public List <INSTALLED> installeds()
            var list = new ListWithDuplicates();

            list.Add(Registry.CurrentUser, @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall");
            list.Add(Registry.LocalMachine, @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall");
            list.Add(Registry.LocalMachine, @"SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall");

            List <INSTALLED> installeds = new List <INSTALLED>();

            foreach (var item in list)
                RegistryKey subkey = item.Key.OpenSubKey(item.Value);
                foreach (string installed in subkey.GetSubKeyNames())
                    using (RegistryKey info = subkey.OpenSubKey(installed))
                        if (info.GetValue("UninstallString") != null && info.GetValue("DisplayName") != null && !excludePublishers.Any(info.GetValue("DisplayName").ToString().Contains))
                            if (info.GetValue("Publisher") == null || !excludePublishers.Contains(info.GetValue("Publisher").ToString()))
                                INSTALLED soft = new INSTALLED();
                       = info.GetValue("DisplayName").ToString();
                                if (info.GetValue("Publisher") == null)
                                    soft.publisher = null;
                                    soft.publisher = info.GetValue("Publisher").ToString();
                                string UninstallString = info.GetValue("UninstallString").ToString();
                                soft.UninstallString = UninstallString;
                                string[] array = UninstallString.Split(new[] { @"\" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                                string   path  = UninstallString.Replace(@"\" + array.Last(), "");
                                soft.path   = path;
                                soft.regkey = info.Name;

        public void btn_LoadSettingsFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Form1.cs: btn_LoadSettingsFile_Click()");

            DataSet returnSettingsData = null;
            string  filePath           = string.Empty;
            string  fileExt            = string.Empty;

            settingsFile = null;
            OpenFileDialog file = new OpenFileDialog();                    //open dialog to choose file

            if (file.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) //if there is a file choosen by the user
                filePath     = file.FileName;                              //get the path and name of the file
                settingsFile = filePath;

                /*Debug.WriteLine("settingsFile = " + settingsFile);
                 * Debug.WriteLine("filePath = " + filePath);*/
                fileExt = Path.GetExtension(filePath); //get the file extension
                if (fileExt.CompareTo(".xls") == 0 || fileExt.CompareTo(".xlsx") == 0)
                        //Code to put Excel worksheets in datatables and then 1 dataset alphabetically

                        //Make excel settings file into dataset object
                        returnSettingsData = cCSVSettingsTemplate.Parse(filePath);

                        //Retrieve setttings values in the dataset: Table(worksheet), row and column
                        String parameterSetName = returnSettingsData.Tables[4].Rows[0][1].ToString(); //YM
                        //String parameterSetName = returnSettingsData.Tables[6].Rows[0][1].ToString(); //YM
                        textBoxParameterSet.Text = parameterSetName;

                        outputFolder = returnSettingsData.Tables[4].Rows[2][1].ToString();//YM
                        //outputFolder = returnSettingsData.Tables[6].Rows[2][1].ToString(); //YM
                        textBoxOutputFolder.Text = outputFolder;

                        String landscapeFile = returnSettingsData.Tables[4].Rows[3][1].ToString();//YM
                        //String landscapeFile = returnSettingsData.Tables[6].Rows[3][1].ToString();//YM
                        Char[]   delimiters             = { '\\', '/' };
                        String[] landscapeFileItems     = landscapeFile.Split(delimiters);
                        String   landscapeFileItemsLast = landscapeFileItems.Last();
                        textBoxLandscapeFile.Text = landscapeFileItemsLast;

                        String growPop = returnSettingsData.Tables[4].Rows[4][1].ToString();//YM
                        //String growPop = returnSettingsData.Tables[6].Rows[4][1].ToString();//YM
                        //Debug.WriteLine("growPop = " + growPop);

