public void StartRecording(string path, string name)
            job = new LiveJob();
            dvs = job.AddDeviceSource(Video, Audio);

            WindowsMediaOutputFormat outputFormat = new WindowsMediaOutputFormat();
            AdvancedVC1VideoProfile profile = new AdvancedVC1VideoProfile();
            profile.Bitrate = new ConstantBitrate(1280, false);
            profile.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(640, 360);

            WmaAudioProfile audioProfile = new WmaAudioProfile();

            outputFormat.AudioProfile = audioProfile;
            outputFormat.VideoProfile = profile;
            job.OutputFormat = outputFormat;

            CurrentVideoPath = Path.Combine(path, name);

            FileArchivePublishFormat fileOut = new FileArchivePublishFormat();
            fileOut.OutputFileName = CurrentVideoPath;


            IsRecording = true;
Exemple #2
        private void Broadcast_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            EncoderDevice video = null;
            EncoderDevice audio = null;

            GetSelectedVideoAndAudioDevices(out video, out audio);

            if (video == null)

            _job = new LiveJob();

            _deviceSource = _job.AddDeviceSource(video, audio);

            // Finds and applys a smooth streaming preset

            // Creates the publishing format for the job
            PullBroadcastPublishFormat format = new PullBroadcastPublishFormat();

            format.BroadcastPort = 8080;
            format.MaximumNumberOfConnections = 2;

            // Adds the publishing format to the job

            // Starts encoding

            toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Broadcast started on localhost at port 8080, run WpfShowBroadcast.exe now to see it";
Exemple #3
        private void StartCam()
            var lstVideoDevices = new List <EncoderDevice>();
            var lstAudioDevices = new List <EncoderDevice>();

            foreach (EncoderDevice edv in EncoderDevices.FindDevices(EncoderDeviceType.Video))
            foreach (EncoderDevice eda in EncoderDevices.FindDevices(EncoderDeviceType.Audio))

            var video = lstVideoDevices.FirstOrDefault();
            var audio = lstAudioDevices.FirstOrDefault();

            _job = new LiveJob();

            _deviceSource             = _job.AddDeviceSource(video, audio);
            _deviceSource.VideoDevice = video;
            _deviceSource.AudioDevice = audio;

            _deviceSource.PreviewWindow = new PreviewWindow(new HandleRef(this, this.Handle));

Exemple #4
        public void GetVideo()
            var listVideoDevices = new List <EncoderDevice>();
            var listAudioDevices = new List <EncoderDevice>();

            foreach (var edv in EncoderDevices.FindDevices(EncoderDeviceType.Video))

            foreach (var edv in EncoderDevices.FindDevices(EncoderDeviceType.Audio))

            var job          = new LiveJob();
            var deviceSource = job.AddDeviceSource(listVideoDevices[0], listAudioDevices[0]);

            PullBroadcastPublishFormat format = new PullBroadcastPublishFormat();

            format.BroadcastPort = 5001;
            format.MaximumNumberOfConnections = 1;
        private void Broadcast_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            EncoderDevice video = null;
            EncoderDevice audio = null;

            GetSelectedVideoAndAudioDevices(out video, out audio);

            if (video == null)

            _job = new LiveJob();

            _deviceSource = _job.AddDeviceSource(video, audio);

            // Finds and applys a smooth streaming preset

            // Creates the publishing format for the job
            PullBroadcastPublishFormat format = new PullBroadcastPublishFormat();
            format.BroadcastPort = 8080;
            format.MaximumNumberOfConnections = 2;

            // Adds the publishing format to the job

            // Starts encoding

            toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Broadcast started on localhost at port 8080, run WpfShowBroadcast.exe now to see it";
        private void SetupJob()
            // Sets the audio devices to the collection. Adds a null at the beginning for user to select no device
            AudioDevices = new ObservableCollection <EncoderDevice>(EncoderDevices.FindDevices(EncoderDeviceType.Audio));
            AudioDevices.Insert(0, null);

            // Gets all the video devices and sets the screen source.
            EncoderDevice Video = null;
            Collection <EncoderDevice> videoSources = EncoderDevices.FindDevices(EncoderDeviceType.Video);

            foreach (EncoderDevice dev in videoSources)
                if (dev.Name.Contains("Screen Capture Source"))
                    Video = dev;

