public TaskProgress LoadScene(string sceneName, bool isAdditive, LoadScenesHandler callback)
     return(LoadScenes(new List <SceneInfo>()
         new SceneInfo()
             DisplayName = sceneName, Name = sceneName
     }, isAdditive, callback));
        public TaskProgress LoadScenes(List <SceneInfo> Scenes, bool isAdditive, LoadScenesHandler callback)
            Contract.ArgumentNotNull("Scenes", Scenes);
            Contract.ArgumentNotNull("callback", callback);

            TaskProgress progress = new TaskProgress();

            StartCoroutine(LoadScenesAsync(Scenes, isAdditive, progress, callback));

        private IEnumerator LoadScenesAsync(List <SceneInfo> Scenes, bool isAdditive, TaskProgress progress, LoadScenesHandler callback)
            // Release the process to allow caller to attached to Updated event to monitor progress
            yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

            string error = null;

                for (int index = 0; index < Scenes.Count && !progress.IsCancelled; ++index)
                    float  percentComplete = (100 * index / Scenes.Count);
                    string message         = Scenes[index].DisplayName;
                    progress.Update(percentComplete, message);

                    // Release the process to update the UI
                    yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.0f));

                    AsyncOperation asyncOp;
                    if (!isAdditive)
                        if (Application.loadedLevelName.CompareTo(Scenes[index].Name) != 0)
                            // Add the remaing scenes
                            asyncOp = Application.LoadLevelAsync(Scenes[index].Name);
                        isAdditive = true;
                        // Load the first scene
                        asyncOp = Application.LoadLevelAdditiveAsync(Scenes[index].Name);

                    while (!asyncOp.isDone && !progress.IsCancelled)
                        progress.Update(((asyncOp.progress / Scenes.Count) + (index / Scenes.Count)) * 100);
                        yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

                // Release to allow Awake() methods to be called on newly loaded game objects
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2.0f));
                if (callback != null)
                    callback(error == null, error);