public void ColumnDeleted(int index) { cells[index].DeleteView(); columns[index].DeleteView(); layout.RemoveViewAt(index * 2 + ADDITIONAL_ROWS); layout.RemoveViewAt(index * 2 + ADDITIONAL_ROWS); }
private void DeletePlace(object sender, EventArgs e) { ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup)((ImageButton)sender).Parent; for (int i = 0; i < parent.ChildCount; i++) { View child = parent.GetChildAt(i); if (child.GetType() == typeof(AppCompatTextView)) { chosenPlaces.RemoveAll(p => p.Name == ((TextView)child).Text); break; } } ViewGroup topParent = (ViewGroup)parent.Parent.Parent; for (int i = 0; i < choicesRoot.ChildCount; i++) { View child = choicesRoot.GetChildAt(i); if (child.Id == topParent.Id) { choicesRoot.RemoveViewAt(i); break; } } if (choicesRoot.ChildCount <= 1) { choicesRoot.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; } }
public void OnAddExerciseEvent(EditText exerciseEdittext, int currentPosition, LinearLayout currentExpandedLayout, LinearLayout.LayoutParams ll, int index, CardView rootCardView) { HideKeyboard(exerciseEdittext); // format exercises list if (currentPosition > -1 && currentPosition < data.Count) { data[currentPosition].exercises += (data[currentPosition].exercises != null ? "\n" : "") + exerciseEdittext.Text.ToString(); } // replace edit view with normal exercise view currentExpandedLayout.RemoveViewAt(index); View exerciseView = LayoutInflater.From(context).Inflate(Resource.Layout.ListItemExercise, null); exerciseView.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.exercise_name).Text = exerciseEdittext.Text.ToString(); ll.LeftMargin = 24; ll.RightMargin = 24; exerciseView.LayoutParameters = ll; currentExpandedLayout.AddView(exerciseView, index); LinearLayout rootExerciseItem = exerciseView.FindViewById <LinearLayout>(Resource.Id.root_exercise_item); Button addSetBtn = exerciseView.FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.add_set_btn); if (!rootExerciseItem.HasOnClickListeners) { rootExerciseItem.Click += delegate(object rootSender, EventArgs rootE) { ExerciseItemOnClick(rootSender, rootE); }; } if (!addSetBtn.HasOnClickListeners) { addSetBtn.Click += delegate(object addSetSender, EventArgs addSetE) { ExerciseItemOnClick(addSetSender, addSetE); }; } }
private void DeleteItemClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup)((ImageButton)sender).Parent; for (int i = 0; i < parent.ChildCount; i++) { View child = parent.GetChildAt(i); if (child.GetType() == typeof(AppCompatTextView)) { entries.Remove(((TextView)child).Text); break; } } ViewGroup topParent = (ViewGroup)parent.Parent.Parent; for (int i = 0; i < choicesRoot.ChildCount; i++) { View child = choicesRoot.GetChildAt(i); if (child.Id == topParent.Id) { choicesRoot.RemoveViewAt(i); break; } } if (choicesRoot.ChildCount <= 1) { optionsHeader.Text = Resources.GetString(Resource.String.createNewMultChoiceNone); } }
private void RemoveButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { var index = _viewGroup.ChildCount - 1; if (index > -1) { _viewGroup.RemoveViewAt(index); } }
private void OnClickRemoveDeveloper(object sender, EventArgs e) { var button = (ImageView)sender; int posToRemove = (int)button.Tag; lstAssignments.RemoveAt(posToRemove); lstDevelopers.RemoveAt(posToRemove); ly_developers.RemoveViewAt(posToRemove); }
public void removeChilren(LinearLayout layout) { if (layout.ChildCount > 0) { for (int i = layout.ChildCount - 1; i > 0; i--) { layout.RemoveViewAt(i); } } }
private void RemoveButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { var index = _viewGroup.ChildCount - 1; if (index > -1) { TransitionManager.BeginDelayedTransition(_viewGroup, new Slide((int)GravityFlags.Top)); _viewGroup.RemoveViewAt(index); } }
