[Test] //ExSkip
        public void Content()
            // Open a document with a couple paragraphs of content
            Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Properties.Content.docx");

            // The properties we will work with are members of the BuiltInDocumentProperties attribute
            BuiltInDocumentProperties properties = doc.BuiltInDocumentProperties;

            // By using built in properties,
            // we can treat document statistics such as word/page/character counts as metadata that can be glanced at without opening the document
            // These properties are accessed by right-clicking the file in Windows Explorer and navigating to Properties > Details > Content
            // If we want to display this data inside the document, we can use fields such as NUMPAGES, NUMWORDS, NUMCHARS etc.
            // Also, these values can also be viewed in Microsoft Word by navigating File > Properties > Advanced Properties > Statistics
            // Page count: The PageCount attribute shows the page count in real time and its value can be assigned to the Pages property
            properties.Pages = doc.PageCount;
            Assert.AreEqual(2, properties.Pages);

            // Word count: The UpdateWordCount() automatically assigns the real time word/character counts to the respective built in properties
            Assert.AreEqual(198, properties.Words);
            Assert.AreEqual(1114, properties.Characters);
            Assert.AreEqual(1310, properties.CharactersWithSpaces);

            // Line count: Count the lines in a document and assign value to the Lines property\
            LineCounter lineCounter = new LineCounter(doc);

            properties.Lines = lineCounter.GetLineCount();
            Assert.AreEqual(14, properties.Lines);

            // Paragraph count: Assign the size of the count of child Paragraph-nodes to the Paragraphs built in property
            properties.Paragraphs = doc.GetChildNodes(NodeType.Paragraph, true).Count;
            Assert.AreEqual(2, properties.Paragraphs);

            // Bytes: Use a stream to find out the real file size of our document and assign it to the Property
            using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
                doc.Save(stream, SaveFormat.Docx);
                properties.Bytes = (int)stream.Length;
                Assert.AreEqual(10870, properties.Bytes);

            // Template: The Template attribute can reflect the filename of the attached template document
            doc.AttachedTemplate = MyDir + "Document.BusinessBrochureTemplate.dot";
            Assert.AreEqual("Normal", properties.Template);
            properties.Template = doc.AttachedTemplate;

            // Content status: This is a descriptive field
            properties.ContentStatus = "Draft";

            // Content type: Upon saving, any value we assign to this field will be overwritten by the MIME type of the output save format
            Assert.AreEqual("", properties.ContentType);

            // If the document contains links and they are all up to date, we can set this to true

            doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Properties.Content.docx");
Exemple #2
        public void Should_Count_Lines_Of_Code()
            LineCounter lineCounter = CreateLineCounter();

            int result = lineCounter.CountLinesOfCode(

Exemple #3
        public UnitSizeMetric(SyntaxNode unitNode)
            string rawCode       = ExtractRawCode(unitNode);
            var    sanitizedCode = new Sanitizer().Sanitize(rawCode);

            LineCounter counter = new LineCounter(sanitizedCode);

            this.Size = counter.NumberOfLines;
Exemple #4
        public void Should_Count_Lines()
            LineCounter lineCounter = CreateLineCounter();

            int result = lineCounter.CountLines(

Exemple #5
        public void ountLines_SingleLineNoEndingBreak()
            using var sample = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Simple line"));
            var sut  = new LineCounter();
            var want = 0;
            var got  = sut.CountLines(sample);

            Assert.Equal(want, got);
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses all lines using regex and outputs a single Json document with nested documents for each line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override JObject ParseLogDocument(TextReader reader)
            // We have two possible output schema: complex records or simple key/value pairs.
            IList <IDictionary <string, object> > records = new List <IDictionary <string, object> >();
            IDictionary <string, object>          pairs   = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            // Parse each line using the regex into a set of key/value pairs.
            string line;

            while ((line = ReadLine(reader)) != null)
                IDictionary <string, object> fields = FindAndApplyRegexMatch(line);

                if (fields.Count > 0)
                    // In certain cases, we just want to write a key/value pair.
                    if (fields.Count == 2 && fields.ContainsKey("key") && fields.ContainsKey("value"))
                        pairs.Add(fields["key"].ToString(), fields["value"]);
                        fields.Add("line", LineCounter.CurrentValue.ToString());

            // Bail out if we didn't successfully parse anything.
            if (records.Count == 0 && pairs.Count == 0)

