static internal Point IntersectDiagonalWithRay(Point pivot, Point pointOnRay, Diagonal diagonal)
            Point ray    = pointOnRay - pivot;
            Point source = diagonal.Start;
            Point target = diagonal.End;
            //let x(t-s)+s is on the ray, then for some y we x(t-s)+s=y*ray+pivot, or x(t-s)-y*ray=pivot-s
            double x, y;
            bool   result = LinearSystem2.Solve(target.X - source.X, -ray.X, pivot.X - source.X, target.Y - source.Y, -ray.Y, pivot.Y - source.Y, out x, out y);

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(result && -ApproximateComparer.Tolerance <= x && x <= 1 + ApproximateComparer.Tolerance);

            return(pivot + y * ray);
Exemple #2
        Point IntersectEdgeWithRay(Point source, Point target, Point ray)
            //let x(t-s)+s is on the ray, then for some y we x(t-s)+s=y*ray+pivot, or x(t-s)-y*ray=pivot-s
            double x, y;
            bool   result = LinearSystem2.Solve(target.X - source.X, -ray.X, Pivot.X - source.X, target.Y - source.Y, -ray.Y, Pivot.Y - source.Y, out x, out y);

            if (!(-ApproximateComparer.Tolerance <= x && x <= 1 + ApproximateComparer.Tolerance))
                throw new Exception();
            if (!result)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            return(Pivot + y * ray);
Exemple #3
        static public bool LineLineIntersection(Point a, Point b, Point c, Point d, out Point x)
            //look for the solution in the form a+u*(b-a)=c+v*(d-c)
            double u, v;
            Point  ba  = b - a;
            Point  cd  = c - d;
            Point  ca  = c - a;
            bool   ret = LinearSystem2.Solve(ba.X, cd.X, ca.X, ba.Y, cd.Y, ca.Y, out u, out v);

            if (ret)
                x = a + u * ba;
                x = new Point();
Exemple #4
        static public bool SegmentSegmentIntersection(Point a, Point b, Point c, Point d, out Point x)
            //look for the solution in the form a+u*(b-a)=c+v*(d-c)
            double u, v;
            Point  ba  = b - a;
            Point  cd  = c - d;
            Point  ca  = c - a;
            bool   ret = LinearSystem2.Solve(ba.X, cd.X, ca.X, ba.Y, cd.Y, ca.Y, out u, out v);
            double eps = ApproximateComparer.Tolerance;

            if (ret && u > -eps && u < 1.0 + eps && v > -eps && v < 1.0 + eps)
                x = a + u * ba;
                x = new Point();