public static bool IsInsidePolygon(Point3D pt, LinearPath outer) { Line[] outerLines = outer.ConvertToLines(); Line l = new Line(pt, new Point3D(CADConfig.Units == linearUnitsType.Meters ? pt.X + 1000 : pt.X + 100000, pt.Y, pt.Z)); int countIntersect = 0; for (int j = 0; j < outerLines.Length; j++) { if (IsLineSegmentsIntersected(l, outerLines[j])) { countIntersect++; } } if (countIntersect % 2 == 0) { return(false); } return(true); }
public static List <Line> LinesTrimWithPolygon(LinearPath polygon, Line line, bool isInside = true) { List <Line> lstLineSegment = new List <Line>(); List <Point3D> lstIntersectionPts = MathHelper.PointsIntersectOfLineSegmentWithPolygon(polygon, line); ICurve[] lineSegments; line.SplitBy(lstIntersectionPts, out lineSegments); if (lineSegments.Count() == 0) { lstLineSegment.Add(line); } else { for (int i = 0; i < lineSegments.Length; i++) { Line l = lineSegments[i] as Line; if (l != null && MathHelper.IsInsidePolygon(l.MidPoint, polygon)) { lstLineSegment.Add(l); } } } return(lstLineSegment); }
private void CreateChair() { CreateBoxNTranslate(10, 10, 50, -30, 40, 0); //front right leg chair CreateBoxNTranslate(10, 10, 50, 20, 40, 0); //front left leg chair CreateBoxNTranslate(10, 10, 120, -30, 90, 0); //back right leg chair CreateBoxNTranslate(10, 10, 120, 20, 90, 0); //back left leg chair CreateBoxNTranslate(70, 5, 20, -35, 90, 120); // chair top string ChairTopSlabName = "ChairTopSlab"; Block b = new Block(); double width = 70; double depth = 5; double dimA = 1000; double dimB = 800; Point2D[] outerPoints = new Point2D[7]; outerPoints[0] = new Point2D(0, dimB); outerPoints[1] = new Point2D(dimA, dimB); outerPoints[2] = new Point2D(dimA, 0); outerPoints[3] = new Point2D(width, 0); outerPoints[4] = new Point2D(width, depth); outerPoints[5] = new Point2D(0, depth); outerPoints[6] = (Point2D) outerPoints[0].Clone(); LinearPath outer = new LinearPath(Plane.XY, outerPoints); Point2D[] innerPoints = new Point2D[5]; innerPoints[0] = new Point2D(-30, 0); innerPoints[1] = new Point2D(-30, 60); innerPoints[2] = new Point2D(30, 60); innerPoints[3] = new Point2D(30, 0); innerPoints[4] = (Point2D)innerPoints[0].Clone(); LinearPath inner = new LinearPath(Plane.XY, innerPoints); devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Region reg = new devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Region(outer, inner); Mesh m2 = reg.ExtrudeAsMesh(10, 0.1, Mesh.natureType.Plain); m2.ColorMethod = colorMethodType.byEntity; m2.Color = Color.White; m2.MaterialName = ChairTopSlabName; b.Entities.Add(m2); viewportLayout1.Blocks.Add("ChairTopSlab", b); BlockReference reference = new BlockReference(0, 40, 60, "ChairTopSlab", 1, 1, 1, 0); viewportLayout1.Entities.Add(reference, 0); }
/// <summary> /// Creates the object related to the surrogate. /// </summary> ///<remarks> /// This method uses the <see cref="MyCircle.MyCircle(Plane, double)"/> constructor to create the object. /// When the content is <see cref="contentType.Tessellation"/> the resulting object is a <see cref="LinearPath"/> /// </remarks> /// <returns>The object created.</returns> protected override Entity ConvertToObject() { Entity ent; if (DeserializationContent == contentType.Tessellation) { // When the content is "Tessellation only" we create a LinearPath instead of a MyCircle. // If the entity was stored without vertices data, we add a Ghost entity as placeholder. if (CheckSurrogateData(DeserializationContent, String.Empty)) // pass string empty so no log is written { ent = new LinearPath(Vertices); } else { ent = new Ghost("MyCircle without tessellation data."); WriteLog("MyCircle without tessellation data has been created as Ghost entity."); } } else { ent = new MyCircle(Plane, Radius); } CopyDataToObject(ent); return(ent); }
