public static Report ListViewModelToReport <T>(this List <T> list)
            var report = new Report(list.ToReportSource());

            foreach (var item in typeof(T).GetProperties())
                Object[] myAttributes = item.GetCustomAttributes(true);
                if (myAttributes.Length > 0)
                    foreach (var itemAtt in myAttributes)
                        if (itemAtt.GetType() == typeof(IsTotalAttribute))
                            report.DataFields[item.Name].ShowTotals = true;

                            report.DataFields[item.Name].HeaderText = (itemAtt as DisplayNameAttribute).Name + "                                     ";
                    report.DataFields[item.Name].Hidden = true;

        // Sample URLs:
        //  http://localhost:X/Home/Index/Reporting/Expando/Expando.html
        //  http://localhost:X/Home/Index/Reporting/Expando/Expando.xls
        //  http://localhost:X/Home/Index/Reporting/Expando/Expando.txt
        //  http://localhost:X/Home/Index/Reporting/Expando/Expando.pdf (REQUIRES ABCPDF INSTALLED)

        public ReportResult Expando()
            var     all = new List <ExpandoObject>();
            dynamic d   = new ExpandoObject();

            d.DistrictNumber = 1566;
            d.SchoolId       = 1;
            d.FullName       = "Matt Hidinger";

            dynamic d2 = new ExpandoObject();

            d2.DistrictNumber = 13566;
            d2.SchoolId       = 1;
            d2.FullName       = "Bob Jones";


            var report = new Report(all.ToReportSource());

            // Customize the Text Fields
            report.TextFields.Title    = "Expando Report";
            report.TextFields.SubTitle = "This is a sample report showing how Doddle Report works";
            report.TextFields.Footer   = "Copyright 2011 (c) The Doddle Project";
            report.TextFields.Header   = string.Format(@"Report Generated: {0}", DateTime.Now);

            report.DataFields["SchoolId"].HeaderText = "School";

            // Render hints allow you to pass additional hints to the reports as they are being rendered
            report.RenderHints.BooleanCheckboxes = true;

            return(new ReportResult(report));
        private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            frmRaporDialog frm = new frmRaporDialog(true, true, true, false);

            try {
                ReportTo?dest = frm.GetReportDestination();
                if (dest.HasValue)
                    if (dest.Value != ReportTo.CrytalReport)
                        // Create the report and turn our query into a ReportSource
                        var report = new Report(_data.ToReportSource());
                        // Customize the Text Fields
                        report.TextFields.Title  = "Gün gün Kasa Raporu";
                        report.TextFields.Header = string.Format(@"
    Kasa  :{0}
    Rapor Tarihi: {1}
    Tarih Aralığı:{2}
                                                                 cmboxKasalar.Text, DateTime.Now, GetTarihAraligi());

                        // Render hints allow you to pass additional hints to the reports as they are being rendered
                        report.DataFields["Gelir"].ShowTotals  = true;
                        report.DataFields["Gider"].ShowTotals  = true;
                        report.DataFields["Bakiye"].ShowTotals = true;
                        // Customize the data fields
                        report.RenderHints["HtmlStyle"]              = "th { font-size: 14px !important;font-weight:bold !important}";
                        report.DataFields["Gelir"].DataFormatString  = "{0:F2}";
                        report.DataFields["Gider"].DataFormatString  = "{0:F2}";
                        report.DataFields["Bakiye"].DataFormatString = "{0:F2}";
                        report.DataFields["Tarih"].DataFormatString  = "{0:d}";
                        string        fileName = "gunGunKasaRaporu.xls";
                        IReportWriter writer   = new ExcelReportWriter();
                        if (dest.Value == ReportTo.Html)
                            writer   = new HtmlReportWriter();
                            fileName = "gunGunKasaRaporu.html";
                        else if (dest.Value == ReportTo.Csv)
                            writer   = new DelimitedTextReportWriter();
                            fileName = "gunGunKasaRaporu.txt";
                        string     file = Path.Combine(Engine.DokumanPath(), fileName);
                        FileStream fs   = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Create);

