Exemple #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            LinqSamples samples = new LinqSamples();

            // Comment or uncomment the method calls below to run or not
            samples.DataSetLinq6();     // This sample uses select to produce a sequence of ints one higher than those in an existing array of ints.
            samples.DataSetLinq7();     // This sample uses select to return a sequence of just the names of a list of products.
            samples.DataSetLinq8();     // This sample uses select to produce a sequence of strings representing the text version of a sequence of ints.
            samples.DataSetLinq9();     // This sample uses select to produce a sequence of the uppercase and lowercase versions of each word in the original array.
            samples.DataSetLinq10();    // This sample uses select to produce a sequence containing text representations of digits and whether their length is even or odd.
            samples.DataSetLinq11();    // This sample uses select to produce a sequence containing some properties of Products...
            samples.DataSetLinq12();    // This sample uses an indexed Select clause to determine if the value of ints in an array match their position in the array.
            samples.DataSetLinq13();    // This sample combines select and where to make a simple query that returns the text form of each digit less than 5.
            samples.DataSetLinq14();    // This sample uses a compound from clause to make a query that returns all pairs of numbers...
            samples.DataSetLinq15();    // This sample uses a compound from clause to select all orders where the order total is less than 500.00.
            samples.DataSetLinq16();    // This sample uses a compound from clause to select all orders where the order was made in 1998 or later.
            samples.DataSetLinq17();    // This sample uses a compound from clause to select all orders where order total is greater than 2000.00...
            samples.DataSetLinq18();    // This sample uses multiple from clauses so that filtering on customers can be done before selecting their orders...
            samples.DataSetLinq19();    // This sample uses an indexed SelectMany clause to select all orders...
        static void Main(string[] args)
            LinqSamples samples = new LinqSamples();

            #region Restriction Operators 1 to 5

            samples.Linq1(); // This sample  uses the where clause  to find all elements  of an array with a value less than 5
            samples.Linq2(); // This sample uses the where clause to find all products that are out of stock
            samples.Linq3(); // This sample uses the where clause to find all products that are in  stock and cost more than 3.00 per unit
            samples.Linq4(); // This sample uses the where  clause to find all customers in Washington and then it uses a foreach loop to iterate over the orders collection that belongs to each customer
            samples.Linq5(); // This sample demonstrates an indexed where clause that returns digits whose name is shorter than their value

            #endregion Restriction Operators 1 to 5

            #region Projection Operators 6 to 19

            samples.DataSetLinq6();     // This sample uses select to produce a sequence of ints one higher than those in an existing array of ints.
            samples.DataSetLinq7();     // This sample uses select to return a sequence of just the names of a list of products.
            samples.DataSetLinq8();     // This sample uses select to produce a sequence of strings representing the text version of a sequence of ints.
            samples.DataSetLinq9();     // This sample uses select to produce a sequence of the uppercase and lowercase versions of each word in the original array.
            samples.DataSetLinq10();    // This sample uses select to produce a sequence containing text representations of digits and whether their length is even or odd.
            samples.DataSetLinq11();    // This sample uses select to produce a sequence containing some properties of Products...
            samples.DataSetLinq12();    // This sample uses an indexed Select clause to determine if the value of ints in an array match their position in the array.
            samples.DataSetLinq13();    // This sample combines select and where to make a simple query that returns the text form of each digit less than 5.
            samples.DataSetLinq14();    // This sample uses a compound from clause to make a query that returns all pairs of numbers...
            samples.DataSetLinq15();    // This sample uses a compound from clause to select all orders where the order total is less than 500.00.
            samples.DataSetLinq16();    // This sample uses a compound from clause to select all orders where the order was made in 1998 or later.
            samples.DataSetLinq17();    // This sample uses a compound from clause to select all orders where order total is greater than 2000.00...
            samples.DataSetLinq18();    // This sample uses multiple from clauses so that filtering on customers can be done before selecting their orders...
            samples.DataSetLinq19();    // This sample uses an indexed SelectMany clause to select all orders...

            #endregion Projection Operators 6 to 19

            #region Partitioning Operators 20 to 27

            samples.Linq20(); // This sample uses Take to get only the first 3 elements of the array
            samples.Linq21(); // This sample uses Take to get the first 3 orders from customers in Washington
            samples.Linq22(); // This sample uses Skip to get all but the first four elements of the array
            samples.Linq23(); // This sample uses Take to get all but the first 2 orders from customers in Washington
            samples.Linq24(); // This sample uses TakeWhile to return elements starting from the beginning of the array until a number is read whose value is not less than 6
            samples.Linq25(); // This sample uses TakeWhile to return elements starting from the beginning of the array until a number is hit that is less than its position in the array
            samples.Linq26(); // This sample  uses SkipWhile to get the  elements of the array  starting from the first element divisible by 3
            samples.Linq27(); // This sample  uses SkipWhile to get the  elements of the array  starting from the first element less than its position

            #endregion Partitioning Operators 20 to 27

            #region Ordering Operators 28 to 39

            samples.Linq28(); // This sample uses orderby to sort a list of words alphabetically
            samples.Linq29(); // This sample uses orderby to sort a list of words by length
            samples.Linq30(); // This sample uses orderby to sort a list of products by name. Use the \"descending\" keyword at the end of the clause to perform a reverse ordering
            samples.Linq31(); // This sample uses an  OrderBy clause with a custom comparer to do a case-insensitive sort of the words in an array
            samples.Linq32(); // This sample uses  orderby and  descending to sort a list of doubles from highest to lowest
            samples.Linq33(); // This sample uses  orderby to sort a list of products by units in stock from highest to lowest
            samples.Linq34(); // This sample uses method syntax to call OrderByDescending  because it enables you to use a custom comparer
            samples.Linq35(); // This sample uses a compound  orderby to  sort a list of digits,  first by length of their name, and then alphabetically by the name itself
            samples.Linq36(); // The first query in this sample uses method syntax to call OrderBy and ThenBy with a
            // custom comparer to sort first by word length and then by a case-insensitive sort of
            // the words in an array.  The second two queries show another way to perform the same task
            samples.Linq37(); // This sample uses a compound  orderby to sort a list of products,  first by category, and then by unit price, from highest to lowest
            samples.Linq38(); // This sample uses an OrderBy and a ThenBy clause with a custom comparer to sort first
            // by word length and  then by a case-insensitive  descending  sort of  the words in an array

            samples.Linq39(); // This sample uses Reverse to  create a list of  all digits in the  array whose second letter is 'i' that is reversed from the order in the original array

            #endregion OrderingOperators

            # region Grouping Operators 40 to 45