            // Serialize and return result.
            JToken jtoken;

            if (pairs.Count > 0)
                // jtoken = pairs.SerializeToJson();
                jtoken = JObject.FromObject(pairs);
                jtoken = JArray.FromObject(records);

            var json = new JObject {
                { "contents", jtoken }

            FinishedParsing = true;

Exemple #7
        public void ScrollToSearchResult(FileContentSearchResult searchResult)
            var index = LineCounter.GetCharacterIndex(ContentTextBox.Text, searchResult.Line, searchResult.Column);

            var contentLength = ContentTextBox.Text.Length;

            ContentTextBox.Select(index, searchResult.Query.Expression.Length);
Exemple #8
        public override void Populate(TextWriter trapFile)
            trapFile.files(this, TransformedPath.Value, TransformedPath.NameWithoutExtension, TransformedPath.Extension);

            if (TransformedPath.ParentDirectory is PathTransformer.ITransformedPath dir)
                trapFile.containerparent(Extraction.Entities.Folder.Create(Context, dir), this);

            var trees = Context.Compilation.SyntaxTrees.Where(t => t.FilePath == originalPath);

            if (trees.Any())
                foreach (var text in trees.Select(tree => tree.GetText()))
                    var rawText    = text.ToString() ?? "";
                    var lineCounts = LineCounter.ComputeLineCounts(rawText);
                    if (rawText.Length > 0 && rawText[rawText.Length - 1] != '\n')

                    trapFile.numlines(this, lineCounts);
                    Context.TrapWriter.Archive(originalPath, TransformedPath, text.Encoding ?? System.Text.Encoding.Default);
            else if (IsPossiblyTextFile())
                    System.Text.Encoding encoding;
                    var lineCount = 0;
                    using (var sr = new StreamReader(originalPath, detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks: true))
                        while (sr.ReadLine() is not null)
                        encoding = sr.CurrentEncoding;

                    trapFile.numlines(this, new LineCounts()
                        Total = lineCount, Code = 0, Comment = 0
                    Context.TrapWriter.Archive(originalPath, TransformedPath, encoding ?? System.Text.Encoding.Default);
                catch (Exception exc)
                    Context.ExtractionError($"Couldn't read file: {originalPath}. {exc.Message}", null, null, exc.StackTrace);

            trapFile.file_extraction_mode(this, Context.Extractor.Standalone ? 1 : 0);
Exemple #9
        public void DirectoryTest()
            // Arrange
            LineCounter lineCounter3   = new LineCounter("TestFiles/Java");
            int         expectedResult = 15;
            // Act
            int result = lineCounter3.totalLinesOfCode;

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult, result);
Exemple #10
        public static LineCounts Visit(SyntaxToken identifier, SyntaxNode body)
            var start = identifier.GetLocation().SourceSpan.Start;
            var end   = body.GetLocation().SourceSpan.End - 1;

            var textSpan = new Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text.TextSpan(start, end - start);

            var text = body.SyntaxTree.GetText().GetSubText(textSpan) + "\r\n";

Exemple #11
        public void RandomChanges()
            const string Tag        = "TestWatcherRandomChanges_";
            string       folderName = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
            string       pattern    = Tag + "*";

            foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(folderName, pattern))

            var ff = new FileFiller();

            var initialPopulation = new List <FileEntry>();

            for (int i = 1; i <= 99; i++)
                string fName = Tag + i + ".txt";
                ff.FillFile(fName, numberOfLines: i, lineLength: FileFiller.RandomLength);
                initialPopulation.Add(new FileEntry(fName, DateTime.UtcNow, i, 0));
            for (int i = 100; i <= 102400; i *= 2)
                string fName = Tag + i + ".txt";
                ff.FillFile(fName, numberOfLines: i, lineLength: FileFiller.RandomLength);
                initialPopulation.Add(new FileEntry(fName, DateTime.UtcNow, i, 0));

            _RandomCounted = 0;

            var model   = new FolderModel();
            var view    = new Log(toConsole: false, fileName: "out.txt");
            var counter = new LineCounter();
            var loader  = new BulkLoader();

            var controller = new Watcher(view, model, counter, loader, folderName, Tag + "*");

            controller.FolderChanged += Controller_FolderChanged_Random;
            controller.Status        += Controller_Status;
            System.Threading.Tasks.Task w = controller.StartAsync();

            int loops = 0;

            while (_lastStatus != Watcher.Monitoring)
                if (loops > 100)
                    Assert.Fail("Some Ting Wong"); break;
Exemple #12
        public void SimpleTest()
            LineCounter lineCounter3   = new LineCounter("Empty.txt");
            int         expectedResult = 3;
            // Act
            int result = lineCounter3.GetAmountOfCodeLines <CSharpFile>(new List <string>()

