//private void CollectEdgesR <EdgeType> (List<EdgeType> collectedEdges, List<LinkedGraphEdge> seenEdges, bool allConsecutive, SearchFilter filter, HashSet<EdgeType> mask) where EdgeType : LinkedGraphEdge
    //    EdgeType thisInstance = null;
    //    if (this is EdgeType)
    //    {
    //        thisInstance = (EdgeType)this;
    //    }

    //    if ((thisInstance == null && allConsecutive) || collectedEdges.Contains(thisInstance) || seenEdges.Contains(this))
    //    {
    //        return;
    //    }
    //    else if ((filter == null || filter(this)) && (mask == null || mask.Contains(thisInstance)))
    //    {
    //        collectedEdges.Add(thisInstance);
    //    }
    //    else if (allConsecutive)//if all the passing edge should be attached, or consecutive, then if this fails, return.
    //    {
    //        return;
    //    }

    //    EnumerateNeighborEdges((LinkedGraphEdge edge) =>
    //    {
    //        if (!seenEdges.Contains(edge))
    //        {
    //            edge.CollectEdgesR(collectedEdges, seenEdges, allConsecutive, filter, mask);
    //        }
    //    });

    public void EnumerateNeighborEdges(System.Action <LinkedGraphEdge> action)
        foreach (LinkedGraphEdge edge in a.GetConnections())
            if (edge != this)
        foreach (LinkedGraphEdge edge in b.GetConnections())
            if (edge != this)
Exemple #2
    public List <EdgeType> GetLocalLoop(EdgeType startingEdge, bool ccw)
        List <EdgeType> foundEdges = new List <EdgeType>();


        LinkedGraphVertex firstVertex = startingEdge.a;
        LinkedGraphVertex lastVertex  = startingEdge.b;
        bool foundLoop = false;
        int  edgesSeen = 0;

        while (!foundLoop)
            EdgeLoopEdge lastEdge          = foundEdges[foundEdges.Count - 1];
            Vector2      lastEdgeDirection = lastEdge.GetOppositeVertex(lastVertex).pt - lastVertex.pt;

            float    minAngle     = float.MaxValue;
            EdgeType minAngleEdge = null;

            if (lastVertex.NumConnections() <= 1)
                Debug.LogWarning("Reached end of loop while collecting loop.");

            foreach (LinkedGraphEdge connection in lastVertex.GetConnections())
                if (connection == lastEdge)
                    continue;//ignore the connection if it is this instance.
                //all connections must share lastVertex with lastEdge
                Vector2 thisEdgeDirection = connection.GetOppositeVertex(lastVertex).pt - lastVertex.pt;

                float angle = HelperFunctions.AngleBetween(thisEdgeDirection, lastEdgeDirection);
                if (!ccw)
                    //we want to invert the smallest angle when its cw since angleBetween gets the ccw angle
                    angle = Mathf.PI * 2 - angle;

                if (angle < minAngle)
                    if (connection is EdgeType)
                        minAngle     = angle;
                        minAngleEdge = (EdgeType)connection;
                        Debug.LogWarning("Could not isolate loop because connected edges were not EdgeLoopEdges");
                if (edgesSeen > MAXLOOPSIZE)
                    Debug.LogWarning("Couldn't close loop. Failing");
                    DebugLines debug = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <DebugLines>();
                    foreach (EdgeType edge in foundEdges)
                        debug.AddEdge(edge, Color.red);

            lastVertex = minAngleEdge.GetOppositeVertex(lastVertex);

            if (lastVertex == firstVertex)
                foundLoop = true;
        //maintain the loops go ccw paradigm
        if (!ccw)