private void ConfigDailyChart() { ConfigDaily = Helper.GetLineChartConfig("Brazil Covid-19 Daily Evolution", "Days", "Victims"); casesPerDaySet = new LineDataset <Point> { BackgroundColor = ColorUtil.ColorString(0, 255, 0, 1.0), BorderColor = ColorUtil.ColorString(0, 0, 255, 1.0), Label = "New Cases", Fill = false, PointBackgroundColor = ColorUtil.ColorString(0, 0, 255, 1.0), BorderWidth = 1, PointRadius = 3, PointBorderWidth = 1, SteppedLine = SteppedLine.False, }; deathsPerDaySet = new LineDataset <Point> { BackgroundColor = ColorUtil.ColorString(255, 0, 0, 1.0), BorderColor = ColorUtil.ColorString(255, 0, 0, 1.0), Label = "New Deaths", Fill = false, BorderWidth = 1, PointRadius = 2, PointBorderWidth = 1, SteppedLine = SteppedLine.False }; }
public LineChartComponent() { InitComponent(); config.Options = options; dataset = new LineDataset <TimeTuple <int> > { BackgroundColor = ColorUtil.RandomColorString(), BorderColor = ColorUtil.RandomColorString(), Label = "Temperature", Fill = false, BorderWidth = 2, PointRadius = 3, PointBorderWidth = 1, SteppedLine = SteppedLine.False }; //Initial retrieve of Data //var forecasts = await _forecastService.GetForecastAsync(DateTime.Now, 2); List <TimeTuple <int> > e = new List <TimeTuple <int> >(); var rand = new Random(); e.ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { e.Add(new TimeTuple <int>(new Moment(DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-300 * i)), rand.Next(10, 100))); } dataset.AddRange(e); //_tempDataSet.AddRange(forecasts.Select(p => new TimeTuple<int>(new Moment(p.Date), p.TemperatureC))); config.Data.Datasets.Add(dataset); }
private async Task TaskLoadEvolutionChart() { var getStatistics = await httpClient.GetAsync($"api/ads/evolution/{Id}"); getStatistics.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); var jStatistics = await getStatistics.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); var statistics = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <StatisticDatePoint> >(jStatistics); IDataset <int> dataset1 = new LineDataset <int>(statistics.Select(s => s.Value).ToArray()) { Label = Loc["NumberOfViews"], BackgroundColor = ColorUtil.FromDrawingColor(Color.Blue), BorderColor = ColorUtil.FromDrawingColor(Color.Blue), Fill = FillingMode.Disabled }; foreach (var date in statistics.Select(s => s.Date.ToString("dd/MM"))) { _config.Data.Labels.Add(date); } _config.Data.Datasets.Add(dataset1); await _chart.Update(); }
private Chart GetSpendingByDateChart(StatisticsViewModel statisticsViewModel) { Chart chart = new Chart(); Data data = new Data(); data.Datasets = new List <Dataset>(); chart.Data = data; chart.Type = Enums.ChartType.Line; var dates = statisticsViewModel.SpendingByDateMap.Keys.ToList(); var values = statisticsViewModel.SpendingByDateMap.Values.ToList(); data.Labels = dates; LineDataset dataset = new LineDataset() { Label = "Spending", Data = values, Fill = "false", LineTension = 0.1, BackgroundColor = ChartColor.FromRgba(75, 192, 192, 0.4), BorderColor = ChartColor.FromRgb(75, 192, 192), BorderCapStyle = "butt", BorderDash = new List <int> { }, BorderDashOffset = 0.0, BorderJoinStyle = "miter", PointBorderColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(75, 192, 192) }, PointBackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromHexString("#ffffff") }, PointBorderWidth = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHoverRadius = new List <int> { 5 }, PointHoverBackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(75, 192, 192) }, PointHoverBorderColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(220, 220, 220) }, PointHoverBorderWidth = new List <int> { 2 }, PointRadius = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHitRadius = new List <int> { 10 }, SpanGaps = false }; data.Datasets.Add(dataset); return(chart); }
private void SetForcesDatasActions() { ForcesDatas.CollectionChanged += (s, e) => { if (e.Action == System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add) { var newEle = e.NewItems; for (int i = 0; i < newEle.Count; i++) { var color = ColorUtil.RandomColorString(); var ele = new List <Point> { newEle[i] as Point }; var lineSet = new LineDataset <Point>(ele) { Label = "Point " + (ForcesDatas.Count()), PointBackgroundColor = color, PointBorderWidth = borderWidth, PointHitRadius = pointRadius, PointHoverBorderWidth = borderWidth, PointRadius = pointRadius, PointHoverRadius = pointRadius * 12 / 10, }; _config.Data.Datasets.Add(lineSet); } } else if (e.Action == System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove) { var newEle = e.OldItems; for (int i = 0; i < newEle.Count; i++) { var ele = _config.Data.Datasets.ToList().Find((x) => (x as LineDataset <Point>).Label == "Point " + (e.OldStartingIndex + 1)); _config.Data.Datasets.Remove(ele); } resetLabelText(); } else if (e.Action == System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace) { var oldEle = e.OldItems; var newEle = e.NewItems; for (int i = 0; i < oldEle.Count; i++) { var ele = _config.Data.Datasets.ToList().Find((x) => (x as LineDataset <Point>).Label == "Point " + (e.OldStartingIndex + 1)) as LineDataset <Point>; ele.RemoveAll(x => true); ele.AddRange(newEle[i] as IEnumerable <Point>); } } InvokeAsync(this.StateHasChanged); }; }
public void UpdateChart() { this.Config.Options.Title.Text = $"Zmienna lingwistyczna {this.parent_variable.Name}: {this.parent_variable.Description}"; LinearCartesianAxis lca = this.Config.Options.Scales.xAxes[0] as LinearCartesianAxis; lca.Ticks.Min = this.parent_variable.Minimum.Value; lca.Ticks.Max = this.parent_variable.Maximum.Value; this.Config.Data.Datasets.Clear(); string[] colors = new[] { "blue", "red", "green", "black", "magenta", "cyan", "brown", "yellow" }; int icolor = 0; foreach (FuzzyValue fval in this.parent_variable.Values) { LineDataset <Point> data_set = new LineDataset <Point> { Label = fval.Name, LineTension = 0, PointRadius = 2, BorderColor = colors[icolor++ % colors.Length], PointHitRadius = 10, BorderWidth = 3, }; if (fval.MembershipType == MembershipFunctionFamily.Trapezoidal) { NamedParameter sl = fval.GetParameter("SuppL"); NamedParameter kl = fval.GetParameter("KernL"); NamedParameter kr = fval.GetParameter("KernR"); NamedParameter sr = fval.GetParameter("SuppR"); data_set.Add(new Point(this.parent_variable.Minimum.Value, 0)); data_set.Add(new Point(sl.Value, 0)); data_set.Add(new Point(kl.Value, 1)); data_set.Add(new Point(kr.Value, 1)); data_set.Add(new Point(sr.Value, 0)); data_set.Add(new Point(this.parent_variable.Maximum.Value, 0)); this.Config.Data.Datasets.Add(data_set); } } }
public static ConfigBase GetChartConfig(TimelineResponse response) { var config = GetLineConfig(); config.Options.Title.Text = response.Interest + (response.Versus == "ALL" ? "" : " vs " + response.Versus); List <double> pointData = new List <double>(); foreach (var item in response.Items) { config.Data.Labels.Add(item.Label); pointData.Add(item.Count == 0 ? 0 : Math.Round((double)item.Wins * 100.0 / (double)item.Count, 2)); } var pointDataset = new LineDataset <double>(pointData) { Label = "", BorderColor = DSData.CMDRcolor[response.Interest], BorderWidth = 1, PointRadius = 2, PointHoverRadius = 10, ShowLine = false, Fill = false }; var timelineDataset = new LineDataset <double>(response.SmaData) { Label = response.Interest, BorderColor = DSData.CMDRcolor[response.Interest], BorderWidth = 3, PointRadius = 1, PointHoverRadius = 1, ShowLine = true, Fill = false }; config.Data.Datasets.Add(pointDataset); config.Data.Datasets.Add(timelineDataset); return(config); }
public Chart GetChart(ChartDataSet chartDataSets) { Chart chart = new Chart(); chart.Type = Enums.ChartType.Line; ChartJSCore.Models.Data data = new ChartJSCore.Models.Data(); data.Datasets = new List <Dataset>(); data.Labels = chartDataSets.XValues; LineDataset dataset = new LineDataset() { Label = chartDataSets.Title, Data = chartDataSets.YValues.Select(x => (double?)Math.Round(x.Value, 2)).ToList(), Fill = "false", LineTension = 0.1, BackgroundColor = chartDataSets.Color, BorderColor = chartDataSets.Color, BorderCapStyle = "butt", BorderDash = new List <int> { }, BorderDashOffset = 0.0, BorderJoinStyle = "miter", PointBorderColor = new List <ChartColor> { chartDataSets.Color }, PointBackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromHexString("#ffffff") }, PointBorderWidth = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHoverRadius = new List <int> { 5 }, PointHoverBackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor> { chartDataSets.Color }, PointHoverBorderColor = new List <ChartColor> { chartDataSets.Color }, PointHoverBorderWidth = new List <int> { 2 }, PointRadius = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHitRadius = new List <int> { 10 }, SpanGaps = false }; data.Datasets.Add(dataset); chart.Data = data; return(chart); }
private async Task TaskLoadEvolutionChart() { foreach (var date in DashboardInfo.StatisticsDays.Select(s => s.Date.ToString("dd/MM"))) { _configEvolution.Data.Labels.Add(date); } IDataset <int> dataset1 = new LineDataset <int>(DashboardInfo.StatisticsDays.Select(d => d.NbVisits)) { Label = Loc["NumberOfVisits"], BackgroundColor = ColorUtil.FromDrawingColor(Color.Blue), BorderColor = ColorUtil.FromDrawingColor(Color.Blue), Fill = FillingMode.Disabled }; _configEvolution.Data.Datasets.Add(dataset1); IDataset <int> dataset2 = new LineDataset <int>(DashboardInfo.StatisticsDays.Select(d => d.NbRegistar)) { Label = Loc["NbRegistar"], BackgroundColor = ColorUtil.FromDrawingColor(Color.Red), BorderColor = ColorUtil.FromDrawingColor(Color.Red), Fill = FillingMode.Disabled }; _configEvolution.Data.Datasets.Add(dataset2); IDataset <int> dataset3 = new LineDataset <int>(DashboardInfo.StatisticsDays.Select(d => d.NbLogin)) { Label = Loc["NbLogins"], BackgroundColor = ColorUtil.FromDrawingColor(Color.Silver), BorderColor = ColorUtil.FromDrawingColor(Color.Silver), Fill = FillingMode.Disabled }; _configEvolution.Data.Datasets.Add(dataset3); IDataset <int> dataset4 = new LineDataset <int>(DashboardInfo.StatisticsDays.Select(d => d.NbRequestSubscription)) { Label = Loc["NbRequestSubscription"], BackgroundColor = ColorUtil.FromDrawingColor(Color.Silver), BorderColor = ColorUtil.FromDrawingColor(Color.Silver), Fill = FillingMode.Disabled }; _configEvolution.Data.Datasets.Add(dataset4); IDataset <int> dataset5 = new LineDataset <int>(DashboardInfo.StatisticsDays.Select(d => d.NbFinishSubscription)) { Label = Loc["NbFinishSubscription"], BackgroundColor = ColorUtil.FromDrawingColor(Color.DarkGreen), BorderColor = ColorUtil.FromDrawingColor(Color.DarkGreen), Fill = FillingMode.Disabled }; _configEvolution.Data.Datasets.Add(dataset5); IDataset <int> dataset6 = new LineDataset <int>(DashboardInfo.StatisticsDays.Select(d => d.NbAds)) { Label = Loc["NbAds"], BackgroundColor = ColorUtil.FromDrawingColor(Color.GreenYellow), BorderColor = ColorUtil.FromDrawingColor(Color.GreenYellow), Fill = FillingMode.Disabled }; _configEvolution.Data.Datasets.Add(dataset6); await _chartEvolution.Update(); }
