public EntityPrimaryKeyMap() : base() { object entityconfig = new TC(); object config = _configurationPropertyInfo.GetValue(entityconfig); var tableName = (string)_tableNamePropertyInfo.GetValue(config); string schema = (string)_schemaNamePropertyInfo.GetValue(config); this.ToTable(tableName, schema); IEnumerable <PropertyInfo> keys = (IEnumerable <PropertyInfo>)_keyPropertiesPropertyInfo.GetValue(config); Type dynamicType = LinqRuntimeTypeBuilder.GetDynamicType(keys); var paramEx = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "m"); ConstructorInfo ci = dynamicType.GetConstructor(keys.Select(k => k.PropertyType).ToArray()); NewExpression nexp = Expression.New(ci, keys.Select(k => Expression.Property(paramEx, k)), dynamicType.GetFields()); Expression selector = Expression.Lambda(nexp, paramEx); _hasKeyMethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(dynamicType).Invoke(this, new object[] { selector }); foreach (var otherprop in typeof(T).GetProperties().Where(p => !keys.Any(k => k.Name == p.Name))) { Expression ignoreSelector = Expression.Lambda(Expression.Property(paramEx, otherprop), paramEx); _ignoreMethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(otherprop.PropertyType).Invoke(this, new object[] { ignoreSelector }); } }
//public static IQueryable SelectDynamic(this IQueryable source, string select) //{ // JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer(); // var d = (Dictionary<string,string>) js.Deserialize(select, typeof(Dictionary<string, string>)); // return SelectDynamic(source, (Dictionary<string, string>)d); //} public static IQueryable SelectDynamic(this IQueryable source, Dictionary <string, string> fieldNames) { Dictionary <string, PropertyInfo> sourceProperties = fieldNames.ToDictionary(name => name.Key, name => source.ElementType.GetDynamicProperty(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name.Value) ? name.Key : name.Value)); ParameterExpression sourceItem = Expression.Parameter(source.ElementType, "t"); LinqFields fields = new LinqFields(); foreach (var item in fieldNames.OrderBy(x => x.Key)) { LinqField f = new LinqField { }; f.Name = item.Key; f.PropertyPath = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.Value) ? item.Key : item.Value; f.Property = source.ElementType.GetDynamicProperty(f.PropertyPath); f.Type = f.Property.PropertyType; f.Expression = LinqRuntimeTypeBuilder.NestedProperty(sourceItem, source.ElementType, f.PropertyPath); fields.Add(f); } Type dynamicType = LinqRuntimeTypeBuilder.GetDynamicType(fields); Expression selector = Expression.Lambda(Expression.MemberInit(Expression.New(dynamicType), fields.Select(x => Expression.Bind(dynamicType.GetField("_" + x.Name), x.Expression)).ToArray()), sourceItem); return(source.Provider.CreateQuery(Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), "Select", new Type[] { source.ElementType, dynamicType }, Expression.Constant(source), selector))); }
public void Main() { // This expression creates a new TestMemberInitClass object // and assigns 10 to its sample property. var sourceProperties = new Dictionary <string, Type>() { { "PTestEntity", typeof(TestInput) } }; Type dynamicType = LinqRuntimeTypeBuilder.GetDynamicType(sourceProperties); // var pExpresion = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TestInput), "i"); var paramerExpression = sourceProperties.Select(t => Expression.Parameter(t.Value, t.Key)); var memberInitExpression = paramerExpression.Select(t => Expression.Bind(dynamicType.GetMember(t.Name).FirstOrDefault(), t)); Expression testExpr = Expression.MemberInit( Expression.New(dynamicType), memberInitExpression ); // The following statement first creates an expression tree, // then compiles it, and then runs it. var testLambda = Expression.Lambda <Func <TestInput, dynamic> >(testExpr, paramerExpression); var test = testLambda.Compile()(new TestInput() { sample = 12 }); var a = test.sample.sample; Console.WriteLine(test.sample); }
private static void AddFieldWithIdArgumentIfExists <TContextType>(MappedSchemaProvider <TContextType> schema, Type contextType, Field fieldProp) { if (!fieldProp.Resolve.Type.IsEnumerableOrArray()) { return; } var schemaType = schema.Type(fieldProp.ReturnTypeClrSingle); // Find the first field named "id" or "<fieldProp.Name>Id" to turn into a field with arguments var idFieldDef = schemaType.GetFields().FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name.ToLower() == "id" || f.Name.ToLower() == $"{fieldProp.Name.ToLower()}id"); if (idFieldDef == null) { return; } // Save a little bit of typing and clean things up. var idFieldName = idFieldDef.Name; // We need to build an anonymous type with id = RequiredField<idFieldDef.Resolve.Type>() // Resulting lambda is (a, p) => a.Where(b => b.Id == p.Id).First() // This allows us to "insert" .Select() (and .Include()) before the .First() var requiredFieldType = typeof(RequiredField <>).MakeGenericType(idFieldDef.Resolve.Type); var fieldNameAndType = new Dictionary <string, Type> { { idFieldName, requiredFieldType } }; var argTypes = LinqRuntimeTypeBuilder.GetDynamicType(fieldNameAndType); var argTypesValue = argTypes.GetTypeInfo().GetConstructors()[0].Invoke(new Type[0]); var argTypeParam = Expression.Parameter(argTypes); Type arrayContextType = schema.Type(fieldProp.ReturnTypeClrSingle).ContextType; var arrayContextParam = Expression.Parameter(arrayContextType); var ctxId = Expression.PropertyOrField(arrayContextParam, $"{char.ToUpper(idFieldName[0])}{idFieldName.Substring(1)}"); Expression argId = Expression.PropertyOrField(argTypeParam, idFieldName); argId = Expression.Property(argId, "Value"); // call RequiredField<>.Value to get the real type without a convert var idBody = Expression.MakeBinary(ExpressionType.Equal, ctxId, argId); var idLambda = Expression.Lambda(idBody, new[] { arrayContextParam }); Expression body = ExpressionUtil.MakeExpressionCall(new[] { typeof(Queryable), typeof(Enumerable) }, "Where", new Type[] { arrayContextType }, fieldProp.Resolve, idLambda); body = ExpressionUtil.MakeExpressionCall(new[] { typeof(Queryable), typeof(Enumerable) }, "FirstOrDefault", new Type[] { arrayContextType }, body); var contextParam = Expression.Parameter(contextType); var lambdaParams = new[] { contextParam, argTypeParam }; body = new ParameterReplacer().ReplaceByType(body, contextType, contextParam); var selectionExpression = Expression.Lambda(body, lambdaParams); var name = fieldProp.Name.Singularize(); if (name == null) { // If we can't singularize it just use the name plus something as GraphQL doesn't support field overloads name = $"{fieldProp.Name}"; } var field = new Field(name, selectionExpression, $"Return a {fieldProp.ReturnTypeClrSingle} by its Id", fieldProp.ReturnTypeClrSingle, argTypesValue); schema.AddField(field); }
public static IQueryable SelectDynamic(this IQueryable source, params string[] fieldNames) { Dictionary <string, PropertyInfo> sourceProperties = fieldNames.ToDictionary(name => name, name => source.ElementType.GetProperty(name)); Type dynamicType = LinqRuntimeTypeBuilder.GetDynamicType(sourceProperties.Values); ParameterExpression sourceItem = Expression.Parameter(source.ElementType, "t"); IEnumerable <MemberBinding> bindings = dynamicType.GetFields().Select(p => Expression.Bind(p, Expression.Property(sourceItem, sourceProperties[p.Name]))).OfType <MemberBinding>(); Expression selector = Expression.Lambda(Expression.MemberInit(Expression.New(dynamicType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes)), bindings), sourceItem); return(source.Provider.CreateQuery(Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), "Select", new Type[] { source.ElementType, dynamicType }, Expression.Constant(source), selector))); }
public static Expression CreateNewExpression(Expression currentContext, IEnumerable <DataApiNode> fieldExpressions, ISchemaProvider schemaProvider, out Type dynamicType) { var fieldExpressionsByName = fieldExpressions.ToDictionary(f => f.Name, f => f.Expression); dynamicType = LinqRuntimeTypeBuilder.GetDynamicType(fieldExpressions.ToDictionary(f => f.Name, f => f.Expression.Type)); var bindings = dynamicType.GetFields().Select(p => Expression.Bind(p, fieldExpressionsByName[p.Name])).OfType <MemberBinding>(); var newExp = Expression.New(dynamicType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes)); var mi = Expression.MemberInit(newExp, bindings); return(mi); }
