Exemple #1
     * Create a trapezoid represented by two linesegments above and below, and two points left and right
    public Trapezoid(Vector2 l, Vector2 r, LineSegment t, LineSegment b)
        top    = t;
        bottom = b;
        left   = l;
        right  = r;

        // cleanup eventually (or not, error messages are always useful)
        if (left.x > right.x)
            Debug.LogError("Created trapezoid with wrong points\n" + this.show());
        if (top.Above(bottom.point1) || top.Above(bottom.point2))
            Debug.LogError("Created trapezoid with bottom segment point above the top segment\n" + this.show());
Exemple #2
     * Split all trapezoids that are being intersected by a segment 'seg'
     *  Replace top and bottom segments with the given segment
     *  Add new trapezoids at the start and end points (if those endpoints are not yet in the VD)
     *  Ensure all neighbors are correctly assigned
     *  Merge trapezoids where the vertical line has disappeard because of the segment
    private List <Trapezoid> CreateTrapezoids(List <Trapezoid> toSplit, LineSegment seg)
        List <Trapezoid> newTrapezoids   = new List <Trapezoid>();
        List <Trapezoid> finalTrapezoids = new List <Trapezoid>();
        Trapezoid        newUpper;
        Trapezoid        newLower;
        Trapezoid        oldUpper        = null;
        Trapezoid        oldLower        = null;
        Trapezoid        begin           = null; // Used for a degenerate start
        bool             StartDegenerate = false;
        bool             EndDegenerate   = false;

         * Simple case where the inserted segment is fully contained in one trapezoid
         * If the endpoints of the inserted segment touch another segment, use the regular case to avoid infinitesmall trapezoids
        if (toSplit.Count == 1 && (toSplit[0].left != seg.point1 && toSplit[0].right != seg.point2))
            Trapezoid start = new Trapezoid(toSplit[0].left, seg.point1, toSplit[0].top, toSplit[0].bottom);
            Trapezoid end   = new Trapezoid(seg.point2, toSplit[0].right, toSplit[0].top, toSplit[0].bottom);
            foreach (Trapezoid neighbor in toSplit[0].Neighbors)
                // All left neighbors are neighbors of start, all right neighbors are neighbors of end
                if (neighbor.right.x > toSplit[0].left.x)
            Trapezoid above = new Trapezoid(seg.point1, seg.point2, toSplit[0].top, seg);
            Trapezoid below = new Trapezoid(seg.point1, seg.point2, seg, toSplit[0].bottom);
            // Add all trapezoids to output
            Debug.Log("Simple case, created trapezoids:\n" + start.show() + "\n" + end.show() + "\n" + above.show() + "\n" + below.show());

         * Complex case where the inserted segment intersects multiple trapezoids
        // If the left endpoint of the segment does not yet exist, create a trapezoid between that point and the left point of the first old trapezoid
        if (seg.point1.x != toSplit[0].left.x)
            // This trapezoid will neighbor both next upper and lower neighbors
            begin = new Trapezoid(toSplit[0].left, seg.point1, toSplit[0].top, toSplit[0].bottom);
            foreach (Trapezoid neighbor in toSplit[0].Neighbors)
                // Take the neighbors of the old trapezoid and add them to new trapezoid, except if the neighbor has been intersected by the segment
                if (neighbor.left.x > begin.left.x)
            StartDegenerate = true;
        // Split each intersected trapezoid in two, one trapezoid above the segment and one below (merging of trapezoids happens later)
        for (int i = 0; i < toSplit.Count; i++)
            newUpper = new Trapezoid(toSplit[i].left, toSplit[i].right, toSplit[i].top, seg);
            newLower = new Trapezoid(toSplit[i].left, toSplit[i].right, seg, toSplit[i].bottom);
            Debug.Log("Considering trapezoid " + i + ". The oldLower is " + ((oldLower == null) ? "null" : oldLower.show()));
            // If the first trapezoid is split in three, don't start the new trapezoids at the left point of trapezoid, but at segment
            if (StartDegenerate)
                newUpper = new Trapezoid(seg.point1, toSplit[i].right, toSplit[i].top, seg);
                newLower = new Trapezoid(seg.point1, toSplit[i].right, seg, toSplit[i].bottom);
            if (i == toSplit.Count - 1 && seg.point2.x != toSplit[toSplit.Count - 1].right.x)