public void LstRebarPopulate() { List <Point3D> points = new List <Point3D>(); LstRebar = new List <Rebar>(); LinearPath stirrupLinPath = (LinearPath)CadColumn.ColPath.Offset(-CadColumn.Cover * 1.2); Line[] stirrupBranches = stirrupLinPath.ConvertToLines(); for (int i = 0; i < stirrupBranches.Length; i++) { Line branch = stirrupBranches[i]; Rebar rebarCorner1, rebarCorner2, rebarMid; if (!points.Contains(branch.StartPoint)) { rebarCorner1 = new Rebar(branch.StartPoint); LstRebar.Add(rebarCorner1); } if (!points.Contains(branch.EndPoint)) { rebarCorner2 = new Rebar(branch.EndPoint); LstRebar.Add(rebarCorner2); } rebarMid = new Rebar(branch.MidPoint); LstRebar.Add(rebarMid); points.AddRange(branch.Vertices); } }
private void CreateBox() { #if DEBUG double a = 80, b = 4.2, c = 2.6, d = 0.8;//dx dy dz chamfer List <Point3D> pts = new List <Point3D>(); pts.Add(new Point3D(0, -d, 0)); pts.Add(new Point3D(0, b + d, 0)); pts.Add(new Point3D(0, b, d)); pts.Add(new Point3D(0, b, c)); pts.Add(new Point3D(0, 0, c)); pts.Add(new Point3D(0, 0, d)); pts.Add(new Point3D(0, -d, 0)); LinearPath lp = new LinearPath(pts); Region r = new Region(lp); Mesh box = r.ExtrudeAsMesh(new Vector3D(a, 0, 0), 0.01, Mesh.natureType.Plain); Transformation trans = new Transformation(); trans.Translation(new Vector3D(-a / 2, -0.1, -0.1)); box.TransformBy(trans); eyeshot.Entities.Add(box, 0, Color.Red); eyeshot.Invalidate(); eyeshot.SetView(viewType.Left); eyeshot.ZoomFit(); WriteSTL wStl = new WriteSTL(eyeshot, "d:/ChamferBox.stl"); wStl.DoWork(); #endif }
/// <summary> /// SetLeg sets the leg to match segment with the foot upwards direction facing upwards. /// The leg mesh is generated using LinearPath with Width determining its thickness. /// Inverse kinematics are used for determining the knee position. /// </summary> public void SetLeg(Segment segment, Vector3 upwards) { segment.Target += Width * upwards.normalized; var(a, b, c) = LimbKinematics.Calculate(segment, (FemurLength, TibiaLength)); Vector3 d = c - (0.5f * Width * upwards.normalized); Vector3 e = d + (FootLength * segment.Upwards.normalized); Femur = new Segment(a, b, segment.Upwards); Tibia = new Segment(b, c, segment.Upwards); Foot = new Segment(d, e, upwards); (Vector3, Vector3)basis = (segment.Target - segment.Anchor, segment.Upwards); Vector3.OrthoNormalize(ref basis.Item1, ref basis.Item2); Plane plane = new Plane(basis, segment.Anchor); Func <Vector3, Vector2> projection = plane.Projection(); Vector2[] path = new Vector2[] { projection(a), projection(b), projection(c), projection(d), projection(e) }; var(vertices, triangles) = LinearPath.Mesh(path, Width, plane, -0.5f * Width, 0.5f * Width); meshFilter.mesh = new Mesh { vertices = vertices, triangles = triangles }; }
public static List <LinearPath> EntitiesIntersectingSemelleGet(LinearPath semelleLinPath, List <LinearPath> lstCadFooting, out List <Line> lstSemelleLongLine) { //intersected footings HashSet <LinearPath> lstIntersectingEntity = new HashSet <LinearPath>(); Line[] lstSemelleLine = semelleLinPath.ConvertToLines(); lstSemelleLongLine = new List <Line>(); for (int i = 0; i < lstSemelleLine.Length; i++) { int counter = 0; for (int j = 0; j < lstCadFooting.Count; j++) { if (MathHelper.IsLineSegmentIntersectingPolygon(lstCadFooting[j], lstSemelleLine[i]) /*&& (lstCadFooting[j] != semelleLinPath)*/) { counter++; lstIntersectingEntity.Add(lstCadFooting[j]); } } if (counter >= 2) { lstSemelleLongLine.Add(lstSemelleLine[i]); } } return(lstIntersectingEntity.ToList()); }
