/// <summary>
        /// Merge the data from the given source to the destination structure
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lpDestination" type="Itron.Metering.DeviceDataTypes.LoadProfilePulseData">
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="lpSource" type="Itron.Metering.DeviceDataTypes.LoadProfileData">
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="dtCurrentInterval" type="System.DateTime">
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        ///  Revision History
        ///  MM/DD/YY Who Version Issue# Description
        ///  -------- --- ------- ------ ---------------------------------------------
        ///  12/15/08 mah 9.50.26 CQ124360	Incremented the interval end time to advance
        ///                                 to the next interval
        /// </remarks>
        private void MergeContributorData(LoadProfilePulseData lpDestination, LoadProfileData lpSource, ref DateTime dtCurrentInterval)
            int nIntervalIndex = lpSource.GetIntervalIndexAt(dtCurrentInterval);

            while (nIntervalIndex < lpSource.NumberIntervals)
                // We found useful data - now add all that we can to the result data.
                // We don't have to worry about the end date since the whole purpose of
                // aggregation is to join as much data as possible
                LPInterval nextInterval = lpSource.Intervals[nIntervalIndex];


                dtCurrentInterval = lpDestination.EndTime;

            // Advance the clock to the next interval
            dtCurrentInterval = dtCurrentInterval.AddMinutes((double)IntervalLength);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds all of the intervals in the specified blocks.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="loadProfileData">The load profile object to add the intervals to.</param>
        /// <param name="loadProfileBlocks">The load profile blocks to add.</param>
        // Revision History
        // MM/DD/YY who Version Issue# Description
        // -------- --- ------- ------ ---------------------------------------
        // 10/06/08 RCG 2.00.00 N/A    Created

        private void AddIntervals(ref LoadProfileData loadProfileData, LPBlockDataRecord[] loadProfileBlocks)
            for (int iBlock = 0; iBlock < loadProfileBlocks.Length; iBlock++)
                LPBlockDataRecord    CurrentBlock = loadProfileBlocks[iBlock];
                LPIntervalDataRecord LastInterval = CurrentBlock.Intervals[CurrentBlock.Intervals.Length - 1];

                for (int iInterval = 0; iInterval < CurrentBlock.Intervals.Length; iInterval++)
                    LPIntervalDataRecord CurrentInterval = CurrentBlock.Intervals[iInterval];
                    DateTime             IntervalTime;

                    if (iInterval + 1 < CurrentBlock.Intervals.Length)
                        // Figure out the time of the interval.
                        IntervalTime = DetermineIntervalTime(CurrentBlock, iInterval, loadProfileData.IntervalDuration);
                        IntervalTime = AdjustTimeForDST(IntervalTime, CurrentInterval, CurrentBlock.Intervals[iInterval + 1], LastInterval);
                        // We already know the time of the last interval.
                        IntervalTime = (DateTime)CurrentBlock.BlockEndTime;

Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the all of the Profile Data from the specified set of tables
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="actualLimitingTable">The actual limiting table for the data set</param>
        /// <param name="controlTable">The control table for the data set</param>
        /// <param name="statusTable">The status table for the data set</param>
        /// <param name="dataSetTable">The data set table for the data set</param>
        /// <returns>The profile data that has been read.</returns>
        // Revision History
        // MM/DD/YY who Version Issue# Description
        // -------- --- ------- ------ ---------------------------------------
        // 12/06/11 RCG 2.53.20 N/A    Created
        // 06/15/12 jrf 2.60.32 199972 Adding logging statements to help debug issue next time we see it.
        protected LoadProfileData GetProfileData(StdTable61 actualLimitingTable, StdTable62 controlTable, StdTable63 statusTable, StdTable64 dataSetTable)
            LoadProfileData    LPData           = null;
            LPSetActualLimits  SetLimits        = actualLimitingTable.GetSetLimits(dataSetTable.DataSet);
            LPSetDataSelection SetDataSelection = controlTable.GetDataSelection(dataSetTable.DataSet);

            LPBlockDataRecord[] Blocks;
            LPBlockDataRecord   FirstBlock;
            LPBlockDataRecord   LastBlock;
            LPSetStatusRecord   SetStatus;
            ushort NumberOfBlocks;
            ushort FirstBlockIndex;

            m_Logger.WriteLine(Logger.LoggingLevel.Functional, "Getting Profile Data");
            SetStatus = statusTable.GetSetStatusRecord(dataSetTable.DataSet);

            m_Logger.WriteLine(Logger.LoggingLevel.Detailed, "Number of Blocks: " + SetStatus.NumberOfValidBlocks.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            m_Logger.WriteLine(Logger.LoggingLevel.Detailed, "Number of Intervals: " + SetStatus.NumberOfValidIntervals.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            if (SetStatus.NumberOfValidBlocks > 0 && SetStatus.NumberOfValidIntervals > 0)
                OnShowProgress(new ShowProgressEventArgs(1, SetStatus.NumberOfValidBlocks, "Reading Load Profile data...", "Reading Load Profile data..."));

