZ> pointRAZs = new List <PointRAZ>(); pointRAZs.Add(puntB); project2.hierarchylist.Add(new Hierarchy(0, "Column")); project2.hierarchylist.Add(new Hierarchy(1, "Topchord")); project2.hierarchylist.Add(new Hierarchy(2, "Bottomchord")); project2.hierarchylist.Add(new Hierarchy(3, "Post")); project2.hierarchylist.Add(new Hierarchy(4, "Diagonal")); LoadcaseRAZ lc1 = new LoadcaseRAZ(project2, 1); new LoadsPerLineRAZ(project2.elementRAZs[0], lc1, new LoadsRAZ(5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5), new LoadsRAZ(10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10)); new LoadsPerLineRAZ(project2.elementRAZs[1], lc1, new LoadsRAZ(5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5), new LoadsRAZ(10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10)); new LoadsPerLineRAZ(project2.elementRAZs[2], lc1, new LoadsRAZ(5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5), new LoadsRAZ(10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10)); new LoadsPerLineRAZ(project2.elementRAZs[3], lc1, new LoadsRAZ(5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5), new LoadsRAZ(10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10)); double tol = 1e-6; project2.CreateJoints(tol, 0, pointRAZs, project2.elementRAZs, project2.hierarchylist); Joint joint = project2.joints[0]; return(joint); }
protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { //Input List <Line> lines = new List <Line>(); List <string> crossectionsNameDirty = new List <string>(); List <string> crossectionsName = new List <string>(); List <string> groupnamesDirty = new List <string>(); List <string> groupnames = new List <string>(); List <string> steelgrades = new List <string>(); GH_Structure <GH_Number> N = new GH_Structure <GH_Number>(); GH_Structure <GH_Number> My = new GH_Structure <GH_Number>(); GH_Structure <GH_Number> Vz = new GH_Structure <GH_Number>(); GH_Structure <GH_Number> Vy = new GH_Structure <GH_Number>(); GH_Structure <GH_Number> Mt = new GH_Structure <GH_Number>(); GH_Structure <GH_Number> Mz = new GH_Structure <GH_Number>(); int minThroatThickness = new int(); List <string> hierarchy = new List <string>(); int analysisMethod = new int(); analysisMethod = 4; double eccentricity = double.NaN; eccentricity = 0.0; List <Point3d> centerpoints = new List <Point3d>(); string projectnameFromGH = null; string templatelocation = null; string IDEAfilepath = null; List <string> shapesDirty = new List <string>(); List <string> shapes = new List <string>(); List <double> height = new List <double>(); List <double> width = new List <double>(); List <double> thicknessFlange = new List <double>(); List <double> thicknessWeb = new List <double>(); List <double> radius = new List <double>(); bool startIDEA = false; bool calculateAllJoints = false; int calculateThisJoint = 0; //Output List <Line> jointlines = new List <Line>(); List <int> numberOfSawingCuts = new List <int>(); int TotalRightAngledCuts = new int(); int TotalSingleMiterCuts = new int(); int TotalDoubleMiterCuts = new int(); double totalWeldingVolume = new double(); List <double> weldVolumePerJoint = new List <double>(); List <string> plateYieldingJoint = new List <string>(); List <string> throatBegin = new List <string>(); List <string> throatEnd = new List <string>(); List <string> plateBegin = new List <string>(); List <string> plateEnd = new List <string>(); List <string> CSSnames = new List <string>(); // grasshopperinput #region GrasshopperInput DA.GetData(0, ref templatelocation); DA.GetData(1, ref IDEAfilepath); if (!DA.GetDataList(2, hierarchy)) { return; } ; DA.GetDataList(3, centerpoints); DA.GetDataList(4, lines); DA.GetDataList(5, groupnamesDirty); DA.GetDataList(6, steelgrades); DA.GetDataList(7, crossectionsNameDirty); DA.GetDataList(8, shapesDirty); DA.GetDataList(9, height); DA.GetDataList(10, width); DA.GetDataList(11, thicknessFlange); DA.GetDataList(12, thicknessWeb); DA.GetDataList(13, radius); DA.GetDataTree(14, out N); DA.GetDataTree(15, out Vz); DA.GetDataTree(16, out Vy); DA.GetDataTree(17, out Mt); DA.GetDataTree(18, out My); DA.GetDataTree(19, out Mz); DA.GetData(20, ref calculateThisJoint); DA.GetData(21, ref startIDEA); #endregion //Clean cross-section list from nextline ("\r\n") command produced by Karamba crossectionsName = ImportGrasshopperUtils.DeleteEnterCommandsInGHStrings(crossectionsNameDirty); //Clean groupnames list from nextline ("\r\n") command produced by Karamba groupnames = ImportGrasshopperUtils.DeleteEnterCommandsInGHStrings(groupnamesDirty); //Clean groupnames list from nextline ("\r\n") command produced by Karamba shapes = ImportGrasshopperUtils.DeleteEnterCommandsInGHStrings(shapesDirty); //CREATE PROJECT Project project = new Project(projectnameFromGH); //Load paths project.templatePath = templatelocation; project.filepath = IDEAfilepath; //START IDEA BOOL project.startIDEA = startIDEA; project.calculateAllJoints = calculateAllJoints; project.calculateThisJoint = calculateThisJoint; //CREATE HIERARCHY for (int i = 0; i < hierarchy.Count; i++) { Hierarchy w = new Hierarchy(i, hierarchy[i]); project.hierarchylist.Add(w); } //CREATE LIST OF ELEMENT OBJECTS for (int i = 0; i < crossectionsName.Count; i++) { MaterialSteel.SteelGrade steelGrade = (MaterialSteel.SteelGrade)Enum.Parse(typeof(MaterialSteel.SteelGrade), steelgrades[i]); MaterialSteel material = project.materials.FirstOrDefault(a => a.steelGrade == steelGrade); if (material == null) { material = new MaterialSteel(project, steelGrade); } //CROSS SECTIONS CrossSection crosssection = project.crossSections.FirstOrDefault(a => == crossectionsName[i] && a.material == material); CrossSection.Shape shape = new CrossSection.Shape(); if (shapes[i].StartsWith("I")) { shape = CrossSection.Shape.ISection; } else if (shapes[i].StartsWith("[]")) { shape = CrossSection.Shape.HollowSection; } else { shape = CrossSection.Shape.CHSsection; } if (crosssection == null) { crosssection = new CrossSection(project, crossectionsName[i], shape, material, height[i], width[i], thicknessFlange[i], thicknessWeb[i], radius[i]); } //LINES PointRAZ start = PointRAZ.CreateNewOrExisting(project, lines[i].FromX, lines[i].FromY, lines[i].FromZ); PointRAZ end = PointRAZ.CreateNewOrExisting(project, lines[i].ToX, lines[i].ToY, lines[i].ToZ); LineRAZ line = new LineRAZ(i, start, end); int hierarchyId = -1; Hierarchy h = project.hierarchylist.FirstOrDefault(a => groupnames[i].StartsWith(a.groupname)); if (h != null) { hierarchyId = h.numberInHierarchy; } ElementRAZ element = new ElementRAZ(project, i, line, crosssection, groupnames[i], hierarchyId); } //CREATE LIST OF LOADS //Here N,V,M are defined for the startpoint and endpoint of every line in the project. List <LoadsPerLineRAZ> loadsPerLineRAZs = new List <LoadsPerLineRAZ>(); for (int i = 0; i < N.PathCount; i++) { LoadsRAZ start = new LoadsRAZ(N[i][0].Value, Vz[i][0].Value, Vy[i][0].Value, Mt[i][0].Value, My[i][0].Value, Mz[i][0].Value); LoadsRAZ end = new LoadsRAZ(N[i][1].Value, Vz[i][1].Value, Vy[i][1].Value, Mt[i][1].Value, My[i][1].Value, Mz[i][1].Value); LoadsPerLineRAZ w = new LoadsPerLineRAZ(start, end); loadsPerLineRAZs.Add(w); } //REARRANGE LIST OF LOADS TO SEPERATE LOADCASES //the project has x number of loadcases, here the list of loads created is rearranged to separate lists for every loadcase int loadcases = N.PathCount / lines.Count; int ib = 