public object ResolveEntityPropertyValue(string rawValue, Type propertyType)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(rawValue))

                if (rawValue.IsGuid())
                    Guid linkId = new Guid(rawValue);
                    Item item   = Context.Database.GetItem(new ID(linkId));
                    return(new Link {
                        Id = linkId, LinkType = LinkTypes.Internal, Caption = item.Name, Url = item.GetItemUrl()
                    XDocument xmlField    = XDocument.Parse(rawValue);
                    XElement  linkElement = xmlField.Element("link");
                    return(LinkUrl.GetUrl(linkElement, Context.Database));
            catch (Exception)
                // not xml or guid
        public static string LinkFieldUrl(this Item item, ID fieldId)
            var field = item?.Fields?[fieldId];

            if (field == null)

            var linkUrl = new LinkUrl();

            return(linkUrl.GetUrl(item, fieldId.ToString()));
Exemple #3
 /// <summary>
 /// AppStore跳转地址编码
 /// </summary>
 public void AppStoreUrlEncode()
     if (LinkType == 1)
         string appid       = net91com.Core.Util.CryptoHelper.DES_Encrypt(SoftID.ToString(), "91appuse");
         string appStoreUrl = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(LinkUrl.Trim());
         string channel     = net91com.Stat.Core.UtilHelper.EncryptDES(Channel, "5a@4a$0e", "e2Eb9A82");
         LinkUrl = string.Format(@"{0}&mt={1}&v={2}&chl={3}&url={4}",
                                 appid, Platform, AppVersion.Trim(), channel, appStoreUrl);
     if (ID == 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(LinkTag))
         LinkTag = net91com.Stat.Core.UtilHelper.ShortUrl(SoftID + "_" + Platform + "_" + DateTime.Now.Ticks)[0];
Exemple #4
        List <LogAssociation> FindLinkClickAssociations(Session MainLog, List <Session> SessionList, RefererAssociationType RefAssoType)
            List <LogAssociation> Associations = new List <LogAssociation>();

            if (MainLog.Response == null)

            //Match link urls with absolute match
            foreach (string LinkUrl in MainLog.Response.Html.GetDecodedValues("a", "href"))
                    Request LinkReq = new Request(LinkUrl.Trim());
                    foreach (Session Sess in SessionList)
                        if (!Sess.Request.Method.Equals("GET", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        if (Sess.Request.FullUrl.Equals(LinkReq.FullUrl) && Sess.Response != null)
                            LogAssociation LogAsso = new LogAssociation(LogAssociationType.LinkClick, RefAssoType, IronHtml.UrlInHtmlMatch.FullAbsolute, LogAssociationMatchLevel.UrlMatchOnly, MainLog, Sess);
                    Request LinkReq = new Request(MainLog.Request.RelativeUrlToAbsoluteUrl(LinkUrl.Trim()));
                    foreach (Session Sess in SessionList)
                        if (!Sess.Request.Method.Equals("GET", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        if (Sess.Request.FullUrl.Equals(LinkReq.FullUrl) && Sess.Response != null)
                            LogAssociation LogAsso = new LogAssociation(LogAssociationType.LinkClick, RefAssoType, IronHtml.UrlInHtmlMatch.FullRelative, LogAssociationMatchLevel.UrlMatchOnly, MainLog, Sess);
 public static string LinkFieldUrl(this Item item, ID fieldID)
     if (item == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(item));
     if (ID.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldID))
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(fieldID));
     var field = item.Fields[fieldID];
     if (field == null)
         return string.Empty;
     var linkUrl = new LinkUrl();
     return linkUrl.GetUrl(item, fieldID.ToString());
    protected void btnPost_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        LinkUrl lnk = new LinkUrl();

        lnk.Title      = txtTitle.Text.Trim();
        lnk.Desc       = txtDesc.Text.Trim();
        lnk.Url        = txtLink.Text.Trim();
        lnk.CreateTime = DateTime.Now;
        lnk.CreateUser = Profile.AccountInfo.UserID;
        bool r = LinkUrls.LinkUrlAdd(lnk);