                // Read the first and last blocks
                GetFirstAndLastBlock(actualLimitingTable, statusTable, dataSetTable, out FirstBlock, out LastBlock, out SetStatus);

                // Read the rest of the blocks using the last block status
                NumberOfBlocks = SetStatus.NumberOfValidBlocks;
                Blocks         = new LPBlockDataRecord[NumberOfBlocks];

                Blocks[0] = FirstBlock;

                if (NumberOfBlocks > 1)
                    Blocks[NumberOfBlocks - 1] = LastBlock;

                    FirstBlockIndex = (ushort)((SetStatus.LastBlockElement + 1) % NumberOfBlocks);

                    for (ushort RelativeBlockIndex = 1; RelativeBlockIndex < NumberOfBlocks - 1; RelativeBlockIndex++)
                        ushort ActualBlockIndex = (ushort)((FirstBlockIndex + RelativeBlockIndex) % NumberOfBlocks);

                        m_Logger.WriteLine(Logger.LoggingLevel.Detailed, "Reading Block # " + ActualBlockIndex.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                        Blocks[RelativeBlockIndex] = ReadLPBlock(dataSetTable, ActualBlockIndex, SetLimits.IntervalsPerBlock);

                        OnStepProgress(new ProgressEventArgs());

                OnHideProgress(new EventArgs());

                // Create the LoadProfileData object.
                LPData = CreateLoadProfileDataObject(Blocks, SetLimits, SetDataSelection);

Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the channels to the LoadProfilData object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="loadProfileData">The LoadProfileData object to add the channels to.</param>
        /// <param name="setLimits">The set limits for the data set</param>
        /// <param name="setDataSelection">The data selection for the data set</param>
        // Revision History
        // MM/DD/YY who Version Issue# Description
        // -------- --- ------- ------ ---------------------------------------
        // 10/03/08 RCG 2.00.00 N/A    Created
        // 12/12/11 RCG 2.53.20        Modified for Extended LP and IP support

        private void AddChannels(ref LoadProfileData loadProfileData, LPSetActualLimits setLimits, LPSetDataSelection setDataSelection)
            List <string> ChannelNames = DetermineChannelNames(setDataSelection);
            List <float>  PulseWeights = DeterminePulseWeights(setLimits, setDataSelection);

            for (int iChannel = 0; iChannel < setLimits.NumberOfChannels; iChannel++)
                loadProfileData.AddChannel(ChannelNames[iChannel], PulseWeights[iChannel], 1.0f);
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// This method returns the index of the load profile interval that ends on the
        /// given date/time.  If the given contributor does not contain profile data for
        /// the given date/time, then a value of -1 will be returned
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lpContributor" type="Itron.Metering.DeviceDataTypes.LoadProfileData">
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="dtTarget" type="System.DateTime">
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        ///  Revision History
        ///  MM/DD/YY Who Version Issue# Description
        ///  -------- --- ------- ------ ---------------------------------------------
        ///  08/25/08 mah 9.50.00		Created
        /// </remarks>
        protected int FindIntervalIndex(LoadProfileData lpContributor, DateTime dtTarget)
            int     nIntervalIndex = 0;
            Boolean boolDateFound  = false;

            while (nIntervalIndex < lpContributor.NumberIntervals && !boolDateFound)
                if (lpContributor.Intervals[nIntervalIndex].Time == dtTarget)
                    boolDateFound = true;

            if (!boolDateFound)
                nIntervalIndex = -1;

Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the load profile data between the specified dates.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startDate">The start date of the load profile data to get.</param>
        /// <param name="endDate">The end date of the load profile data to get.</param>
        /// <param name="actualLimitingTable">The actual limiting table for the data set</param>
        /// <param name="controlTable">The control table for the data set</param>
        /// <param name="statusTable">The status table for the data set</param>
        /// <param name="dataSetTable">The data set table for the data set</param>
        /// <returns>The load profile data from the dates specified.</returns>
        // Revision History
        // MM/DD/YY who Version Issue# Description
        // -------- --- ------- ------ ---------------------------------------
        // 12/06/11 RCG 2.53.20 N/A    Created

        public LoadProfileData GetProfileData(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, StdTable61 actualLimitingTable, StdTable62 controlTable, StdTable63 statusTable, StdTable64 dataSetTable)
            LPSetActualLimits SetLimits = actualLimitingTable.GetSetLimits(dataSetTable.DataSet);
            LPBlockDataRecord FirstBlock;
            LPBlockDataRecord LastBlock;