            // Creats the source
            Source = Job.AddDeviceSource(Video, null);

            // Activates sources and sets preset to job
Exemple #7
        private void startVideoCapture(JObject m)
            liveSource = job.AddDeviceSource(videoDevice, audioDevice);

            while (!story.videoPreview.IsHandleCreated)

            if (liveSource.PreviewWindow == null)
                story.videoPreview.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate
                    story.videoPreview        = new System.Windows.Forms.Panel();
                    story.videoPreview.Height = int.Parse(story.Height.ToString());
                    story.videoPreview.Width  = int.Parse(story.Width.ToString());
                    story.FormHost.Child      = story.videoPreview;
                    liveSource.PreviewWindow  = new PreviewWindow(new HandleRef(story.videoPreview, story.videoPreview.Handle));
                    //job.OutputPreviewWindow = new PreviewWindow(new HandleRef(story.videoPreview, story.videoPreview.Handle));
                    //liveSource.PreviewWindow.SetSize(new System.Drawing.Size((int)story.videoPreview.Width, (int)story.videoPreview.Height));

            if (File.Exists("C:\\Dropbox\\" + System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.ComputerName + "\\videos\\tempVideo.wmv"))
                File.Delete("C:\\Dropbox\\" + System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.ComputerName + "\\videos\\tempVideo.wmv");


Exemple #8
        public CatCam()
            EncoderDevice video = EncoderDevices.FindDevices(EncoderDeviceType.Video)[1];
            EncoderDevice audio = EncoderDevices.FindDevices(EncoderDeviceType.Audio).First();

            if (video == null || audio == null)

            // Starts new job for preview window
            _job = new LiveJob();

            // Checks for a/v devices
            if (video != null && audio != null)
                // Create a new device source. We use the first audio and video devices on the system
                _deviceSource = _job.AddDeviceSource(video, audio);
                _deviceSource.PickBestVideoFormat(new Size(640, 480), 15);

                // Get the properties of the device video
                SourceProperties sp = _deviceSource.SourcePropertiesSnapshot();

                // Resize the preview panel to match the video device resolution set
                previewPanel.Size = new Size(sp.Size.Width, sp.Size.Height);

                // Setup the output video resolution file as the preview
                _job.OutputFormat.VideoProfile.Size = new Size(sp.Size.Width, sp.Size.Height);

                // Sets preview window to winform panel hosted by xaml window
                _deviceSource.PreviewWindow = new PreviewWindow(new HandleRef(previewPanel, previewPanel.Handle));

                // Make this source the active one

                snapButton.Enabled = true;
                // Gives error message as no audio and/or video devices found
                MessageBox.Show("No Video/Audio capture devices have been found.", "Warning");
Exemple #9
        private void SetDeviceSources()
        {// locates the first video device with name = _videoSourceName and the first audio device found (required for class
         // constructor but not used in our project)
         // creates LiveJob and adds device sources.
            EncoderDevice videoDevice = null;
            EncoderDevice audioDevice = null;

            _deviceSource = null;

            videoDevice = EncoderDevices.FindDevices(EncoderDeviceType.Video).FirstOrDefault(vd => vd.Name == _videoSourceName);
            audioDevice = EncoderDevices.FindDevices(EncoderDeviceType.Audio).FirstOrDefault();

            if (videoDevice != null && audioDevice != null)
                _job          = new LiveJob();
                _deviceSource = _job.AddDeviceSource(videoDevice, audioDevice);
Exemple #10
        // metoda włączająca podgląd obrazu z urządzenia
        internal void Play(string deviceName, PictureBox p_preview)
            this.p_preview = p_preview;
            for (int i = 0; i < capDevices.Count; i++)
                if (capDevices[i].Equals(deviceName))
                    selectDeviceIndex = i;

            // Starts new job for preview window
            _job = new LiveJob();

            // Create a new device source. We use the first audio and video devices on the system
            _deviceSource = _job.AddDeviceSource(GetVideoDevice(deviceName), AudioDevices[0]);