public async Task <IList <ChartJSCore.Models.Chart> > CreateCharts(IEnumerable <Entry> measures) { ChartJSCore.Models.Chart soilM = new ChartJSCore.Models.Chart(); ChartJSCore.Models.Chart air = new ChartJSCore.Models.Chart(); soilM.Type = "line"; air.Type = "line"; ChartJSCore.Models.Data data = new ChartJSCore.Models.Data(); ChartJSCore.Models.Data data2 = new ChartJSCore.Models.Data(); data.Labels = measures.Select(g => g.LocalDateTime.ToString("G")).ToList(); data2.Labels = measures.Select(g => g.LocalDateTime.ToString("G")).ToList(); LineDataset dataset = new LineDataset() {//collection.Skip(Math.Max(0, collection.Count() - N)); Label = "Soil moisture", Data = measures.Skip(Math.Max(0, measures.Count() - 350)).Select(g => (double)g.SoilMoisture).ToList(), Fill = false, LineTension = 0.1, BackgroundColor = "rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.4)", BorderColor = "rgba(75,192,192,1)", BorderCapStyle = "butt", BorderDash = new List <int> { }, BorderDashOffset = 0.0, BorderJoinStyle = "miter", PointBorderColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(75,192,192,1)" }, PointBackgroundColor = new List <string>() { "#fff" }, PointBorderWidth = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHoverRadius = new List <int> { 5 }, PointHoverBackgroundColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(75,192,192,1)" }, PointHoverBorderColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(220,220,220,1)" }, PointHoverBorderWidth = new List <int> { 2 }, PointRadius = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHitRadius = new List <int> { 10 }, SpanGaps = false }; LineDataset dataset2 = new LineDataset() { Label = "Air humidity", Data = measures.Skip(Math.Max(0, measures.Count() - 350)).Select(g => (double)g.AirHumidity).ToList(), Fill = false, LineTension = 0.1, BackgroundColor = "rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.4)", BorderColor = "rgba(75,192,192,1)", BorderCapStyle = "butt", BorderDash = new List <int> { }, BorderDashOffset = 0.0, BorderJoinStyle = "miter", PointBorderColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(75,192,192,1)" }, PointBackgroundColor = new List <string>() { "#fff" }, PointBorderWidth = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHoverRadius = new List <int> { 5 }, PointHoverBackgroundColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(75,192,192,1)" }, PointHoverBorderColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(75,192,192,1)" }, PointHoverBorderWidth = new List <int> { 2 }, PointRadius = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHitRadius = new List <int> { 10 }, SpanGaps = false }; LineDataset dataset3 = new LineDataset() { Label = "Air temperature", Data = measures.Skip(Math.Max(0, measures.Count() - 350)).Select(g => (double)g.AirTemperature).ToList(), Fill = false, LineTension = 0.1, BackgroundColor = "rgba(200, 60, 40, 0.4)", BorderColor = "rgba(200, 60, 40,1)", BorderCapStyle = "butt", BorderDash = new List <int> { }, BorderDashOffset = 0.0, BorderJoinStyle = "miter", PointBorderColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(200, 60, 40,1)" }, PointBackgroundColor = new List <string>() { "#fff" }, PointBorderWidth = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHoverRadius = new List <int> { 5 }, PointHoverBackgroundColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(200, 60, 40,1)" }, PointHoverBorderColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(200, 60, 40,1)" }, PointHoverBorderWidth = new List <int> { 2 }, PointRadius = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHitRadius = new List <int> { 10 }, SpanGaps = false }; data.Datasets = new List <Dataset>(); data2.Datasets = new List <Dataset>(); data.Datasets.Add(dataset); data2.Datasets.Add(dataset2); data2.Datasets.Add(dataset3); soilM.Data = data; air.Data = data2; return(new List <ChartJSCore.Models.Chart> { soilM, air }); }
public IActionResult OnGet() { if (HttpContext.Session.GetString("email") == null) { return(RedirectToPage("Login")); } Costs = CostsRepository.GetCostsByEmail(HttpContext.Session.GetString("email")); Vehicles = VehiclesRepository.GetVehiclesByEmail(HttpContext.Session.GetString("email")); //Calculates all overdue fixedCosts foreach (var item in Vehicles) { CostsRepository.FixedCostsMontly(item.License); } //Chart settings Chart chart = new Chart(); chart.Type = Enums.ChartType.Line; ChartJSCore.Models.Data data = new ChartJSCore.Models.Data(); data.Labels = new List <string>() { "Januari", "Februari", "Maart", "April", "Mei", "Juni", "Juli", "Augustus", "September", "Oktober", "November", "December" }; data.Datasets = new List <Dataset>(); Random random = new Random(); var year = HttpContext.Request.Query["Year"]; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(year)) { Year = Convert.ToInt32(year); } else { Year = DateTime.Now.Year; } //Foreach to loop through every vehicle to get AnnualCosts and set it in the chart foreach (var vehicle in Vehicles) { int[,] randomColor = new int[3, 1] { { random.Next(0, 255) }, { random.Next(0, 255) }, { random.Next(0, 255) } }; IList <double?> annualCosts = CostsRepository.GetAnnualCosts(vehicle.License, Year); LineDataset dataset = new LineDataset() { Label = vehicle.Brand_Name + ' ' + vehicle.Model_Name, Data = annualCosts, Fill = "false", LineTension = 0.1, BackgroundColor = ChartColor.FromRgba((byte)randomColor[0, 0], (byte)randomColor[1, 0], (byte)randomColor[2, 0], 0.4), BorderColor = ChartColor.FromRgb((byte)randomColor[0, 0], (byte)randomColor[1, 0], (byte)randomColor[2, 0]), BorderCapStyle = "butt", BorderDash = new List <int> { }, BorderDashOffset = 0.0, BorderJoinStyle = "miter", PointBorderColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(75, 192, 192) }, PointBackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromHexString("#ffffff") }, PointBorderWidth = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHoverRadius = new List <int> { 5 }, PointHoverBackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(75, 192, 192) }, PointHoverBorderColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(220, 220, 220) }, PointHoverBorderWidth = new List <int> { 2 }, PointRadius = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHitRadius = new List <int> { 10 }, SpanGaps = false }; data.Datasets.Add(dataset); } chart.Data = data; ViewData["chart"] = chart; return(Page()); }
public void OnGet() { Chart chart = new Chart(); chart.Type = "line"; ChartJSCore.Models.Data data = new ChartJSCore.Models.Data(); data.Labels = new List <string> { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July" }; LineDataset firstDataset = new LineDataset { Label = "First", Data = new List <double>() { 65, 59, 80, 81, 56, 55, 40 }, Fill = "origin", LineTension = 0.1, BackgroundColor = "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4)", BorderColor = "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.8)", BorderCapStyle = "butt", BorderDash = new List <int> { }, BorderDashOffset = 0.0, BorderJoinStyle = "miter", PointBorderColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)" }, PointBackgroundColor = new List <string>() { "#fff" }, PointBorderWidth = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHoverRadius = new List <int> { 5 }, PointHoverBackgroundColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)" }, PointHoverBorderColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(220,220,220,1)" }, PointHoverBorderWidth = new List <int> { 2 }, PointRadius = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHitRadius = new List <int> { 10 }, SpanGaps = false }; LineDataset secondDataset = new LineDataset { Label = "Second", Data = new List <double>() { 165, 159, 180, 181, 156, 155, 140 }, Fill = "-1", LineTension = 0.1, BackgroundColor = "rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.4)", BorderColor = "rgba(75,192,192,1)", BorderCapStyle = "butt", BorderDash = new List <int> { }, BorderDashOffset = 0.0, BorderJoinStyle = "miter", PointBorderColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(75,192,192,1)" }, PointBackgroundColor = new List <string>() { "#fff" }, PointBorderWidth = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHoverRadius = new List <int> { 5 }, PointHoverBackgroundColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(75,192,192,1)" }, PointHoverBorderColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(220,220,220,1)" }, PointHoverBorderWidth = new List <int> { 2 }, PointRadius = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHitRadius = new List <int> { 10 }, SpanGaps = false }; data.Datasets = new List <Dataset>(); data.Datasets.Add(firstDataset); data.Datasets.Add(secondDataset); chart.Data = data; FirstChart = chart; }