                // If the end is split in three, don't start new trapezoids at the right point, but at segment
                EndDegenerate = true;
                newUpper      = new Trapezoid(toSplit[i].left, seg.point2, toSplit[i].top, seg);
                newLower      = new Trapezoid(toSplit[i].left, seg.point2, seg, toSplit[i].bottom);
            if (oldUpper != null)
            if (oldLower != null)
            // Every existing neighbor of the old trapezoid is either replaced (also intersected) or is a neighbor to the new top or lower
            foreach (Trapezoid neighbor in toSplit[i].Neighbors)
                // Delete the trapezoid we are replacing from the neighbor list of all neighbors
                // Don't add the neighbor if it has or will be replaced
                if (toSplit.Contains(neighbor))
                // Test if the neighbor belongs to upper or lower
                //  If the neighbor is left, its right point has to be above segment (to be upper neighbor)
                //  If the neighbor is right, its left point has to be above segment (to be upper neighbor)
                //      Neighbor is left if its right point is left of the right point of this trapezoid (neighboring trapezoids cannot have right points at same x)
                if (neighbor.right.x < toSplit[i].right.x)
                    // Neighbor is left (Do not add any left neighbors on a degenerate start, as this is wrong)
                    if (StartDegenerate)
                    // If the right point is on the segment, then there is a non degenerate start, and the neighbor could be the upper neighbor
                    //  Check if it is upper neighbor by checking if the right point of the neighbors bottom line on the segment
                    //   or the existing segment that contains seg.point2 is the top or bottom of the inital trapezoid
                    //      This rule is determined by schrift case 2
                    //  If it is lower neighbor, then seg.Above is also false and neighbor will be asigned in the else-clause
                    if (neighbor.right == seg.point1 && (neighbor.bottom.point2 == seg.point1 || toSplit[i].bottom.point1 == seg.point1))
                    else if (seg.Above(neighbor.right))
                        // Neighbor is upper neighbor
                        // Neighbor is lower neighbor
                    // Neighbor is right (Do not add any right neighbors on a degenerate end, as the degenerate trapezoid will still be placed)
                    if (EndDegenerate)
                    // If the left point is on the segment, then there is a non degenerate end, and the neighbor could be the upper neighbor
                    //  Check if it is upper neighbor by checking if the left point of the neighbors bottom line is on the segment
                    //   or the existing segment that contains seg.point2 is the top or bottom of the inital trapezoid
                    //      This rule is determined by schrift case 2
                    //  If it is lower neighbor, then seg.Above is also false and neighbor will be asigned in the else-clause
                    if (neighbor.left == seg.point2 && (neighbor.bottom.point1 == seg.point2 || toSplit[i].bottom.point2 == seg.point2))
                    else if (seg.Above(neighbor.left))
                        // Neighbor is upper neighbor
                        // Neighbor is lower neighbor
            Debug.Log("CreatingTraps:\n" + newUpper.show() + " AND\n" + newLower.show());
            // Point the old trapezoid to the replacements
            toSplit[i].LowerReplacement = newLower;
            toSplit[i].UpperReplacement = newUpper;
            // Set new trapezoids to old for next iteration
            oldUpper = newUpper;
            oldLower = newLower;
            // After one iteration we have passed the start
            StartDegenerate = false;
        // If the right endpoint of the segment does not yet exist, create a trapezoid between that point and the right point of the last old trapezoid
        if (seg.point2.x != toSplit[toSplit.Count - 1].right.x)
            // This trapezoid will neigbor both previous lower and upper trapezoids (It's called newupper because that name is available now)
            newUpper = new Trapezoid(seg.point2, toSplit[toSplit.Count - 1].right, toSplit[toSplit.Count - 1].top, toSplit[toSplit.Count - 1].bottom);