                        writer.WriteReport(report, fs);
                        Process prc = new Process();
                        prc.StartInfo.FileName = file;
            } catch (Exception exc) {
        private static Report PrepPartyReport(List <PartyControl> parts)
            Report partiesReport = new Report(parts.ToReportSource());

            partiesReport.TextFields.Title = "Parties";
            partiesReport.DataFields["IsInDesignMode"].Hidden = true;
            partiesReport.DataFields["InvalidVotes"].Hidden   = true;
Exemple #5
        public ReportResult ListOfObjects()
            var list = new List <object>();

                FirstName = "Matt",
                LastName  = "Hidinger"

            var report = new Report(list.ToReportSource());

            return(new ReportResult(report));
        private Report PrepCandReport(List <CandidateControl> cands)
            var    voters     = _dataBaseManager.Voter.Get();
            Report candReport = new Report(cands.ToReportSource());

            var valid   = voters.Count(x => x.Voted && x.VoteValid);
            var invalid = voters.Count(x => x.Voted && !x.VoteValid);

            candReport.TextFields.Header                   = $"Votes valid/invalid - {valid}/{invalid} " + Environment.NewLine + $"Blocked attempts {_dataBaseManager.Statistic.Get()}" + Environment.NewLine;
            candReport.TextFields.Title                    = "Candidates";
            candReport.DataFields["Vote"].Hidden           = true;
            candReport.DataFields["InvalidVotes"].Hidden   = true;
            candReport.DataFields["IsInDesignMode"].Hidden = true;
    /// <summary>
    ///     Converts a list of elements to a report source
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="elements">
    ///     An enumerable of elements
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="keys">
    ///     They keys with which the values can be fetched from one element
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="valueSelector">
    ///     The function with which one value can be fetched given one key and one element
    /// </param>
    /// <returns>The report source that was created from the elements</returns>
    public static IReportSource ToReportSource <T>(IEnumerable <T> elements, string[] keys,
                                                   Func <T, string, object> valueSelector)
        var expandos = new List <ExpandoObject>();

        foreach (var element in elements)
            var expando           = new ExpandoObject();
            var expandoDictionary = (IDictionary <string, object>)expando;
            foreach (var key in keys)
                var value = valueSelector(element, key);
                expandoDictionary[key] = value;
        public ReportResult Index()
            var list = new List <AnnotatedProduct>();

            list.Add(new AnnotatedProduct {
                Name = "Product 1", Price = 500
            list.Add(new AnnotatedProduct {
                Name = "Product 2", Price = 600
            list.Add(new AnnotatedProduct {
                Name = "Product 3", Price = 700

            var report = new Report(list.ToReportSource());

            // Adavanced data field formatting using a callback delegate
            report.DataFields["OutOfStock"].FormatAs <bool>(value => value ? "Yes" : "No");

            return(new ReportResult(report));
        internal ReportResult AllSamples(LongLineTrip trip)
            var repo = TubsDataService.GetRepository<LongLineCatch>(MvcApplication.CurrentSession);
            var samples = repo.FilterBy(s => s.FishingSet.Trip.Id == trip.Id).OrderBy(s => s.FishingSet.SetNumber);

            // It would be cool if I could use LINQ like I do for Purse Seine, but NHibernate doesn't like the
            // cool LINQ project necessary to find the Lat/Lon for the start of set
            // Latitude = s.FishingSet.EventList.Where(sh => sh.ActivityType == Spc.Ofp.Tubs.DAL.Common.HaulActivityType.StartOfSet).First().Latitude