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult, result);
Exemple #13
        public void UltimateTest()
            LineCounter lineCounter3   = new LineCounter("Empty.txt");
            int         expectedResult = 7;
            // Act
            int result = lineCounter3.GetAmountOfCodeLines <JavaFile>(new List <string>()

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult, result);
        public IEnumerable <LinesOfCodeStat> GetLinesOfCodeStats(string directory)
            var fileCrawler = new FileCrawler(new DirectoryReader());
            var fileReader  = new FileReader();
            var lineCounter = new LineCounter();

            foreach (string filePath in fileCrawler.FindSourceFileNames(directory))
                string[] lines            = fileReader.ReadLinesFromFile(filePath);
                int      linesCount       = lineCounter.CountLines(lines);
                int      linesOfCodeCount = lineCounter.CountLinesOfCode(lines);
                yield return(new LinesOfCodeStat(filePath, linesCount, linesOfCodeCount));
Exemple #15
        public void AdvancedTest()
            // Arrange
            LineCounter lineCounter3   = new LineCounter("Empty.txt");
            int         expectedResult = 5;
            // Act
            int result = lineCounter3.GetAmountOfCodeLines <JavaFile>(new List <string>()

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult, result);
Exemple #16
        public void Initialize()
            const string Tag = "TestWatcherInitialize_";

            var x = new FileFiller();

            x.FillFile(Tag + "1" + ".txt", numberOfLines: 1, lineLength: FileFiller.RandomLength);
            x.FillFile(Tag + "2" + ".txt", numberOfLines: 2, lineLength: FileFiller.RandomLength);
            x.FillFile(Tag + "3" + ".txt", numberOfLines: 3, lineLength: FileFiller.RandomLength);
            x.FillFile(Tag + "4" + ".txt", numberOfLines: 4, lineLength: FileFiller.RandomLength);
            x.FillFile(Tag + "5" + ".txt", numberOfLines: 5, lineLength: FileFiller.RandomLength);
            x.FillFile(Tag + "6" + ".txt", numberOfLines: 6, lineLength: FileFiller.RandomLength);
            x.FillFile(Tag + "7" + ".txt", numberOfLines: 7, lineLength: FileFiller.RandomLength);
            x.FillFile(Tag + "8" + ".txt", numberOfLines: 8, lineLength: FileFiller.RandomLength);
            x.FillFile(Tag + "9" + ".txt", numberOfLines: 9, lineLength: FileFiller.RandomLength);
            x.FillFile(Tag + "10" + ".txt", numberOfLines: 10, lineLength: FileFiller.RandomLength);
            x.FillFile(Tag + "100" + ".txt", numberOfLines: 100, lineLength: FileFiller.RandomLength);
            x.FillFile(Tag + "1000" + ".txt", numberOfLines: 1000, lineLength: FileFiller.RandomLength);
            x.FillFile(Tag + "10000" + ".txt", numberOfLines: 10000, lineLength: FileFiller.RandomLength);

            var    model   = new FolderModel();
            var    view    = new Log(toConsole: false, fileName: "out.txt");
            var    counter = new LineCounter();
            var    loader  = new BulkLoader();
            string dir     = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

            var controller = new Watcher(view, model, counter, loader, dir, Tag + "*");

            System.Threading.Tasks.Task w = controller.StartAsync();
            var q = model[Tag + "1" + ".txt"];

            Assert.AreEqual(model.Count(), 13);
            Assert.AreEqual(model[Tag + "1" + ".txt"].LineCount, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(model[Tag + "2" + ".txt"].LineCount, 2);
            Assert.AreEqual(model[Tag + "3" + ".txt"].LineCount, 3);
            Assert.AreEqual(model[Tag + "4" + ".txt"].LineCount, 4);
            Assert.AreEqual(model[Tag + "5" + ".txt"].LineCount, 5);
            Assert.AreEqual(model[Tag + "6" + ".txt"].LineCount, 6);
            Assert.AreEqual(model[Tag + "7" + ".txt"].LineCount, 7);
            Assert.AreEqual(model[Tag + "8" + ".txt"].LineCount, 8);
            Assert.AreEqual(model[Tag + "9" + ".txt"].LineCount, 9);
            Assert.AreEqual(model[Tag + "10" + ".txt"].LineCount, 10);
            Assert.AreEqual(model[Tag + "100" + ".txt"].LineCount, 100);
            Assert.AreEqual(model[Tag + "1000" + ".txt"].LineCount, 1000);
            Assert.AreEqual(model[Tag + "10000" + ".txt"].LineCount, 10000);

        public async Task SampleWithExplicitEncoding(Encoding encoding)
            var lines = File.ReadAllLines("Samples/utf8samples.txt");