            // This trapezoid will also neighbor all right neighbors of the old trapezoid
            foreach (Trapezoid neighbor in toSplit[toSplit.Count - 1].Neighbors)
                // Take the neighbors of the old trapezoid and add them to new trapezoid, except if the neighbor has been intersected by the segment
                neighbor.DeleteNeighbor(toSplit[toSplit.Count - 1]);
                if (neighbor.right.x < newUpper.right.x)
            Debug.Log("Created degenerate end trapezoid: " + newUpper.show());

        /* Merge trapezoids
         * If the trapezoid has the segment as top, but the right point is above the segment, this trapezoid should be merged with its neighbor
         * If the trapezoid has the segment as bottom, but the right point is below the segment, this trapezoid should be merged with its neighbor
         *  Note, if the right point is on the segment, we have reached the end of the segment and nothing should be done
        for (int i = 0; i < newTrapezoids.Count; i++)
            if (newTrapezoids[i].top == seg)
                // Trapezoid is lower trapezoid
                if (seg.Above(newTrapezoids[i].right)) // Will only be true if point is above segment
                    // Find neighbor and merge
                    // Note that there can only be 1 neighbor to the right of this trapezoid
                    bool foundNeighbor = false;
                    foreach (Trapezoid t in newTrapezoids[i].Neighbors)
                        if (t.right.x >= newTrapezoids[i].right.x)
                            foundNeighbor = true;
                            // Merge the two trapezoids by modifying 't' and replacing all neighbors with 't'
                            //  Note: newTrapezoids[i].top = t.top = seg and newTrapezoids[i].bottom = t.bottom
                            //  Note: t.right should stay t.right, thus only t.left has to be updated
                            t.left = newTrapezoids[i].left;
                            // Add all neighbors of newTrapezoids[i] to t, also update the neighbors
                            foreach (Trapezoid neighbor in newTrapezoids[i].Neighbors)
                                if (neighbor.Equals(t))
                            // Change replacement pointer from newTrapezoid[i] to t
                            newTrapezoids[i].LowerReplacement = t;
                            // Note: t will be tested in a next iteration to see if it has to be merged again or if it can be reported
                    if (!foundNeighbor)
                        Debug.LogError("A lower trapezoid should be merged but no suitable neighbor can be found\n" + newTrapezoids[i].show());
                        string neighbors = "";
                        foreach (Trapezoid n in newTrapezoids[i].Neighbors)
                            neighbors = neighbors + "\n" + n.show();
                        Debug.LogError("Neighbors: " + neighbors);
                    // There is no problem, just add the trapezoid to the output
            else if (newTrapezoids[i].bottom == seg)
                // Trapezoid is upper trapezoid
                if (!seg.Above(newTrapezoids[i].right) && (seg.point2 != newTrapezoids[i].right)) // Wil also be true if point is on segment, test for that too
                    // Find neighbor and merge
                    // Note that there can only be 1 neighbor to the right of this trapezoid
                    bool foundNeighbor = false;
                    foreach (Trapezoid t in newTrapezoids[i].Neighbors)
                        if (t.right.x >= newTrapezoids[i].right.x)
                            foundNeighbor = true;
                            // Merge the two trapezoids by modifying 't' and replacing all neighbors with 't'
                            //  Note: newTrapezoids[i].top = t.top and newTrapezoids[i].bottom = t.bottom = seg
                            //  Note: t.right should stay t.right, thus only t.left has to be updated
                            t.left = newTrapezoids[i].left;
                            // Add all neighbors of newTrapezoids[i] to t, also update the neighbors
                            foreach (Trapezoid neighbor in newTrapezoids[i].Neighbors)
                                if (neighbor.Equals(t))
                            // Change replacement pointer from newTrapezoid[i] to t