            // Sets preview window to winform panel hosted by xaml window
            _deviceSource.PreviewWindow = new PreviewWindow(new HandleRef(p_preview, p_preview.Handle));

            // Make this source the active one
        public mainScreen()

            //initilize a list of string equivalents of audio visual devices

            //read the datta in
            theSettings = Settings.readFile(audioDeviceLst, vidDeviceLst);

            //construct the values for the actual devices

            // Starts new job for preview window
            audVidJob = new LiveJob();

            // Create a new device source. We use the first audio and video devices on the system
            deviceSource = audVidJob.AddDeviceSource(videoDevice, audioDevice);
            // Sets preview window to winform panel hosted by xaml window
            deviceSource.PreviewWindow = new PreviewWindow(new HandleRef(this.panel1, this.panel1.Handle));

            // Make this source the active one
            //update the face detection values displayed (based on what is read from the file)
            this.statusLbl.Text = BoTStatus.Detecting.ToString();
            //check the number of videos recorded at start by counting how many videos have been recorded
            System.IO.DirectoryInfo dir = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(theSettings.savePath);
            this.numRecorded = dir.GetFiles().Length;
            this.recordedLbl.Text = numRecorded.ToString();
            //now that the form and it's members have been properly initialized, initialize and start the facial
            //recognition system
            faceRecognizer = new FaceHandler(this);
            //initialize the speech recognition system but DO NOT START IT
            voiceRecognizer = new VoiceHandler(this);
Exemple #12
        private string VideoCapture(Collection <EncoderDevice> Vdevices)
            // Starts new job for preview window
            LiveJob _job = new LiveJob();

            // Create a new device source. We use the first audio and video devices on the system
            LiveDeviceSource _deviceSource = _job.AddDeviceSource(Vdevices[0], null);

            // Make this source the active one

            FileArchivePublishFormat fileOut = new FileArchivePublishFormat();

            // Sets file path and name
            string path   = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyPictures);
            string output = String.Format(@"{0}\Constellation{1:yyyyMMdd_hhmmss}", path, DateTime.Now);

            fileOut.OutputFileName = string.Format("{0}.wmv", output);

            // Adds the format to the job. You can add additional formats
            // as well such as Publishing streams or broadcasting from a port

            // Starts encoding



        public string StartRecording(string path, string name)
            job = new LiveJob();
            dvs = job.AddDeviceSource(null, audioEncoder);

            WindowsMediaOutputFormat outputFormat = new WindowsMediaOutputFormat()
                AudioProfile = new WmaAudioProfile()

            job.OutputFormat = outputFormat;

            string currentRecordingPath = Path.Combine(path, name);
            FileArchivePublishFormat fileOut = new FileArchivePublishFormat();
            fileOut.OutputFileName = currentRecordingPath;


            IsRecording = true;

            return currentRecordingPath;
        private void btnPreview_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            EncoderDevice video = null;
            EncoderDevice audio = null;

            GetSelectedVideoAndAudioDevices(out video, out audio);

            if (video == null)

            // Starts new job for preview window
            _job = new LiveJob();

            // Checks for a/v devices
            if (video != null && audio != null)
                // Create a new device source. We use the first audio and video devices on the system
                _deviceSource = _job.AddDeviceSource(video, audio);

                // Is it required to show the configuration dialogs ?
                    // Yes
                    // VFW video device ?
                    if (lstVideoDevices.SelectedItem.ToString().EndsWith("(VFW)", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        // Yes
                        if (_deviceSource.IsDialogSupported(ConfigurationDialog.VfwFormatDialog))
                            _deviceSource.ShowConfigurationDialog(ConfigurationDialog.VfwFormatDialog, (new HandleRef(panelVideoPreview, panelVideoPreview.Handle)));

                        if (_deviceSource.IsDialogSupported(ConfigurationDialog.VfwSourceDialog))
                            _deviceSource.ShowConfigurationDialog(ConfigurationDialog.VfwSourceDialog, (new HandleRef(panelVideoPreview, panelVideoPreview.Handle)));

                        if (_deviceSource.IsDialogSupported(ConfigurationDialog.VfwDisplayDialog))
                            _deviceSource.ShowConfigurationDialog(ConfigurationDialog.VfwDisplayDialog, (new HandleRef(panelVideoPreview, panelVideoPreview.Handle)));