                        if (growPop == "TRUE")
                            textBoxPopulationFile.Text = "No file provided. A population is being grown.";
                            String populationFile = returnSettingsData.Tables[4].Rows[7][1].ToString();//YM
                            //String populationFile = returnSettingsData.Tables[6].Rows[7][1].ToString();//YM
                            //Debug.WriteLine("populationFile = " + populationFile);
                            //Char delimiter = '\\';
                            String[] populationFileItems     = populationFile.Split(delimiters);
                            String   populationFileItemsLast = populationFileItems.Last();
                            //Debug.WriteLine("populationFileItemsLast = " + populationFileItemsLast);
                            textBoxPopulationFile.Text = populationFileItemsLast;
                        String numbIterations = returnSettingsData.Tables[4].Rows[12][1].ToString();//YM
                        //String numbIterations = returnSettingsData.Tables[6].Rows[12][1].ToString();//YM
                        textBoxNumbIterations.Text = numbIterations;

                        String numbYears = returnSettingsData.Tables[4].Rows[8][1].ToString();//YM
                        //String numbYears = returnSettingsData.Tables[6].Rows[8][1].ToString();//YM
                        textBoxNumbYears.Text = numbYears;

                        //Connect to landscape XML file to get supercell and K information
                        cXMLCellDataSource landscapeXMLFile = new cXMLCellDataSource(true);
                        int    totalPathLength = landscapeFile.Length;
                        int    landNameLength  = landscapeFileItemsLast.Length;
                        string landPath        = landscapeFile.Substring(0, totalPathLength - landNameLength);
                        //Debug.WriteLine("Form1.cs: btn_LoadSettingsFile_Click(): landPath = " + landPath);
                        //Debug.WriteLine("Form1.cs: btn_LoadSettingsFile_Click(): landscapeFileItemsLast = " + landscapeFileItemsLast);
                        landscapeXMLFile.DataSourcePath = landPath;
                        landscapeXMLFile.DataSourceName = landscapeFileItemsLast;

                        //Getting set up to get supercell values
                        cSuperCellList listSuperCells = new cSuperCellList();
                        int numbSupCells = listSuperCells.Count;
                        //Debug.WriteLine("Form1.cs: btn_LoadSettingsFile_Click(): numbSupCells = " + numbSupCells);
                        string superCellFormEntry;
                        superCellFormEntry = null;

                        //Getting set up to get K values
                        cUniformRandom rand      = new cUniformRandom();
                        cCellList      listCells = new cCellList(rand);
                        landscapeXMLFile.GetCellData(listCells, listSuperCells);
                        cCellData CellData  = new cCellData();
                        int       numbCells = listCells.Count;
                        //Debug.WriteLine("Form1.cs: btn_LoadSettingsFile_Click(): numbCells = " + numbCells);
                        double mvarK;

                        // Get the supercell and K combinations
                        var superK = new ListWithDuplicates();
                        for (int i = 0; i < numbCells; i++)
                            //landscapeKValues[i] = listCells.ToString()
                            //values = listCells.ToString();
                            mvarK = listCells[i].K;
                            superCellFormEntry = listCells[i].SuperCell.ID;
                            //Debug.WriteLine("Form1.cs: btn_LoadSettingsFile_Click(): i = " + i + " mvarK = " + mvarK + "; supercell = " + superCellFormEntry);
                            superK.Add(superCellFormEntry, mvarK);

                        // Disconnect from the landscape XML file

                        //With the data loaded in, activate the run button
                        btnRun.Enabled = true;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show("Please choose .xls or .xlsx file only.", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); //custom messageBox to show error
        //mothode : Load Files ** for ORM console **
        public void LoadSettingsFile(string[] args)
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Form1.cs: btn_LoadSettingsFile_Click()");
            pathArg[0] = ".";
            Debug.WriteLine("settingsFile =++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ " + pathArg[0]);
            DataSet returnSettingsData = null;
            string  filePath           = string.Empty;
            string  fileExt            = string.Empty;

            settingsFile = null;
            //filePath = pathArg[0]; //get the path and name of the file
            settingsFile = pathArg[0];

            /*Debug.WriteLine("settingsFile = " + settingsFile);
             * Debug.WriteLine("filePath = " + filePath);*/
            //fileExt = pathArg[0]; //get the file extension
            if (pathArg[0] != "")
                    //Code to put Excel worksheets in datatables and then 1 dataset alphabetically

                    //Make excel settings file into dataset object
                    returnSettingsData = cCSVSettingsTemplate.Parse(pathArg[0]);