private FootingBase RectFootingCreate(LinearPath pLine, double thickness, string type) { double width = double.MaxValue; double length = 0; Point3D widthMidPt = Point3D.Origin; int nVertices = pLine.Vertices.Length; for (int j = 0; j < nVertices - 1; j++) { double dist = MathHelper.CalcDistanceBetweenTwoPoint3D(pLine.Vertices[j], pLine.Vertices[j + 1]); width = Math.Min(width, dist); if (width == dist) { widthMidPt = MathHelper.MidPoint3D(pLine.Vertices[j], pLine.Vertices[j + 1]); } length = Math.Max(length, dist); } Point3D center = (pLine.Vertices[0] + pLine.Vertices[2]) / 2.0; center.Z = Level; widthMidPt.Z = Level; if (type == "RC") { return(new RCRectFooting(width, length, thickness, center, widthMidPt)); } else { return(new PCRectFooting(width, length, thickness, center, widthMidPt)); } }
public static bool IsInsidePolygon(LinearPath inner, LinearPath outer) { Line[] outerLines = outer.ConvertToLines(); for (int i = 0; i < inner.Vertices.Length; i++) { Line l = new Line(inner.Vertices[i], new Point3D(CADConfig.Units == linearUnitsType.Meters ? inner.Vertices[i].X + 1000 : inner.Vertices[i].X + 100000, inner.Vertices[i].Y, inner.Vertices[i].Z)); bool colinear = false; int countIntersect = 0; for (int j = 0; j < outerLines.Length; j++) { if (IsLineSegmentsIntersected(l, outerLines[j], ref colinear)) { countIntersect++; } } if (!colinear && countIntersect % 2 == 0) { return(false); } } return(true); }
void OnEnable() { style.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; style.normal.textColor = Color.white; _target = (LinearPath)target; }
private void OnSceneGUI() { m_path = target as LinearPath; if (m_path.ControlPointCount > 0) { // Transform the path into WorldSpace. m_handleTransform = m_path.transform; // Get the rotation mode. m_handleRotation = Tools.pivotRotation == PivotRotation.Local ? m_handleTransform.rotation : Quaternion.identity; Vector3 p0 = ShowPoint(0); for (int i = 1; i < m_path.ControlPointCount; ++i) { // Create a handle for each point. Vector3 p1 = ShowPoint(i); // Draw the lines between handles. Handles.color = Color.white; Handles.DrawLine(p0, p1); p0 = p1; } } }
public RectColumn(double _width, double _length, Point3D _cntrPt, Point3D _ptLngthDir, LinearPath _colLinPath) { Width = _width; Length = _length; CenterPt = _cntrPt; PtLengthDir = _ptLngthDir; ColPath = _colLinPath; }
public override void ReinforcementPopulate() { LinearPath BoundaryPath = new LinearPath(Slab.LinPathSlab.Vertices.Select(e => new Point3D(e.X, e.Y, e.Z - DefaultValues.SlabThinkess + DefaultValues.ColumnCover)).ToArray()); List <Line> lstBoundaryLines = CadHelper.BoundaryLinesGet(BoundaryPath); int nLong = Convert.ToInt32(lstBoundaryLines[0].Length() / DefaultValues.LongBarSpacing); int nTransverse = Convert.ToInt32(lstBoundaryLines[1].Length() / DefaultValues.LongBarSpacing); //Vector3D uvLong = MathHelper.UnitVector3DFromPt1ToPt2(lstBoundaryLines[0].StartPoint, lstBoundaryLines[0].EndPoint); //Vector3D uvTransverse = MathHelper.UnitVector3DFromPt1ToPt2(lstBoundaryLines[1].StartPoint, lstBoundaryLines[1].EndPoint); for (int i = 0; i < nTransverse; i++) { Line rftTransverse = lstBoundaryLines[0].Offset(DefaultValues.LongBarSpacing * -i, Vector3D.AxisZ) as Line; List <Line> lstRftLines = CadHelper.LinesTrimWithPolygon(Slab.LinPathSlab, rftTransverse); for (int j = 0; j < lstRftLines.Count; j++) { Rebar rebar = new Rebar(new LinearPath(lstRftLines[j].Vertices)); RFT.Add(rebar); } } for (int i = 0; i < nLong; i++) { Line rftLong = lstBoundaryLines[1].Offset(DefaultValues.LongBarSpacing * -i, Vector3D.AxisZ) as Line; List <Line> lstRftLines = CadHelper.LinesTrimWithPolygon(Slab.LinPathSlab, rftLong); for (int j = 0; j < lstRftLines.Count; j++) { Rebar rebar = new Rebar(new LinearPath(lstRftLines[j].Vertices)); RFT.Add(rebar); } } for (int i = 0; i < Slab.Openings.Count; i++) { List <Rebar> lstRebar = new List <Rebar>(); for (int k = 0; k < RFT.Count; k++) { if (MathHelper.IsLineSegmentIntersectingPolygon(Slab.Openings[i].LinPathOpening, new Line(RFT[k].LinearPath.StartPoint, RFT[k].LinearPath.EndPoint))) { lstRebar.Add(RFT[k]); } } OpeningsRFT.AddRange(lstRebar); } for (int i = 0; i < OpeningsRFT.Count; i++) { RFT.Remove(OpeningsRFT[i]); } }