                        // No
                        if (_deviceSource.IsDialogSupported(ConfigurationDialog.VideoCapturePinDialog))
                            _deviceSource.ShowConfigurationDialog(ConfigurationDialog.VideoCapturePinDialog, (new HandleRef(panelVideoPreview, panelVideoPreview.Handle)));

                        if (_deviceSource.IsDialogSupported(ConfigurationDialog.VideoCaptureDialog))
                            _deviceSource.ShowConfigurationDialog(ConfigurationDialog.VideoCaptureDialog, (new HandleRef(panelVideoPreview, panelVideoPreview.Handle)));

                        if (_deviceSource.IsDialogSupported(ConfigurationDialog.VideoCrossbarDialog))
                            _deviceSource.ShowConfigurationDialog(ConfigurationDialog.VideoCrossbarDialog, (new HandleRef(panelVideoPreview, panelVideoPreview.Handle)));

                        if (_deviceSource.IsDialogSupported(ConfigurationDialog.VideoPreviewPinDialog))
                            _deviceSource.ShowConfigurationDialog(ConfigurationDialog.VideoPreviewPinDialog, (new HandleRef(panelVideoPreview, panelVideoPreview.Handle)));

                        if (_deviceSource.IsDialogSupported(ConfigurationDialog.VideoSecondCrossbarDialog))
                            _deviceSource.ShowConfigurationDialog(ConfigurationDialog.VideoSecondCrossbarDialog, (new HandleRef(panelVideoPreview, panelVideoPreview.Handle)));
                    // No
                    // Setup the video resolution and frame rate of the video device
                    // NOTE: Of course, the resolution and frame rate you specify must be supported by the device!
                    // NOTE2: May be not all video devices support this call, and so it just doesn't work, as if you don't call it (no error is raised)
                    // NOTE3: As a workaround, if the .PickBestVideoFormat method doesn't work, you could force the resolution in the
                    //        following instructions (called few lines belows): 'panelVideoPreview.Size=' and '_job.OutputFormat.VideoProfile.Size='
                    //        to be the one you choosed (640, 480).
                    _deviceSource.PickBestVideoFormat(new Size(640, 480), 15);

                // Get the properties of the device video
                SourceProperties sp = _deviceSource.SourcePropertiesSnapshot();

                // Resize the preview panel to match the video device resolution set
                panelVideoPreview.Size = new Size(sp.Size.Width, sp.Size.Height);

                // Setup the output video resolution file as the preview
                _job.OutputFormat.VideoProfile.Size = new Size(sp.Size.Width, sp.Size.Height);

                // Display the video device properties set
                toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = sp.Size.Width.ToString() + "x" + sp.Size.Height.ToString() + "  " + sp.FrameRate.ToString() + " fps";

                // Sets preview window to winform panel hosted by xaml window
                _deviceSource.PreviewWindow = new PreviewWindow(new HandleRef(panelVideoPreview, panelVideoPreview.Handle));

                // Make this source the active one

                btnGrabImage.Enabled = true;

                toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Preview activated";
                // Gives error message as no audio and/or video devices found
                MessageBox.Show("No Video/Audio capture devices have been found.", "Warning");
                toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "No Video/Audio capture devices have been found.";
Exemple #15
        private void mediaPlay()
            _mediaJob = new LiveJob();
            _mediaDeviceSource = _mediaJob.AddDeviceSource(video, audio);
            _mediaDeviceSource.PickBestVideoFormat(new Size(640, 480), 15);

            _mediaDeviceSource.PreviewWindow = new PreviewWindow(new System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(videoPanel, videoPanel.Handle));
 public bool StartWebcam()
     if (SelectedVideoDevice == null) return false;
     LiveJob = null;
     LiveJob = new LiveJob();
     LiveDeviceSource = LiveJob.AddDeviceSource(SelectedVideoDevice, null);
     System.Drawing.Size framesize = new System.Drawing.Size(1280, 960);
     LiveDeviceSource.PickBestVideoFormat(framesize, 30);
     LiveJob.OutputFormat.VideoProfile.Size = framesize;
     LiveJob.OutputFormat.VideoProfile.Bitrate = new ConstantBitrate(2000);
     isConnected = true;
     return true;
Exemple #17
        public void StartCam()
                // Start the video stream
                videojob = new LiveJob();