        if (r)
            base.ExecuteJs("msg('成功新增一条常用链接!',true);", false);
            base.ExecuteJs("msg('无法新增常用链接,请联系管理员!');", false);
        public static string LinkFieldUrl(this Item item, ID fieldID)
            if (item == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(item));
            if (ID.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldID))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(fieldID));
            var field = item.Fields[fieldID];

            if (field == null)
            var linkUrl = new LinkUrl();

            return(linkUrl.GetUrl(item, fieldID.ToString()));
Exemple #8
        public async Task MakeTestAsync(string host)
            List <string> urlAddresses = new LinkUrl(host).GetURLAddresses();

            if (urlAddresses == null)
                throw new ValidationException("Don't have any URL", "");

            ProgressHub.SendMessage("determining sitemap", 5);

            List <Task> tasks = new List <Task>();

            percent = 500;
            int execPer = 8500 / urlAddresses.Count;

            foreach (var url in urlAddresses)
                tasks.Add(MakeOnePageAsync(url, execPer));
            await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

            ProgressHub.SendMessage("evaluating the time server response", 90);

            Test test = new Test()
                Host = Database.Hosts.GetAll()
                       .Where(h => h.HostURL == host).FirstOrDefault()
                       ?? new Host()
                    HostURL = host
                TestDate = DateTime.Now,
                Pages    = pages


            ProgressHub.SendMessage("saving test", 95);
 private void SequenceWidget_Click(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
     if (this.LinkUrl != null)
         if (LinkUrl.StartsWith("http", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                 if (aggRenderer.RootWidget.Parents <MarkdownWidget>().FirstOrDefault() is MarkdownWidget markdownWidget)
                     markdownWidget.LoadUri(new Uri(LinkUrl));
        public static string LinkFieldUrl(this Item item, string fieldName)
            var linkUrl = new LinkUrl();

            return(linkUrl.GetUrl(item, fieldName));
Exemple #11
        // POST api/Reports
        public void Post([FromBody] string value)
            // Parts received separated by ,
            // PageUrl          -- The Url of the page being reported [0]
            // SrcUrl           -- The SrcUrl of any Image being reported [1]
            // LinkUrl          -- The Url of any link that is being reported [2]
            // SelectionText    -- Any Text that is being reported [3..n]

                if (value != null)
                    // Get the Reported values and Hashes of them
                    string pu          = GetPageUrl(value);
                    string pageUrlHash = GetSHA512(pu);
                    string pageUrl     = Security.Encrypt(pu, pageUrlHash);
                    string srcUrl      = Security.Encrypt(GetSrcUrl(value), pageUrlHash);
                    //string pageUrl = pu;
                    //string srcUrl = GetSrcUrl(value);

                    string srcUrlHash = null;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(srcUrl))
                        srcUrlHash = GetSHA512(srcUrl);

                    string lulu        = GetLinkUrl(value);
                    string linkUrlHash = null;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lulu))
                        linkUrlHash = GetSHA512(lulu);
                    string linkUrl = Security.Encrypt(lulu, linkUrlHash);
                    //string linkUrl = lulu;

                    string stst = GetSelectionText(value);
                    string selectionTextHash = null;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stst))
                        selectionTextHash = GetSHA512(stst);
                    string selectionText = Security.Encrypt(stst, selectionTextHash);
                    //string selectionText = stst;

                    ReportItEntities rie = new ReportItEntities();
                    rie.Database.Connection.Open(); // Connect to the Database

                    // Generate our tables
                    EUReported           eur = new EUReported();
                    SrcUrl               su  = new SrcUrl();
                    ReportedSrcUrl       rsu = new ReportedSrcUrl();
                    LinkUrl              lu  = new LinkUrl();
                    ReportedLinkUrl      rlu = new ReportedLinkUrl();
                    SelectionText        st  = new SelectionText();
                    ReportedSelectedText rst = new ReportedSelectedText();

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageUrl))
                        GenerateReportedSrcsTables(pageUrl, pageUrlHash, srcUrl, srcUrlHash, rie, su, rsu);
                        GenerateReportedLinksTables(pageUrl, pageUrlHash, linkUrl, linkUrlHash, rie, lu, rlu);
                        GenerateReportedSelectedTextTables(pageUrl, pageUrlHash, selectionText, selectionTextHash, rie, st, rst);
                        //Just drop out the bottom -no PageUrl == nothing to process