public void LstRebarPopulate() { LinearPath rftPath = CadWall.LinPathWall.Offset(DefaultValues.WallCover * -1) as LinearPath; Line[] rftPathLines = rftPath.ConvertToLines(); Line longDirLine = null; Line shortDirLine = null; double longDirLength = double.MinValue; double shortDirLength = double.MaxValue; for (int i = 0; i < rftPathLines.Length; i++) { if (rftPathLines[i].Length() > longDirLength) { longDirLine = rftPathLines[i]; longDirLength = rftPathLines[i].Length(); } if (rftPathLines[i].Length() < shortDirLength) { shortDirLine = rftPathLines[i]; shortDirLength = rftPathLines[i].Length(); } } Vector3D uvLength = MathHelper.UnitVector3DFromPt1ToPt2(longDirLine.StartPoint, longDirLine.EndPoint); double dia = DefaultValues.BarDiameter; Vector3D uvWidth; if (longDirLine.Vertices.Contains(shortDirLine.StartPoint)) { uvWidth = MathHelper.UnitVector3DFromPt1ToPt2(shortDirLine.StartPoint, shortDirLine.EndPoint); } else { uvWidth = MathHelper.UnitVector3DFromPt1ToPt2(shortDirLine.EndPoint, shortDirLine.StartPoint); } //placement int nRebar = Convert.ToInt32(longDirLine.Length() / DefaultValues.LongBarSpacing); for (int i = 0; i < nRebar; i++) { Point3D locationPt1 = longDirLine.StartPoint + uvLength * DefaultValues.LongBarSpacing * i; Point3D locationPt2 = locationPt1 + uvWidth * shortDirLength; Rebar rebar1 = new Rebar(locationPt1); Rebar rebar2 = new Rebar(locationPt2); LstRebar.Add(rebar1); LstRebar.Add(rebar2); } }
internal static bool IsLineSegmentIntersectingPolygon(LinearPath linPath, Line line2) { foreach (Line line1 in linPath.ConvertToLines()) { //double a1 = line1.EndPoint.Y - line1.StartPoint.Y; //double b1 = line1.StartPoint.X - line1.EndPoint.X; //double c1 = a1 * line1.StartPoint.X + b1 * line1.StartPoint.Y; //double a2 = line2.EndPoint.Y - line2.StartPoint.Y; //double b2 = line2.StartPoint.X - line2.EndPoint.X; //double c2 = a2 * line2.StartPoint.X + b2 * line2.StartPoint.Y; //double delta = a1 * b2 - a2 * b1; //if (Math.Abs(delta) > 0.0001) // !=0 //{ int o1 = orientation(line1.StartPoint, line1.EndPoint, line2.StartPoint); int o2 = orientation(line1.StartPoint, line1.EndPoint, line2.EndPoint); int o3 = orientation(line2.StartPoint, line2.EndPoint, line1.StartPoint); int o4 = orientation(line2.StartPoint, line2.EndPoint, line1.EndPoint); if (o1 != o2 && o3 != o4) { return(true); } // Special Cases // p1, q1 and p2 are colinear and p2 lies on segment p1q1 if (o1 == 0 && onSegment(line1.StartPoint, line2.StartPoint, line1.EndPoint)) { return(true); } // p1, q1 and q2 are colinear and q2 lies on segment p1q1 if (o2 == 0 && onSegment(line1.StartPoint, line2.EndPoint, line1.EndPoint)) { return(true); } // p2, q2 and p1 are colinear and p1 lies on segment p2q2 if (o3 == 0 && onSegment(line2.StartPoint, line1.StartPoint, line2.EndPoint)) { return(true); } // p2, q2 and q1 are colinear and q1 lies on segment p2q2 if (o4 == 0 && onSegment(line2.StartPoint, line1.EndPoint, line2.EndPoint)) { return(true); } //} } return(false); // Doesn't fall in any of the above cases }