public override void DataChanged(Dictionary <string, string> data) { if (data.ContainsKey("operation")) { switch (data["operation"]) { case "del": options.RemoveViewAt(int.Parse(data["index"])); break; case "patch": TextView updated = (TextView)options.FindViewWithTag(data["key"]); updated.Text = data["value"]; break; case "put": TextView option = new TextView(context) { Id = 6667, Tag = data["key"], Text = data["value"] }; option.SetOnClickListener(this); options.AddView(option, int.Parse(data["index"])); break; case "new": TextView newoption = new TextView(context) { Id = 6667, Tag = data["key"], Text = data["value"] }; newoption.SetOnClickListener(this); options.AddView(newoption, options.ChildCount - 1); break; } } else { foreach (string key in data.Keys) { TextView option = new TextView(context) { Id = 6667, Tag = key, Text = data[key] }; option.SetOnClickListener(this); options.AddView(option, options.ChildCount - 1); } } }
public void SetFooterView(View header, int index, Orientation orientation) { if (footerLayout == null || footerLayout.ChildCount <= index) { AddFooterView(header, index, orientation); } else { footerLayout.RemoveViewAt(index); footerLayout.AddView(header, index); } }
private void ConfigureExerciseTrashcanListener(View newExerciseView, int viewPosition, LinearLayout currentExpandedLayout, EditText exerciseEdittext) { ImageButton deleteExerciseBtn = newExerciseView.FindViewById <ImageButton>(Resource.Id.delete_exercise_btn); if (!deleteExerciseBtn.HasOnClickListeners) { deleteExerciseBtn.Click += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { currentExpandedLayout.RemoveViewAt(viewPosition); HideKeyboard(exerciseEdittext); }; } ; }
/// <summary> /// Remove a action from the action bar. /// </summary> /// <param name="index">position of action to remove</param> public void RemoveActionAt(int index) { if (index < 1) { return; } var menuItemAction = m_ActionsView.GetChildAt(index).Tag as MenuItemActionBarAction; if (menuItemAction != null) { MenuItemsToHide.Remove(menuItemAction.MenuItemId); } m_ActionsView.RemoveViewAt(index); }
private void Txt_LongClick(object sender, View.LongClickEventArgs e) { try { TableTextView tv = (TableTextView)sender; int index = Convert.ToInt32(tv.Tag.ToString().Trim()); mainLinerLayout = (LinearLayout)this.FindViewById(Resource.Id.RuleBreakTable); mainLinerLayout.RemoveViewAt(index); lstRules.RemoveAt(index); } catch (Exception ex) { LogManager.WriteSystemLog(ex.Message + ex.Source + ex.StackTrace); } }
private void DeleteFile(AttachmentFile documentFile, int filePosition) { // Delete file from server if it's necessary // If the file has id that means that it was upload to the server, so it's needed to remove if (documentFile.Id != null) { filesToDeleteInServer.Add(documentFile); // Call WS to remove file in server //RemoveFileFromServer(documentFile, filePosition); } // Remove file in view attachedFiles.RemoveAt(filePosition); filesContainer.RemoveViewAt(filePosition); }
private void ShowWebview(bool show) { if (show == true) { layoutList.Visibility = Android.Views.ViewStates.Gone; layoutWeb.Visibility = Android.Views.ViewStates.Visible; int count = linearTabs.ChildCount - 1; for (int i = count; i >= 0; i--) { bool delete = false; View view = linearTabs.GetChildAt(i); if (view is Button) { Button vw = (Button)view; delete = ((string)vw.GetTag(vw.Id) != "passageButton1"); } if (delete) { linearTabs.RemoveViewAt(i); } } passageButton.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; int p = 0; foreach (string s in _Passages) { if (s != null || s != "") { Button bt = new Button(this); bt.LayoutParameters = passageButton.LayoutParameters; bt.Id = passageButton.Id + p; bt.Text = "Psg " + (p + 1).ToString(); bt.Tag = p; bt.Click += PassageButton_Click; linearTabs.AddView(bt, p); p++; } } LoadPassage(_activeVersion, _activePassages, 0); } else { layoutList.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; layoutWeb.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; webview1.LoadUrl(""); } }