private static void AddFieldWithIdArgumentIfExists <TContextType>(SchemaProvider <TContextType> schema, Type contextType, Field fieldProp) { if (!fieldProp.Resolve.Type.IsEnumerableOrArray()) { return; } var schemaType = fieldProp.ReturnType.SchemaType; var idFieldDef = schemaType.GetFields().FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == "id"); if (idFieldDef == null) { return; } // We need to build an anonymous type with id = RequiredField<idFieldDef.Resolve.Type>() // Resulting lambda is (a, p) => a.Where(b => b.Id == p.Id).First() // This allows us to "insert" .Select() (and .Include()) before the .First() var requiredFieldType = typeof(RequiredField <>).MakeGenericType(idFieldDef.Resolve.Type); var fieldNameAndType = new Dictionary <string, Type> { { "id", requiredFieldType } }; var argTypes = LinqRuntimeTypeBuilder.GetDynamicType(fieldNameAndType); var argTypesValue = argTypes.GetTypeInfo().GetConstructors()[0].Invoke(new Type[0]); var argTypeParam = Expression.Parameter(argTypes, $"args_{argTypes.Name}"); Type arrayContextType = schemaType.ContextType; var arrayContextParam = Expression.Parameter(arrayContextType, $"arrcxt_{arrayContextType.Name}"); var ctxId = Expression.PropertyOrField(arrayContextParam, "Id"); Expression argId = Expression.PropertyOrField(argTypeParam, "id"); argId = Expression.Property(argId, "Value"); // call RequiredField<>.Value to get the real type without a convert var idBody = Expression.MakeBinary(ExpressionType.Equal, ctxId, argId); var idLambda = Expression.Lambda(idBody, new[] { arrayContextParam }); Expression body = ExpressionUtil.MakeCallOnQueryable("Where", new Type[] { arrayContextType }, fieldProp.Resolve, idLambda); body = ExpressionUtil.MakeCallOnQueryable("FirstOrDefault", new Type[] { arrayContextType }, body); var contextParam = Expression.Parameter(contextType, $"cxt_{contextType.Name}"); var lambdaParams = new[] { contextParam, argTypeParam }; body = new ParameterReplacer().ReplaceByType(body, contextType, contextParam); var selectionExpression = Expression.Lambda(body, lambdaParams); var name = fieldProp.Name.Singularize(); if (name == null) { // If we can't singularize it just use the name plus something as GraphQL doesn't support field overloads name = $"{fieldProp.Name}ById"; } var field = new Field(schema, name, selectionExpression, $"Return a {fieldProp.ReturnType.SchemaType.Name} by its Id", argTypesValue, new GqlTypeInfo(fieldProp.ReturnType.SchemaTypeGetter, selectionExpression.Body.Type), fieldProp.AuthorizeClaims); schema.AddField(field); }
private static void AddFieldWithIdArgumentIfExists <TContextType>(MappedSchemaProvider <TContextType> schema, Type contextType, Field fieldProp) { if (!fieldProp.Resolve.Type.IsEnumerable()) { return; } var schemaType = schema.Type(fieldProp.ReturnSchemaType); var idFieldDef = schemaType.GetFields().FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == "Id"); if (idFieldDef == null) { return; } // We need to build an anonymous type with id = RequiredField<idFieldDef.Resolve.Type>() // Resulting lambda is (a, p) => a.Where(b => b.Id == p.Id).First() // This allows us to "insert" .Select() (and .Include()) before the .First() var requiredFieldType = typeof(RequiredField <>).MakeGenericType(idFieldDef.Resolve.Type); var fieldNameAndType = new Dictionary <string, Type> { { "id", requiredFieldType } }; var argTypes = LinqRuntimeTypeBuilder.GetDynamicType(fieldNameAndType); var argTypesValue = argTypes.GetTypeInfo().GetConstructors()[0].Invoke(new Type[0]); var argTypeParam = Expression.Parameter(argTypes); Type arrayContextType = schema.Type(fieldProp.ReturnSchemaType).ContextType; var arrayContextParam = Expression.Parameter(arrayContextType); var ctxId = Expression.PropertyOrField(arrayContextParam, "Id"); Expression argId = Expression.PropertyOrField(argTypeParam, "id"); argId = Expression.Property(argId, "Value"); // call RequiredField<>.Value to get the real type without a convert var idBody = Expression.MakeBinary(ExpressionType.Equal, ctxId, argId); var idLambda = Expression.Lambda(idBody, new[] { arrayContextParam }); Expression body = ExpressionUtil.MakeExpressionCall(new[] { typeof(Queryable), typeof(Enumerable) }, "Where", new Type[] { arrayContextType }, fieldProp.Resolve, idLambda); body = ExpressionUtil.MakeExpressionCall(new[] { typeof(Queryable), typeof(Enumerable) }, "FirstOrDefault", new Type[] { arrayContextType }, body); var contextParam = Expression.Parameter(contextType); var lambdaParams = new[] { contextParam, argTypeParam }; body = new ParameterReplacer().ReplaceByType(body, contextType, contextParam); var selectionExpression = Expression.Lambda(body, lambdaParams); var field = new Field(fieldProp.Name.Singularize(), selectionExpression, $"Return {fieldProp.ReturnSchemaType} by Id", fieldProp.ReturnSchemaType, argTypesValue); schema.AddField(field); }
/// <summary> /// Select properties according to property names from source. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// This method is copied from StackOverflow answer ( /// Alterations and additions made by Adil Mammadov. /// </remarks> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> /// When source or propertyNames is null. /// </exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"> /// When there is no item in propertyNames. /// </exception> /// <param name="source">Source to select from.</param> /// <param name="propertyNames">Name of properties to get data according to.</param> /// <returns>The result as IQueryable.</returns> public static IQueryable <object> SelectDynamic( this IQueryable source, IEnumerable <string> propertyNames) { if (source == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source)); } if (propertyNames == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(propertyNames)); } if (propertyNames.Count() == 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("propertyNames", "There is no propertyName in propertyNames"); } Dictionary <string, PropertyInfo> sourceProperties = propertyNames .ToDictionary(name => name, name => source.ElementType.GetProperty(name)); // Create anonymous type at runtime Type dynamicType = LinqRuntimeTypeBuilder.GetDynamicType(sourceProperties.Values); ParameterExpression sourceItem = Expression.Parameter(source.ElementType, "m"); IEnumerable <MemberBinding> bindings = dynamicType.GetProperties() .Select(p => Expression.Bind(p, Expression.Property(sourceItem, sourceProperties[p.Name]))) .OfType <MemberBinding>(); Expression selector = Expression.Lambda(Expression.MemberInit( Expression.New(dynamicType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes)), bindings), sourceItem); IQueryable queryResult = source.Provider.CreateQuery( Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), "Select", new Type[] { source.ElementType, dynamicType }, source.Expression, selector)); // Cast to IQueryable<object> to be able to use Linq return((IQueryable <object>)queryResult); }
public static IQueryable <dynamic> Join <TOuter, TInner, TKey>(this IQueryable <TOuter> outer, IEnumerable <TInner> inner, Expression <Func <TOuter, TKey> > outerKeySelector, Expression <Func <TInner, TKey> > innerKeySelector) { var sourceProperties = new Dictionary <string, Type>() { // { "AbpUsers2",typeof(AbpUsers) }, { "AbpUsers4",typeof(AbpUsers) }, }; Type dynamicType = LinqRuntimeTypeBuilder.GetDynamicType(sourceProperties); NewExpression selector = Expression.New(dynamicType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes)); var lambdaLInq = Expression.Lambda <Func <TOuter, TInner, dynamic> >(selector); return(outer.Provider.CreateQuery <dynamic>(Expression.Call(null, GetMethodInfo1 <IQueryable <TOuter>, IEnumerable <TInner>, Expression <Func <TOuter, TKey> >, Expression <Func <TInner, TKey> >, Expression <Func <TOuter, TInner, dynamic> >, IQueryable <dynamic> >( Queryable.Join, outer, inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector), outer.Expression, GetSourceExpression(inner), (Expression)Expression.Quote(outerKeySelector), (Expression)Expression.Quote(innerKeySelector), (Expression)Expression.Quote(selector)))); }
