//Main code for creating chart.
        //Note: the argument img is unused because this demo only has 1 chart.
        public void createChart(WinChartViewer viewer, string img)
            // The value to display on the meter
            double value = 85;

            // Create an LinearMeter object of size 210 x 45 pixels, using silver
            // background with a 2 pixel black 3D depressed border.
            LinearMeter m = new LinearMeter(210, 45, Chart.silverColor(), 0, -2);

            // Set the scale region top-left corner at (5, 5), with size of 200 x 20
            // pixels. The scale labels are located on the bottom (implies horizontal
            // meter)
            m.setMeter(5, 5, 200, 20, Chart.Bottom);

            // Set meter scale from 0 - 100
            m.setScale(0, 100);

            // Add a title at the bottom of the meter with a 1 pixel raised 3D border
            m.addTitle2(Chart.Bottom, "Battery Level", "Arial Bold", 8
                        ).setBackground(Chart.Transparent, -1, 1);

            // Set 3 zones of different colors to represent Good/Weak/Bad data ranges
            m.addZone(50, 100, 0x99ff99, "Good");
            m.addZone(20, 50, 0xffff66, "Weak");
            m.addZone(0, 20, 0xffcccc, "Bad");

            // Add empty labels (just need the ticks) at 0/20/50/80 as separators for
            // zones
            m.addLabel(0, " ");
            m.addLabel(20, " ");
            m.addLabel(50, " ");
            m.addLabel(100, " ");

            // Add a semi-transparent blue (800000ff) pointer at the specified value,
            // using triangular pointer shape
            m.addPointer(value, unchecked ((int)0x800000ff)).setShape(

            // Output the chart
            viewer.Image = m.makeImage();