public async Task <ChartJSCore.Models.Chart> GetGraphData() { Random random = new Random(); ChartJSCore.Models.Chart chart = new ChartJSCore.Models.Chart(); chart.Type = "line"; ChartJSCore.Models.Data data = new ChartJSCore.Models.Data(); data.Labels = (from contextShereRatese in _context.ShereRateses select contextShereRatese.DateTimeRates.ToLongTimeString()).Distinct().ToList(); data.Datasets = new List <Dataset>(); foreach (var companyCode in _context.Companies.Select(w => w.Code)) { string coloRround = "rbga(" + random.Next(0, 255) + "," + random.Next(0, 255) + "," + random.Next(0, 255); List <decimal> list = new List <decimal>(); foreach (decimal @decimal in (_context.ShereRateses.Where(w => w.Code == companyCode).Select( contextShereRatese => contextShereRatese.Rate))) { list.Add(@decimal); } LineDataset dataset = new LineDataset() { Label = companyCode, Data = list as IList <double>, Fill = "false", LineTension = 0.1, BackgroundColor = coloRround + ",0.4)", BorderColor = coloRround + ",1)", BorderCapStyle = "butt", BorderDash = new List <int> { }, BorderDashOffset = 0.0, BorderJoinStyle = "miter", PointBorderColor = new List <string>() { coloRround + ",1)" }, PointBackgroundColor = new List <string>() { "#fff" }, PointBorderWidth = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHoverRadius = new List <int> { 5 }, PointHoverBackgroundColor = new List <string>() { coloRround + ",1)" }, PointHoverBorderColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(220,220,220,1)" }, PointHoverBorderWidth = new List <int> { 2 }, PointRadius = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHitRadius = new List <int> { 10 }, SpanGaps = false }; data.Datasets.Add(dataset); } chart.Data = data; return(chart); }
public IActionResult MyStatement() { var accountUserId = ViewData["Id"] = UserManager.GetUserId(User); var userOwner = Repository.Single(p => p.Account.Id == (int)accountUserId); #region linechart Chart chart1 = new Chart { Type = "line" }; Data data1 = new Data { Labels = new List <string>() }; LineDataset dataset1P = new LineDataset() { Label = "Production", Data = new List <double>(), Fill = false, LineTension = 0.1, BackgroundColor = "rgba(52, 201, 36, 0.4)", BorderColor = "rgba(52, 201, 36,1)", BorderCapStyle = "butt", BorderDash = new List <int>(), BorderDashOffset = 0.0, BorderJoinStyle = "miter", PointBorderColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(52, 201, 36,1)" }, PointBackgroundColor = new List <string>() { "#fff" }, PointBorderWidth = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHoverRadius = new List <int> { 5 }, PointHoverBackgroundColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(52, 201, 36,1)" }, PointHoverBorderColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(52, 201, 36,1)" }, PointHoverBorderWidth = new List <int> { 2 }, PointRadius = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHitRadius = new List <int> { 10 }, SpanGaps = false }; LineDataset dataset1C = new LineDataset() { Label = "Consommation", Data = new List <double>(), Fill = false, LineTension = 0.1, BackgroundColor = "rgba(187, 11, 11, 0.4)", BorderColor = "rgba(187, 11, 11,1)", BorderCapStyle = "butt", BorderDash = new List <int>(), BorderDashOffset = 0.0, BorderJoinStyle = "miter", PointBorderColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(187, 11, 11,1)" }, PointBackgroundColor = new List <string>() { "#fff" }, PointBorderWidth = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHoverRadius = new List <int> { 5 }, PointHoverBackgroundColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(187, 11, 11,1)" }, PointHoverBorderColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(187, 11, 11,1)" }, PointHoverBorderWidth = new List <int> { 2 }, PointRadius = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHitRadius = new List <int> { 10 }, SpanGaps = false }; var statements1 = StatementRepository.Find(p => p.Equipment.Owner.Id == userOwner.Id).OrderBy(p => p.Date).GroupBy(p => p.Date); foreach (var statement in statements1) { var prod = 0.0; var count = 0; foreach (var state in statement) { if (count == 0) { dataset1C.Data.Add(state.Consommation); data1.Labels.Add(state.Date.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)); } count++; prod += state.Production; } dataset1P.Data.Add(prod); } data1.Datasets = new List <Dataset> { dataset1P, dataset1C }; chart1.Data = data1; ViewData["chart1"] = chart1; #endregion #region barchart Chart chart2 = new Chart { Type = "bar" }; Data data2 = new Data { Labels = new List <string>() }; LineDataset dataset2P = new LineDataset() { Label = "Production", Data = new List <double>(), Fill = false, LineTension = 0.1, BackgroundColor = "rgba(52, 201, 36, 0.4)", BorderColor = "rgba(52, 201, 36,1)", BorderCapStyle = "butt", BorderDash = new List <int>(), BorderDashOffset = 0.0, BorderJoinStyle = "miter", PointBorderColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(52, 201, 36,1)" }, PointBackgroundColor = new List <string>() { "#fff" }, PointBorderWidth = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHoverRadius = new List <int> { 5 }, PointHoverBackgroundColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(52, 201, 36,1)" }, PointHoverBorderColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(52, 201, 36,1)" }, PointHoverBorderWidth = new List <int> { 2 }, PointRadius = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHitRadius = new List <int> { 10 }, SpanGaps = false }; LineDataset dataset2C = new LineDataset() { Label = "Consommation", Data = new List <double>(), Fill = false, LineTension = 0.1, BackgroundColor = "rgba(187, 11, 11, 0.4)", BorderColor = "rgba(187, 11, 11,1)", BorderCapStyle = "butt", BorderDash = new List <int>(), BorderDashOffset = 0.0, BorderJoinStyle = "miter", PointBorderColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(187, 11, 11,1)" }, PointBackgroundColor = new List <string>() { "#fff" }, PointBorderWidth = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHoverRadius = new List <int> { 5 }, PointHoverBackgroundColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(187, 11, 11,1)" }, PointHoverBorderColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(187, 11, 11,1)" }, PointHoverBorderWidth = new List <int> { 2 }, PointRadius = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHitRadius = new List <int> { 10 }, SpanGaps = false }; var statements2 = StatementRepository.Find(p => p.Equipment.Owner.Id == userOwner.Id).OrderBy(p => p.Date).GroupBy(p => p.Date); foreach (var statement in statements2) { var prod = 0.0; var count = 0; foreach (var state in statement) { if (count == 0) { dataset2C.Data.Add(state.Consommation); data2.Labels.Add(state.Date.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)); } count++; prod += state.Production; } dataset2P.Data.Add(prod); } data2.Datasets = new List <Dataset> { dataset2P, dataset2C }; chart2.Data = data2; ViewData["chart2"] = chart2; #endregion #region piechart Chart chart3 = new Chart { Type = "polarArea" }; Data data3 = new Data { Labels = new List <string>() }; PolarDataset dataset3 = new PolarDataset() { Label = "My Production", BackgroundColor = new List <string>(), Data = new List <double>() }; var green = 0; var statements3 = EquipmentRepository.Find(p => p.Owner.Id == userOwner.Id); foreach (var statement in statements3) { data3.Labels.Add(statement.Name); var somme = 0.0; var tests = StatementRepository.Find(p => p.Equipment.Owner.Id == userOwner.Id && p.Equipment == statement); foreach (var test in tests) { somme += test.Production; } dataset3.BackgroundColor.Add("rgba(" + green + ", 137, 35, 0.6)"); green += 20; dataset3.Data.Add(somme); } data3.Datasets = new List <Dataset> { dataset3 }; chart3.Data = data3; ViewData["chart3"] = chart3; #endregion return(View(userOwner)); }
private static Chart GenerateTempChart() { Chart chart = new Chart(); chart.Type = Enums.ChartType.Line; ChartJSCore.Models.Data data = new ChartJSCore.Models.Data(); List <DateTime> labels = GetTempForecast().Select(e => e.dt).ToList(); List <string> shortLabels = labels.ConvertAll(x => x.ToString("ddd HH mm")); data.Labels = shortLabels; LineDataset dataset = new LineDataset() { Label = "Temperature", Data = GetTempForecast().Select(e => e.temperatureC).ToList(), LineTension = 0.5, BackgroundColor = "rgba(75, 192, 192, 0)", BorderColor = "rgba(244, 66, 66, 1)", BorderCapStyle = "butt", BorderDash = new List <int> { }, BorderDashOffset = 0.0, BorderJoinStyle = "miter", PointBorderColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(244, 66, 66, 1)" }, PointBackgroundColor = new List <string>() { "#fff" }, PointBorderWidth = new List <int> { 3 }, PointHoverRadius = new List <int> { 5 }, PointHoverBackgroundColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(244, 66, 66, 1)" }, PointHoverBorderColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(220,220,220,1)" }, PointHoverBorderWidth = new List <int> { 2 }, PointRadius = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHitRadius = new List <int> { 10 }, SpanGaps = false }; data.Datasets = new List <Dataset>(); data.Datasets.Add(dataset); Options options = new Options() { Scales = new Scales(), Legend = new Legend() { Labels = new LegendLabel() { BoxWidth = 0, FontSize = 18 } } }; Scales scale = new Scales() { }; TimeScale xAxes = new TimeScale() { Ticks = new Tick() }; Tick tick = new Tick() { FontColor = "rgba(244, 66, 66, 1)" }; CartesianScale yAxes = new CartesianScale() { Ticks = new CartesianLinearTick() { Max = 50, BeginAtZero = true, Callback = "function(value, index, values) {return value + ' °C' }" } }; xAxes.Ticks = tick; scale.YAxes = new List <Scale>() { yAxes }; scale.XAxes = new List <Scale>() { xAxes }; options.Scales = scale; chart.Options = options; chart.Data = data; return(chart); }