                            newTrapezoids[i].UpperReplacement = t;
                            // Note: t will be tested in a next iteration to see if it has to be merged again or if it can be reported
                    if (!foundNeighbor)
                        Debug.LogError("An upper trapezoid should be merged but no suitable neighbor can be found\n" + newTrapezoids[i].show());
                        string neighbors = "";
                        foreach (Trapezoid n in newTrapezoids[i].Neighbors)
                            neighbors = neighbors + "\n" + n.show();
                        Debug.LogError("Neighbors: " + neighbors);
                    // No problem, add trapezoid to output
                // These are the outer trapezoids next to the segment, these will never have to be merged, so add them to the output
Exemple #3
     * Return all trapezoids that are intersecting a given segment
     *  Assumes that the segment does not cross any segments (VD assumption)
    private List <Trapezoid> FindIntersecting(LineSegment seg)
        // Find all trapezoids intersecting the segment
        List <Trapezoid> Intersecting     = new List <Trapezoid>();
        Trapezoid        CurrentTrapezoid = this.Search(seg.point1, seg);

        while (seg.point2.x > CurrentTrapezoid.right.x && CurrentTrapezoid.Neighbors.Count > 0)
            // Check neighbors to find if there are one or two neighbors, will return a list with one or two entries
            List <Trapezoid> RightNeighbors = CurrentTrapezoid.Neighbors.FindAll(
                delegate(Trapezoid trap)
                return(trap.left.x >= CurrentTrapezoid.right.x);
            // If there is only one neighbor, it is the new trapezoid, else check which one is
            if (RightNeighbors.Count == 0)
                Debug.LogWarning("Detected trapezoid that is not the right most trapezoid, but has no right neighbors:\n" + CurrentTrapezoid.show() + "\nWith segment: " + seg.show());
                string neighbors = "";
                foreach (Trapezoid n in CurrentTrapezoid.Neighbors)
                    neighbors = neighbors + "\n" + n.show();
            else if (RightNeighbors.Count == 1)
                CurrentTrapezoid = RightNeighbors[0];
            else if (RightNeighbors.Count > 1)
                if (RightNeighbors.Count != 2)
                    string neighbors = "";
                    foreach (Trapezoid n in CurrentTrapezoid.Neighbors)
                        neighbors = neighbors + "\n" + n.show();
                    Debug.LogError("A trapezoid cannot have more than 2 right neighbors, says it has: " + RightNeighbors.Count + "\n" + CurrentTrapezoid.show() + "\nAll Neighbors:" + neighbors);
                // Report upper or lower, and find which one it is
                // If the right point of the current trapezoid is above the segment, then the next trapezoid is the lower neighbor, else the above neighbor
                if (seg.Above(CurrentTrapezoid.right))
                    // If the left point of the bottom segment is equal to the right point of current, then it is upper neighbor. Except if there is only one neighbor
                    if (RightNeighbors[0].bottom.point1 == CurrentTrapezoid.right)
                        // Point is above the segment and second neighbor is lower neighbor
                        CurrentTrapezoid = RightNeighbors[1];
                        // Point is above segment and first neighbor is lower neighbor
                        CurrentTrapezoid = RightNeighbors[0];
                    // If the left point of top segment is equal to the right point of current, then it is lower neighbor. Except if there is only one neighbor
                    if (RightNeighbors[0].top.point1 == CurrentTrapezoid.right)
                        // Point is below segment and second neighbor is upper neighbor
                        CurrentTrapezoid = RightNeighbors[1];
                        // Point is below segment and first neighbor is upper neighbor
                        CurrentTrapezoid = RightNeighbors[0];
            if (Intersecting.Count > 100)
                Debug.LogError("Breaking out of suspected infinite loop at findIntersecting");
        string ts = "";

        foreach (Trapezoid t in Intersecting)
            ts = ts + "\n" + t.show();
        Debug.Log("Amount of found intersecting trapezoids: " + Intersecting.Count + ts);