            IList<LengthSampleLineItem> items = new List<LengthSampleLineItem>(samples.Count());
            foreach (var sample in samples)
                string latitude = String.Empty;
                string longitude = String.Empty;
                string eez = String.Empty;

                var startOfSet = sample.FishingSet.EventList.Where(sh => sh.ActivityType == Spc.Ofp.Tubs.DAL.Common.HaulActivityType.StartOfSet).FirstOrDefault();
                if (null != startOfSet)
                    latitude = startOfSet.Latitude;
                    longitude = startOfSet.Longitude;
                    eez = startOfSet.EezCode;
                items.Add(new LengthSampleLineItem()
                    SetDate = sample.FishingSet.SetDate,
                    Latitude = latitude,
                    Longitude = longitude,
                    Eez = eez,
                    SetNumber = sample.FishingSet.SetNumber.HasValue ? sample.FishingSet.SetNumber.Value : -1,
                    SequenceNumber = sample.SampleNumber.HasValue ? sample.SampleNumber.Value : -1, // All 1 for obstrip_id 4177?
                    SpeciesCode = sample.SpeciesCode,
                    Length = sample.Length.HasValue ? sample.Length.Value : -1


            var report = new Report(items.ToReportSource());
            report.TextFields.Title = string.Format("Length frequency summary for trip {0}", trip.SpcTripNumber);
            return new ReportResult(report);
Exemple #10
        private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            frmRaporDialog frm = new frmRaporDialog(true, true, true, false);

            ReportTo?dest = frm.GetReportDestination();

            if (dest.HasValue)
                try {
                    if (dest != ReportTo.CrytalReport)
                        List <DurumGelirGider> liste = new List <DurumGelirGider>();


                        var report = new Report(liste.ToReportSource());

                        // Customize the Text Fields
                        report.RenderHints.IncludePageNumbers = true;
                        report.TextFields.Title  = "Genel Durum Raporu";
                        report.TextFields.Header = string.Format(@"
            Rapor Tarihi:{0} 
            Toplam Gelir:{1:F}
            Toplam Gider:{2:F}
            Rapor Tarih Aralığı:{4}
            ", DateTime.Now, toplamGelir(), toplamGider(), bakiye(), GetTarihAraligi());
                        //report.DataFields["Alacak"].DataFormatString = "{0:F2}";
                        //report.DataFields["Borc"].DataFormatString = "{0:F2}";
                        //report.DataFields["AlacakBakiyesi"].DataFormatString = "{0:F2}";
                        //report.DataFields["BorcBakiyesi"].DataFormatString = "{0:F2}";
                        string        fileName = "genelDurumRaporu.xls";
                        IReportWriter writer   = new ExcelReportWriter();

                        if (dest.Value == ReportTo.Html)
                            writer   = new HtmlReportWriter();
                            fileName = "genelDurumRaporu.html";
                        else if (dest.Value == ReportTo.Csv)
                            writer   = new DelimitedTextReportWriter();
                            fileName = "genelDurumRaporu.txt";
                        string     file = Path.Combine(Engine.DokumanPath(), fileName);
                        FileStream fs   = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Create);

                        writer.WriteReport(report, fs);
                        Process prc = new Process();
                        prc.StartInfo.FileName = file;
                        //frmStokHareketDokumuForCrytalReport frm2 = new frmStokHareketDokumuForCrytalReport(_source);
                } catch (Exception exc) {
        public ReportResult ExportIndex(string tufman, string gear, string vesselName, string year, string fleet, string criteria, string fishingCompany, int? minNbDays)
            if (_role == RoleList.Country && !tufman.Equals(_country))
                return null;
            fleet = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fleet) || fleet.Equals("0")) ? null : fleet;
            fishingCompany = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fishingCompany) || fishingCompany.Equals("0")) ? null : fishingCompany;