                // return "Nothing received";
            catch (Exception)
                // return ex.InnerException.ToString();
        private void GenerateReportedLinksTables(string pageUrl, string pageUrlHash, string linkUrl, string linkUrlHash, ReportItEntities rie, LinkUrl lu, ReportedLinkUrl rlu)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(linkUrl))
                // Does the pageUrl exist?
                // Does the srcUrl exist?
                // Do they both exist in the ReportedSrcUrls table? They should be it is nice to have a sanity check
                EUReported puRecord = GetPageUrlRecord(rie, pageUrlHash);
                if (puRecord == null)
                    // The page record has never been created
                    // Create Page Record
                    puRecord = new EUReported();
                    puRecord.Count = 1;
                    puRecord.PageUrl = pageUrl;
                    puRecord.PageUrlHash = pageUrlHash;
                    puRecord.Processed = false;
                    puRecord.CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    puRecord.UpdatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    // The page record has been created - update count
                    puRecord.Count = puRecord.Count + 1;
                    puRecord.UpdatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow;

                // Ok now check to see if the SrcUrl exists
                lu = GetLinkUrlRecord(rie, linkUrlHash);
                if (lu == null)
                    // The SrcUrl record has never been created
                    // Create SrcUrl record
                    lu = new LinkUrl();
                    lu.Count = 1;
                    lu.Processed = false;
                    lu.LinkUrl1 = linkUrl;
                    lu.LinkUrlHash = linkUrlHash;
                    lu.CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    lu.UpdatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    // The srcUrl record has been created - update count
                    lu.Count = lu.Count + 1;
                    lu.UpdatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow;

                // Ok Now the Sanity Check to make sure that the Many to Many table is correctly populated
                if (!ReportedLinkUrlsExists(rie, pageUrlHash, linkUrlHash))
                    rlu.PageUrlHash = pageUrlHash;
                    rlu.LinkUrlHash = linkUrlHash;
Exemple #13
        public string GenerateQuery()
            var query = $@" 
IF(NOT EXISTS(SELECT TOP (1) 1 from [dbo].[GenericAnnouncements] where ExternalId={ID.Safe()} ))
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[GenericAnnouncements]
    UPDATE [dbo].[GenericAnnouncements]
           [HostSite] = {HostSite.Safe()}
          ,[Title] = {Title.Safe()}
          ,[Description] = {Description.Safe()}
          ,[Owner] = {Owner.Safe()}
          ,[Images] = {Images.Safe()}
          ,[ThumbImages] = {ThumbImages.Safe()}
          ,[SmallImages] = {SmallImages.Safe()}
          ,[LargeUrls] = {LargeUrls.Safe()}
          ,[Price] = {Price.Safe()}
          ,[First_Publication_Date] = {first_publication_date.Safe()}
          ,[Expiration_Date] = {expiration_date.Safe()}
          ,[Category_Id] = {category_id.Safe()}
          ,[Category_Name] = {category_name.Safe()}
          ,[LinkUrl] = {LinkUrl.Safe()}
          ,[Extra] = {Extra.Safe()}
          ,[LinkText] = {LinkText.Safe()}
          ,[City] = {City.Safe()}
          ,[Latitude] = {Latitude.Safe()}
          ,[Langitude] = {Langitude.Safe()}
          ,[Region] = {Region.Safe()}
          --,[SourceType] = <SourceType, int,>
     WHERE ExternalId={ID.Safe()}


 public static string LinkFieldUrl(this Item item, string fieldName)
     var linkUrl = new LinkUrl();
     return linkUrl.GetUrl(item, fieldName);
        public void Post([FromBody]string value)
            // Parts received separated by ,
            // PageUrl          -- The Url of the page being reported [0]
            // SrcUrl           -- The SrcUrl of any Image being reported [1]
            // LinkUrl          -- The Url of any link that is being reported [2]
            // SelectionText    -- Any Text that is being reported [3..n]