/// <summary> /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify /// the contents of this method with the code editor. /// </summary> private void InitializeComponent() { this.components = new System.ComponentModel.Container(); this.groupBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox(); this.outputLabel = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.label1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.lineTextbox = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.addLineButton = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); this.groupBox2 = new System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox(); this.outputLabelStation = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.stationTextbox = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.label2 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.addStationButton = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); this.groupBox3 = new System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox(); this.deleteStationButton = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); this.updateStationTextBox = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.updateStationbutton = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); this.stationGridView = new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView(); this.idDataGridViewTextBoxColumn = new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); this.nameDataGridViewTextBoxColumn = new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); this.stationBindingSource = new System.Windows.Forms.BindingSource(this.components); this.stationDataSet = new Coursework.DatabaseDataSet(); this.groupBox4 = new System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox(); this.deleteLineButton = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); this.updateLineTextBox = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.updateLineButton = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); this.lineDataGridView = new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView(); this.dataGridViewTextBoxColumn1 = new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); this.dataGridViewTextBoxColumn2 = new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); this.lineBindingSource = new System.Windows.Forms.BindingSource(this.components); this.lineDataset = new Coursework.LineDataset(); this.groupBox1.SuspendLayout(); this.groupBox2.SuspendLayout(); this.groupBox3.SuspendLayout(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.stationGridView)).BeginInit(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.stationBindingSource)).BeginInit(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.stationDataSet)).BeginInit(); this.groupBox4.SuspendLayout(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.lineDataGridView)).BeginInit(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.lineBindingSource)).BeginInit(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.lineDataset)).BeginInit(); this.SuspendLayout(); // // groupBox1 // this.groupBox1.Controls.Add(this.outputLabel); this.groupBox1.Controls.Add(this.label1); this.groupBox1.Controls.Add(this.lineTextbox); this.groupBox1.Controls.Add(this.addLineButton); this.groupBox1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(16, 15); this.groupBox1.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(4); this.groupBox1.Name = "groupBox1"; this.groupBox1.Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(4); this.groupBox1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(355, 156); this.groupBox1.TabIndex = 0; this.groupBox1.TabStop = false; this.groupBox1.Text = "Add Train Line"; // // outputLabel // this.outputLabel.AutoSize = true; this.outputLabel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 111); this.outputLabel.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(4, 0, 4, 0); this.outputLabel.Name = "outputLabel"; this.outputLabel.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(0, 17); this.outputLabel.TabIndex = 5; // // label1 // this.label1.AutoSize = true; this.label1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 46); this.label1.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(4, 0, 4, 0); this.label1.Name = "label1"; this.label1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(72, 17); this.label1.TabIndex = 4; this.label1.Text = "Train Line"; // // lineTextbox // this.lineTextbox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(12, 65); this.lineTextbox.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(4); this.lineTextbox.Name = "lineTextbox"; this.lineTextbox.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(211, 22); this.lineTextbox.TabIndex = 3; // // addLineButton // this.addLineButton.AutoSize = true; this.addLineButton.AutoSizeMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink; this.addLineButton.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(232, 65); this.addLineButton.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(4); this.addLineButton.Name = "addLineButton"; this.addLineButton.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(111, 27); this.addLineButton.TabIndex = 2; this.addLineButton.Text = "Add Train Line"; this.addLineButton.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; this.addLineButton.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.addLineButton_Click); // // groupBox2 // this.groupBox2.Controls.Add(this.outputLabelStation); this.groupBox2.Controls.Add(this.stationTextbox); this.groupBox2.Controls.Add(this.label2); this.groupBox2.Controls.Add(this.addStationButton); this.groupBox2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(379, 15); this.groupBox2.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(4); this.groupBox2.Name = "groupBox2"; this.groupBox2.Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(4); this.groupBox2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(355, 156); this.groupBox2.TabIndex = 1; this.groupBox2.TabStop = false; this.groupBox2.Text = "Add Train Station"; // // outputLabelStation // this.outputLabelStation.AutoSize = true; this.outputLabelStation.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 111); this.outputLabelStation.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(4, 0, 4, 0); this.outputLabelStation.Name = "outputLabelStation"; this.outputLabelStation.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(0, 17); this.outputLabelStation.TabIndex = 6; // // stationTextbox // this.stationTextbox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 69); this.stationTextbox.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(4); this.stationTextbox.Name = "stationTextbox"; this.stationTextbox.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(197, 22); this.stationTextbox.TabIndex = 5; // // label2 // this.label2.AutoSize = true; this.label2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 49); this.label2.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(4, 0, 4, 0); this.label2.Name = "label2"; this.label2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(89, 17); this.label2.TabIndex = 5; this.label2.Text = "Train Station"; // // addStationButton // this.addStationButton.AutoSize = true; this.addStationButton.AutoSizeMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink; this.addStationButton.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(215, 69); this.addStationButton.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(4); this.addStationButton.Name = "addStationButton"; this.addStationButton.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(128, 27); this.addStationButton.TabIndex = 3; this.addStationButton.Text = "Add Train Station"; this.addStationButton.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; this.addStationButton.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.addStationButton_Click); // // groupBox3 // this.groupBox3.Controls.Add(this.deleteStationButton); this.groupBox3.Controls.Add(this.updateStationTextBox); this.groupBox3.Controls.Add(this.updateStationbutton); this.groupBox3.Controls.Add(this.stationGridView); this.groupBox3.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(379, 178); this.groupBox3.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(4); this.groupBox3.Name = "groupBox3"; this.groupBox3.Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(4); this.groupBox3.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(355, 289); this.groupBox3.TabIndex = 2; this.groupBox3.TabStop = false; this.groupBox3.Text = "Edit / Delete Stations"; // // deleteStationButton // this.deleteStationButton.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(116, 253); this.deleteStationButton.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(4); this.deleteStationButton.Name = "deleteStationButton"; this.deleteStationButton.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(100, 28); this.deleteStationButton.TabIndex = 8; this.deleteStationButton.Text = "Delete"; this.deleteStationButton.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; this.deleteStationButton.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.deleteStationButton_Click); // // updateStationTextBox // this.updateStationTextBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 223); this.updateStationTextBox.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(4); this.updateStationTextBox.Name = "updateStationTextBox"; this.updateStationTextBox.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(211, 22); this.updateStationTextBox.TabIndex = 7; // // updateStationbutton // this.updateStationbutton.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 253); this.updateStationbutton.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(4); this.updateStationbutton.Name = "updateStationbutton"; this.updateStationbutton.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(100, 28); this.updateStationbutton.TabIndex = 2; this.updateStationbutton.Text = "Update"; this.updateStationbutton.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; this.updateStationbutton.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.updateStationbutton_Click); // // stationGridView // this.stationGridView.AutoGenerateColumns = false; this.stationGridView.ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.AutoSize; this.stationGridView.Columns.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewColumn[] { this.idDataGridViewTextBoxColumn, this.nameDataGridViewTextBoxColumn}); this.stationGridView.DataSource = this.stationBindingSource; this.stationGridView.