protected void ShowGroupPostComments(TreeNode node, LinkedInGroupPost post) { node.Nodes.Clear(); foreach (LinkedInGroupComment comment in post.Comments) { TreeNode childNode = node.Nodes.Add(comment.Text.LimitLength(64)); childNode.Tag = comment; } }
protected void AddComment(LinkedInGroupPost post, string comment) { post.Comment(comment); // After posting the comment, add it to the post's comment collection, select it, and display the comment in the info box. tbComment.Text = "(posted)"; TreeNode childNode = selectedPostNode.Nodes.Add(comment.LimitLength(64)); tvGroups.SelectedNode = childNode; tbInfo.Text = comment; }
protected async void LoadCommentsForPost(TreeNode node, LinkedInGroupPost post) { LinkedInGetGroupPostCommentsOptions options = new LinkedInGetGroupPostCommentsOptions(); options.CommentOptions.SelectAll(); options.PostId = post.Id; ShowLoading(node); await Task.Run(() => post.LoadComments(options)); ShowGroupPostComments(node, post); node.ExpandAll(); }
protected void OnNodeMouseDoubleClick(object sender, TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e) { if (e.Node.Tag is LinkedInGroup) { LinkedInGroup group = (LinkedInGroup)e.Node.Tag; LoadPostsForGroup(e.Node, group); } else if (e.Node.Tag is LinkedInGroupPost) { LinkedInGroupPost post = (LinkedInGroupPost)e.Node.Tag; LoadCommentsForPost(e.Node, post); } }
protected void OnNodeMouseClick(object sender, TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (e.Node.Tag is LinkedInGroup) { LinkedInGroup group = (LinkedInGroup)e.Node.Tag; sb.Append("Group: " + group.Name); sb.Append(CRLF); sb.Append(CRLF); sb.Append("Category: " + group.Category); sb.Append(CRLF); sb.Append(CRLF); sb.Append("Description: " + group.ShortDescription); btnComment.Enabled = false; } else if (e.Node.Tag is LinkedInGroupPost) { LinkedInGroupPost post = (LinkedInGroupPost)e.Node.Tag; sb.Append("Title: " + post.Title); sb.Append(CRLF); sb.Append(CRLF); sb.Append("By: " + post.Creator.FirstName + " " + post.Creator.LastName); sb.Append(CRLF); sb.Append(CRLF); sb.Append("On: " + post.CreationTime.ToString()); sb.Append(CRLF); sb.Append(CRLF); sb.Append("Summary: " + post.Summary); btnComment.Enabled = true; selectedPost = post; selectedPostNode = e.Node; } else if (e.Node.Tag is LinkedInGroupComment) { LinkedInGroupComment comment = (LinkedInGroupComment)e.Node.Tag; sb.Append("By: " + comment.Creator.FirstName + " " + comment.Creator.LastName); sb.Append(CRLF); sb.Append(CRLF); sb.Append("On: " + comment.CreationTime.ToString()); sb.Append(CRLF); sb.Append(CRLF); sb.Append(comment.Text); btnComment.Enabled = true; } tbInfo.Text = sb.ToString(); }
protected async void GetComments(string postId) { LinkedInGroupPost post = posts[postId]; LinkedInGroup group = postGroup[post.Id]; LinkedInGetGroupPostCommentsOptions commentOptions = new LinkedInGetGroupPostCommentsOptions(); commentOptions.CommentOptions.SelectAll(); commentOptions.PostId = post.Id; await Task.Run(() => post.LoadComments(commentOptions)); foreach (LinkedInGroupComment comment in post.Comments) { CreateCarrier("LinkedInComment", signal => { signal.LinkedInGroup.Name.Text.Value = group.Name; signal.LinkedInGroup.Id = group.Id; signal.LinkedInPost.Title.Text.Value = post.Title; signal.LinkedInPost.Id = post.Id; signal.CreationTime = comment.CreationTime; signal.Comment = comment.Text; signal.LinkedInCommentCreator.PersonName.Name.Text.Value = comment.Creator.FirstName + " " + comment.Creator.LastName; }); } }
/* * foreach (LinkedInGroup group in groups.Result) * { * LinkedInGetGroupPostsOptions postOptions = new LinkedInGetGroupPostsOptions(); * postOptions.PostOptions.SelectAll(); * postOptions.GroupId = group.Id; * group.LoadPosts(postOptions); * * foreach (LinkedInGroupPost post in group.Posts) * { * LinkedInGetGroupPostCommentsOptions commentOptions = new LinkedInGetGroupPostCommentsOptions(); * commentOptions.CommentOptions.SelectAll(); * commentOptions.PostId = post.Id; * post.LoadComments(commentOptions); * * foreach (LinkedInGroupComment comment in post.Comments) * { * GroupPostComment c = new GroupPostComment() { Group = group, Post = post, Comment = comment }; * comments.Add(c); * } * } * } * } */ protected void AddComment(LinkedInGroupPost post, string comment) { post.Comment(comment); }