ComplexPath loadLane(Transform lane) { ComplexPath cPath = new ComplexPath(); for (int i = 0; i < lane.childCount; i++) { Transform vec = lane.GetChild(i); IPath nextPath; int next = i + 1; if (next == lane.childCount) { next = 0; } if (vec.childCount > 1) { // bezier path Transform start = vec.GetChild(0); Vector2 startPoint = new Vector2(start.transform.position.x, start.transform.position.y); //Debug.Log("startPoint - x " + startPoint.X + " y: " + startPoint.Y); Transform ch1 = vec.GetChild(1); Vector2 ch1Point = new Vector2(ch1.transform.position.x, ch1.transform.position.y); //Debug.Log("ch1Point - x " + ch1Point.X + " y: " + ch1Point.Y); Transform ch2 = vec.GetChild(2); Vector2 ch2Point = new Vector2(ch2.transform.position.x, ch2.transform.position.y); //Debug.Log("ch2Point - x " + ch2Point.X + " y: " + ch2Point.Y); Transform end = vec.GetChild(3); Vector2 endPoint = new Vector2(end.transform.position.x, end.transform.position.y); //Debug.Log("endPoint - x " + endPoint.X + " y: " + endPoint.Y); nextPath = new BezierPath(startPoint, ch1Point, ch2Point, endPoint); } else { //lineal path Transform vec2 = lane.GetChild(next); if (vec2.childCount > 1) { vec2 = vec2.GetChild(0); } float x = vec.transform.position.x; float y = vec.transform.position.y; float x2 = vec2.transform.position.x; float y2 = vec2.transform.position.y; nextPath = new LinearPath(new Vector2(x, y), new Vector2(x2, y2)); } cPath.AddPathSegment(nextPath); } return(cPath); }
public void LstBranchPopulate(LinearPath stirrupPath) { int nVertices = stirrupPath.Vertices.Length; for (int i = 0; i < nVertices - 1; i++) { Point3D ptSt = stirrupPath.Vertices[i]; Point3D ptEnd = stirrupPath.Vertices[i + 1]; LstBranch.Add(new Line(new Point3D(ptSt.X, ptSt.Y, ptSt.Z), new Point3D(ptEnd.X, ptEnd.Y, ptEnd.Z))); } }
public void TestSnapLinear() { var line = new LinearPath(, Vector3.forward * 10); var point = new Vector3(15, 0, 5); line.SnapTo(point, out var snapped, out var distance); Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3(0, 0, 5), snapped); Assert.AreEqual(5, distance); }
public void StirrupPopulate() { LinearPath stirrupLp = (LinearPath)RectColumn.ColPath.Offset(-RectColumn.Cover * 1.2); for (int i = 0; i < stirrupLp.Vertices.Length; i++) { stirrupLp.Vertices[i].Z += CADConfig.Units == linearUnitsType.Meters?1:1000; } Stirrup = new Stirrup(stirrupLp); }
public TestPath(TestRoute route, TestPath source, int index) { this.route = route; var dir = (route.EndPosition - route.StartPosition).normalized; LoftPath = new LinearPath(route.StartPosition, route.EndPosition); SideOffsetStart = source == null ? index * 2 : source.SideOffsetEnd; SideOffsetEnd = index * 2; Index = index; }
/// <summary> /// Returns List Of Columns and Shear Walls insidy Footing /// </summary> /// <param name="linPathFooting">Polygon of footing</param> /// <param name="lstColLinPath">List of Columns, Walls and Shear walls in the drawing</param> /// <returns></returns> public static List <LinearPath> EntitiesInsideFootingGet(LinearPath linPathFooting, List <LinearPath> lstEntityLinPath) { List <LinearPath> lstEntityInsideFooting = new List <LinearPath>(); for (int i = 0; i < lstEntityLinPath.Count(); i++) { if (MathHelper.IsInsidePolygon(lstEntityLinPath[i], linPathFooting)) { lstEntityInsideFooting.Add(lstEntityLinPath[i]); } } return(lstEntityInsideFooting); }
public static Line ShortestLineGet(LinearPath linPath) { Line[] lineArr = linPath.ConvertToLines(); Line shortestLine = null; double length = double.MaxValue; for (int j = 0; j < lineArr.Length; j++) { shortestLine = lineArr[j].Length() < length ? lineArr[j] : shortestLine; } return(shortestLine); }
public void StirrupPopulate() { LinearPath stirrupLp = (LinearPath)CadColumn.ColPath.Offset(-CadColumn.Cover); double dowelLength = (CADConfig.Units == linearUnitsType.Meters ? 1 : 1000); for (int i = 0; i < stirrupLp.Vertices.Length; i++) { stirrupLp.Vertices[i].Z += dowelLength; } Stirrup = new Stirrup(stirrupLp); }