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(9, 25); this.stationGridView.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(4); this.stationGridView.Name = "stationGridView"; this.stationGridView.ReadOnly = true; this.stationGridView.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(323, 185); this.stationGridView.TabIndex = 0; this.stationGridView.RowHeaderMouseClick += new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellMouseEventHandler(this.stationGridView_RowHeaderMouseClick); // // idDataGridViewTextBoxColumn // this.idDataGridViewTextBoxColumn.DataPropertyName = "Id"; this.idDataGridViewTextBoxColumn.HeaderText = "Id"; this.idDataGridViewTextBoxColumn.Name = "idDataGridViewTextBoxColumn"; this.idDataGridViewTextBoxColumn.ReadOnly = true; // // nameDataGridViewTextBoxColumn // this.nameDataGridViewTextBoxColumn.DataPropertyName = "Name"; this.nameDataGridViewTextBoxColumn.HeaderText = "Name"; this.nameDataGridViewTextBoxColumn.Name = "nameDataGridViewTextBoxColumn"; this.nameDataGridViewTextBoxColumn.ReadOnly = true; // // stationBindingSource // this.stationBindingSource.DataMember = "Station"; this.stationBindingSource.DataSource = this.stationDataSet; // // stationDataSet // this.stationDataSet.DataSetName = "StationDataSet"; this.stationDataSet.SchemaSerializationMode = System.Data.SchemaSerializationMode.IncludeSchema; // // groupBox4 // this.groupBox4.Controls.Add(this.deleteLineButton); this.groupBox4.Controls.Add(this.updateLineTextBox); this.groupBox4.Controls.Add(this.updateLineButton); this.groupBox4.Controls.Add(this.lineDataGridView); this.groupBox4.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(16, 178); this.groupBox4.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(4); this.groupBox4.Name = "groupBox4"; this.groupBox4.Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(4); this.groupBox4.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(355, 289); this.groupBox4.TabIndex = 3; this.groupBox4.TabStop = false; this.groupBox4.Text = "Edit / Delete Line"; // // deleteLineButton // this.deleteLineButton.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(116, 253); this.deleteLineButton.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(4); this.deleteLineButton.Name = "deleteLineButton"; this.deleteLineButton.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(100, 28); this.deleteLineButton.TabIndex = 7; this.deleteLineButton.Text = "Delete"; this.deleteLineButton.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; this.deleteLineButton.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.deleteLineButton_Click); // // updateLineTextBox // this.updateLineTextBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 223); this.updateLineTextBox.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(4); this.updateLineTextBox.Name = "updateLineTextBox"; this.updateLineTextBox.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(211, 22); this.updateLineTextBox.TabIndex = 6; // // updateLineButton // this.updateLineButton.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 253); this.updateLineButton.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(4); this.updateLineButton.Name = "updateLineButton"; this.updateLineButton.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(100, 28); this.updateLineButton.TabIndex = 1; this.updateLineButton.Text = "Update"; this.updateLineButton.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; this.updateLineButton.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.updateLineButton_Click); // // lineDataGridView // this.lineDataGridView.AutoGenerateColumns = false; this.lineDataGridView.ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.AutoSize; this.lineDataGridView.Columns.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewColumn[] { this.dataGridViewTextBoxColumn1, this.dataGridViewTextBoxColumn2}); this.lineDataGridView.DataSource = this.lineBindingSource; this.lineDataGridView.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 25); this.lineDataGridView.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(4); this.lineDataGridView.Name = "lineDataGridView"; this.lineDataGridView.ReadOnly = true; this.lineDataGridView.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(323, 185); this.lineDataGridView.TabIndex = 0; this.lineDataGridView.RowHeaderMouseClick += new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellMouseEventHandler(this.lineDataGridView_RowHeaderMouseClick); // // dataGridViewTextBoxColumn1 // this.dataGridViewTextBoxColumn1.DataPropertyName = "Id"; this.dataGridViewTextBoxColumn1.HeaderText = "Id"; this.dataGridViewTextBoxColumn1.Name = "dataGridViewTextBoxColumn1"; this.dataGridViewTextBoxColumn1.ReadOnly = true; // // dataGridViewTextBoxColumn2 // this.dataGridViewTextBoxColumn2.DataPropertyName = "Name"; this.dataGridViewTextBoxColumn2.HeaderText = "Name"; this.dataGridViewTextBoxColumn2.Name = "dataGridViewTextBoxColumn2"; this.dataGridViewTextBoxColumn2.ReadOnly = true; // // lineBindingSource // this.lineBindingSource.DataMember = "Line"; this.lineBindingSource.DataSource = this.lineDataset; // // lineDataset // this.lineDataset.DataSetName = "LineDataset"; this.lineDataset.SchemaSerializationMode = System.Data.SchemaSerializationMode.IncludeSchema; // // AddLineandStation // this.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(8F, 16F); this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font; this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(756, 488); this.Controls.Add(this.groupBox4); this.Controls.Add(this.groupBox3); this.Controls.Add(this.groupBox2); this.Controls.Add(this.groupBox1); this.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(4); this.Name = "AddLineandStation"; this.StartPosition = System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; this.Text = "AddLineandStation"; this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.AddLineandStation_Load); this.groupBox1.ResumeLayout(false); this.groupBox1.PerformLayout(); this.groupBox2.ResumeLayout(false); this.groupBox2.PerformLayout(); this.groupBox3.ResumeLayout(false); this.groupBox3.PerformLayout(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.stationGridView)).EndInit(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.stationBindingSource)).EndInit(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.stationDataSet)).EndInit(); this.groupBox4.ResumeLayout(false); this.groupBox4.PerformLayout(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.lineDataGridView)).EndInit(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.lineBindingSource)).EndInit(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.lineDataset)).EndInit(); this.ResumeLayout(false); }
public Chart TempChart() { var chart = new Chart(); chart.Type = Enums.ChartType.Line; var data = new ChartJSCore.Models.Data(); data.Labels = new List <string>(CityTemperatures.Keys); var dataset1 = new LineDataset() { Label = "Temperatures", Data = CityTemperatures.Values.ToList(), Fill = "true", LineTension = 0.1, BackgroundColor = "rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.4)", BorderColor = "rgba(75,192,192,1)", BorderCapStyle = "butt", BorderDash = new List <int> { }, BorderDashOffset = 0.0, BorderJoinStyle = "miter", PointBorderColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(75,192,192,1)" }, PointBackgroundColor = new List <string>() { "#fff" }, PointBorderWidth = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHoverRadius = new List <int> { 5 }, PointHoverBackgroundColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(75,192,192,1)" }, PointHoverBorderColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(220,220,220,1)" }, PointHoverBorderWidth = new List <int> { 2 }, PointRadius = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHitRadius = new List <int> { 10 }, SpanGaps = false }; var dataset2 = new LineDataset() { Label = "Median", Data = _medianTemps, Fill = "false", LineTension = 0.1, BackgroundColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)", BorderColor = "rgba(0,0,0,1)", BorderCapStyle = "butt", PointRadius = new List <int> { 0 }, PointHitRadius = new List <int> { 10 }, SpanGaps = false }; data.Datasets = new List <Dataset> { dataset1, dataset2 }; chart.Data = data; var options = new BarOptions() { Scales = new Scales(), BarPercentage = 0.7 }; var scales = new Scales() { YAxes = new List <Scale>() { new CartesianScale() { Ticks = new CartesianLinearTick() { BeginAtZero = true } } } }; options.Scales = scales; chart.Options = options; chart.Options.Layout = new Layout() { Padding = new Padding() { PaddingObject = new PaddingObject() { Left = 10, Right = 12 } } }; return(chart); }
/// <summary> /// Retourne le graphique intégré à l'espace administrauter: nombre de nouvelles notes par mois /// </summary> /// <param name="nbMonths">Nombre de mois avant celui en cours</param> /// <param name="Notes">Liste de notes</param> public static Chart GenerateChartNotes(int nbMonths, List <Note> Notes) { List <string> monthLabels = new List <string>(); List <double?> noteCounter = new List <double?>(); DateTime dateVar = DateTime.Now; for (int i = 0; i < nbMonths; i++) // Création d'une liste de mois, contenant les n mois inférieurs à celui en cours { monthLabels.Add(dateVar.ToString("MM/yyyy")); dateVar = dateVar.AddMonths(-1); } monthLabels.Reverse(); foreach (string monthY in monthLabels) // Création du set de données du graphique { int nbNotes = 0; foreach (Note note in Notes) { if (note.DateCreation.Month.ToString("00") + "/" + note.DateCreation.Year.ToString("0000") == monthY) { nbNotes++; } } noteCounter.Add(nbNotes); } Chart chart = new Chart { Type = Enums.ChartType.Line }; ChartJSCore.Models.Data data = new ChartJSCore.Models.Data { Labels = monthLabels }; LineDataset dataset = new LineDataset() // Paramètrage du graphique { Label = "Créations", Data = noteCounter, Fill = "false", LineTension = 0.1, BackgroundColor = ChartColor.FromRgba(75, 192, 192, 0.4), BorderColor = ChartColor.FromRgb(75, 192, 192), BorderCapStyle = "butt", BorderDash = new List <int> { }, BorderDashOffset = 0.0, BorderJoinStyle = "miter", PointBorderColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(75, 192, 192) }, PointBackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromHexString("#ffffff") }, PointBorderWidth = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHoverRadius = new List <int> { 5 }, PointHoverBackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(75, 192, 192) }, PointHoverBorderColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(220, 220, 220) }, PointHoverBorderWidth = new List <int> { 2 }, PointRadius = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHitRadius = new List <int> { 10 }, SpanGaps = false }; data.Datasets = new List <Dataset> { dataset }; chart.Data = data; return(chart); }