public void DeleteAdvancedString(View view) { var section = view.Parent; LinearLayout container = (LinearLayout)FindViewById(Resource.Id.advanced_container); State.EntryModified = true; for (int i = 0; i < container.ChildCount; i++) { var ees = container.GetChildAt(i); if (ees == section) { container.RemoveViewAt(i); container.Invalidate(); break; } } }
private void SpSentenceItem_ItemSelected(object sender, AdapterView.ItemSelectedEventArgs e) { LinearLayout ll = (sender as Spinner).Parent as LinearLayout; if (e.Id == SentencePart.spModalVerb || e.Id == SentencePart.spNotionalVerb) { if (ll.ChildCount == 1) { var lp = new TableLayout.LayoutParams(0, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WrapContent) { Weight = 1 }; Spinner spSentenceItemType = new Spinner(this) { LayoutParameters = lp }; ll.AddView(spSentenceItemType); } BaseAdapter adapter; Spinner sp = ll.GetChildAt(1) as Spinner; if (e.Id == SentencePart.spModalVerb) { adapter = new LObjectListAdapter(this, ModalVerb.Instance.List.Values.ToArray()); } else { adapter = new LObjectListAdapter(this, NotionalVerb.Instance.List.Values.ToArray()); } sp.Adapter = adapter; } else { if (ll.ChildCount == 2) { ll.RemoveViewAt(1); } } }
public void RemoveSort(int index) { SortStruct removed = sorts[index]; isSorted[sorts.IndexOf(removed)] = false; sortsList.RemoveViewAt(index); sorts.RemoveAt(index); for (int i = index; i < sortsList.ChildCount - 1; ++i) { View updated = sortsList.GetChildAt(i); TextView columnButton = updated.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.ViewSortColumn); columnButton.Tag = i; TextView sortTypeButton = updated.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.ViewSortType); sortTypeButton.Tag = i; View removeButton = updated.FindViewById(Resource.Id.ViewSortRemove); removeButton.Tag = i; } }
public void AddFixedText(string text) { EditText fixedText = new EditText(Context); LinearLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WrapContent, LayoutParams.WrapContent); layoutParams.Gravity = GravityFlags.CenterVertical; fixedText.SetTextAppearance(Context, Resource.Style.judo_payments_CardText); fixedText.LayoutParameters = layoutParams; fixedText.Enabled = false; fixedText.Focusable = false; fixedText.Text = text; fixedText.SetBackgroundColor(Resources.GetColor(Android.Resource.Color.Transparent)); fixedText.SetPadding(0, 0, 0, 0); Typeface type = Typefaces.LoadTypefaceFromRaw(Context, Resource.Raw.courier); fixedText.Typeface = type; if (linearLayout.ChildCount > 1) { linearLayout.RemoveViewAt(0); } linearLayout.AddView(fixedText, 0); }
public void RemoveSort(int index) { FilterStruct removed = filters[index]; filtersList.RemoveViewAt(index); filters.RemoveAt(index); for (int i = index; i < filtersList.ChildCount - 1; ++i) { View updated = filtersList.GetChildAt(i); TextView columnButton = updated.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.ViewFilterColumn); columnButton.Tag = i; TextView sortTypeButton = updated.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.ViewFilterType); sortTypeButton.Tag = i; TextView sortStringButton = updated.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.ViewFilterPredicate); sortStringButton.Tag = i; View removeButton = updated.FindViewById(Resource.Id.ViewFilterRemove); removeButton.Tag = i; } }
public void ColumnDeleted(int index) { cells.RemoveAt(index); mainLayout.RemoveViewAt(index * 2); mainLayout.RemoveViewAt(index * 2); }
public override View GetSampleContent(Context con) { float height = con.Resources.DisplayMetrics.HeightPixels;; LinearLayout layout = new LinearLayout(con); Typeface tf = Typeface.CreateFromAsset(con.Assets, "Segoe_MDL2_Assets.ttf"); layout.Orientation = Android.Widget.Orientation.Vertical; sfpicker = new SfPicker(con); sfpicker.ShowHeader = true; List <String> source = new List <string>(); source.Add("Yellow"); source.Add("Green"); source.Add("Orange"); source.Add("Lime"); source.Add("LightBlue"); source.Add("Pink"); source.Add("SkyBlue"); source.Add("White"); source.Add("Red"); source.Add("Aqua"); sfpicker.ItemsSource = source; sfpicker.LayoutParameters = new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(Android.Views.