0; for (int a = 0; a < loadcases; a++) { //LoadcasesRAZ loadcasesRAZ = new LoadcasesRAZ(); //loadcase id start from 1 because of IDEA int loadCaseNumber = a + 1; LoadcaseRAZ loadcase = new LoadcaseRAZ(project, loadCaseNumber); List <LoadsPerLineRAZ> loadsPerline2s = new List <LoadsPerLineRAZ>(); for (int b = 0; b < lines.Count; b++) { //loadcasesRAZ w = LoadsPerLineRAZ w = new LoadsPerLineRAZ(project.elementRAZs[b], loadcase, loadsPerLineRAZs[ib].startLoads, loadsPerLineRAZs[ib].endLoads); ib++; loadsPerline2s.Add(w); } } //Rhino.Point3D to PointRAZ List <PointRAZ> punten = new List <PointRAZ>(); for (int i = 0; i < centerpoints.Count; i++) { PointRAZ pointRAZ = PointRAZ.CreateNewOrExisting(project, centerpoints[i].X, centerpoints[i].Y, centerpoints[i].Z); punten.Add(pointRAZ); } //CREATE LIST OF JOINTS double tol = 1e-6; project.CreateJoints(tol, eccentricity, punten, project.elementRAZs, project.hierarchylist); //Adjust out of bounds index calculateThisJoint project.calculateThisJoint = calculateThisJoint % project.joints.Count; //CALCULATE SAWING CUTS //store them in the element properties //Project.CalculateSawingCuts(project, tol); //SET ALL THROATS TO MIN-THROAT THICKNESS project.SetMinThroats(minThroatThickness); //SET WELDTYPE project.SetWeldType(); //DEFINE ANALYSES METHODS if (analysisMethod == 0) { project.analysisMethod = Project.AnalysisMethod.MinSetWelds; } if (analysisMethod == 1) { project.analysisMethod = Project.AnalysisMethod.FullStrengthLazy; } if (analysisMethod == 2) { project.analysisMethod = Project.AnalysisMethod.FullStrengthMethod; } if (analysisMethod == 3) { project.analysisMethod = Project.AnalysisMethod.DirectionalMethod; } if (analysisMethod == 4) { project.analysisMethod = Project.AnalysisMethod.IdeaMethod; } //CALCULATE THROATS ACCORDING TO ANALYSIS METHOD //Send DATA to IDEA project.CalculateWeldsProject(project.filepath); //CALCULATE WELDVOLUME totalWeldingVolume = project.CalculateWeldVolume(); //Output back to Grasshopper //OUTPUT: WELDING, VOLUME PER JOINT for (int i = 0; i < project.joints.Count; i++) { weldVolumePerJoint.Add(project.joints[i].weldVolume); } //OUTPUT: WELDING, THROATS PER ELEMENT foreach (ElementRAZ ele in project.elementRAZs) { throatBegin.Add(ele.BeginThroatsElement()); throatEnd.Add(ele.EndThroatsElement()); plateBegin.Add(ele.BeginPlatesElement()); plateEnd.Add(ele.EndPlatesElement()); if (ele.line.vector.length > tol + eccentricity) { CSSnames.Add(; } else { CSSnames.Add(""); } } //OUTPUT:SAWING for (int i = 0; i < project.elementRAZs.Count; i++) { ElementRAZ.SawingCut start = project.elementRAZs[i].startCut; ElementRAZ.SawingCut end = project.elementRAZs[i].endCut; if (start == ElementRAZ.SawingCut.RightAngledCut) { TotalRightAngledCuts++; } if (end == ElementRAZ.SawingCut.RightAngledCut) { TotalRightAngledCuts++; } if (start == ElementRAZ.SawingCut.SingleMiterCut) { TotalSingleMiterCuts++; } if (end == ElementRAZ.SawingCut.SingleMiterCut) { TotalSingleMiterCuts++; } if (start == ElementRAZ.SawingCut.DoubleMiterCut) { TotalDoubleMiterCuts++; } if (end == ElementRAZ.SawingCut.DoubleMiterCut) { TotalDoubleMiterCuts++; } int tot = (int)start + (int)end; //If more than element has more than one cut, substract one cut //In the sawing line the endcut of one member serves as the start cut of the other int cutsPerElement; if (tot > 1) { cutsPerElement = tot - 1; } else { cutsPerElement = tot; } numberOfSawingCuts.Add(cutsPerElement); } //export lines of joint for visualisation purposes foreach (int i in project.joints[project.calculateThisJoint].beamIDs) { jointlines.Add(lines[i]); } //Output lines DA.SetData(0, project.joints.Count); DA.SetDataList(1, jointlines); }