public Charter(string keyword, GraphData data, string xLabel, string yLabel, bool reverse, int min, int max) { Data = data; _lineConfig = new LineConfig { Options = new LineOptions { Responsive = true, Title = new OptionsTitle { Display = true, Text = keyword }, Legend = new Legend { Display = false }, Tooltips = new Tooltips { Mode = InteractionMode.Nearest, Intersect = false }, Scales = new Scales { yAxes = new List <CartesianAxis> { new LinearCartesianAxis { ScaleLabel = new ScaleLabel { LabelString = yLabel }, Ticks = new LinearCartesianTicks { Reverse = reverse, Min = min, Max = max }, }, }, xAxes = new List <CartesianAxis> { new TimeAxis { Distribution = TimeDistribution.Linear, Ticks = new TimeTicks { Source = TickSource.Data }, Time = new TimeOptions { Unit = TimeMeasurement.Day, Round = TimeMeasurement.Day, TooltipFormat = "MM.DD.YYYY", DisplayFormats = TimeDisplayFormats.DE_CH }, ScaleLabel = new ScaleLabel { LabelString = xLabel } } } }, Hover = new LineOptionsHover { Intersect = true, Mode = InteractionMode.Y } } }; _WeightDataSet = new LineDataset <TimeTuple <int> > { BackgroundColor = ColorUtil.FromDrawingColor(System.Drawing.Color.White), BorderColor = ColorUtil.FromDrawingColor(System.Drawing.Color.Red), Label = yLabel, Fill = false, BorderWidth = 2, PointRadius = 2, PointBorderWidth = 2, SteppedLine = SteppedLine.False, Hidden = false }; _WeightDataSet.RemoveAll(e => true); //data.Shuffle(); for (int i = 0; i < Data.Positions.Count; i++) { var pos = Data.Positions[i]; var date = Data.Dates[i]; _WeightDataSet.Add(new TimeTuple <int>(new Moment(date), pos)); } _lineConfig.Data.Datasets.Clear(); _lineConfig.Data.Datasets.Add(_WeightDataSet); _lineChartJs.Update(); }
public IActionResult Index() { Chart chart = new Chart(); chart.Type = Enums.ChartType.Line; ChartJSCore.Models.Data data = new ChartJSCore.Models.Data(); data.Labels = new List <string>() { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July" }; LineDataset dataset = new LineDataset() { Label = "My First dataset", Data = new List <double>() { 65, 59, 80, 81, 56, 55, 40 }, Fill = "false", LineTension = 0.1, BackgroundColor = "rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.4)", BorderColor = "rgba(75,192,192,1)", BorderCapStyle = "butt", BorderDash = new List <int> { }, BorderDashOffset = 0.0, BorderJoinStyle = "miter", PointBorderColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(75,192,192,1)" }, PointBackgroundColor = new List <string>() { "#fff" }, PointBorderWidth = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHoverRadius = new List <int> { 5 }, PointHoverBackgroundColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(75,192,192,1)" }, PointHoverBorderColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(220,220,220,1)" }, PointHoverBorderWidth = new List <int> { 2 }, PointRadius = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHitRadius = new List <int> { 10 }, SpanGaps = false }; data.Datasets = new List <Dataset>(); data.Datasets.Add(dataset); chart.Data = data; ViewData["chart"] = chart; return(View()); }
public override void OnPageShown() { _logger.LogInformation("SHOWN"); _temperatureManager.OnTemperatureChanged += OnTemperatureChangedExecute; ChartConfig = new LineConfig { Options = new LineOptions { Legend = new Legend { Labels = new LegendLabels { FontColor = ColorUtil.FromDrawingColor(Color.White) } }, Responsive = true, Tooltips = new Tooltips { Mode = InteractionMode.Nearest, Intersect = true }, Hover = new Hover { Mode = InteractionMode.Nearest, Intersect = true }, Scales = new Scales { XAxes = new List <CartesianAxis> { new CategoryAxis { GridLines = new GridLines { Color = ColorUtil.FromDrawingColor(Color.White) }, Display = AxisDisplay.False, ScaleLabel = new ScaleLabel { Display = false, FontColor = ColorUtil.FromDrawingColor(Color.White), LabelString = "Month" } } }, YAxes = new List <CartesianAxis> { new LinearCartesianAxis { GridLines = new GridLines { DrawTicks = true, DrawOnChartArea = true, ZeroLineColor = ColorUtil.FromDrawingColor(Color.White), Color = ColorUtil.FromDrawingColor(Color.White) }, Ticks = new LinearCartesianTicks { FontColor = ColorUtil.FromDrawingColor(Color.White), StepSize = 20, SuggestedMin = 40 }, ScaleLabel = new ScaleLabel { Display = false, FontColor = ColorUtil.FromDrawingColor(Color.White), LabelString = "Value" } } } } } }; IDataset <decimal> dataset1 = new LineDataset <decimal>() { Label = "Bed", BackgroundColor = ColorUtil.FromDrawingColor(ChartColors.Blue), BorderColor = ColorUtil.FromDrawingColor(ChartColors.Blue), Fill = FillingMode.Disabled }; IDataset <decimal> dataset2 = new LineDataset <decimal>() { Label = "Extruder", BackgroundColor = ColorUtil.FromDrawingColor(ChartColors.Red), BorderColor = ColorUtil.FromDrawingColor(ChartColors.Red), Fill = FillingMode.Disabled }; //((List<string>)ChartConfig.Data.Labels).AddRange(Months.Take(InitalCount)); ChartConfig.Data.Datasets.Add(dataset1); ChartConfig.Data.Datasets.Add(dataset2); }
public async Task <JsonResult> OnPostAsync(string UserInput) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserInput)) { List <BinResult> binResults = new List <BinResult>(); string[] keywords = UserInput.Split(" ").Take(5).ToArray(); List <string> jReturns = new List <string>(); foreach (string keyword in keywords) { // data.Labels.Add(keyword); //todo add link to pastbin raw data based on binID try { HttpAsync httpAsync = new HttpAsync(); string response = await httpAsync.Get(PsDumpUrl.Replace("#keyword#", keyword)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response)) { try { binResults.Add(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BinResult>(response)); jReturns.Add(response); } catch (Exception) { } } } catch (Exception) { } } //Create chart Chart chart = new Chart(); chart.Type = Enums.ChartType.Line; LineDataset lineDataset = new LineDataset(); Data data = new Data(); data.Labels = new List <string>(); data.Datasets = new List <Dataset>(); foreach (BinResult binResult in binResults) { LineDataset dataset = new LineDataset(); List <double?> c = new List <double?>(); foreach (var line in => DateTime.Parse(f.Time).ToUniversalTime() .ToString("Y", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US"))) .Select(group => new { xAxis = group.Key, yAxis = group.Count() }) .OrderBy(x => x.xAxis)) { Debug.WriteLine(line.xAxis); if (!data.Labels.Contains(line.xAxis)) { data.Labels.Add(line.xAxis); } if (c.Count() < data.Labels.IndexOf(line.xAxis)) { for (int i = c.Count(); i < data.Labels.IndexOf(line.xAxis); i++) { c.Add(0); } } c.Insert(data.Labels.IndexOf(line.xAxis), (line.yAxis)); Debug.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", binResult.Search, line.xAxis, line.yAxis); } lineDataset = CreateChartDataSet(binResult.Search, c); data.Datasets.Add(lineDataset); } Options options = new Options() { Scales = new Scales(), Responsive = true, MaintainAspectRatio = true }; Scales scales = new Scales() { YAxes = new List <Scale>() { new CartesianScale() }, XAxes = new List <Scale>() { new CartesianScale() { Type = "category", Position = "bottom", Ticks = new CartesianLinearTick() { BeginAtZero = false } } } }; CartesianScale yAxes = new CartesianScale() { Ticks = new Tick() }; Tick tick = new Tick() { Callback = "function(value, index, values) {return '#of bins' + value;}" }; yAxes.Ticks = tick; scales.YAxes = new List <Scale>() { yAxes }; options.Scales = scales; chart.Options = options; chart.Data = data; return(new JsonResult(new { table = jReturns, chart = chart.CreateChartCode("lineChart") })); } return(null); }
public static string GenerateLineChart() { Chart chart = new Chart(); chart.Type = "line"; Data data = new Data(); data.Labels = new List <string>() { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July" }; LineDataset dataset = new LineDataset() { Label = "My First dataset", Data = new List <double>() { 65, 59, 80, 81, 56, 55, 40 }, Fill = "false", LineTension = 0.1, BackgroundColor = "rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.4)", BorderColor = "rgba(75,192,192,1)", BorderCapStyle = "butt", BorderDash = new List <int> { }, BorderDashOffset = 0.0, BorderJoinStyle = "miter", PointBorderColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(75,192,192,1)" }, PointBackgroundColor = new List <string>() { "#fff" }, PointBorderWidth = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHoverRadius = new List <int> { 5 }, PointHoverBackgroundColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(75,192,192,1)" }, PointHoverBorderColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(220,220,220,1)" }, PointHoverBorderWidth = new List <int> { 2 }, PointRadius = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHitRadius = new List <int> { 10 }, SpanGaps = false }; data.Datasets = new List <Dataset>(); data.Datasets.Add(dataset); Options options = new Options() { Scales = new Scales() }; Scales scales = new Scales() { YAxes = new List <Scale>() { new CartesianScale() } }; CartesianScale yAxes = new CartesianScale() { Ticks = new Tick() }; Tick tick = new Tick() { Callback = "function(value, index, values) {return '$' + value;}" }; yAxes.Ticks = tick; scales.YAxes = new List <Scale>() { yAxes }; options.Scales = scales; chart.Options = options; chart.Data = data; string code = chart.CreateChartCode("lineChart"); return(code); }