                // Create a new device source. We use the first audio and video devices on the system
                videosource = videojob.AddDeviceSource(currentcam, null);

                // Sets preview window to winform panel
                videosource.PreviewWindow = new PreviewWindow(new HandleRef(pnlVideoPreview, pnlVideoPreview.Handle));

                // Activate the source and start
            catch { }
Exemple #18
        private void viewVideoBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            EncoderDevice video = null;
            EncoderDevice audio = null;
                GetSelectedVideoAndAudioDevices(out video, out audio);

                if(video == null)

                // Starts new job for preview window
                _job = new LiveJob();

                // Checks for a/v devices
                if(video != null && audio != null)
                    // Create a new device source. We use the first audio and video devices on the system
                    _deviceSource = _job.AddDeviceSource(video, audio);
                    _deviceSource.PickBestVideoFormat(new Size(verticalRes, horizontalRes), framRate);

                    // Get the properties of the device video
                    SourceProperties sp = _deviceSource.SourcePropertiesSnapshot();

                    // Resize the preview panel to match the video device resolution set
                    panelVideoPreview.Size = new Size(sp.Size.Width, sp.Size.Height);

                    // Setup the output video resolution file as the preview
                    _job.OutputFormat.VideoProfile.Size = new Size(sp.Size.Width, sp.Size.Height);

                    // Display the video device properties set
                    //toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = sp.Size.Width.ToString() + "x" + sp.Size.Height.ToString() + "  " + sp.FrameRate.ToString() + " fps";

                    // Sets preview window to winform panel hosted by xaml window
                    _deviceSource.PreviewWindow = new PreviewWindow(new HandleRef(panelVideoPreview, panelVideoPreview.Handle));

                    // Make this source the active one

                    //btnStartStopRecording.Enabled = true;
                    //btnGrabImage.Enabled = true;

                    debugText = "Preview activated";
                    // Gives error message as no audio and/or video devices found
                    MessageBox.Show("No Video/Audio capture devices have been found.", "Warning");
                    debugText = "No Video/Audio capture devices have been found.";
            catch(Exception error)
                debugText = error.Message;
                this.Invoke(new EventHandler(DisplayText));
        public void StartCapture()
            if (!IsCapturing)
                job = new LiveJob();
                dvs = job.AddDeviceSource(SelectedVideoDevice, SelectedAudioDevice);

                double epoch = GetUnixEpoch(DateTime.UtcNow);
                string timestamp = epoch.ToString();
                VideoFileName = string.Format(VIDEO_FILE, timestamp);

                FileArchivePublishFormat fileOut = new FileArchivePublishFormat();
                fileOut.OutputFileName = Path.Combine(FileLocationUtility.GetVideoFolderLoctation(), VideoFileName);


                started = DateTime.UtcNow;
                IsCapturing = true;
Exemple #20
        private void btnPreview_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            EncoderDevice video = null;
            EncoderDevice audio = null;

            GetSelectedVideoAndAudioDevices(out video, out audio);

            if (video == null)

            // Starts new job for preview window
            _job = new LiveJob();

            // Checks for a/v devices
            if (video != null && audio != null)
                // Create a new device source. We use the first audio and video devices on the system
                _deviceSource = _job.AddDeviceSource(video, audio);

                // Is it required to show the configuration dialogs ?
                if (checkBoxShowConfigDialog.Checked)
                    // Yes
                    // VFW video device ?
                    if (lstVideoDevices.SelectedItem.ToString().EndsWith("(VFW)", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        // Yes
                        if (_deviceSource.IsDialogSupported(ConfigurationDialog.VfwFormatDialog))
                            _deviceSource.ShowConfigurationDialog(ConfigurationDialog.VfwFormatDialog, (new HandleRef(panelVideoPreview, panelVideoPreview.Handle)));

