public static string LiveObjectTypeToString(LiveObjectTypes type) { // return EnumDescription.getDescription(type); -- obfuscator breaks this code switch (type) { default: case LiveObjectTypes.LiveObjectTypeNone: return("none"); case LiveObjectTypes.LiveObjectTypeWaypoint: return("wpt"); case LiveObjectTypes.LiveObjectTypeTrackpoint: return("trkpt"); case LiveObjectTypes.LiveObjectTypeRoutepoint: return("rtept"); case LiveObjectTypes.LiveObjectTypeGeocache: return("geocache"); case LiveObjectTypes.LiveObjectTypeLandmark: return("landmark"); case LiveObjectTypes.LiveObjectTypeVehicle: return("vehicle"); case LiveObjectTypes.LiveObjectTypeEarthquake: return("earthquake"); } }
protected override int fontSizeByType(LiveObjectTypes type) { int ret = 8; /* * switch(type) * { * case "Institution": * ret = 18; * break; * } */ return(ret); }
protected virtual int imageSizeByType(LiveObjectTypes type) { int ret = 3; return ret; }
protected virtual int fontSizeByType(LiveObjectTypes type) { int ret = Project.FONT_SIZE_REGULAR; return ret; }
public static string LiveObjectTypeToString(LiveObjectTypes type) { // return EnumDescription.getDescription(type); -- obfuscator breaks this code switch(type) { default: case LiveObjectTypes.LiveObjectTypeNone: return "none"; case LiveObjectTypes.LiveObjectTypeWaypoint: return "wpt"; case LiveObjectTypes.LiveObjectTypeTrackpoint: return "trkpt"; case LiveObjectTypes.LiveObjectTypeRoutepoint: return "rtept"; case LiveObjectTypes.LiveObjectTypeGeocache: return "geocache"; case LiveObjectTypes.LiveObjectTypeLandmark: return "landmark"; case LiveObjectTypes.LiveObjectTypeVehicle: return "vehicle"; case LiveObjectTypes.LiveObjectTypeEarthquake: return "earthquake"; } }
private void act() { double lng = 0.0d; double lat = 0.0d; double elev = 0.0d; bool allcool = true; if (Project.coordStyle == 3) // UTM? { // something like "11S 0432345E 3712345N" in the latitudeTextBox allcool = Project.mainCommand.fromUtmString(latitudeTextBox.Text, out lng, out lat); if (allcool) { latLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black; } else { latLabel.ForeColor = Color.Red; } } else { try { lng = GeoCoord.stringLngToDouble(longitudeTextBox.Text); lngLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black; } catch { lngLabel.ForeColor = Color.Red; allcool = false; } try { lat = GeoCoord.stringLatToDouble(latitudeTextBox.Text); latLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black; } catch { latLabel.ForeColor = Color.Red; allcool = false; } } try { Distance elevDist = new Distance(0.0d); int unitsCompl = elevDist.UnitsCompl; double nuElev = Convert.ToDouble(elevationTextBox.Text.Replace(",", "")); elevDist.byUnits(nuElev, unitsCompl); elev = elevDist.Meters; if (elev < Project.cameraHeightMin * 1000.0d) { elevDist.byUnits(Project.cameraHeightMin * 1000.0d, Distance.UNITS_DISTANCE_M); elev = elevDist.Meters; } else if (elev > Project.CAMERA_HEIGHT_MAX * 1000.0d) { elevDist.byUnits(Project.CAMERA_HEIGHT_MAX * 1000.0d, Distance.UNITS_DISTANCE_M); elev = elevDist.Meters; } elevationUnitsLabel.Text = elevDist.toStringU(unitsCompl); elevLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black; } catch { elevLabel.ForeColor = Color.Red; allcool = false; } if (makeWaypointCheckBox.Checked && waypointNameTextBox.Text.Length == 0) { waypointNameLabel.ForeColor = Color.Red; allcool = false; } else { waypointNameLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black; } if (allcool) { try { GeoCoord location = new GeoCoord(lng, lat, elev); location.Normalize(); m_cameraManager.MarkLocation(location, 0); if (makeWaypointCheckBox.Checked) { LiveObjectTypes type = LiveObjectTypes.LiveObjectTypeWaypoint; bool isFound = false; switch (waypointTypeComboBox.SelectedIndex) { case 0: type = LiveObjectTypes.LiveObjectTypeWaypoint; break; case 1: type = LiveObjectTypes.LiveObjectTypeGeocache; break; case 2: type = LiveObjectTypes.LiveObjectTypeGeocache; isFound = true; break; } string stype = "" + waypointTypeComboBox.SelectedItem; string comment = waypointNameTextBox.Text; Waypoint wpt = new Waypoint(location, Project.localToZulu(DateTime.Now), type, -1L, comment, "", ""); wpt.Found = isFound; WaypointsCache.WaypointsAll.Add(wpt); WaypointsCache.WaypointsDisplayed.Add(wpt); WaypointsCache.isDirty = true; Project.drawWaypoints = true; m_cameraManager.PictureManager.LayersManager.ShowWaypoints = true; if (!moveCameraCheckBox.Checked) { Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; } m_cameraManager.PictureManager.Refresh(); } if (moveCameraCheckBox.Checked) { Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; m_cameraManager.SpoilPicture(); m_cameraManager.Location = new GeoCoord(location); // must be a new instance of GeoCoord setCoordTextBoxes(); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; } } catch { elevLabel.ForeColor = Color.Red; allcool = false; } } }