public void StirrupPopulate() { LinearPath stirrupLp = (LinearPath)ShearWall.ProfilePath.Offset(-DefaultValues.ShearWallCover * 1.2); double dowelLength = (CADConfig.Units == linearUnitsType.Meters ? 1 : 1000); for (int i = 0; i < stirrupLp.Vertices.Length; i++) { stirrupLp.Vertices[i].Z += dowelLength; } Stirrup = new Stirrup(stirrupLp); }
private void GetOpenings(ReadAutodesk cadFileReader, LinearPath path, double level) { Openings = new List <Opening>(); List <LinearPath> lstPolyLine = CadHelper.PLinesGetByLayerName(cadFileReader, CadLayerName.Opening, true); List <LinearPath> PolyLines = new List <LinearPath>(); for (int i = 0; i < lstPolyLine.Count; i++) { if (MathHelper.IsInsidePolygon(lstPolyLine[i], path)) { PolyLines.Add(lstPolyLine[i]); } } for (int i = 0; i < PolyLines.Count; i++) { #region Old code using rectangule shape method //double width = double.MaxValue; //double length = 0; //List<Point2D> lstVertices = new List<Point2D>(); //Point3D widthMidPt = Point3D.Origin; //int nVertices = PolyLines[i].Vertices.Length; //for (int j = 0; j < nVertices - 1; j++) //{ // double dist = MathHelper.CalcDistanceBetweenTwoPoint3D(PolyLines[i].Vertices[j], PolyLines[i].Vertices[j + 1]); // width = Math.Min(width, dist); // if (width == dist) // { // widthMidPt = MathHelper.MidPoint3D(PolyLines[i].Vertices[j], PolyLines[i].Vertices[j + 1]); // } // length = Math.Max(length, dist); //} //Point3D center = MathHelper.MidPoint3D(PolyLines[i].Vertices[0], PolyLines[i].Vertices[2]); //center.Z = level; //widthMidPt.Z = level; #endregion for (int j = 0; j < PolyLines[i].Vertices.Length; j++) { PolyLines[i].Vertices[j].Z = level; } Openings.Add(new Opening(PolyLines[i])); } }
private IfcSlab CreateIfcLanding(IfcStore model, LinearPath landingPline, double landingThickness) { //begin a transaction using (var trans = model.BeginTransaction("Create Wall")) { IfcSlab landing = model.Instances.New <IfcSlab>(); IfcDirection extrusionDir = model.Instances.New <IfcDirection>(); extrusionDir.SetXYZ(0, 0, -1); //Create a Definition shape to hold the geometry of the Stair 3D body IfcShapeRepresentation shape = IFCHelper.ShapeRepresentationCreate(model, "SweptSolid", "Body"); IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef stepProfile = IFCHelper.ArbitraryClosedProfileCreate(model, (landingPline.Vertices /*.Select(v => v * 1000)*/).ToList()); IfcExtrudedAreaSolid body = IFCHelper.ProfileSweptSolidCreate(model, landingThickness, stepProfile, extrusionDir); body.BodyPlacementSet(model, 0, 0, 0); shape.Items.Add(body); //Create a Product Definition and add the model geometry to the wall IfcProductDefinitionShape prDefShape = model.Instances.New <IfcProductDefinitionShape>(); prDefShape.Representations.Add(shape); landing.Representation = prDefShape; //Create Local axes system and assign it to the column IfcCartesianPoint location3D = model.Instances.New <IfcCartesianPoint>(); location3D.SetXYZ(0, 0, 0); //var uvColLongDir = MathHelper.UnitVectorPtFromPt1ToPt2(cadSlab.CenterPt, cadSlab.PtLengthDir); IfcDirection localXDir = model.Instances.New <IfcDirection>(); localXDir.SetXYZ(1, 0, 0); IfcDirection localZDir = model.Instances.New <IfcDirection>(); localZDir.SetXYZ(0, 0, 1); IfcAxis2Placement3D ax3D = IFCHelper.LocalAxesSystemCreate(model, location3D, localXDir, localZDir); //now place the slab into the model IfcLocalPlacement lp = IFCHelper.LocalPlacemetCreate(model, ax3D); landing.ObjectPlacement = lp; trans.Commit(); return(landing); } }