protected override void OnInitialized() { if (Day == MyChartType.Hourly) { _config = new LineConfig { Options = new LineOptions { Title = new OptionsTitle { Display = true, Text = Title + " Last Day" }, Responsive = true, Animation = new ArcAnimation { AnimateRotate = true, AnimateScale = true }, Scales = new Scales { xAxes = new List <CartesianAxis> { new TimeAxis { Distribution = TimeDistribution.Linear, Ticks = new TimeTicks { Source = TickSource.Auto, Reverse = true }, Time = new TimeOptions { Unit = TimeMeasurement.Hour, Round = TimeMeasurement.Second, TooltipFormat = "DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm:ss", DisplayFormats = TimeDisplayFormats.DE_CH }, ScaleLabel = new ScaleLabel { LabelString = "Time" } } } } } }; } else if (Day == MyChartType.Daily) { _config = new LineConfig { Options = new LineOptions { Title = new OptionsTitle { Display = true, Text = Title + " Last 2 Weeks" }, Responsive = true, Animation = new ArcAnimation { AnimateRotate = true, AnimateScale = true }, Scales = new Scales { xAxes = new List <CartesianAxis> { new TimeAxis { Distribution = TimeDistribution.Linear, Ticks = new TimeTicks { Source = TickSource.Auto, Reverse = true }, Time = new TimeOptions { Unit = TimeMeasurement.Day, Round = TimeMeasurement.Hour, TooltipFormat = "DD.MM.YYYY", DisplayFormats = TimeDisplayFormats.DE_CH }, ScaleLabel = new ScaleLabel { LabelString = "Date" } } } } } }; } else { _config = new LineConfig { Options = new LineOptions { Title = new OptionsTitle { Display = true, Text = Title + " Monthly" }, Responsive = true, Animation = new ArcAnimation { AnimateRotate = true, AnimateScale = true }, Scales = new Scales { xAxes = new List <CartesianAxis> { new TimeAxis { Distribution = TimeDistribution.Linear, Ticks = new TimeTicks { Source = TickSource.Auto, Reverse = true }, Time = new TimeOptions { Unit = TimeMeasurement.Month, Round = TimeMeasurement.Day, TooltipFormat = "DD.MM.YYYY", DisplayFormats = TimeDisplayFormats.DE_CH }, ScaleLabel = new ScaleLabel { LabelString = "Date" } } } } } }; } var Set = new LineDataset <TimeTuple <decimal> > { BackgroundColor = ColorUtil.FromDrawingColor(Color.Blue), BorderColor = ColorUtil.FromDrawingColor(Color.Blue), Fill = false, BorderWidth = 1, PointRadius = 5, PointBorderWidth = 1, SteppedLine = SteppedLine.False, ShowLine = true, Label = "Current" }; var PrevSet = new LineDataset <TimeTuple <decimal> > { BackgroundColor = ColorUtil.FromDrawingColor(Color.LightBlue), BorderDash = new int[] { 10, 5 }, BorderColor = ColorUtil.FromDrawingColor(Color.LightBlue), Fill = false, BorderWidth = 1, PointRadius = 3, PointBorderWidth = 1, SteppedLine = SteppedLine.False, ShowLine = true, Label = "Previous" }; for (int i = 0; i < Data.Count; i++) { var s = Labels[i]; var points = new TimeTuple <decimal>(new Moment(s), Convert.ToDecimal(Data[i])); Set.Add(points); } for (int i = 0; i < (Data.Count < PrevData.Count ? Data.Count : PrevData.Count); i++) { var s = Labels[i]; var points = new TimeTuple <decimal>(new Moment(s), Convert.ToDecimal(PrevData[i])); PrevSet.Add(points); } if (Labels.Count > 0) { DateTime dt = Labels.OrderByDescending(s => s.Date).FirstOrDefault(); Set.Label = dt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); if (Day == MyChartType.Hourly) { PrevSet.Label = dt.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } else if (Day == MyChartType.Daily) { PrevSet.Label = dt.AddDays(-14).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } else { PrevSet.Label = "N/A"; PrevSet.Hidden = true; } } _config.Data.Datasets.Add(Set); _config.Data.Datasets.Add(PrevSet); }
public void createNewChart(List <string> ChartLabels, IList <double> ChartValues, string chartType, string ChartTitle, string ChartID) { Chart DateChart = new Chart(); DateChart.Type = chartType; ChartJSCore.Models.Data data = new ChartJSCore.Models.Data(); data.Labels = ChartLabels; Options options = new Options() { Scales = new Scales() }; Scales scales = new Scales() { YAxes = new List <Object>() { new CartesianScale() { Type = "linear", Position = "bottom", Ticks = new CartesianLinearTick() { BeginAtZero = true } } } }; if (chartType != "pie") { options.Scales = scales; DateChart.Options = options; LineDataset dataset = new LineDataset() { Label = ChartTitle, Data = ChartValues, Fill = false, LineTension = 0.1, BackgroundColor = "rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.4)", BorderColor = "rgba(75,192,192,1)", BorderCapStyle = "butt", BorderDash = new List <int> { }, BorderDashOffset = 0.0, BorderJoinStyle = "miter", PointBorderColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(75,192,192,1)" }, PointBackgroundColor = new List <string>() { "#fff" }, PointBorderWidth = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHoverRadius = new List <int> { 5 }, PointHoverBackgroundColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(75,192,192,1)" }, PointHoverBorderColor = new List <string>() { "rgba(220,220,220,1)" }, PointHoverBorderWidth = new List <int> { 2 }, PointRadius = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHitRadius = new List <int> { 10 }, SpanGaps = false }; data.Datasets = new List <Dataset>(); data.Datasets.Add(dataset); } else { PieDataset pie_dataset = new PieDataset() { Label = "My dataset", BackgroundColor = new List <string>() { "#FF6384", "#36A2EB", "#FFCE56" }, HoverBackgroundColor = new List <string>() { "#FF6384", "#36A2EB", "#FFCE56" }, Data = ChartValues }; data.Datasets = new List <Dataset>(); data.Datasets.Add(pie_dataset); } DateChart.Data = data; ViewData[ChartID] = DateChart; }
private Chart GetGoalChart(StatisticsViewModel statisticsViewModel) { Chart chart = new Chart(); Data data = new Data(); data.Datasets = new List <Dataset>(); chart.Data = data; chart.Type = Enums.ChartType.Line; data.Labels = new List <string>() { "asd", "asd", "asd", "asd", "asd", "asd", "asd" }; LineDataset dataset = new LineDataset() { Label = "TestChart", Data = new List <double?> { 65, 59, 80, 81, 56, 55, 40 }, Fill = "false", LineTension = 0.1, BackgroundColor = ChartColor.FromRgba(75, 192, 192, 0.4), BorderColor = ChartColor.FromRgb(75, 192, 192), BorderCapStyle = "butt", BorderDash = new List <int> { }, BorderDashOffset = 0.0, BorderJoinStyle = "miter", PointBorderColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(75, 192, 192) }, PointBackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromHexString("#ffffff") }, PointBorderWidth = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHoverRadius = new List <int> { 5 }, PointHoverBackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(75, 192, 192) }, PointHoverBorderColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(220, 220, 220) }, PointHoverBorderWidth = new List <int> { 2 }, PointRadius = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHitRadius = new List <int> { 10 }, SpanGaps = false }; data.Datasets.Add(dataset); return(chart); }
private static Chart GenerateLineChart() { var chart = new Chart { Type = Enums.ChartType.Line }; var data = new Data { Labels = new List <string> { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July" } }; var dataset = new LineDataset { Label = "My First dataset", Data = new List <double> { 65, 59, 80, 81, 56, 55, 40 }, Fill = "false", LineTension = 0.1, BackgroundColor = ChartColor.FromRgba(75, 192, 192, 0.4), BorderColor = ChartColor.FromRgb(75, 192, 192), BorderCapStyle = "butt", BorderDash = new List <int> { }, BorderDashOffset = 0.0, BorderJoinStyle = "miter", PointBorderColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(75, 192, 192) }, PointBackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromHexString("#ffffff") }, PointBorderWidth = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHoverRadius = new List <int> { 5 }, PointHoverBackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(75, 192, 192) }, PointHoverBorderColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(220, 220, 220) }, PointHoverBorderWidth = new List <int> { 2 }, PointRadius = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHitRadius = new List <int> { 10 }, SpanGaps = false }; data.Datasets = new List <Dataset> { dataset }; var options = new Options { Scales = new Scales() }; var scales = new Scales { YAxes = new List <Scale> { new CartesianScale() } }; var yAxes = new CartesianScale { Ticks = new Tick() }; var tick = new Tick { Callback = "function(value, index, values) {return '$' + value;}" }; yAxes.Ticks = tick; scales.YAxes = new List <Scale> { yAxes }; options.Scales = scales; chart.Options = options; chart.Data = data; return(chart); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a Line Chart configuration tailored for OEE Reporting /// </summary> /// <param name="machine"></param> /// <param name="timeSpan"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Chart GetLineChart(List <LineChartValue> data, string title, string scaleLabel, bool displayLegend = true) { // TODO: How do I put a time series to this? var titleFontSize = 12; try { titleFontSize = int.Parse(SystemHelper.GetConfigValue("AppSettings:TitleFontSize")); } catch { } var legendFontSize = 12; try { legendFontSize = int.Parse(SystemHelper.GetConfigValue("AppSettings:LegendFontSize")); } catch { } var chart = new Chart(); chart.Type = Enums.ChartType.Line; if (data?.Count() > 0) { chart.Options = new Options() { Responsive = true, Title = new Title() { Display = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(title), Text = title, FontSize = titleFontSize }, Scales = new Scales() { XAxes = new List <Scale>(), YAxes = new List <Scale>() { new CartesianScale() { ScaleLabel = new ScaleLabel() { Display = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(scaleLabel), LabelString = scaleLabel } } } }, Legend = new Legend() { Display = displayLegend } }; chart.Data = new ChartJSCore.Models.Data(); chart.Data.Datasets = new List <Dataset>(); var allSeries = data.Select(x => x.Label).Distinct().ToList(); chart.Data.Labels = data.OrderBy(a => a.XValue).Select(x => x.XValue).Distinct().ToList(); var i = 0; foreach (var series in allSeries) { var samples = new List <double?>(); foreach (var label in chart.Data.Labels) { samples.Add(data.Where(x => x.XValue.Equals(label) && x.Label.Equals(series)).Select(y => y.YValue).FirstOrDefault()); } var linearDS = new LineDataset() { Label = series, Data = samples, SpanGaps = true, BackgroundColor = ChartColor.FromHexString(_colorList[i % _colorList.Count]), BorderColor = ChartColor.FromHexString(_colorList[i % _colorList.Count]), BorderWidth = (samples.Count() > 50) ? 2 : 3, BorderDashOffset = 0.0, BorderJoinStyle = "miter", PointHitRadius = new List <int> { 10 }, Fill = "false", ShowLine = true, PointRadius = (samples.Count() > 50) ? new List <int> { 0 } : new List <int> { 2 } }; chart.Data.Datasets.Add(linearDS); i++; } } return(chart); }