protected virtual void act() { double lng; double lat; double elev; bool allcool = validateCoord(out lng, out lat, out elev); if (waypointNameTextBox.Text.Length == 0) { waypointNameLabel.ForeColor = Color.Red; allcool = false; } else { waypointNameLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black; } DateTime dateTime = timePicker.isActive ? Project.localToZulu(timePicker.dateTime) : DateTime.MinValue; if (allcool) { try { GeoCoord location = m_clickLocation; if (!m_latText.Equals(latitudeTextBox.Text) || !m_lngText.Equals(longitudeTextBox.Text) || !m_elevText.Equals(elevationTextBox.Text)) { location = new GeoCoord(lng, lat, elev); } location.Normalize(); LiveObjectTypes type = LiveObjectTypes.LiveObjectTypeWaypoint; bool isFound = false; switch (waypointTypeComboBox.SelectedIndex) { case 0: type = LiveObjectTypes.LiveObjectTypeWaypoint; break; case 1: type = LiveObjectTypes.LiveObjectTypeGeocache; break; case 2: type = LiveObjectTypes.LiveObjectTypeGeocache; isFound = true; break; } string wptName = waypointNameTextBox.Text; Waypoint wpt = new Waypoint(location, dateTime, type, -1L, wptName, "", ""); wpt.Found = isFound; wpt.UrlName = urlNameTextBox.Text.Trim(); wpt.Sym = symbolTextBox.Text.Trim(); wpt.Comment = commentTextBox.Text.Trim(); wpt.Desc = detailTextBox.Text.Trim(); string url = urlTextBox.Text.Trim(); if (url.Length > 0 && !url.Equals("http://")) // if something meaningful has been entered { wpt.Url = url; } if (m_photoDescr != null) { wpt.ThumbSource = m_photoDescr.imageThumbSource; wpt.ThumbImage = PhotoDescr.rebuildThumbnailImage(wpt.ThumbSource); wpt.ThumbPosition = Project.thumbPosition; wpt.imageWidth = m_photoDescr.Width; wpt.imageHeight = m_photoDescr.Height; wpt.PhotoTimeShift = new TimeSpan(0L); } WaypointsCache.WaypointsAll.Add(wpt); WaypointsCache.WaypointsDisplayed.Add(wpt); WaypointsCache.isDirty = true; Project.drawWaypoints = true; m_wpt = wpt; // in case the caller needs it m_cameraManager.MarkLocation(location, 0); m_cameraManager.PictureManager.LayersManager.ShowWaypoints = true; m_cameraManager.ProcessCameraMove(); this.Close(); } catch { elevLabel.ForeColor = Color.Red; allcool = false; } } }
/// <summary> /// constructor with the most common parameters set /// </summary> /// <param name="loc"></param> /// <param name="dateTime"></param> /// <param name="liveObjectType"></param> /// <param name="trackId"></param> /// <param name="comment"></param> /// <param name="source"></param> /// <param name="url"></param> public Waypoint(GeoCoord loc, DateTime dateTime, LiveObjectTypes liveObjectType, long trackId, string name, string source, string url) { m_id = nextWaypointId++; m_location = loc; m_dateTime = dateTime; // always UTC LiveObjectType = liveObjectType; m_trackId = trackId; m_name = name; m_wptName = name; m_source = source; m_url = url; Name = getLabel(false); setBrushes(); }
protected override int imageSizeByType(LiveObjectTypes type) { int ret = PixelRadius; Image symImage = null; if(Project.useWaypointIcons) { symImage = Project.waypointImageGetter.getImageBySymbol(m_sym); } if(symImage != null) { ret = Math.Max(symImage.Width, symImage.Height); } else { switch(type) { case LiveObjectTypes.LiveObjectTypeGeocache: ret = 12; break; } } return ret; }
protected override int fontSizeByType(LiveObjectTypes type) { int ret = Project.FONT_SIZE_REGULAR; switch(type) { case LiveObjectTypes.LiveObjectTypeGeocache: ret = Project.FONT_SIZE_REGULAR; break; } return ret; }
protected virtual int imageSizeByType(LiveObjectTypes type) { int ret = 3; return(ret); }
protected virtual int fontSizeByType(LiveObjectTypes type) { int ret = Project.FONT_SIZE_REGULAR; return(ret); }