            // write the content with the encoding to a byte stream
            var bytes = WriteToMemory(lines, encoding);

            using var stream = new MemoryStream(bytes);

            // create the counter with the specified encoding
            using var counter = new LineCounter(stream, encoding);
            var count = await counter.CountAllLinesAsync();

            // confirm content match
            Assert.Equal(lines.Length, count);
Exemple #18
        public void CountZeroLengthFile()
            const string Test_0 = "Test_0.txt";

            if (!File.Exists(Test_0))
                var ff = new FileFiller();
                ff.FillFile(Test_0, 0, -2);
            var fc    = new LineCounter();
            var model = new FileEvent(FileEventType.Create, new FileEntry(Test_0));
            LineCountProgress result = fc.Count(model);

            Assert.AreEqual(result.Status, LineCountStatus.Success);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result.Count);
Exemple #19
        public void Main_WritePath()
            string currentDirectory = Environment.CurrentDirectory;

            int expected = 0;

            foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(currentDirectory, "*.cs"))
                expected += File.ReadAllLines(file).Count(line => line.Trim().Length > 0);

                                                               () =>
                LineCounter.Main(new string[] { currentDirectory });
Exemple #20
        private static void AnalyzeSymbol(SyntaxTreeAnalysisContext context)
            var classes = context.Tree.GetRoot().DescendantNodes().OfType <BaseTypeDeclarationSyntax>();

            foreach (var @class in classes)
                string text          = @class.GetText().ToString();
                string sanitizedText = new Sanitizer().Sanitize(text);
                long   moduleSize    = new LineCounter(sanitizedText).NumberOfLines;

                if (moduleSize > MaxModuleSize)
                    var identifier = @class.Identifier;
                    context.ReportDiagnostic(Diagnostic.Create(Rule, identifier.GetLocation(), moduleSize, MaxModuleSize));
Exemple #21
        static void Main(string[] args)
                if (args.Length != 2)

                string path   = args[0];
                string filter = args[1];

                if (!Directory.Exists(path))
                    Console.WriteLine(InvalidPath, path);

                Console.WriteLine("UTAU Line Counter");
                Console.WriteLine("Folder: " + path);
                Console.WriteLine("Filter: " + filter);

                var model      = new FolderModel();
                var view       = new Log(toConsole: true, fileName: null);
                var counter    = new LineCounter();
                var loader     = new BulkLoader();
                var controller = new Watcher(view, model, counter, loader, path, filter);
                controller.FolderChanged += Controller_FolderChanged;
                controller.Status        += Controller_Status;
                Console.WriteLine("Starting watcher.");
                Task t = controller.StartAsync();

                Console.WriteLine("Running. Ctrl-C or close the console window to exit.");
Exemple #22
        public override void Populate(TextWriter trapFile)
            if (Path == null)
                trapFile.files(this, "", "", "");
                var fi = new FileInfo(Path);

                string extension = fi.Extension ?? "";
                string name      = fi.Name;
                name = name.Substring(0, name.Length - extension.Length);
                int fromSource = extension.ToLowerInvariant().Equals(".cs") ? 1 : 2;

                // remove the dot from the extension
                if (extension.Length > 0)
                    extension = extension.Substring(1);
                trapFile.files(this, PathAsDatabaseString(Path), name, extension);

                trapFile.containerparent(Folder.Create(Context, fi.Directory), this);
                if (fromSource == 1)
                    foreach (var text in Context.Compilation.SyntaxTrees.
                             Where(t => t.FilePath == Path).
                             Select(tree => tree.GetText()))
                        var rawText    = text.ToString() ?? "";
                        var lineCounts = LineCounter.ComputeLineCounts(rawText);
                        if (rawText.Length > 0 && rawText[rawText.Length - 1] != '\n')

