Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get containers of a specific type by addresses
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The type of containers to get</typeparam>
        /// <param name="targetType">type of contained items these will produce, can be a summary type</param>
        /// <param name="addresses">list of addresses to fetch (ignored if don't have the container type specified)</param>
        /// <returns>containers at addresses</returns>
        public IEnumerable <T> Get <T>(Type targetType, IEnumerable <Address> addresses) where T : class
            if (!addresses.Any())
                yield break;

            var contentType = addresses.First().Type;
            var paths       = addresses.Where(
                a => typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(System.Collator.ContainerType(a.Type)) && a.Type == contentType)
                              .Select(a => a.GetAsContentPath()).ToList();
            var pathPiInfo = typeof(T).GetProperties()
                             .Select(pi => new { pi, a = pi.GetCustomAttribute <AddressComponentAttribute>() })
                             .FirstOrDefault(pii => pii.a != null && pii.a.UsePath);
            var pathSel = LinqX.GetFieldSelector <T>(pathPiInfo.pi.Name);
            var repo    = Registered(typeof(T));

            foreach (var res in repo.Get <T>(targetType, new Type[] { contentType }, iq => iq.WhereIn(pathSel, paths)))
                yield return(res);