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MatchParent, (int)(height * 0.60)); sfpicker.PickerMode = PickerMode.Default; sfpicker.ShowFooter = false; sfpicker.SelectedItemTextSize = 20 * con.Resources.DisplayMetrics.Density; sfpicker.UnSelectedItemTextSize = 20 * con.Resources.DisplayMetrics.Density; sfpicker.HeaderHeight = 40 * con.Resources.DisplayMetrics.Density; sfpicker.ShowColumnHeader = false; sfpicker.UnSelectedItemTextColor = Color.Black; sfpicker.SelectedIndex = 7; float density = con.Resources.DisplayMetrics.Density; eventLog = new TextView(con); eventLog.LayoutParameters = new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(800, 400); layout.SetGravity(GravityFlags.CenterHorizontal); layout.AddView(sfpicker); string headerText1 = "PICK A COLOR"; sfpicker.ShowHeader = true; sfpicker.HeaderText = headerText1; sfpicker.BorderColor = Color.Red; TextView textview = new TextView(con); textview.Text = "Event Log"; textview.Typeface = tf; textview.SetTextColor(Color.Black); textview.TextSize = 20; if (density > 2) { textview.SetPadding(20, 0, 0, 20); } else { textview.SetPadding(10, 0, 0, 10); } layout.AddView(textview); var scrollviewer = new ScrollView(con); var textFrame = new LinearLayout(con); textFrame.Orientation = Android.Widget.Orientation.Vertical; scrollviewer.AddView(textFrame); scrollviewer.VerticalScrollBarEnabled = true; FrameLayout bottomFrame = new FrameLayout(con); bottomFrame.LayoutParameters = new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MatchParent, (int)(height)); bottomFrame.SetBackgroundColor(Color.Silver); bottomFrame.AddView(scrollviewer); bottomFrame.SetPadding(10, 30, 10, 0); layout.AddView(bottomFrame); sfpicker.ColumnHeaderText = "COLOR"; sfpicker.OnSelectionChanged += (sender, e) => { eventLog = new TextView(con); eventLog.SetTextColor(Color.Black); if (textFrame.ChildCount == 6) { textFrame.RemoveViewAt(0); } textFrame.AddView(eventLog); eventLog.Text = (e.NewValue).ToString() + " " + "has been Selected"; Color color = PickerHelper.GetColor(e.NewValue.ToString()); sfpicker.SetBackgroundColor(color); sfpicker.Background.Alpha = 128; // scrollviewer.ScrollTo(0, textFrame.Bottom); }; return(layout); }
private void SyncLines() { if (syncing) { return; } syncing = true; string extra = ""; try { var inflater = table.Context.GetSystemService(Context.LayoutInflaterService) as LayoutInflater; int i = 0; FrameLayout nextRow = null; foreach (var period in vm.Periods) { // first, remove all next rows that are not Period Rows extra = "remove"; while (i < table.ChildCount) { nextRow = table.GetChildAt(i) as FrameLayout; if (nextRow.Tag == Row) { break; } var value = nextRow.FindViewById <TextView> (Resource.Id.value); if (value != null) { animvalues.Remove(value); } var bar = nextRow.FindViewById <View> (; if (bar != null) { animvalues.Remove(bar); } table.RemoveViewAt(i); nextRow = null; } var periodRow = nextRow; // if no next row, inflate a new one extra = "inflate"; if (periodRow == null) { periodRow = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.PeriodRow, null) as FrameLayout; periodRow.Tag = Row; periodRow.Click += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { PeriodTap(period); }; (periodRow as ViewGroup).SetClipChildren(false); animvalues.Add(periodRow.FindViewById <TextView> (Resource.Id.value)); animvalues.Add(periodRow.FindViewById <View> (; table.AddView(periodRow, i); } // sync the row texts extra = "synctext"; int screenwidth = table.Context.Resources.DisplayMetrics.WidthPixels; periodRow.FindViewById <View> ( = (period.BarWidth * screenwidth / JournalDayVM.GoalWidth); periodRow.FindViewById <TextView> (Resource.Id.text).Text = period.Text; periodRow.FindViewById <TextView> (Resource.Id.value).Text = period.Value; i++; foreach (var line in period.Lines) { nextRow = (i < table.ChildCount) ? table.GetChildAt(i) as FrameLayout : null; var lineRow = nextRow; if (nextRow != null && nextRow.Tag != Line) { nextRow = null; } if (lineRow != null) { // 05/30/2015: we were getting lots of "settext" exceptions on object null (not sure why). This is the workaround: if (lineRow.FindViewById <TextView> (Resource.Id.text) == null) { lineRow = null; } if (lineRow.FindViewById <TextView> (Resource.Id.value) == null) { lineRow = null; } } // if none to re-use, inflate a new one extra = "inflaterow"; if (lineRow == null) { lineRow = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.LineRow, null) as FrameLayout; lineRow.Tag = Line; lineRow.Click += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { PeriodTap(period); }; (lineRow as ViewGroup).SetClipChildren(false); animvalues.Add(lineRow.FindViewById <TextView> (Resource.Id.value)); table.AddView(lineRow, i); } // set the texts extra = "settext"; lineRow.FindViewById <TextView> (Resource.Id.text).Text = line.Text; lineRow.FindViewById <TextView> (Resource.Id.value).Text = line.Value; i++; } // add margin if next row isnt margin extra = "addmargin"; nextRow = (i < table.ChildCount) ? table.GetChildAt(i) as FrameLayout : null; if (nextRow == null || nextRow.Tag != Space) { var marginview = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.PeriodRowMargin, null) as FrameLayout; marginview.Tag = Space; table.AddView(marginview, i); } i++; } // remove all subsequent rows extra = "removetherest"; while (i < table.ChildCount) { nextRow = table.GetChildAt(i) as FrameLayout; var value = nextRow.FindViewById <TextView> (Resource.Id.value); if (value != null) { animvalues.Remove(value); } var bar = nextRow.FindViewById <TextView> (; if (bar != null) { animvalues.Remove(bar); } table.RemoveViewAt(i); } } catch (Exception ex) { LittleWatson.ReportException(ex, extra); } syncing = false; }
protected void ShowVehicles() { ShowSpinner(true); var vehicleIds = _prefHelper.GetPrefStrings(Constants.PrefKeys.VEHICLES); //vehicleIds.Add(vehicleIds[0]); RunOnUiThread(() => { // Remove previously-rendered vehicle views. for (int i = _rootContainer.ChildCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var childView = _rootContainer.GetChildAt(i); if (childView.Tag != null && childView.Tag.ToString() == "vehicleView") { _rootContainer.RemoveViewAt(i); } } // Set activity header. _yourTeslas.Text = (vehicleIds.Count == 0) ? "No vehicles found." : "Your Tesla" + (vehicleIds.Count > 1 ? "s" : String.Empty); _yourTeslas.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; }); vehicleIds.ForEach((id) => { var name = _prefHelper.GetPrefString(String.Format(Constants.PrefKeys.VEHICLE_NAME, id)); var vin = _prefHelper.GetPrefString(String.Format(Constants.PrefKeys.VEHICLE_VIN, id)); var model = vin.Substring(3, 1).ToLowerInvariant(); var optionCodes = _prefHelper.GetPrefString(String.Format(Constants.PrefKeys.VEHICLE_OPTION_CODES, id)); // Create new container. var vehicleContainer = new LinearLayout(this); vehicleContainer.Tag = "vehicleView"; vehicleContainer.LayoutParameters = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MatchParent, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WrapContent); vehicleContainer.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical; vehicleContainer.SetForegroundGravity(GravityFlags.CenterHorizontal); vehicleContainer.SetPadding(0, 0, 0, 150); // Load image. var image = new ImageView(this); using (var imageBitmap = GetImageBitmapFromUrl($"{model}&view=STUD_SIDE&size=1000&options={optionCodes}&bkba_opt=1")) using (var croppedBitmap = Bitmap.CreateBitmap(imageBitmap, 0, (int)(imageBitmap.Height * 0.18), imageBitmap.Width, (int)(imageBitmap.Height * 0.55))) { image.SetImageBitmap(croppedBitmap); } //image.SetBackgroundColor(Color.LightPink); image.SetForegroundGravity(GravityFlags.CenterHorizontal); image.LayoutParameters = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WrapContent, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WrapContent) { Gravity = GravityFlags.CenterHorizontal }; // Show name. var nameLabel = new TextView(this); nameLabel.Text = name; nameLabel.Gravity = GravityFlags.CenterHorizontal; nameLabel.TextSize = 23; nameLabel.SetTextColor(Color.Black); nameLabel.LayoutParameters = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MatchParent, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WrapContent) { Gravity = GravityFlags.CenterHorizontal }; // Show status spinner until charge state is retrieved. var statusSpinner = new ProgressBar(this, null, 0, Resource.Style.Widget_AppCompat_ProgressBar); statusSpinner.SetForegroundGravity(GravityFlags.Center); statusSpinner.Indeterminate = true; statusSpinner.LayoutParameters = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MatchParent, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WrapContent) { Gravity = GravityFlags.CenterHorizontal, Height = 50, Width = 50 }; vehicleContainer.AddView(nameLabel); vehicleContainer.AddView(image); vehicleContainer.AddView(statusSpinner); RunOnUiThread(() => { _rootContainer.AddView(vehicleContainer); }); Task.Run(async() => { // Get current charge state. var chargeState = await _teslaAPI.GetChargeState(Convert.ToInt64(id)); var chargeStatus = "Status: "; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(chargeState.charging_state)) { chargeStatus += "Unknown"; } else { chargeStatus += $"{chargeState.charging_state}{System.Environment.NewLine}{chargeState.battery_level}% charged with a range of {chargeState.battery_range} miles."; } var chargeStateLabel = new TextView(this) { Text = chargeStatus, Gravity = GravityFlags.CenterHorizontal, TextSize = 16 }; chargeStateLabel.SetTextColor(Color.DarkGray); chargeStateLabel.LayoutParameters = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MatchParent, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WrapContent); RunOnUiThread(() => { statusSpinner.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; vehicleContainer.AddView(chargeStateLabel); }); }); }); ShowSpinner(false); }
public async void getTripData(View view) { //TODO use global preference instead var numTripsToDisplay = 20; var prefs = Application.Context.GetSharedPreferences("settings", FileCreationMode.Private); var prefEditor = prefs.Edit(); if (!MojioConnectionHelper.isClientLoggedIn()) { await MojioConnectionHelper.setupMojioConnection(prefs); } if (firstStart) { firstStart = false; Globals.client.PageSize = 500; //Gets 15 results MojioResponse <Results <Trip> > response = await Globals.client.GetAsync <Trip> (); Results <Trip> result = response.Data; //var results = view.FindViewById<TextView> (Resource.Id.tripResults); tripIndex = 0; fuelEcon = 0.0; tripIndex--; list = new List <TripData> (); //iterate over each trip to create TripData for each existing trip. foreach (Trip trip in result.Data) { try { fuelEcon += (double)trip.FuelEfficiency; tripIndex++; TripData td = new TripData(trip.StartTime, trip.EndTime, trip.MaxSpeed.Value.ToString(), trip.EndLocation.Lat.ToString(), trip.EndLocation.Lng.ToString(), trip.FuelEfficiency.ToString(), trip.FuelLevel.ToString(), trip.StartLocation.Lat.ToString(), trip.StartLocation.Lng.ToString()); //add new trip to beginning of list, so they are in most recent first order list.Insert(0, td); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Exception:" + e); } } } prefEditor.PutString("speed", "disabled"); int i = 1; var firstTrip = true; var tripsDisplayed = 0; // programmatically create a view widget for each trip LinearLayout linlay = view.FindViewById <LinearLayout> (Resource.Id.linearLayout28); // remove all old children Console.Write("NUMCHILDREN: " + linlay.ChildCount); for (int j = linlay.ChildCount - 1; j >= 0; j--) { linlay.RemoveViewAt(j); } //places all the UI elements foreach (TripData td in list) { if (tripsDisplayed > numTripsToDisplay) { break; } else { tripsDisplayed++; } // get most recent time if (firstTrip) { lastTime = td.startDate + " @ " + td.startTime; firstTrip = false; } else { // drive divider first for every one except for first card var space = new Space(Application.Context) { LayoutParameters = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MatchParent, 10) }; var divider = new LinearLayout(Application.Context) { LayoutParameters = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MatchParent, 1) }; divider.SetBackgroundColor(Resources.GetColor(17170432)); //darker grey //add divider then space for padding linlay.AddView(divider); linlay.AddView(space); } ImageView mapButton = new ImageView(Application.Context); mapButton.SetImageResource(Resource.Drawable.mapButton); mapButton.SetAdjustViewBounds(true); mapButton.Click += delegate { var tripviewActivity = new Intent(Activity, typeof(tripviewActivity)); // Create bundle to send to tripViewActivity Bundle extras = new Bundle(); extras.PutString("endlat", (td.endlocationlat)); extras.PutString("endlng", (td.endlocationlng)); extras.PutString("startlat", (td.startlocationlat)); extras.PutString("startlng", (td.startlocationlng)); extras.PutString("fuelEfficiency", (td.fuelEfficiency)); extras.PutString("fuelLevel", (td.fuelLevel)); extras.PutString("startTime", (td.startTime)); extras.PutString("startDate", (td.startDate)); extras.PutString("maxSpeed", (td.maxSpeed)); extras.PutString("endTime", (td.endDateTime)); tripviewActivity.PutExtra("extras", extras); StartActivity(tripviewActivity); }; linlay.AddView(mapButton); TextView tv = new TextView(Application.Context); tv.Text = td.startDate + " @ " + td.startTime; tv.TextSize = 30; //tv.Elevation = 4; tv.SetPadding(5, 5, 5, 5); //tv.SetBackgroundColor (Android.Graphics.Color.ParseColor("#BBDEFB")); tv.SetTextColor(Resources.GetColor(Resource.Color.black_text)); linlay.AddView(tv); i++; LinearLayout innerll1 = new LinearLayout(Application.Context); innerll1.Orientation = Android.Widget.Orientation.Horizontal; innerll1.Id = i + 5000; //innerll1.Elevation = 4; innerll1.SetPadding(5, 5, 5, 5); //innerll1.SetBackgroundColor (Android.Graphics.Color.ParseColor("#BBDEFB")); ImageView iv1 = new ImageView(Application.Context); iv1.SetImageResource(Resource.Drawable.stopwatch); iv1.SetMaxHeight(50); iv1.SetColorFilter(Resources.GetColor(Resource.Color.accent)); iv1.SetAdjustViewBounds(true); innerll1.AddView(iv1); TextView tv1 = new TextView(Application.Context); tv1.Text = " " + td.tripLength; tv1.TextSize = 20; tv1.SetTextColor(Resources.GetColor(Resource.Color.secondary_text)); innerll1.AddView(tv1); linlay.AddView(innerll1); LinearLayout innerll2 = new LinearLayout(Application.Context); innerll2.Orientation = Android.Widget.Orientation.Horizontal; //innerll2.Elevation = 4; innerll2.SetPadding(5, 5, 5, 5); //innerll2.SetBackgroundColor (Android.Graphics.Color.ParseColor("#BBDEFB")); ImageView iv2 = new ImageView(Application.Context); iv2.SetImageResource(Resource.Drawable.speedometer); iv2.SetMaxHeight(50); iv2.SetColorFilter(Resources.GetColor(Resource.Color.accent)); iv2.SetAdjustViewBounds(true); innerll2.AddView(iv2); TextView tv2 = new TextView(Application.Context); tv2.Text = " " + td.maxSpeed; tv2.TextSize = 20; //tv2.Elevation = 4; tv2.SetTextColor(Resources.GetColor(Resource.Color.secondary_text)); innerll2.AddView(tv2); linlay.AddView(innerll2); Space spc = new Space(Application.Context); spc.SetMinimumHeight(14); linlay.AddView(spc); } var fuelEfficiecny = view.FindViewById <TextView> (Resource.Id.fuelUsage); var lastTripTime = view.FindViewById <TextView> (Resource.Id.lastTripTime); var fe = Math.Round((fuelEcon / tripIndex), 1); fuelEfficiecny.Text = " " + fe + " L/100km"; lastTripTime.Text = " " + lastTime; }
internal void TableNameDeleted(int index) { tableNameList.RemoveViewAt(index); }
public void RowDeleted(int index) { items[index].DeleteView(); items.RemoveAt(index); itemsView.RemoveViewAt(index); }
internal void DatabaseRemoved(int index_del) { contentLayout.RemoveViewAt(index_del); }