                if (value != null)
                    // Get the Reported values and Hashes of them
                    string pu = GetPageUrl(value);
                    string pageUrlHash = GetSHA512(pu);
                    string pageUrl = Security.Encrypt(pu, pageUrlHash);
                    string srcUrl = Security.Encrypt(GetSrcUrl(value), pageUrlHash);
                    //string pageUrl = pu;
                    //string srcUrl = GetSrcUrl(value);

                    string srcUrlHash = null;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(srcUrl)) srcUrlHash = GetSHA512(srcUrl);

                    string lulu = GetLinkUrl(value);
                    string linkUrlHash = null;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lulu)) linkUrlHash = GetSHA512(lulu);
                    string linkUrl = Security.Encrypt(lulu, linkUrlHash);
                    //string linkUrl = lulu;

                    string stst = GetSelectionText(value);
                    string selectionTextHash = null;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stst)) selectionTextHash = GetSHA512(stst);
                    string selectionText = Security.Encrypt(stst, selectionTextHash);
                    //string selectionText = stst;

                    ReportItEntities rie = new ReportItEntities();
                    rie.Database.Connection.Open(); // Connect to the Database

                    // Generate our tables
                    EUReported eur = new EUReported();
                    SrcUrl su = new SrcUrl();
                    ReportedSrcUrl rsu = new ReportedSrcUrl();
                    LinkUrl lu = new LinkUrl();
                    ReportedLinkUrl rlu = new ReportedLinkUrl();
                    SelectionText st = new SelectionText();
                    ReportedSelectedText rst = new ReportedSelectedText();

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageUrl))
                        GenerateReportedSrcsTables(pageUrl, pageUrlHash, srcUrl, srcUrlHash, rie, su, rsu);
                        GenerateReportedLinksTables(pageUrl, pageUrlHash, linkUrl, linkUrlHash, rie, lu, rlu);
                        GenerateReportedSelectedTextTables(pageUrl, pageUrlHash, selectionText, selectionTextHash, rie, st, rst);
                        //Just drop out the bottom -no PageUrl == nothing to process

                // return "Nothing received";
            catch (Exception)
                // return ex.InnerException.ToString();
Exemple #16
 public abstract bool LinkUrlAdd(LinkUrl lnk);
Exemple #17
        private void GenerateReportedLinksTables(string pageUrl, string pageUrlHash, string linkUrl, string linkUrlHash, ReportItEntities rie, LinkUrl lu, ReportedLinkUrl rlu)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(linkUrl))
                // Does the pageUrl exist?
                // Does the srcUrl exist?
                // Do they both exist in the ReportedSrcUrls table? They should be it is nice to have a sanity check
                EUReported puRecord = GetPageUrlRecord(rie, pageUrlHash);
                if (puRecord == null)
                    // The page record has never been created
                    // Create Page Record
                    puRecord             = new EUReported();
                    puRecord.Count       = 1;
                    puRecord.PageUrl     = pageUrl;
                    puRecord.PageUrlHash = pageUrlHash;
                    puRecord.Processed   = false;
                    puRecord.CreatedOn   = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    puRecord.UpdatedOn   = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    // The page record has been created - update count
                    puRecord.Count     = puRecord.Count + 1;
                    puRecord.UpdatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow;

                // Ok now check to see if the SrcUrl exists
                lu = GetLinkUrlRecord(rie, linkUrlHash);
                if (lu == null)
                    // The SrcUrl record has never been created
                    // Create SrcUrl record
                    lu             = new LinkUrl();
                    lu.Count       = 1;
                    lu.Processed   = false;
                    lu.LinkUrl1    = linkUrl;
                    lu.LinkUrlHash = linkUrlHash;
                    lu.CreatedOn   = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    lu.UpdatedOn   = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    // The srcUrl record has been created - update count
                    lu.Count     = lu.Count + 1;
                    lu.UpdatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow;

                // Ok Now the Sanity Check to make sure that the Many to Many table is correctly populated
                if (!ReportedLinkUrlsExists(rie, pageUrlHash, linkUrlHash))
                    rlu.PageUrlHash = pageUrlHash;
                    rlu.LinkUrlHash = linkUrlHash;
Exemple #18
 public MenuItem()
     this.url = new LinkUrl();