public static Expression <Func <TSource, TResult> > SelectBuild <TSource, TResult>(IEnumerable <string> properties) { Type sourceType = typeof(TSource); Dictionary <string, PropertyInfo> sourceProperties = sourceType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance) .Where(prop => { if (!prop.CanRead) { return(false); } return(properties.Contains(prop.Name, new MemberNameEqualityComparer())); }).ToDictionary(p => p.Name, p => p); Type dynamicType = LinqRuntimeTypeBuilder.GetDynamicType(sourceProperties.Values); ParameterExpression sourceItem = Expression.Parameter(sourceType, "t"); IEnumerable <MemberBinding> bindings = dynamicType.GetRuntimeProperties().Select(p => Expression.Bind(p, Expression.Property(sourceItem, sourceProperties[p.Name]))).OfType <MemberBinding>(); return(Expression.Lambda <Func <TSource, TResult> >(Expression.MemberInit( Expression.New(dynamicType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes)), bindings), sourceItem)); // Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>> selector = null; // var tSourceType = typeof(TSource); // var left=Expression.Parameter(tSourceType,"x"); // System.Linq.Expressions.NewExpression newExpression = System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.New(tSourceType); // var memberInfos = tSourceType.GetMembers(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); // var memberInfoFilters = memberInfos.Where(x => properties.Contains(x.Name, new MemberNameEqualityComparer())); // var MemberBindings = memberInfoFilters.Select(x => // System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.Bind( // x, // Expression.Property(left,x.Name))); // System.Linq.Expressions.MemberInitExpression memberInitExpression = // System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.MemberInit(newExpression,MemberBindings); // selector= Expression.Lambda<Func<TSource, TResult>>(memberInitExpression,new ParameterExpression[]{left}); // return selector; }
/// <summary> /// execute the proper fetch /// </summary> /// <param name="page"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool ExecuteFetch(long page) { bool ret = false; try { //open the client connection using (var client = ExternalServiceClient.GetClient(m_Properties.Server)) { //temp parameters until we get SQL TO BQL //var mapreduce = "SELECT Count() GROUP BY Date INTERVAL Day"; var mapreduce = Sql; //var mapreduce = "Get Mentions"; var minDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-100); var maxDate = DateTime.UtcNow; string query = ""; //string command = "-nocount"; string command = ""; //create the paging string //??how do I specify the page?? string paging = "";// string.Format("__paging__ORDERED BY Date LIMIT {0}", m_Properties.RowsToFetch); //init the data m_Data.Clear(); //make the query //var cursor = client.GetCursor(m_Properties.Catalog, "__ql__" + query, "__ql__" + mapreduce, "__default__", null, command); var datapoints = client.GetData(m_Properties.Catalog, "__ql__" + query, "__ql__" + mapreduce, "__default__", null, command); //var datapoints = client.GetData(m_Properties.Catalog, "__ql__" + query, null, null, paging, minDate, maxDate, command); //this is the call to pass the sql through to bermuda //var datapoints = client.GetData(Sql); //check results if (datapoints != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(datapoints.Data) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(datapoints.DataType)) { //build the returned data object obj = LinqRuntimeTypeBuilder.DeserializeJson(datapoints.Data, datapoints.DataType, true); Type type = obj.GetType(); Array array = obj as Array; //check for results returned if (array.Length > 0) { //parse the results foreach (var item in array) { //check if we need to init the columns if (m_Columns.Count == 0) { //init the columns InitializeColumns(item); } //add this row AddRow(item); } } //set the actual row size //RowCount = TotalItemsToFetch; } } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } return(ret); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the queryable. /// </summary> /// <param name="entityType">Type of the entity.</param> /// <param name="entityFields">The entity fields.</param> /// <param name="attributes">The attributes.</param> /// <param name="selectComponents">The select components.</param> /// <param name="sortProperty">The sort property.</param> /// <param name="dataViewFilterOverrides">The data view filter overrides.</param> /// <param name="databaseTimeoutSeconds">The database timeout seconds.</param> /// <param name="isCommunication">if set to <c>true</c> [is communication].</param> /// <param name="errorMessages">The error messages.</param> /// <param name="reportDbContext">The report database context.</param> /// <returns></returns> /// <exception cref="Exception"></exception> public IQueryable GetQueryable(Type entityType, Dictionary <int, EntityField> entityFields, Dictionary <int, AttributeCache> attributes, Dictionary <int, ReportField> selectComponents, Rock.Web.UI.Controls.SortProperty sortProperty, DataViewFilterOverrides dataViewFilterOverrides, int?databaseTimeoutSeconds, bool isCommunication, out List <string> errorMessages, out System.Data.Entity.DbContext reportDbContext) { errorMessages = new List <string>(); reportDbContext = null; if (entityType != null) { reportDbContext = Reflection.GetDbContextForEntityType(entityType); IService serviceInstance = Reflection.GetServiceForEntityType(entityType, reportDbContext); if (databaseTimeoutSeconds.HasValue) { reportDbContext.Database.CommandTimeout = databaseTimeoutSeconds.Value; } if (serviceInstance != null) { ParameterExpression paramExpression = serviceInstance.ParameterExpression; MemberExpression idExpression = Expression.Property(paramExpression, "Id"); // Get AttributeValue queryable and parameter var attributeValues = reportDbContext.Set <AttributeValue>(); ParameterExpression attributeValueParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(AttributeValue), "v"); // Create the dynamic type var dynamicFields = new Dictionary <string, Type>(); dynamicFields.Add("Id", typeof(int)); foreach (var f in entityFields) { dynamicFields.Add(string.Format("Entity_{0}_{1}", f.Value.Name, f.Key), f.Value.PropertyType); } foreach (var a in attributes) { dynamicFields.Add(string.Format("Attribute_{0}_{1}", a.Value.Id, a.Key), a.Value.FieldType.Field.AttributeValueFieldType); } foreach (var reportField in selectComponents) { DataSelectComponent selectComponent = DataSelectContainer.GetComponent(reportField.Value.DataSelectComponentEntityType.Name); if (selectComponent != null) { dynamicFields.Add(string.Format("Data_{0}_{1}", selectComponent.ColumnPropertyName, reportField.Key), selectComponent.ColumnFieldType); var customSortProperties = selectComponent.SortProperties(reportField.Value.Selection); if (customSortProperties != null) { foreach (var customSortProperty in customSortProperties.Split(',')) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(customSortProperty)) { var customSortPropertyType = entityType.GetPropertyType(customSortProperty); dynamicFields.Add(string.Format("Sort_{0}_{1}", customSortProperty, reportField.Key), customSortPropertyType ?? typeof(string)); } } } if (isCommunication && selectComponent is IRecipientDataSelect) { dynamicFields.Add($"Recipient_{selectComponent.ColumnPropertyName}_{reportField.Key}", ((IRecipientDataSelect)selectComponent).RecipientColumnFieldType); } } } if (dynamicFields.Count == 0) { errorMessages.Add("At least one field must be defined"); return(null); } Type dynamicType = LinqRuntimeTypeBuilder.GetDynamicType(dynamicFields); ConstructorInfo methodFromHandle = dynamicType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes); // Bind the dynamic fields to their expressions var bindings = new List <MemberAssignment>(); bindings.Add(Expression.Bind(dynamicType.GetField("id"), idExpression)); foreach (var f in entityFields) { bindings.Add(Expression.Bind(dynamicType.GetField(string.Format("entity_{0}_{1}", f.Value.Name, f.Key)), Expression.Property(paramExpression, f.Value.Name))); } foreach (var a in attributes) { bindings.Add(Expression.Bind(dynamicType.GetField(string.Format("attribute_{0}_{1}", a.Value.Id, a.Key)), GetAttributeValueExpression(attributeValues, attributeValueParameter, idExpression, a.Value.Id))); } foreach (var reportField in selectComponents) { DataSelectComponent selectComponent = DataSelectContainer.GetComponent(reportField.Value.DataSelectComponentEntityType.Name); if (selectComponent != null) { try { var componentExpression = selectComponent.GetExpression(reportDbContext, idExpression, reportField.Value.Selection ?? string.Empty); if (componentExpression == null) { componentExpression = Expression.Constant(null, typeof(string)); } bindings.Add(Expression.Bind(dynamicType.GetField(string.Format("data_{0}_{1}", selectComponent.ColumnPropertyName, reportField.Key)), componentExpression)); if (isCommunication && selectComponent is IRecipientDataSelect) { var recipientPersonIdExpression = ((IRecipientDataSelect)selectComponent).GetRecipientPersonIdExpression(reportDbContext, idExpression, reportField.Value.Selection ?? string.Empty); if (recipientPersonIdExpression != null) { bindings.Add(Expression.Bind(dynamicType.GetField(string.Format("recipient_{0}_{1}", selectComponent.ColumnPropertyName, reportField.Key)), recipientPersonIdExpression)); } } var customSortProperties = selectComponent.SortProperties(reportField.Value.Selection); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customSortProperties)) { foreach (var customSortProperty in customSortProperties.Split(',')) { var customSortPropertyParts = customSortProperty.Split('.'); MemberInfo memberInfo = dynamicType.GetField(string.Format("sort_{0}_{1}", customSortProperty, reportField.Key)); Expression memberExpression = null; foreach (var customSortPropertyPart in customSortPropertyParts) { memberExpression = Expression.Property(memberExpression ?? paramExpression, customSortPropertyPart); } bindings.Add(Expression.Bind(memberInfo, memberExpression)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Exception in {0}", selectComponent), ex); } } } ConstructorInfo constructorInfo = dynamicType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes); NewExpression newExpression = Expression.New(constructorInfo); MemberInitExpression memberInitExpression = Expression.MemberInit(newExpression, bindings); LambdaExpression selector = Expression.Lambda(memberInitExpression, paramExpression); // NOTE: having a NULL Dataview is OK. Expression whereExpression = null; if (this.DataView != null) { whereExpression = this.DataView.GetExpression(serviceInstance, paramExpression, dataViewFilterOverrides, out errorMessages); } MethodInfo getMethod = serviceInstance.GetType().GetMethod("Get", new Type[] { typeof(ParameterExpression), typeof(Expression), typeof(Rock.Web.UI.Controls.SortProperty), typeof(int?) }); if (getMethod != null) { var getResult = getMethod.Invoke(serviceInstance, new object[] { paramExpression, whereExpression, null, null }); var qry = getResult as IQueryable <IEntity>; var qryExpression = qry.Expression; // apply the OrderBy clauses to the Expression from whatever columns are specified in sortProperty.Property string orderByMethod = "OrderBy"; if (sortProperty == null) { // if no sorting was specified, sort by Id sortProperty = new Web.UI.Controls.SortProperty { Direction = SortDirection.Ascending, Property = "Id" }; } /* * NOTE: The sort property sorting rules can be a little confusing. Here is how it works: * - SortProperty.Direction of Ascending means sort exactly as what the Columns specification says * - SortProperty.Direction of Descending means sort the _opposite_ of what the Columns specification says * Examples: * 1) SortProperty.Property "LastName desc, FirstName, BirthDate desc" and SortProperty.Direction = Ascending * OrderBy should be: "order by LastName desc, FirstName, BirthDate desc" * 2) SortProperty.Property "LastName desc, FirstName, BirthDate desc" and SortProperty.Direction = Descending * OrderBy should be: "order by LastName, FirstName desc, BirthDate" */ foreach (var column in sortProperty.Property.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) { string propertyName; var direction = sortProperty.Direction; if (column.EndsWith(" desc", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { propertyName = column.Left(column.Length - 5); // if the column ends with " desc", toggle the direction if sortProperty is Descending direction = sortProperty.Direction == SortDirection.Ascending ? SortDirection.Descending : SortDirection.Ascending; } else { propertyName = column; } string methodName = direction == SortDirection.Descending ? orderByMethod + "Descending" : orderByMethod; // Call OrderBy on whatever the Expression is for that Column var sortMember = bindings.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Member.Name.Equals(propertyName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); LambdaExpression sortSelector = Expression.Lambda(sortMember.Expression, paramExpression); qryExpression = Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), methodName, new Type[] { qry.ElementType, sortSelector.ReturnType }, qryExpression, sortSelector); orderByMethod = "ThenBy"; } var selectExpression = Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), "Select", new Type[] { qry.ElementType, dynamicType }, qryExpression, selector); var query = qry.Provider.CreateQuery(selectExpression).AsNoTracking(); // cast to a dynamic so that we can do a Queryable.Take (the compiler figures out the T in IQueryable at runtime) dynamic dquery = query; if (FetchTop.HasValue) { dquery = Queryable.Take(dquery, FetchTop.Value); } return(dquery as IQueryable); } } } return(null); }
static void Main(string[] args) { AssemblyBuilder _assemblyBuilder = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(new AssemblyName("MyBuilder"), AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run); ModuleBuilder _moduleBuilder = _assemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule("MyModule"); var typeBuilder = _moduleBuilder.DefineType("lulz43", TypeAttributes.Class | TypeAttributes.Public); var fieldBuilder = typeBuilder.DefineField("zomglist", typeof(List <long>), FieldAttributes.Public); var cctor = typeBuilder.DefineConstructor(MethodAttributes.Public, CallingConventions.Standard | CallingConventions.HasThis, new Type[0]); var ilGenerator = cctor.GetILGenerator(); MakeCtor(new FieldBuilder[] { fieldBuilder }, ilGenerator); var type32 = typeBuilder.CreateType(); //var lolzfda = Activator.CreateInstance(type32); var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Mention), "x"); var tags = Expression.MakeMemberAccess(param, typeof(Mention).GetField("Tags")); var ds = Expression.MakeMemberAccess(param, typeof(Mention).GetField("Datasources")); var a = new List <int> { 1, 2 }; var b = new List <int> { 3, 4 }; var c = new List <int> { 5, 6 }; var joinedlistsexpressions = UnionEnumerableExpressions(new Expression[] { tags, ds, tags, ds }); var joinedlists = ToArrayCollection(UnionEnumerables(new object[] { a, b, c }), typeof(int)); //var lol = Convert.ChangeType("5", typeof(string)); var listlol = DataHelper.GetMentions(10000); //var sqlexpr = new EvoSQLExpression("SELECT Type, Color, Count() FROM Cats GROUP BY Color, Fur"); //Console.WriteLine(sqlexpr.Tree.ToString()); var tzs = TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones(); var query22 = "SELECT Type FROM (SELECT Type GROUP BY Type)"; var query23 = "SELECT Sentiment FROM (SELECT Sentiment, Id FROM Mentions)"; var query24 = @" SELECT SUM({fn CONVERT(1, SQL_BIGINT)}) AS ""sum_Number_of_Records_qk"" , { fn TIMESTAMPADD ( SQL_TSI_MONTH, CAST ( {fn TRUNCATE((3 * (CAST({fn TRUNCATE({fn QUARTER(""Mentions"".""Date"")},0)} AS INTEGER) - 1)),0)} AS INTEGER), {fn TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,CAST({fn TRUNCATE(-({fn DAYOFYEAR(""Mentions"".""Date"")} - 1),0)} AS INTEGER), CAST(""Mentions"".""Date"" AS DATE))} ) } AS ""tqr_Date_qk"" FROM ""Bermuda"".""Mentions"" ""Mentions"" GROUP BY ""tqr_Date_qk"""; var query24mini = @" SELECT SUM({fn CONVERT(1, SQL_BIGINT)}) AS ""sum_Number_of_Records_qk"", { fn TIMESTAMPADD( SQL_TSI_MONTH, CAST({fn TRUNCATE(3,3)} as sql_bigint), Date ) } AS ""tqr_Date_qk"" FROM ""Bermuda"".""Mentions"" ""Mentions"" GROUP BY ""tqr_Date_qk"""; var reduceexpr1 = EvoQLBuilder.GetReduceExpression("SELECT Average(NulNum), * GROUP BY IsDisabled, Interval(OccurredOn, \"Year\", 0)", typeof(MentionTest2), true); var reduceexpr11 = EvoQLBuilder.GetReduceExpression("SELECT Count() WHERE IsDisabled NulNum>5 Tags:5", typeof(MentionTest2), true); var sellol52 = EvoQLBuilder.GetReduceExpression("SELECT Count() as Value, * GROUP BY TOP 5 Tags as Id VIA Count(), Interval(Date,Day,-5) as Id2", typeof(Mention), true); //var whereexpr2 = EvoQLBuilder.GetWhereExpression("GET Activity WHERE Whateverz:50 DONCAER:OK jkdsadasjd DATE>\"2012/06/04 16:19:58\"", typeof(Mention)); var sellol3 = EvoQLBuilder.GetReduceExpression(query24, typeof(Mention), true); var sellol4 = EvoQLBuilder.GetMergeExpression(query24, typeof(Mention), null); //var sellol5 = EvoQLBuilder.GetReduceExpression("SELECT SUM({fn CONVERT(CONVERT(Sentiment, SQL_BIGINT), SQL_BIGINT)}) \"sum_Number_of_Records_qk\" FROM Nulz", typeof(Mention), true); var sellol7 = EvoQLBuilder.GetReduceExpression("SELECT -Sentiment+Influence as Ten", typeof(Mention), true); var sellol6 = EvoQLBuilder.GetReduceExpression("SELECT Sentiment+Influence as Ten, -Interval(Date, Day,-5) as DLOL , -Sentiment as neg, cat cat, Sentiment as S FROM Lulzcol Lulzforsur", typeof(Mention), true); var sellol = EvoQLBuilder.GetReduceExpression("SELECT \"Mentions\".\"Name\", Sentiment, {fn DatePart(Date,Hour,-5)} as Hour FROM Whatever as Lol", typeof(Mention), true); var kdsadsa = EvoQLBuilder.GetCollections(null, "SELECT Sentiment FROM Mentions metn", null, null); //var whereexpr = EvoQLBuilder.GetWhereExpression("Themes:lol NOT:(lol or hi or bye) (Tag:((@52 OR @75) AND NOT:(@53)) ) Tags:5 DATE:-13.551235..-12.551235 (Sentiment:(-100..100 OR -100..100) ) ", typeof(Mention)); var mergeexpr = EvoQLBuilder.GetMergeExpression("SELECT Average(Sentiment) as C GROUP BY Interval(Date, Day, -5) as IntervalTheKilla FROM sigh", typeof(Mention), null); var zomg = "SELECT 5+5 as lol FROM Mentions"; var red = EvoQLBuilder.GetReduceExpression(zomg, typeof(Mention), true); var red2 = EvoQLBuilder.GetMergeExpression(zomg, typeof(Mention), null); var cols = EvoQLBuilder.GetCollections("GET Mention DATE:\"2012/04/09 04:00:00\"..\"2012/04/10 04:00:00\" ( ( (Tag:@2 )))", "SELECT Sum(Followers) AS Count, * FROM Catz", null, null); //var reduceexpr = EvoQLBuilder.GetReduceExpression("SELECT Count(*) as Value, Average(Sentiment) as Retard GROUP BY TOP 5 Type VIA Count(), OccurredOn as X INTERVAL Day", typeof(MentionTest)); //var reducestring = "SELECT Count() AS Value GROUP BY TOP 10 Tags VIA Count() AS Id, Datepart(OccurredOn, QuarterHour, -5) AS Id2"; var reducestring = "SELECT Sentiment FROM (SELECT Sentiment, Id FROM Mentions)"; var reduceexpr = EvoQLBuilder.GetReduceExpression(reducestring, typeof(MentionTest)); //var mergeexpr = EvoQLBuilder.GetMergeExpression("SELECT Average(Sentiment), Count() as Lulz GROUP BY Tags, OccurredOn INTERVAL Day WHERE Name:no", typeof(Mention), null); var pagingexpr = EvoQLBuilder.GetPagingExpression("ORDERED BY Date LIMIT 5,25", typeof(Mention)); //var reduceexpr = EvoQLBuilder.GetReduceExpression("CHART Count BY TOP 11 Tags VIA Sentiment OVER Date INTERVAL Day WHERE cats TAG:@1"); //var reduceexpr = ReduceExpressionGeneration.MakeExpression //( // null, // "Count", // new ReduceDimension[] // { // new ReduceDimension{ GroupBy = "Type" }, // new ReduceDimension{ GroupBy = "OccurredOn", Interval = IntervalTypes.Day } // } //); var mytype = LinqRuntimeTypeBuilder.GetDynamicType(new Dictionary <string, Type> { { "Count", typeof(long) }, { "Value", typeof(double) }, { "Zomg", typeof(string) } }); var ctor = Activator.CreateInstance(mytype, false); var type = LinqRuntimeTypeBuilder.GetTypeKey(listlol.GetType().GetGenericArguments().FirstOrDefault()); var json = LinqRuntimeTypeBuilder.SerializeObject(listlol.Take(5).ToList()); var res = LinqRuntimeTypeBuilder.DeserializeJson(json, type, true); var type2 = LinqRuntimeTypeBuilder.GetTypeKey(ReduceExpressionGeneration.GetTypeOfEnumerable(res.GetType())); var type_consistent = type == type2; //var listlol = DataHelper.GetPremadeMentions(); var dsadsadas = listlol.GroupBy(x => x).Select(g => g.FirstOrDefault()); //Console.WriteLine(reduceexpr); Console.WriteLine(mergeexpr); //int serverCount = 20; //int bucketCount = 131; //ServerId == BucketId % ServerCount //var parititions = Enumerable.Range(0, bucketCount).Split(serverCount); //foreach (var s in parititions){ foreach (var b in s) Console.Write(b + "\t"); Console.WriteLine();} //Console.WriteLine(); //parititions = Enumerable.Range(0, bucketCount).Split(serverCount + 3); //foreach (var s in parititions) { foreach (var b in s) Console.Write(b + "\t"); Console.WriteLine(); } //######################################################################## //## TEST REDUCE EXPRESSION //######################################################################## //var poitsad = listlol.AsParallel().GroupBy(m => m.Type).Select(g => new EnumMetadata<IGrouping<string, MentionTest>>() { Enum = g }).Select(gmd => new { Type = gmd.Enum.Key, Type_Hash = (long)(gmd.Enum.Key.GetHashCode()), _Count = gmd.Enum.LongCount() }).ToArray(); var compileMethod = reduceexpr.GetType().GetMethods().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Compile" && x.GetParameters().Length == 0); var mapreduceFunc = compileMethod.Invoke(reduceexpr, new object[0]); var mapReduceFuncInvoke = mapreduceFunc.GetType().GetMethod("Invoke"); var pointenum = mapReduceFuncInvoke.Invoke(mapreduceFunc, new object[] { listlol }); var genericToArrayInfos = typeof(Enumerable).GetMethods().Where(x => x.Name == "ToArray" && x.IsGenericMethod && x.GetParameters().Length == 1); var genericToArrayInfo = genericToArrayInfos.FirstOrDefault(); var enumType = pointenum.GetType(); var pointType = enumType.GetGenericArguments().Last(); var toArrayInfo = genericToArrayInfo.MakeGenericMethod(pointType); Stopwatch sw2 = new Stopwatch(); sw2.Start(); var data = toArrayInfo.Invoke(null, new object[] { pointenum }); sw2.Stop(); var jsonz = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(pointenum); Console.WriteLine(sw2.Elapsed); //var filter = EvoQLBuilder.GetFilterLambda("(b and a) or 23"); //var filtered = listlol.Where(filter.Compile()); //var result = filtered.ToArray(); Console.ReadKey(); //######################################################################## //## BENCHMARK //######################################################################## #region playing with expressions //var expr = EvoQLBuilder.GetReduceExpression("CHART Count BY Type OVER Date WHERE cat"); /* * var validTags = new long[] { 1, 2 }; * * Expression<Func<IEnumerable<Mention>, IEnumerable<Datapoint>>> reduce = collection => * from mention in collection * from tag in mention.Tags * from datasource in mention.Datasources * group mention by new MentionGroup { Id = tag, Id2 = datasource } into g * select new Datapoint { Id = g.Key.Id, Id2 = g.Key.Id2, Timestamp = g.Key.Timestamp }; * * Expression<Func<IEnumerable<Mention>, IEnumerable<Tag>, IEnumerable<Datapoint>>> reduce2 = (mentions, tags) => * from mention in mentions * join tag in tags on mention.Id equals tag.MentionId * group mention by new MentionGroup { Timestamp = mention.OccurredOnTicks, Id = tag.TagId } into g * select new Datapoint { Id = g.Key.Id, Timestamp = g.Key.Timestamp }; * * var dayTicks = TimeSpan.FromDays(1).Ticks; * * Expression<Func<IEnumerable<Mention>, IEnumerable<Datapoint>>> reduce34 = mentions => * from mention in mentions * group mention by mention.OccurredOnTicks - mention.OccurredOnTicks % dayTicks into g * select new Datapoint { Timestamp = g.Key }; * * Expression<Func<IEnumerable<Mention>, IEnumerable<Datapoint>>> reduce33 = mentions => * from mention in mentions * group mention by mention.OccurredOn.Date.Ticks into g * select new Datapoint { Timestamp = g.Key }; * * * * Expression<Func<IEnumerable<Mention>, IEnumerable<Datapoint>>> reduce3 = mentions => * from mention in mentions * from tag in mention.Tags * where validTags.Contains(tag) * group mention by new MentionGroup { Timestamp = mention.OccurredOnTicks, Id = tag } into g * select new Datapoint { Id = g.Key.Id, Timestamp = g.Key.Timestamp }; * * * Expression<Func<IEnumerable<Mention>, IEnumerable<Datapoint>>> mapreduce3 = collection => * collection * .SelectMany(m => m.Tags, (m, t) => new MentionMetadata2 { Mention = m, Id = t }) * .SelectMany(md => md.Mention.Datasources, (md, ds) => new MentionMetadata2 { Child = md, Id = ds }) * .GroupBy(md => new MentionGroup { Timestamp = md.Child.Mention.OccurredOnTicks, Id = md.Child.Id, Id2 = md.Id }) * .Select(x => new Datapoint { Timestamp = x.Key.Timestamp, Id = x.Key.Id, Id2 = x.Key.Id2 }); * * Expression<Func<IEnumerable<Mention>, IEnumerable<Datapoint>>> mapreduce4 = collection => * collection * .SelectMany(m => m.Tags, (m, t) => new MentionMetadata2 { Mention = m, Id = t }) * .GroupBy(mt => mt.Id) * .OrderByDescending(g => g.Count()) * .Take(5) * .SelectMany(x => x) * .GroupBy(md => new MentionGroup { Timestamp = md.Child.Mention.OccurredOnTicks, Id = md.Child.Id, Id2 = md.Id }) * .Select(x => new Datapoint { Timestamp = x.Key.Timestamp, Id = x.Key.Id, Id2 = x.Key.Id2 }); * * * * Expression<Func<IEnumerable<Mention>, IEnumerable<Datapoint>>> mapreduce5 = collection => * collection * .SelectMany(m => m.Tags, (m, t) => new MentionMetadata { Item = m, Id = t }) * .GroupBy(md => md.Id) * .Select(g => new { Group = g, Value = g.Count() }) * .OrderByDescending(md => md.Value) * .Take(5) * .Select(x => new Datapoint()); * * Expression<Func<IEnumerable<Mention>, IEnumerable<Datapoint>>> mapreduce9 = collection => * collection * .AsParallel() * .SelectMany(m => m.Themes, (m, t) => new MentionMetadata { Item = m, Id = t }) * * .GroupBy(md => md.Id, md => md.Item) * .Select(g => new GroupMetadata { Group = g, Value = g.Count() }) * .OrderByDescending(g => g.Value) * .Take(5) * * .SelectMany * ( * gmd => * * gmd.Group.GroupBy(md => md.OccurredOnTicks) * .Select(g => new GroupMetadata { Group = g }) * .Select(gmd2 => new Datapoint { Id = gmd.Group.Key, Id2 = gmd2.Group.Key, CountValue = gmd.Value }) * ); * * Expression<Func<IEnumerable<Mention>, IEnumerable<Datapoint>>> mapreduce6 = collection => * * collection * .AsParallel() * .SelectMany(m => m.Themes, (m, t) => new MentionMetadata { Item = m, Id = t }) * .GroupBy(md => md.Id, md => md.Item) * .Select(g => new GroupMetadata { Group = g, Value = g.Count() }) * .OrderByDescending(g => g.Value) * .Take(5) * * .SelectMany * ( * gmd => * * gmd.Group * .SelectMany(m => m.Tags, (m, t) => new MentionMetadata { Item = m, Id = t }) * .GroupBy(md => md.Id, md => md.Item) * .Select(g => new GroupMetadata { Group = g, Value = gmd.Value }) * .OrderByDescending(g => g.Value) * .Take(2) * * .Select(gmd2 => new Datapoint { Id = gmd.Group.Key, Id2 = gmd2.Group.Key, CountValue = gmd2.Value }) * * * ); */ //ExpressionSerializer serializer = new ExpressionSerializer(); //var xml = serializer.Serialize(mapreduce6); //Expression<Func<IEnumerable<Mention>, IEnumerable<Datapoint>>> dsajkdsa = collection => collection.SelectMany(m => m.Ngrams, (m, t) => new MentionMetadata() { Mention = m, Id = t }).GroupBy(md => new MentionGroup() { Timestamp = md.Mention.OccurredOnTicks, Id2 = md.Id }).Select(x => new Datapoint() { Timestamp = x.Key.Timestamp, Id2 = x.Key.Id2 }); /* * Expression<Func<IEnumerable<Mention>, IEnumerable<Datapoint>>> mapreduce11 = collection => * collection * .SelectMany(m => m.Themes, (m, t) => new MentionMetadata { Item = m, Id = t }) * .GroupBy(md => new MentionGroup { Timestamp = md.Item.OccurredOnTicks, Id2 = md.Id }) * .Select(x => new Datapoint { Timestamp = x.Key.Timestamp, Id2 = x.Key.Id2 });*/ #endregion var exprs = new Expression <Func <IEnumerable <Mention>, IEnumerable <Datapoint> > >[] { }; var sw = new Stopwatch(); foreach (var expr in exprs) { Console.WriteLine(expr); var func = expr.Compile(); sw.Restart(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { //var dsadqw = func(listlol).ToArray(); } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(sw.Elapsed); } Console.ReadKey(); /* * Console.WriteLine("WAITING"); * * * //http://localhost:13866/Connection.External/ExternalService.svc * * var client = GetServiceClient(); * * * Random rng = new Random(); * * while (true) * { * char randomChar = (char)(rng.Next(0, 10) + '0'); * * //ParameterExpression param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(ThriftMention)); * * object[] parameters = new object[] { randomChar }; * * Expression<Func<ThriftMention, object[], bool>> query = (x, p) => x.Description.Contains((char)p[0]); * * Expression<Func<IEnumerable<ThriftMention>, IEnumerable<ThriftDatapoint>>> mapreduce = x => x.SelectMany(y => y.Tags).GroupBy(y => y).Select(y => new ThriftDatapoint { Count = y.Count(), Value = y.Count(), EntityId = y.Key }); * * Expression<Func<IEnumerable<ThriftDatapoint>, double>> merge = x => x.Sum(y => y.Value); * * var domain = "evoapp"; * var minDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-600); * var maxDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1); * * Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); * sw.Start(); * var datapoints = client.GetDatapointList(domain, query, mapreduce, merge, minDate, maxDate, parameters); * sw.Stop(); * * Console.WriteLine("QUERY: " + randomChar); * Console.WriteLine(sw.Elapsed.ToString()); * * Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", datapoints.Select(x => "tag" + x.EntityId + ": " + x.Value + " (" + x.Count + ")"))); * Console.WriteLine(string.Empty); * * Thread.Sleep(1000); * } */ }
/// <summary> /// Gets the data source. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The context.</param> /// <param name="entityType">Type of the entity.</param> /// <param name="entityFields">The entity fields.</param> /// <param name="attributes">The attributes.</param> /// <param name="selectComponents">The select components.</param> /// <param name="sortProperty">The sort property.</param> /// <param name="errorMessages">The error messages.</param> /// <returns></returns> public List <object> GetDataSource(RockContext context, Type entityType, Dictionary <int, EntityField> entityFields, Dictionary <int, AttributeCache> attributes, Dictionary <int, ReportField> selectComponents, Rock.Web.UI.Controls.SortProperty sortProperty, out List <string> errorMessages) { errorMessages = new List <string>(); if (entityType != null) { Type[] modelType = { entityType }; Type genericServiceType = typeof(Rock.Data.Service <>); Type modelServiceType = genericServiceType.MakeGenericType(modelType); object serviceInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(modelServiceType, new object[] { context }); if (serviceInstance != null) { ParameterExpression paramExpression = serviceInstance.GetType().GetProperty("ParameterExpression").GetValue(serviceInstance) as ParameterExpression; MemberExpression idExpression = Expression.Property(paramExpression, "Id"); // Get AttributeValue queryable and parameter var attributeValues = context.Set <AttributeValue>(); ParameterExpression attributeValueParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(AttributeValue), "v"); // Create the dynamic type var dynamicFields = new Dictionary <string, Type>(); foreach (var f in entityFields) { dynamicFields.Add(string.Format("Entity_{0}_{1}", f.Value.Name, f.Key), f.Value.PropertyType); } foreach (var a in