public MapStateModel GetState()
            var res = new MapStateModel();

            using (var logic = new LineLogic())
                res.Lines = logic.GetList().Select(z => new LineModel(z)).ToList();
                foreach (var line in res.Lines)
                    line.Stations = logic.GetStations(line.Id)
                                    .OrderBy(z => z.Position)
                                    .Select(z => new StationToLineModel(z))
            using (var logic = new StationsLogic())
                res.Stations = logic.GetList().Select(z => new StationModel(z)).ToList();
                foreach (var station in res.Stations)
                    station.Students = logic.GetStudents(station.Id)
                                       .Select(z => new StudentToLineModel(z))
            using (var logic = new tblStudentLogic())
                res.Students = logic.GetActiveStudents()
                               .Select(z => new StudentShortInfo(z))
Exemple #2
 //public JsonResult regPay1(string h)
 //    return Json(JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
 // GET: tblStudent
 public ActionResult Index()
     using (var logic = new tblStudentLogic())
         ViewBag.Classes       = logic.Classes();
         ViewBag.Shicvas       = logic.Shicvas();
         ViewBag.DefaultCityId = logic.DefaultCityId;
     if (ViewBag.DefaultCityId > 0)
         using (var logic5 = new tblStreetsLogic())
             ViewBag.DefaultCity = logic5.GetCityById(ViewBag.DefaultCityId);
     using (var logic2 = new LineLogic())
         ViewBag.Lines = logic2.GetList();
     using (var logic3 = new StationsLogic())
         ViewBag.Stations = logic3.GetList();
     using (var logic4 = new tblFamilyLogic())
         ViewBag.Families = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(logic4.GetAll().Select(z => new
             Id   = z.familyId,
             Name = z.parent1FirstName + " " + z.parent1LastName +
                    (z.oneParentOnly ? "" : " / " + z.parent2FirstName + " " + z.parent2LastName)
     using (var logic5 = new tblSchoolLogic())
         ViewBag.Schools = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(logic5.GetList().Select(z => new
             Id   =,
             Name =
        public HttpResponseMessage GetLines(bool _search, string nd, int rows, int page, string sidx, string sord, string filters = "")
            var lines        = new List <GridLineModel>();
            var totalRecords = 0;

            using (var logic = new LineLogic())
                lines = logic.GetList()
                        .Select(z => new GridLineModel(z)).ToList();
                totalRecords = logic.Lines.Count();
                //total = (totalRecords + rows - 1) / rows,
                //records = totalRecords,
                rows = lines
        public JsonResult GetScheduleLines()
            var lines = new List <SelectItemModel>();

            lines.Add(new SelectItemModel {
                Value = "0", Text = string.Empty, Title = string.Empty
            using (var logic = new LineLogic())
                               .Select(z => new SelectItemModel
                    Value = z.Id.ToString(),
                    Text  = string.Format("{0} - {1}", z.LineName, z.LineNumber),
                    Title = string.Format("{0} ({1} - {2})", z.LineName, z.LineNumber, DictExpressionBuilderSystem.Translate("General." + (LineDirection)z.Direction))

            return(new JsonResult {
                Data = lines
        public bool PopulateLinesPlan()
            var linesIds = new List <int>();
            var dateFrom = DateHelper.GetSunday(DateTime.Now); // DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).Date;
            var dateTo   = dateFrom.AddDays(7).Date;

            using (var logic = new LineLogic())
                linesIds = logic.GetList().Select(x => x.Id).ToList();
            var parameters = new ScheduleParamsModel
                LinesIds   = string.Join(",", linesIds),
                DateFrom   = DateHelper.DateToString(dateFrom),
                DateTo     = DateHelper.DateToString(dateTo),
                ArriveTime = true,
                LeaveTime  = true,
                Sun        = true,
                Mon        = true,
                Tue        = true,
                Wed        = true,
                Thu        = true,
                Fri        = true,
                Sut        = true,

            using (var logic = new tblLinesPlanLogic()) {
                // 0 Step - Remove all plans that has no line attached to it
                // 1 Step - Setting tblLines to LinesPlan state
            // 2 Step - Generate new schedule sets by tblLines state
            var schedule = GenerateSchedule(parameters).ToList();

            // 3 Step - save new sets to tblSchedule
            return(SaveGeneratedShcedule(schedule, dateFrom, dateTo));