public LineNode(string label, IList<double[]> points) : base(label) { foreach (double[] p in points) Add(new Point3DEntity(this, null, p)); List<Point3D> pts = new List<Point3D>(Attributes.Count); foreach (IAttribute atr in Attributes) if (atr is Point3Attribute) pts.Add(new Point3D((atr as Point3Attribute).Value as double[])); LinearPath lp = new LinearPath(pts.ToArray(), System.Drawing.Color.Black); Length = lp.Length(); }
public void Draw(Model model) { Point3D origin; Vector3D camX, camY, camZ; Camera.GetFrame(out origin, out camX, out camY, out camZ); if (origin != null) { // Draws the View Volume Point3D[] pts = new Point3D[24]; int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { pts[count++] = pNear[i]; pts[count++] = pNear[(i + 1) % 4]; pts[count++] = pFar[(i + 1) % 4]; pts[count++] = pFar[i]; pts[count++] = origin; pts[count++] = pNear[(i + 1) % 4]; } LinearPath lp1 = new LinearPath(pts); lp1.Color = Color.Gray; lp1.ColorMethod = colorMethodType.byEntity; model.Entities.Add(lp1, LayerName); //Draws the Camera const double widthB = 3, heightB = 5, depthB = 3, heightC = widthB / 2, radiusC = 1.5; Mesh cone = Mesh.CreateCone(radiusC, radiusC / 2, heightC, 10); cone.ColorMethod = colorMethodType.byEntity; cone.Color = Color.GreenYellow; Mesh box = Mesh.CreateBox(widthB, depthB, heightB); box.ColorMethod = colorMethodType.byEntity; box.Color = Color.GreenYellow; // centers the box to the world origin box.Translate(-widthB / 2, -depthB / 2, +heightC); // Aligns the Camera to the Camera view Transformation t = new Align3D(Plane.XY, new Plane(origin, camX, camY)); box.TransformBy(t); cone.TransformBy(t); model.Entities.Add(cone, LayerName); model.Entities.Add(box, LayerName); } }
public static void Pocket(Model model) { Point2D[] pts = new Point2D[] { new Point2D(0, 0), new Point2D(40, 0), new Point2D(40, 20), new Point2D(60, 20), new Point2D(60, 10), new Point2D(100, 10), new Point2D(100, 60), new Point2D(60, 60), new Point2D(60, 30), new Point2D(40, 30), new Point2D(40, 80), new Point2D(0, 80), new Point2D(0, 0), }; LinearPath outerContour = new LinearPath(Plane.XY, pts); outerContour.LineWeightMethod = colorMethodType.byEntity; outerContour.LineWeight = 3; model.Entities.Add(outerContour, Color.OrangeRed); Circle innerContour = new Circle(20, 60, 0, 6); innerContour.LineWeightMethod = colorMethodType.byEntity; innerContour.LineWeight = 3; model.Entities.Add(innerContour, Color.OrangeRed); Region r1 = new Region(new ICurve[] { outerContour, innerContour }, Plane.XY, true); ICurve[] passes = r1.Pocket(4, cornerType.Round, .1); const double zStep = 2; const int stepCount = 10; for (int i = 1; i < stepCount; i++) { foreach (Entity crv in passes) { Entity en = (Entity)crv.Clone(); en.Translate(0, 0, -i * zStep); model.Entities.Add(en, Color.DarkBlue); } } }
public LineNode(string label, double[,] points) : base(label) { for (int i = 0; i < points.GetLength(0); i++) Add(new Point3DEntity(this, points[i, 0], points[i, 1], points[i, 2])); List<Point3D> pts = new List<Point3D>(Attributes.Count); foreach (IAttribute atr in Attributes) if (atr is Point3Attribute) pts.Add(new Point3D((atr as Point3Attribute).Value as double[])); LinearPath lp = new LinearPath(pts.ToArray(), System.Drawing.Color.Black); Length = lp.Length(); }
public Entity CreateTarget(double xTarget, double yTarget) { this.xTarget = xTarget; this.yTarget = yTarget; lpTarget = new LinearPath(new Point3D(3, 3, 0), new Point3D(3, 8, 0), new Point3D(-3, 8, 0), new Point3D(-3, 3, 0), new Point3D(-8, 3, 0), new Point3D(-8, -3, 0), new Point3D(-3, -3, 0), new Point3D(-3, -8, 0), new Point3D(3, -8, 0), new Point3D(3, -3, 0), new Point3D(8, -3, 0), new Point3D(8, 3, 0), new Point3D(3, 3, 0)); lpTarget.Rotate(-Math.PI / 4, Vector3D.AxisZ); lpTarget.Translate(xTarget, yTarget, 0); return(lpTarget); }