attributes) { dynamicFields.Add(string.Format("Attribute_{0}_{1}", a.Value.Id, a.Key), typeof(string)); } foreach (var reportField in selectComponents) { DataSelectComponent selectComponent = DataSelectContainer.GetComponent(reportField.Value.DataSelectComponentEntityType.Name); if (selectComponent != null) { dynamicFields.Add(string.Format("Data_{0}_{1}", selectComponent.ColumnPropertyName, reportField.Key), selectComponent.ColumnFieldType); } } if (dynamicFields.Count == 0) { errorMessages.Add("At least one field must be defined"); return(null); } Type dynamicType = LinqRuntimeTypeBuilder.GetDynamicType(dynamicFields); ConstructorInfo methodFromHandle = dynamicType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes); // Bind the dynamic fields to their expressions var bindings = new List <MemberBinding>(); foreach (var f in entityFields) { bindings.Add(Expression.Bind(dynamicType.GetField(string.Format("entity_{0}_{1}", f.Value.Name, f.Key)), Expression.Property(paramExpression, f.Value.Name))); } foreach (var a in attributes) { bindings.Add(Expression.Bind(dynamicType.GetField(string.Format("attribute_{0}_{1}", a.Value.Id, a.Key)), GetAttributeValueExpression(attributeValues, attributeValueParameter, idExpression, a.Value.Id))); } foreach (var reportField in selectComponents) { DataSelectComponent selectComponent = DataSelectContainer.GetComponent(reportField.Value.DataSelectComponentEntityType.Name); if (selectComponent != null) { bindings.Add(Expression.Bind(dynamicType.GetField(string.Format("data_{0}_{1}", selectComponent.ColumnPropertyName, reportField.Key)), selectComponent.GetExpression(context, idExpression, reportField.Value.Selection))); } } ConstructorInfo constructorInfo = dynamicType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes); NewExpression newExpression = Expression.New(constructorInfo); MemberInitExpression memberInitExpression = Expression.MemberInit(newExpression, bindings); Expression selector = Expression.Lambda(memberInitExpression, paramExpression); Expression whereExpression = this.DataView.GetExpression(serviceInstance, paramExpression, out errorMessages); MethodInfo getMethod = serviceInstance.GetType().GetMethod("Get", new Type[] { typeof(ParameterExpression), typeof(Expression), typeof(Rock.Web.UI.Controls.SortProperty) }); if (getMethod != null) { var getResult = getMethod.Invoke(serviceInstance, new object[] { paramExpression, whereExpression, sortProperty }); var qry = getResult as IQueryable <IEntity>; var selectExpression = Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), "Select", new Type[] { qry.ElementType, dynamicType }, Expression.Constant(qry), selector); var query = qry.Provider.CreateQuery(selectExpression).AsNoTracking(); // enumerate thru the query results and put into a list var reportResult = new List <object>(); var enumerator = query.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { reportResult.Add(enumerator.Current); } return(reportResult); } } } return(null); }
public BermudaResult GetData(string domain, string query, string mapreduce, string merge, string paging, int remdepth, string command, string cursor, string paging2) { var args = ParseCommand(command); bool noCache = args.Contains("-nocache"); bool makeCursor = cursor == MakeCursorToken; bool useCursor = !makeCursor && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cursor); DateTime minDate = DateTime.MinValue; DateTime maxDate = DateTime.MaxValue; if (remdepth > 0) { //map var queryHash = cursor ?? GetQueryHash(domain, query, mapreduce, merge, paging, null); //reduce BermudaResult cachedDatapoints; if (!noCache && CachedData.TryGetValue(queryHash, out cachedDatapoints) && (DateTime.Now.Ticks - cachedDatapoints.CreatedOn) < CacheLifetime) { #if DEBUG if (CacheTraceMessageLevel < 3) { Trace.WriteLine("returned CACHED BLOBS DATAPOINTS results FOR ENTIRE BLOB SET [REMDEPTH:" + remdepth + "]"); } #endif if (useCursor) { var dataType = LinqRuntimeTypeBuilder.GetTypeFromTypeKey(cachedDatapoints.DataType); return(GetCursorData(paging2, cachedDatapoints, dataType)); } else { return(new BermudaResult { DataType = cachedDatapoints.DataType, Data = cachedDatapoints.Data, Metadata = new BermudaNodeStatistic { Notes = "Cache_Hit_1" }, CacheKey = cachedDatapoints.CacheKey }); } } else { if (useCursor) { throw new Exception("Cursor " + cursor + " not found"); } //var assignments = PartitionBlobs(domain, blobInterfaces, minDate, maxDate, false, true); var reducers = HostEnvironment.Instance.GetAvailablePeerConnections(); if (!reducers.Any()) { throw new Exception("Specified dataset not loaded: " + domain); } ConcurrentDictionary <PeerInfo, BermudaResult> results = new ConcurrentDictionary <PeerInfo, BermudaResult>(); Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); List <Task> tasks = new List <Task>(); foreach (var reducer in reducers) { Task t = new Task((peerObj) => { var peerInfo = peerObj as PeerInfo; var initiated = DateTime.Now; var subqueryHash = GetQueryHash(domain, query, mapreduce, merge, paging, peerInfo.ToString()); Stopwatch sw3 = new Stopwatch(); sw3.Start(); //see if the cache contains a matching result and return it if it's not outdated BermudaResult cachedDatapoints2; if (!noCache && CachedData.TryGetValue(subqueryHash, out cachedDatapoints2) && (DateTime.Now.Ticks - cachedDatapoints2.CreatedOn) < CacheLifetime) { if (CacheTraceMessageLevel < 2) { Trace.WriteLine("returned CACHED BLOB DATAPOINT results FOR BLOB SUBSET [REMDEPTH:" + remdepth + "]"); } BermudaResult res = null; if (useCursor) { var dataType2 = LinqRuntimeTypeBuilder.GetTypeFromTypeKey(cachedDatapoints2.DataType); res = GetCursorData(paging2, cachedDatapoints2, dataType2); } else { res = new BermudaResult { DataType = cachedDatapoints2.DataType, Data = cachedDatapoints2.Data, Metadata = new BermudaNodeStatistic { Notes = "Cache_Hit_2" } }; } results[peerInfo] = res; } else { try { Stopwatch sw2 = new Stopwatch(); sw2.Start(); BermudaResult subresult = null; if (peerInfo.Equals(Endpoint)) { subresult = GetData(domain, query, mapreduce, merge, paging, remdepth - 1, command, cursor, paging2); } else { using (var client = HostEnvironment.GetServiceClient(peerInfo)) { subresult = client.GetData(domain, query, mapreduce, merge, paging, remdepth - 1, command, cursor, paging2); } //subresult = GetDataFromPeer(domain, query, mapreduce, merge, minDate, maxDate, remdepth - 1, command, assignment.PeerEndpoint.Endpoint); } sw2.Stop(); subresult.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now.Ticks; subresult.Metadata.Initiated = initiated; subresult.Metadata.Completed = DateTime.Now; subresult.Metadata.OperationTime = sw2.Elapsed; results[peerInfo] = CachedData[subqueryHash] = subresult; } catch (Exception ex) { results[peerInfo] = new BermudaResult { Error = "[Failed Node] " + ex }; } } }, reducer, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning); tasks.Add(t); t.Start(); } Task.WaitAll(tasks.ToArray()); sw.Stop(); #if DEBUG Trace.WriteLine("Join Time:" + sw.Elapsed); #endif if (results.Any(x => x.Value.Error != null)) { throw new BermudaException("Some nodes failed:\r\n" + string.Join("\r\n", results.Select(x => x.Value.Error))); } if (results.All(x => x.Value.Data == null)) { return new BermudaResult { Metadata = new BermudaNodeStatistic { Notes = "No Data" } } } ; //if all results are not the same time throw an error if (results.GroupBy(x => x.Value.DataType).Count() > 1) { throw new BermudaException("Subresults must all return the same type"); } var dataTypeDescriptor = results.Select(x => x.Value.DataType).FirstOrDefault(x => x != null); if (dataTypeDescriptor == null) { return new BermudaResult { Error = "Could not determine the merge type, none of the nodes provided type info" } } ; //use the passed combine espression to make multiple datapoint sets into one var dataType = LinqRuntimeTypeBuilder.GetTypeFromTypeKey(dataTypeDescriptor); //allItems = results.Values.SelectMany(x => x.DataObject) var totalJson = "[" + string.Join(",", results.Values.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Data)).Select(x => x.Data.Trim('[', ']')).Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x))) + "]"; var allItems = LinqRuntimeTypeBuilder.DeserializeJson(totalJson, dataTypeDescriptor, true); //var aaa = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<Datapoint[]>(totalJson); //var ggc = aaa.GroupBy(x => new { x.Id, x.Id2 }).Count(); //InvokeSelectManyViaReflectionTheKilla(results.Values.Select(x => x.DataObject), dataType); var mergeFunc = GetMergeFunc(merge, mapreduce, dataType, dataType); if (mergeFunc != null) { //var dataType = "kdsajkdsa"; var mergeInvokeMethod = mergeFunc.GetType().GetMethod("Invoke"); allItems = mergeInvokeMethod.Invoke(mergeFunc, new object[] { allItems }); // MergeDatapoints(results.Values.Where(x => x.Data != null).SelectMany(x => x.Data), mergeFunc); } var pagingFunc = GetPagingFunc(paging, dataType); if (pagingFunc != null) { var pagingInvokeMethod = pagingFunc.GetType().GetMethod("Invoke"); allItems = pagingInvokeMethod.Invoke(pagingFunc, new object[] { allItems }); } //figure out the metadata var finalMetadata = new BermudaNodeStatistic { Notes = "Merged Datapoints in " + sw.Elapsed, NodeId = HostEnvironment.Instance.CurrentInstanceId, ChildNodes = results.Values.Select(x => x.Metadata).ToArray() }; var arraylol = ToArrayCollection(allItems, dataType); var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(arraylol); //var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(allItems); var originalData = makeCursor ? arraylol : null; var finalResult = new BermudaResult { DataType = dataTypeDescriptor, OriginalData = originalData, Data = json, CreatedOn = DateTime.Now.Ticks, Metadata = finalMetadata, CacheKey = queryHash }; CachedData[queryHash] = finalResult; return(finalResult); } } else { ConcurrentDictionary <string, BermudaResult> results = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, BermudaResult>(); BermudaNodeStatistic stats = new BermudaNodeStatistic(); var bucketInterfaces = HostEnvironment.Instance.GetBucketInterfacesForDomain(domain); if (!bucketInterfaces.Any()) { throw new BermudaException("Data not loaded for: " + domain); } if (bucketInterfaces.Count() > 1) { throw new BermudaException("Multiple buckets not supported by BermudaMapReduce"); } var queryHash = GetQueryHash(domain, query, mapreduce, merge, paging, Endpoint.ToString()); BermudaResult cachedDatapoints; if (!noCache && CachedData.TryGetValue(queryHash, out cachedDatapoints) && (DateTime.Now.Ticks - cachedDatapoints.CreatedOn) < CacheLifetime) { if (CacheTraceMessageLevel < 2) { Trace.WriteLine("returned CACHED BLOB SET DATAPOINT results [REMDEPTH:" + remdepth + "]"); } if (useCursor) { var dataType = LinqRuntimeTypeBuilder.GetTypeFromTypeKey(cachedDatapoints.DataType); return(GetCursorData(paging2, cachedDatapoints, dataType)); } else { return(new BermudaResult { DataType = cachedDatapoints.DataType, Data = cachedDatapoints.Data, Metadata = new BermudaNodeStatistic { Notes = "Cache_Hit_3" }, CacheKey = queryHash }); } } else { //Chad: short circuiting to test WCF response time in Azure //return new DatapointResult() { Datapoints = new List<Datapoint>(), CreatedOn = DateTime.Now.Ticks, Metadata = new BermudaNodeStatistic() }; //IEnumerable<Datapoint> datapoints = null; object datapoints = null; Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); Type itemType = null; Type resultType = null; string json = null; foreach (var bucketInterface in bucketInterfaces) { var bucketKey = GetQueryHash(domain, query, mapreduce, merge, paging, Endpoint.ToString()); //see if the cache contains a matching result and return it if it's not outdated BermudaResult cachedDatapoints2; if (!noCache && CachedData.TryGetValue(bucketKey, out cachedDatapoints2) && (DateTime.Now.Ticks - cachedDatapoints2.CreatedOn) < CacheLifetime) { if (CacheTraceMessageLevel < 1) { Trace.WriteLine("returned CACHED BLOB DATAPOINT results [REMDEPTH:" + remdepth + "]"); } if (useCursor) { if (cachedDatapoints2.OriginalData == null) { throw new Exception("Cursor " + cursor + " contains null data"); } var dataType = LinqRuntimeTypeBuilder.GetTypeFromTypeKey(cachedDatapoints2.DataType); results[bucketInterface.Name] = GetCursorData(paging2, cachedDatapoints2, dataType); } else { results[bucketInterface.Name] = new BermudaResult { DataType = cachedDatapoints2.DataType, Data = cachedDatapoints2.Data, Metadata = new BermudaNodeStatistic { Notes = "Cache_Hit_4" } }; json = cachedDatapoints2.Data; } } else { //get mentions var collections = GetCollections(query, mapreduce); if (collections.Count() > 1) { throw new BermudaException("More than one collection specified: " + string.Join(",", collections)); } var table = collections.FirstOrDefault(); var tableName = table == null ? null : table.Source; var raw = bucketInterface.GetData(tableName); //var rawType = raw.GetType(); //itemType = ReduceExpressionGeneration.GetTypeOfEnumerable(rawType); itemType = bucketInterface.GetDataType(tableName); var mapreduceFunc = GetMapReduceFunc(mapreduce, itemType, out resultType); var queryFunc = GetFilterFunc(query, itemType); var pagingFunc = GetPagingFunc(paging, resultType); var minDateTicks = minDate.Ticks; var maxDateTicks = maxDate.Ticks; object subresult = raw; //queryFunc == null ? // raw.AsParallel() : //minDate == DateTime.MinValue && maxDate == DateTime.MaxValue ? // raw.AsParallel().Where(x => queryFunc) : // raw.AsParallel().Where(x => x.OccurredOnTicks >= minDateTicks && x.OccurredOnTicks <= maxDateTicks && queryFunc(x, parameters)); if (json == null) { if (queryFunc != null) { var queryFuncInvoke = queryFunc.GetType().GetMethod("Invoke"); subresult = queryFuncInvoke.Invoke(queryFunc, new object[] { subresult }); } //reduce them using the passed expression if (mapreduceFunc != null) { var mapReduceFuncInvoke = mapreduceFunc.GetType().GetMethod("Invoke"); subresult = mapReduceFuncInvoke.Invoke(mapreduceFunc, new object[] { subresult }); } if (pagingFunc != null) { var pagingInvokeMethod = pagingFunc.GetType().GetMethod("Invoke"); subresult = pagingInvokeMethod.Invoke(pagingFunc, new object[] { subresult }); } datapoints = subresult; } //format a metada string if (!args.Contains("-nocount")) { stats.TotalItems = bucketInterface.GetCount(tableName); //stats.FilteredItems = filtered.Count(); //stats.ReducedItems = subresult.Count(); } //cache the result //results[blobInterface.Name] = new DatapointResult { Datapoints = subresult, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks, Metadata = stats.Serialize() }; //CachedDatapoints[blobKey] = new DatapointResult { Datapoints = subresult.ToList(), CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks, Metadata = stats.Serialize() }; } } //figure out the metadata //var finalMetadata = " [@" + AzureInterface.Instance.CurrentInstanceId + "] Calculated Datapoints:\r\n" + string.Join("\r\n", results.Values.Select(x => x.Metadata)); stats.NodeId = HostEnvironment.Instance.CurrentInstanceId; stats.Notes = "Computed Datapoints"; //Trace.WriteLine("total mentions processed: " + mentionCount); //var datapoints = results.Values.SelectMany(x => x.Datapoints); if (datapoints == null) { return new BermudaResult() { Metadata = new BermudaNodeStatistic { Notes = "No Results" } } } ; //foreach (var p in datapoints) if (p.IsCount) p.Value = p.Count; var mergeFunc = GetMergeFunc(merge, mapreduce, itemType, resultType); if (mergeFunc != null) { var mergeFuncInvoke = mergeFunc.GetType().GetMethod("Invoke"); datapoints = mergeFuncInvoke.Invoke(mergeFunc, new object[] { datapoints }); } stats.LinqExecutionTime = sw.Elapsed; var arraylol = ToArrayCollection(datapoints, resultType); if (json == null && datapoints != null) { json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(arraylol); } //var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(datapoints); var originalData = makeCursor ? arraylol : null; var result = CachedData[queryHash] = new BermudaResult { DataType = LinqRuntimeTypeBuilder.GetTypeKey(resultType), OriginalData = originalData, Data = json, CreatedOn = DateTime.Now.Ticks, Metadata = stats }; sw.Stop(); return(result); } } }