                        trapFile.numlines(this, lineCounts);
                        Context.TrapWriter.Archive(fi.FullName, text.Encoding ?? System.Text.Encoding.Default);

                trapFile.file_extraction_mode(this, Context.Extractor.Standalone ? 1 : 0);
        public async Task CountToPosition(int linesBefore, int linesAfter)
            var texts = new string[]
            long position = 0;
            var  j        = 0;

            byte[] data;

            using (var memStream = new MemoryStream())
                using (var writer = new StreamWriter(memStream))
                    for (var i = 0; i < linesBefore; i++)
                        await writer.WriteLineAsync(texts[j++ % texts.Length]);

                    // remember the stream position at this point
                    await writer.FlushAsync();

                    position = memStream.Position;

                    for (var i = 0; i < linesAfter; i++)
                        await writer.WriteLineAsync(texts[j++ % texts.Length]);
                    await writer.FlushAsync();

                    data = memStream.ToArray();

            using var readStream = new MemoryStream(data);
            using var counter    = new LineCounter(readStream, null);

            var count = await counter.CountLinesAsync(position);

            Assert.Equal(linesBefore, count);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line"></param>
        private void DoWriteLine(string line)
            line = DateTime.Now.ToString(AppConstants.GenericTimestampFormat, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ";" + line;
            toolStripLabel1.Text = "APP TRACE " + LineCounter.ToString();

            if (line.Contains("ERROR"))
                richTextBox1.AppendText(line, Color.Red, true);
            else if (line.Contains("Layout"))
                richTextBox1.AppendText(line, Color.Aqua, true);
                richTextBox1.AppendText(line, Color.White, true);
Exemple #25
        public void CountLockedFile()
            const string Test_Locked = "Test_Locked.txt";

            if (!File.Exists(Test_Locked))
                var ff = new FileFiller();
                ff.FillFile(Test_Locked, 10, -2);

            var x = Task.Run(() => LockFile(Test_Locked, seconds: 30));

            Thread.Sleep(1000); // give it time to open and lock the file
            var fc    = new LineCounter();
            var model = new FileEvent(FileEventType.Create, new FileEntry(Test_Locked));
            LineCountProgress result = fc.Count(model);

            Assert.AreEqual(result.Status, LineCountStatus.TimedOut);

        /// <summary>
        /// Starts the task and writes the results to the standard output stream.
        /// </summary>
        public void Run()
            if (parameters.ShowLogo)

            if (parameters.ShowHelp)
            else if (parameters.FileSet.FileCount == 0)               // If there is no file to analyse
                System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: No input files were specified.\n");
                int fileCount = parameters.FileSet.FileCount;
                if (fileCount == 1)
                    System.Console.WriteLine("1 file is being parsed.\n");
                    System.Console.WriteLine("{0} files are being parsed.\n", fileCount);

                try {
                    LineCounter counter = new LineCounter(parameters.FileSet);

                catch (InvalidFileException ex) {
                    System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message);
Exemple #27
    public static void Init()
        blacklist = new List <string>();

        sortMethod         = (SortMethod)EditorPrefs.GetInt("LC_SortMethod", 0);
        displayMethod      = (DisplayMethod)EditorPrefs.GetInt("LC_DisplayMode", 0);
        ignoreEmptyLines   = EditorPrefs.GetBool("LC_IgnoreEmptyLines", false);
        displayMatchesOnly = EditorPrefs.GetBool("LC_DisplayMatchesOnly", true);
        comparisonMode     = EditorPrefs.GetBool("LC_ComparisonMode", false);

        if (displayMethod != DisplayMethod.Graph)
            search = EditorPrefs.GetString("LC_SavedSearch", "");

        LineCounter window = GetWindow <LineCounter>("Line Counter");

Exemple #28
        /// <summary>
        /// A default implementation for safely reading a single line from the reader.  Handles line counting and EOF detection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader">An open reader to a log file.</param>
        /// <returns>A line of text, or null if EOF or an exception is encountered.</returns>
        protected virtual string ReadLine(TextReader reader)
            if (UseLineNumbers)

            string line;
                line = reader.ReadLine();
            catch (Exception)
                return null;
            if (line == null)
                FinishedParsing = true;

            return line;
 public static string InsertLineNumbers(string source)
     Regex regex = new Regex("\n");
     LineCounter counter = new LineCounter();
     return "000 "+regex.Replace(source, new MatchEvaluator(counter.AddLineCount));
Exemple #30
        public override LineCounts DefaultVisit(SyntaxNode node)
            var text = node.SyntaxTree.GetText().GetSubText(node.GetLocation().SourceSpan).ToString();

Exemple #31
        private static LineCounter CreateLineCounter()
            var linecounter = new LineCounter();