            List<VmsTufmanReconModel> modelLst = new List<VmsTufmanReconModel>();
            List<VmsTufmanRecon> reconLst = _reconRepo.FilterRecon(tufman, gear, vesselName, year, fleet, criteria, fishingCompany);
            string eez;
            if (fleet != null && fleet.Equals(_nationalFleetCode))
                foreach (VmsTufmanRecon recon in reconLst)
                    modelLst.Add(new VmsTufmanReconModel(recon, true));
                eez = "WCPFC Convention Area";
                foreach (VmsTufmanRecon recon in reconLst)
                    modelLst.Add(new VmsTufmanReconModel(recon, false));
                eez = _repo.Get<Entity>(tufman).Label;
            //Remove any Recon where the logsheet or the vms duration is less than the minNbDays parameter
            if (minNbDays > 0)
                modelLst.RemoveAll(x => ((x.VmsTripId != 0 && x.VmsNbDays < minNbDays) || (x.LogsheetTripId != 0 && x.LogsheetNbDays < minNbDays)));

            var report = new Report(modelLst.ToReportSource());
            report.TextFields.Title = "VMS - Logsheet Reconciliation Detail";
            report.DataFields["VmsTripId"].Hidden = true;
            report.DataFields["VesselId"].Hidden = true;
            report.DataFields["LogsheetTripId"].Hidden = true;
            report.DataFields["Country"].Hidden = true;
            report.DataFields["VesselFlag"].FormatAs<Entity>(x => x.Label);
            report.DataFields["Gear"].FormatAs<Gear>(x => x.Label);

            report.RenderHints.Orientation = ReportOrientation.Landscape;

            year = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(year) ? "ALL" : year);
            fishingCompany = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fishingCompany) || fishingCompany.Equals("0")) ? "ALL" : fishingCompany;

            //var gearRepo = new Repository<Gear>(MvcApplication.UnitOfWork.Session);
            string gearDesc = _repo.Get<Gear>(gear).Label;
            string fleetDesc = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fleet)) ? "ALL" : _repo.Get<Entity>(fleet).Label;

            report.TextFields.Header = string.Format(@"
            Gear:  {0}
            Fleet:  {1}
            Year:  {2}
            EEZ:  {3}
            Fishing Company:  {4}
            Criteria:  {5}
            Min Trip Duration:  {6}", gearDesc, fleetDesc, year, eez, fishingCompany, criteria, minNbDays);

            return new ReportResult(report);
        public ReportResult DynamicNulls()
            var all = new List <ExpandoObject>();

            var product = new Product
                Id           = 1,
                Name         = "Hammer",
                Description  = "Unit Tester Widget",
                Price        = 42,
                OrderCount   = 10,
                UnitsInStock = 4

            dynamic item = new ExpandoObject();

            item.Id           = product.Id;
            item.Name         = product.Name;
            item.Description  = product.Description;
            item.Price        = product.Price;
            item.OrderCount   = product.OrderCount;
            item.LastPuchase  = product.LastPurchase;
            item.UnitsInStock = product.UnitsInStock;
            item.LowStock     = product.LowStock;


            product = new Product
                Id           = 2,
                Name         = "Secret",
                Price        = 84.42,
                OrderCount   = 1,
                UnitsInStock = 2

            item              = new ExpandoObject();
            item.Id           = product.Id;
            item.Name         = product.Name;
            item.Description  = product.Description;
            item.Price        = product.Price;
            item.OrderCount   = product.OrderCount;
            item.LastPuchase  = product.LastPurchase;
            item.UnitsInStock = product.UnitsInStock;
            item.LowStock     = product.LowStock;


            var report = new Report(all.ToReportSource());

            // Customize the Text Fields
            report.TextFields.Title    = "Dynamic Report with NULL values present";
            report.TextFields.SubTitle = "This is a sample report showing how Doddle Report works";
            report.TextFields.Footer   = "Copyright 2011-2012 (c) The Doddle Project";
            report.TextFields.Header   = string.Format(@"Report Generated: {0}", DateTime.Now);

            report.DataFields["OrderCount"].HeaderText   = "Order Count";
            report.DataFields["UnitsInStock"].HeaderText = "Units in Stock";
            report.DataFields["LowStock"].HeaderText     = "Stock Low";

            // Render hints allow you to pass additional hints to the reports as they are being rendered
            report.RenderHints.BooleanCheckboxes = true;

            return(new ReportResult(report));