                    //Retrieve setttings values in the dataset: Table(worksheet), row and column
                    String parameterSetName = returnSettingsData.Tables[4].Rows[0][1].ToString();
//                    textBoxParameterSet.Text = parameterSetName;

                    outputFolder = returnSettingsData.Tables[4].Rows[2][1].ToString();
//                    textBoxOutputFolder.Text = outputFolder;
                    Debug.WriteLine(" outputFolder =++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ " + outputFolder);

                    String   landscapeFile          = returnSettingsData.Tables[4].Rows[3][1].ToString();
                    Char[]   delimiters             = { '\\', '/' };
                    String[] landscapeFileItems     = landscapeFile.Split(delimiters);
                    String   landscapeFileItemsLast = landscapeFileItems.Last();
//                    textBoxLandscapeFile.Text = landscapeFileItemsLast;

                    String growPop = returnSettingsData.Tables[4].Rows[4][1].ToString();
                    //Debug.WriteLine("growPop = " + growPop);

                    if (growPop == "TRUE")
//                        textBoxPopulationFile.Text = "No file provided. A population is being grown.";
                        String populationFile = returnSettingsData.Tables[4].Rows[7][1].ToString();
                        //Debug.WriteLine("populationFile = " + populationFile);
                        //Char delimiter = '\\';
                        String[] populationFileItems     = populationFile.Split(delimiters);
                        String   populationFileItemsLast = populationFileItems.Last();
                        //Debug.WriteLine("populationFileItemsLast = " + populationFileItemsLast);
//                        textBoxPopulationFile.Text = populationFileItemsLast;
                    String numbIterations = returnSettingsData.Tables[4].Rows[12][1].ToString();
//                    textBoxNumbIterations.Text = numbIterations;

                    String numbYears = returnSettingsData.Tables[4].Rows[8][1].ToString();
//                    textBoxNumbYears.Text = numbYears;

                    //Connect to landscape XML file to get supercell and K information
                    cXMLCellDataSource landscapeXMLFile = new cXMLCellDataSource(true);
                    int    totalPathLength = landscapeFile.Length;
                    int    landNameLength  = landscapeFileItemsLast.Length;
                    string landPath        = landscapeFile.Substring(0, totalPathLength - landNameLength);
                    //Debug.WriteLine("Form1.cs: btn_LoadSettingsFile_Click(): landPath = " + landPath);
                    //Debug.WriteLine("Form1.cs: btn_LoadSettingsFile_Click(): landscapeFileItemsLast = " + landscapeFileItemsLast);
                    landscapeXMLFile.DataSourcePath = landPath;
                    landscapeXMLFile.DataSourceName = landscapeFileItemsLast;

                    //Getting set up to get supercell values
                    cSuperCellList listSuperCells = new cSuperCellList();
                    int numbSupCells = listSuperCells.Count;
                    //Debug.WriteLine("Form1.cs: btn_LoadSettingsFile_Click(): numbSupCells = " + numbSupCells);
                    string superCellFormEntry;
                    superCellFormEntry = null;

                    //Getting set up to get K values
                    cUniformRandom rand      = new cUniformRandom();
                    cCellList      listCells = new cCellList(rand);
                    landscapeXMLFile.GetCellData(listCells, listSuperCells);
                    cCellData CellData  = new cCellData();
                    int       numbCells = listCells.Count;
                    //Debug.WriteLine("Form1.cs: btn_LoadSettingsFile_Click(): numbCells = " + numbCells);
                    double mvarK;

                    // Get the supercell and K combinations
                    var superK = new ListWithDuplicates();
                    for (int i = 0; i < numbCells; i++)
                        //landscapeKValues[i] = listCells.ToString()
                        //values = listCells.ToString();
                        mvarK = listCells[i].K;
                        superCellFormEntry = listCells[i].SuperCell.ID;
                        //Debug.WriteLine("Form1.cs: btn_LoadSettingsFile_Click(): i = " + i + " mvarK = " + mvarK + "; supercell = " + superCellFormEntry);
                        superK.Add(superCellFormEntry, mvarK);

                    // Disconnect from the landscape XML file

                    //With the data loaded in, activate the run button
//                    btnRun.Enabled = true;
                catch (Exception ex)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Please choose .xls or .xlsx file only.");