public void Should_List_Shifts() { var shiftRelatedIds = Create_Shift_For_List_Tests_And_Return_Ids(); var date = DateTime.Now; context.Shifts.Add(new Domain.Shift { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Start = date, End = date.AddHours(8), TechnologistId = shiftRelatedIds.TechnologistId1, ModalityId = shiftRelatedIds.ModalityId, LicenseId = shiftRelatedIds.LicenseId1, LocationId = shiftRelatedIds.LocationId, RoomId = shiftRelatedIds.RoomId }); context.Shifts.Add(new Domain.Shift { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Start = date, End = date.AddHours(8), TechnologistId = shiftRelatedIds.TechnologistId2, ModalityId = shiftRelatedIds.ModalityId, LicenseId = shiftRelatedIds.LicenseId1, LocationId = shiftRelatedIds.LocationId, RoomId = shiftRelatedIds.RoomId }); context.SaveChanges(); var sut = new List.Handler(context, _mapper); var result = sut.Handle(new List.Query(filterDate: date, filterLicense: null, filterLocation: null, filterModality: null, filterTechnologist: null, monthFlag: null), CancellationToken.None).Result; Assert.Equal(2, result.Count); }
public async Task GetBrands() { var dbContenxt = await GetDatabaseContext(); // var brandvms = new List<BrandVm>(); var mapper = new Mock <IMapper>(); mapper.Setup(m => m.Map <List <Brand>, List <BrandVm> >(It.IsAny <List <Brand> >())) .Returns((List <Brand> src) => src.Select(x => new BrandVm { Id = x.Id, Name = x.Name }) .ToList()); var query = new List.Query(); var handler = new List.Handler(dbContenxt, mapper.Object); var result = handler.Handle(query, new CancellationToken()); var actionResult = Assert.IsType <List <BrandVm> >(result.Result.Value); Assert.NotEmpty(actionResult); }
public ListTest() { trailServiceMock = new Mock <ITrailsService>(); listHandler = new List.Handler(trailServiceMock.Object); }
public void Should_List_Technologists() { var context = GetDbContext(); var modalityId1 = Guid.NewGuid(); var modalityId2 = Guid.NewGuid(); context.Modalities.Add(new Domain.Modality { Id = modalityId1, Name = "Test Modality 1", DisplayName = "TM1" }); context.Modalities.Add(new Domain.Modality { Id = modalityId2, Name = "Test Modality 2", DisplayName = "TM2" }); context.SaveChanges(); var technologistId1 = Guid.NewGuid(); var technologistId2 = Guid.NewGuid(); var technologistId3 = Guid.NewGuid(); //two technologists with same modality context.Technologists.Add(new Domain.Technologist { Id = technologistId1, Name = "Technologist 1", ModalityId = modalityId1, Initial = "T1" }); context.Technologists.Add(new Domain.Technologist { Id = technologistId2, Name = "Technologist 2", ModalityId = modalityId1, Initial = "T2" }); //one technologist with a different modality context.Technologists.Add(new Domain.Technologist { Id = technologistId3, Name = "Technologist 3", ModalityId = modalityId2, Initial = "T3" }); context.SaveChanges(); var sut = new List.Handler(context, _mapper); var result = sut.Handle(new List.Query(modalityId1), CancellationToken.None).Result; var technologistExists = result.Any(x => x.Name == "Technologist 1"); var technologistDoesNotExist = result.Any(x => x.Name == "Technologist 3"); Assert.Equal(2, result.Count); Assert.True(technologistExists); Assert.False(technologistDoesNotExist); }