LinearPath CreateNormal(double s, ref Vect2 uv, ref Vect3 xyz, ref Vect3 xup) { LinearPath nor = new LinearPath(2); xVal(s, ref uv, ref xyz, ref xup); nor.Vertices[0] = Utilities.Vect3ToPoint3D(xyz); Vect3 xnor = xup - xyz; if (xnor.Magnitude > COMBMAX)//enforce maxmimum combheight { xnor.Magnitude = COMBMAX; xup = xyz + xnor;//ensure you passt he values back to the caller } nor.Vertices[1] = Utilities.Vect3ToPoint3D(xup); nor.EntityData = this; ///nor.GroupIndex = 0; return nor; }
public virtual List<Entity> CreateEntities(bool bFitPoints, double TolAngle, out double[] sPos) { if (!AllFitPointsValid()) { sPos = null; return new List<Entity>(); } List<double> spos = new List<double>(); const int TEST = 8; int FitLength = FitPoints.Length; double[] stest = new double[(FitLength - 1) * TEST]; Vect3[] xtest = new Vect3[(FitLength - 1) * TEST]; Vect2 uv = new Vect2(); Vect3 xyz = new Vect3(); Vect3 dxp = new Vect3(), dxm = new Vect3(); //initial 8 subdivisions per segment int nFit, nTest = 0; for (nFit = 1; nFit < FitLength; nFit++) { for (int i = 0; i < TEST; i++, nTest++) { stest[nTest] = BLAS.interpolate(i, TEST, FitPoints[nFit].S, FitPoints[nFit - 1].S); xtest[nTest] = new Vect3(); xVal(stest[nTest], ref uv, ref xtest[nTest]); } } //test the midpoint of each subsegment to determine required # of points int[] nAdd = new int[stest.Length]; double cosA; double smid; int nTotal = FitLength; for (nTest = 1; nTest < stest.Length; nTest++) { //midpoint position smid = (stest[nTest] + stest[nTest - 1]) / 2.0; xVal(smid, ref uv, ref xyz); //forward and backward tangents dxp = xtest[nTest] - xyz; dxm = xtest[nTest - 1] - xyz; //change in angle between for and aft tans cosA = -(dxp.Dot(dxm)) / (dxp.Magnitude * dxm.Magnitude); Utilities.LimitRange(-1, ref cosA, 1); cosA = Math.Acos(cosA); //determine additional points and sum total nTotal += nAdd[nTest] = (int)(cosA / TolAngle + 1); } m_Length = 0; Vect3 xprev = new Vect3(); Vect3 dx = new Vect3(); List<Point3D> pnts = new List<Point3D>(); List<Vect3> tans = new List<Vect3>(); xVal(stest[0], ref uv, ref xprev); pnts.Add(new Point3D(xprev.ToArray())); spos.Add(stest[0]); for (nTest = 1; nTest < stest.Length; nTest++) { for (int i = 1; i <= nAdd[nTest]; i++) { smid = ((nAdd[nTest] - i) * stest[nTest - 1] + i * stest[nTest]) / nAdd[nTest]; xVec(smid, ref uv, ref xyz, ref dx); spos.Add(smid); pnts.Add(new Point3D(xyz.ToArray())); tans.Add(new Vect3(dx)); m_Length += xyz.Distance(xprev); xprev.Set(xyz); } } if (EXTENDENTITY) { //add for-cast/back-cast points for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { for (nTest = 0; nTest < 10; nTest++) { smid = BLAS.interpolant(nTest, 10) * 0.05;//scale down to .1 cast if (i == 0) smid = -smid; else smid += 1.0; xVal(smid, ref uv, ref xyz); if (i == 0) pnts.Insert(0, new Point3D(xyz.ToArray())); else pnts.Add(new Point3D(xyz.ToArray())); } } } LinearPath lp = new LinearPath(pnts); lp.EntityData = this; //lp.LineWeight = 3.0f; //lp.LineWeightMethod = colorMethodType.byEntity; List<Entity> tanpaths = new List<Entity>(); tanpaths.Add(lp); if (bFitPoints) { //LinearPath path; //int npnt = 0; //foreach (Vect3 pnt in tans) //{ // pnt.Magnitude = 2; // xyz = new Vect3(pnts[npnt].ToArray()); // xyz += pnt; // path = new LinearPath(pnts[npnt], new Point3D(xyz.ToArray())); // path.EntityData = this; // tanpaths.Add(path); // npnt++; // //xVal(pnt.UV, ref xyz); // //pnts.Add(new Point3D(xyz.ToArray())); //} pnts = new List<Point3D>(); foreach (IFitPoint pnt in FitPoints) { xVal(pnt.UV, ref xyz); pnts.Add(new Point3D(xyz.ToArray())); } PointCloud pc = new PointCloud(pnts, 8f); pc.EntityData = this; tanpaths.Add(pc); } sPos = spos.ToArray(); return tanpaths; }