            LPBlockDataRecord[] Blocks;
            LPSetStatusRecord   SetStatus;
            LoadProfileData     LPData = null;

            int StartBlockIndex;
            int EndBlockIndex;
            int FirstBlockIndex;

            SetStatus = statusTable.GetSetStatusRecord(dataSetTable.DataSet);

            if (SetStatus != null)
                if (SetStatus.NumberOfValidBlocks > 1 && SetStatus.NumberOfValidIntervals > 0)
                    OnShowProgress(new ShowProgressEventArgs(1, 2, "Determining blocks to read...", "Determining blocks to read..."));

                    // Get the first and last blocks in order to determine the blocks we need to read.
                    GetFirstAndLastBlock(actualLimitingTable, statusTable, dataSetTable, out FirstBlock, out LastBlock, out SetStatus);

                    OnStepProgress(new ProgressEventArgs());

                    // Determine which blocks to read
                    StartBlockIndex = DetermineStartBlockIndex(SetLimits, SetStatus, FirstBlock, startDate);
                    EndBlockIndex   = DetermineEndBlockIndex(SetLimits, SetStatus, LastBlock, endDate);

                    Blocks          = new LPBlockDataRecord[EndBlockIndex - StartBlockIndex + 1];
                    FirstBlockIndex = (SetStatus.LastBlockElement + 1) % SetStatus.NumberOfValidBlocks;

                    OnHideProgress(new EventArgs());
                    OnShowProgress(new ShowProgressEventArgs(1, EndBlockIndex - StartBlockIndex, "Reading Load Profile data...", "Reading Load Profile data..."));

                    // Read the blocks
                    for (int RelativeBlockIndex = StartBlockIndex; RelativeBlockIndex <= EndBlockIndex; RelativeBlockIndex++)
                        int BlockArrayIndex = RelativeBlockIndex - StartBlockIndex;

                        OnStepProgress(new ProgressEventArgs());

                        // We already have the first and last blocks so just add those if included.
                        if (RelativeBlockIndex == 0)
                            Blocks[BlockArrayIndex] = FirstBlock;
                        else if (RelativeBlockIndex == SetStatus.NumberOfValidBlocks - 1)
                            // The last block
                            Blocks[BlockArrayIndex] = LastBlock;
                            // We need to read the block
                            ushort ActualBlockIndex = (ushort)((FirstBlockIndex + RelativeBlockIndex) % SetStatus.NumberOfValidBlocks);

                            Blocks[BlockArrayIndex] = ReadLPBlock(dataSetTable, ActualBlockIndex, SetLimits.IntervalsPerBlock);

                    OnStepProgress(new ProgressEventArgs("Creating Load Profile object..."));

                    // Create the LoadProfileData object.
                    LPData = CreateLoadProfileDataObject(Blocks, SetLimits, controlTable.GetDataSelection(dataSetTable.DataSet));

                    OnStepProgress(new ProgressEventArgs("Removing additional intervals..."));

                    // Trim out intervals that were not requested.
                    LPData.Intervals.RemoveAll(delegate(LPInterval interval) { return(interval.Time < startDate || interval.Time > endDate); });

                    OnHideProgress(new EventArgs());
                else if (SetStatus.NumberOfValidBlocks == 1)
                    OnShowProgress(new ShowProgressEventArgs(1, 3, "Reading Load Profile data...", "Reading Load Profile data..."));

                    // Just get the first block the trim will take care of anything outside the range
                    FirstBlock = GetFirstBlock(actualLimitingTable, statusTable, dataSetTable, out SetStatus);

                    OnStepProgress(new ProgressEventArgs());

                    LPData = CreateLoadProfileDataObject(new LPBlockDataRecord[] { FirstBlock }, SetLimits, controlTable.GetDataSelection(dataSetTable.DataSet));

                    OnStepProgress(new ProgressEventArgs());

                    // Trim out intervals that were not requested.
                    LPData.Intervals.RemoveAll(delegate(LPInterval interval) { return(interval.Time < startDate || interval.Time > endDate); });

                    OnStepProgress(new ProgressEventArgs());
                    OnHideProgress(new EventArgs());

Exemple #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor used when writing a CRF file
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="LPData">Load Profile Data to write to CRF file</param>
 public CRFLPDataType(LoadProfileData LPData)
     : base()
     m_LPData = LPData;