public void DoAction(string action, Event eventArgs) { if (action.Equals("add")) { if (eventArgs.Contains("Label") && eventArgs.Contains("Value") && eventArgs.Contains("Timestamp")) { dataset = new LineDataset <TimeTuple <int> > { BackgroundColor = ColorUtil.RandomColorString(), BorderColor = ColorUtil.RandomColorString(), Label = eventArgs.Get("Label"), Fill = false, BorderWidth = 2, PointRadius = 3, PointBorderWidth = 1, SteppedLine = SteppedLine.False }; List <TimeTuple <int> > e = new List <TimeTuple <int> >(); var rand = new Random(); e.ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { e.Add(new TimeTuple <int>(new Moment(DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-300 * i)), rand.Next(50, 100))); } dataset.AddRange(e); dataset.Id = eventArgs.Get("Label"); config.Data.Datasets.Add(dataset); } } if (action.Equals("replace")) { if (eventArgs.Contains("Label") && eventArgs.Contains("Value") && eventArgs.Contains("Timestamp")) { HashSet <IMixableDataset <object> > datasets = config.Data.Datasets; for (int i = 0; i < datasets.Count; i++) { if (datasets.ElementAt(i).Id.Equals(eventArgs.Get("Label"))) { config.Data.Datasets.Remove(datasets.ElementAt(i)); } } dataset = new LineDataset <TimeTuple <int> > { BackgroundColor = ColorUtil.RandomColorString(), BorderColor = ColorUtil.RandomColorString(), Label = eventArgs.Get("Label"), Fill = false, BorderWidth = 2, PointRadius = 3, PointBorderWidth = 1, SteppedLine = SteppedLine.False }; List <TimeTuple <int> > e = new List <TimeTuple <int> >(); var rand = new Random(); e.ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { e.Add(new TimeTuple <int>(new Moment(DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-10000 * i)), rand.Next(50, 100))); } dataset.AddRange(e); dataset.Id = eventArgs.Get("Label"); config.Data.Datasets.Add(dataset); } } //if (action.Equals("replace")) //{ // //First remove old label and piece of cake // if (eventArgs.Contains("Label")) // { // int index = -1; // List<string> labels = config.Data.Labels; // for (int i = 0; i < labels.Count; i++) // { // if (eventArgs.Get("Label").Equals(labels.ElementAt(i))) // index = i; // } // if (index > -1) // { // config.Data.Labels.RemoveAt(index); // dataset.Data.RemoveAt(index); // } // } // //then re-add // if (eventArgs.Contains("Label")) // config.Data.Labels.Add(eventArgs.Get("Label")); // if (eventArgs.Contains("Value")) // { // var dataset = config.Data.Datasets.LastOrDefault(); // if (dataset != null) // dataset.Data.Add(Convert.ToInt32(eventArgs.Get("Value"))); // dataset.BackgroundColor = dataset.BackgroundColor.IndexedValues.Append(ColorUtil.RandomColorString()).ToArray(); // } //} }
//Estadisticas y clasificacion de nivel de gastos public async Task <IActionResult> ExpensesAndIncomes() { //Chart instance Chart chart = new Chart(); Chart chartIncomes = new Chart(); Chart chartBalance = new Chart(); //Getting the user and setting the userId var user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(HttpContext.User); var userId = user.Id; //User expenses List <Expense> listagastos = _db.Expenses.Where(x => x.UserId == userId).ToList(); //User profile List <Profile> listasalario = _db.Profiles.Where(x => x.UserId == userId).ToList(); //User incomes List <Income> listaentradas = _db.Incomes.Include(x => x.IncomeSource).Where(x => x.IncomeSource.UserId == userId).ToList(); //Setting the chart type chart.Type = Enums.ChartType.Line; chartIncomes.Type = Enums.ChartType.Line; chartBalance.Type = Enums.ChartType.Line; //Extracting the expenses data List <double> total = listagastos.Select(x => Convert.ToDouble(x.Total)).ToList(); List <double> totalsalario = listasalario.Select(x => Convert.ToDouble(x.Salary)).ToList(); double salariototal = totalsalario[0]; ViewBag.salariototal = salariototal; //Extracting the incomes data List <double> totalIncomes = listagastos.Select(x => Convert.ToDouble(x.Total)).ToList(); List <double> totalmes = new List <double>() { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; List <double> totalEntradasMes = new List <double>() { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; List <double> totalBalance = new List <double>() { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; foreach (Expense item in listagastos) { for (int i = 0; i <= 11; i++) { if (item.CreationDate.Month - 1 == i) { var elemento = totalmes.ElementAt(i); elemento += Convert.ToDouble(item.Total); totalmes.RemoveAt(i); totalmes.Insert(i, elemento); } } } foreach (Income item in listaentradas) { for (int i = 0; i <= 11; i++) { if (item.CreationDate.Month - 1 == i) { var elemento = totalEntradasMes.ElementAt(i); elemento += Convert.ToDouble(item.Total); totalEntradasMes.RemoveAt(i); totalEntradasMes.Insert(i, elemento); } } } for (int i = 0; i <= 11; i++) { double monthBalance = salariototal - totalmes.ElementAt(i) - totalEntradasMes.ElementAt(i); totalBalance.RemoveAt(i); totalBalance.Insert(i, monthBalance); } int indicemes = DateTime.Now.Month; double gastototal = totalmes[indicemes - 1]; double a = salariototal - gastototal; double porcentaje = (a * 100) / salariototal; ViewBag.porcentaje = porcentaje; //Data object for expenses ChartJSCore.Models.Data data = new ChartJSCore.Models.Data(); //Data object for incomes ChartJSCore.Models.Data dataIncomes = new ChartJSCore.Models.Data(); //Data object for balance ChartJSCore.Models.Data dataBalance = new ChartJSCore.Models.Data(); List <string> months = new List <string>() { "Enero", "Febrero", "Marzo", "Abril", "Mayo", "Junio", "Julio", "Agosto", "Septiembre", "Octubre", "Noviembre", "Diciembre" }; data.Labels = months; dataIncomes.Labels = months; dataBalance.Labels = months; //Dataset for expenses chart LineDataset dataset = new LineDataset() { Label = "Gastos por mes", Data = totalmes, Fill = "false", LineTension = 0.1, BackgroundColor = ChartColor.FromRgba(75, 192, 192, 0.4), BorderColor = ChartColor.FromRgb(75, 192, 192), BorderCapStyle = "butt", BorderDash = new List <int> { }, BorderDashOffset = 0.0, BorderJoinStyle = "miter", PointBorderColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(75, 192, 192) }, PointBackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromHexString("#ffffff") }, PointBorderWidth = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHoverRadius = new List <int> { 5 }, PointHoverBackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(75, 192, 192) }, PointHoverBorderColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(220, 220, 220) }, PointHoverBorderWidth = new List <int> { 2 }, PointRadius = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHitRadius = new List <int> { 10 }, SpanGaps = false }; //Dataset for incomes chart LineDataset datasetIncomes = new LineDataset() { Label = "Entradas por mes", Data = totalEntradasMes, Fill = "false", LineTension = 0.1, BackgroundColor = ChartColor.FromRgba(75, 192, 192, 0.4), BorderColor = ChartColor.FromRgb(75, 192, 192), BorderCapStyle = "butt", BorderDash = new List <int> { }, BorderDashOffset = 0.0, BorderJoinStyle = "miter", PointBorderColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(75, 192, 192) }, PointBackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromHexString("#ffffff") }, PointBorderWidth = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHoverRadius = new List <int> { 5 }, PointHoverBackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(75, 192, 192) }, PointHoverBorderColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(220, 220, 220) }, PointHoverBorderWidth = new List <int> { 2 }, PointRadius = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHitRadius = new List <int> { 10 }, SpanGaps = false }; //Dataset for balance chart LineDataset datasetBalance = new LineDataset() { Label = "Balance por mes", Data = totalBalance, Fill = "false", LineTension = 0.1, BackgroundColor = ChartColor.FromRgba(75, 192, 192, 0.4), BorderColor = ChartColor.FromRgb(75, 192, 192), BorderCapStyle = "butt", BorderDash = new List <int> { }, BorderDashOffset = 0.0, BorderJoinStyle = "miter", PointBorderColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(75, 192, 192) }, PointBackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromHexString("#ffffff") }, PointBorderWidth = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHoverRadius = new List <int> { 5 }, PointHoverBackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(75, 192, 192) }, PointHoverBorderColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(220, 220, 220) }, PointHoverBorderWidth = new List <int> { 2 }, PointRadius = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHitRadius = new List <int> { 10 }, SpanGaps = false }; data.Datasets = new List <Dataset>(); data.Datasets.Add(dataset); chart.Data = data; dataIncomes.Datasets = new List <Dataset>(); dataIncomes.Datasets.Add(datasetIncomes); chartIncomes.Data = dataIncomes; dataBalance.Datasets = new List <Dataset>(); dataBalance.Datasets.Add(datasetBalance); chartBalance.Data = dataBalance; //Sending data to the view ViewData["expenses"] = chart; ViewData["incomes"] = chartIncomes; ViewData["balance"] = chartBalance; return(View()); }