                        if (_deviceSource.IsDialogSupported(ConfigurationDialog.VfwSourceDialog))
                            _deviceSource.ShowConfigurationDialog(ConfigurationDialog.VfwSourceDialog, (new HandleRef(panelVideoPreview, panelVideoPreview.Handle)));

                        if (_deviceSource.IsDialogSupported(ConfigurationDialog.VfwDisplayDialog))
                            _deviceSource.ShowConfigurationDialog(ConfigurationDialog.VfwDisplayDialog, (new HandleRef(panelVideoPreview, panelVideoPreview.Handle)));
                        // No
                        if (_deviceSource.IsDialogSupported(ConfigurationDialog.VideoCapturePinDialog))
                            _deviceSource.ShowConfigurationDialog(ConfigurationDialog.VideoCapturePinDialog, (new HandleRef(panelVideoPreview, panelVideoPreview.Handle)));

                        if (_deviceSource.IsDialogSupported(ConfigurationDialog.VideoCaptureDialog))
                            _deviceSource.ShowConfigurationDialog(ConfigurationDialog.VideoCaptureDialog, (new HandleRef(panelVideoPreview, panelVideoPreview.Handle)));

                        if (_deviceSource.IsDialogSupported(ConfigurationDialog.VideoCrossbarDialog))
                            _deviceSource.ShowConfigurationDialog(ConfigurationDialog.VideoCrossbarDialog, (new HandleRef(panelVideoPreview, panelVideoPreview.Handle)));

                        if (_deviceSource.IsDialogSupported(ConfigurationDialog.VideoPreviewPinDialog))
                            _deviceSource.ShowConfigurationDialog(ConfigurationDialog.VideoPreviewPinDialog, (new HandleRef(panelVideoPreview, panelVideoPreview.Handle)));

                        if (_deviceSource.IsDialogSupported(ConfigurationDialog.VideoSecondCrossbarDialog))
                            _deviceSource.ShowConfigurationDialog(ConfigurationDialog.VideoSecondCrossbarDialog, (new HandleRef(panelVideoPreview, panelVideoPreview.Handle)));
                    // No
                    // Setup the video resolution and frame rate of the video device
                    // NOTE: Of course, the resolution and frame rate you specify must be supported by the device!
                    // NOTE2: May be not all video devices support this call, and so it just doesn't work, as if you don't call it (no error is raised)
                    // NOTE3: As a workaround, if the .PickBestVideoFormat method doesn't work, you could force the resolution in the
                    //        following instructions (called few lines belows): 'panelVideoPreview.Size=' and '_job.OutputFormat.VideoProfile.Size='
                    //        to be the one you choosed (640, 480).
                    _deviceSource.PickBestVideoFormat(new Size(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height), 15);

                // Get the properties of the device video
                SourceProperties sp = _deviceSource.SourcePropertiesSnapshot();

                // Resize the preview panel to match the video device resolution set
                panelVideoPreview.Size = new Size(sp.Size.Width, sp.Size.Height);

                // Setup the output video resolution file as the preview
                _job.OutputFormat.VideoProfile.Size = new Size(sp.Size.Width, sp.Size.Height);

                // Display the video device properties set
                toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = sp.Size.Width.ToString() + "x" + sp.Size.Height.ToString() + "  " + sp.FrameRate.ToString() + " fps";

                // Sets preview window to winform panel hosted by xaml window
                _deviceSource.PreviewWindow = new PreviewWindow(new HandleRef(panelVideoPreview, panelVideoPreview.Handle));

                // Make this source the active one

                btnStartStopRecording.Enabled = true;
                btnGrabImage.Enabled          = true;

                toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Preview activated";
                // Gives error message as no audio and/or video devices found
                MessageBox.Show("No Video/Audio capture devices have been found.", "Warning");
                toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "No Video/Audio capture devices have been found.";
Exemple #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Start the webcam. Create the liveJob and set the activate source (audio and video)
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>Return false if the webcam cannot start</returns>
 public bool StartWebcam()
     if (SelectedVideoDevice == null || SelectedAudioDevice == null) return false;
     LiveJob = null;
     LiveJob = new LiveJob();
     LiveDeviceSource = LiveJob.AddDeviceSource(SelectedVideoDevice, SelectedAudioDevice);
     return true;