Exemple #1
        public new bool RayCast(Ray ray, float rayLength, out Vector3 hit, out ushort lineIndex, out int stopIndex, out int segmentIndex)
            int        num        = 0;
            int        num2       = 0;
            int        num3       = 0;
            int        num4       = 0;
            float      num5       = 16f;
            float      num6       = 9f;
            Vector3    vector     = Vector3.zero;
            Vector3    vector2    = Vector3.zero;
            Vector3    origin     = ray.origin;
            Vector3    normalized = ray.direction.normalized;
            Vector3    b          = ray.origin + normalized * rayLength;
            Segment3   segment    = new Segment3(origin, b);
            NetManager instance   = Singleton <NetManager> .instance;

            for (int i = 1; i < 256; i++)
                if ((this.m_lines.m_buffer[i].m_flags & (TransportLine.Flags.Created | TransportLine.Flags.Temporary)) == TransportLine.Flags.Created && this.m_lines.m_buffer[i].m_bounds.IntersectRay(ray))
                    TransportManager.LineSegment[] array = this.m_lineSegments[i];
                    Bezier3[] array2 = this.m_lineCurves[i];
                    ushort    stops  = this.m_lines.m_buffer[i].m_stops;
                    ushort    num7   = stops;
                    int       num8   = 0;
                    while (num7 != 0)
                        Vector3 position = instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[(int)num7].m_position;
                        float   num9     = Line3.DistanceSqr(ray.direction, ray.origin - position);
                        if (num9 < num5)
                            num    = i;
                            num3   = num8;
                            num5   = num9;
                            vector = position;
                        if (array.Length > num8 && array[num8].m_bounds.IntersectRay(ray))
                            int curveStart = array[num8].m_curveStart;
                            int curveEnd   = array[num8].m_curveEnd;
                            for (int j = curveStart; j < curveEnd; j++)
                                Vector3 min    = array2[j].Min() - new Vector3(3f, 3f, 3f);
                                Vector3 max    = array2[j].Max() + new Vector3(3f, 3f, 3f);
                                Bounds  bounds = default(Bounds);
                                bounds.SetMinMax(min, max);
                                if (bounds.IntersectRay(ray))
                                    float t;
                                    float num10;
                                    num9 = array2[j].DistanceSqr(segment, out t, out num10);
                                    if (num9 < num6)
                                        num2    = i;
                                        num4    = num8;
                                        num6    = num9;
                                        vector2 = array2[j].Position(t);
                        num7 = TransportLine.GetNextStop(num7);
                        if (num7 == stops)
                        if (++num8 >= 32768)
                            CODebugBase <LogChannel> .Error(LogChannel.Core, "Invalid list detected!\n" + Environment.StackTrace);

            if (num != 0)
                hit          = vector;
                lineIndex    = (ushort)num;
                stopIndex    = num3;
                segmentIndex = -1;
            if (num2 != 0)
                hit          = vector2;
                lineIndex    = (ushort)num2;
                stopIndex    = -1;
                segmentIndex = num4;
            hit          = Vector3.zero;
            lineIndex    = 0;
            stopIndex    = -1;
            segmentIndex = -1;
 private void AreEqual_ClosestPoint(Line3 line, Vector3 point)
     AreEqual_ClosestPoint(line, point, point);
 private void True_Intersect(Line3 line, Vector3 point)
     Assert.True(Intersect.PointLine(point, line), format, line, point);
 private void AreEqual_Distance(Line3 line, Sphere sphere, float expected = 0)
     AreEqual(Distance.LineSphere(line.origin, line.direction, sphere.center, sphere.radius), expected);
Exemple #5
        public void CylinderSnapping()
            // Get Boundary2
            if (boundaryPoints_2d == null)
                boundaryPoints_2d = GetBoundaryPoints(mark);
            List <MyVector2> boundary2 = ExtractOutline(edgeImage, boundaryPoints_2d);

            // Project  2D edge points
            //topCircle = new MyCircle(topCircle.Center, topCircle.Radius, -topCircle.Normal);
            MyVector3 normal       = topCircle.Normal.Cross(this.camera.target).Cross(topCircle.Normal);
            MyPlane   sectionPlane = new MyPlane(topCircle.Center, normal);

            boundary3 = Proj2dToPlane(sectionPlane, boundary2);

            topCircle = CiriFixTopCircle(topCircle, boundary3);

            // UpdateCircleNormal
            //        foreach (var pbondary3 in pbondary3)
            //        {

            //        }
            //        if (topCircle.Center)


            // Algorithm Init Params
            double offset = topCircle.Radius / 50;

            cur_p    = topCircle.Center - offset * topCircle.Normal;
            cur_dire = 1.0 * topCircle.Normal;
            MyVector3 cur_dire_new = new MyVector3(cur_dire);
            MyVector3 cur_p_new    = new MyVector3(-1 * cur_p);

            Insection1 = new MyVector3(1, 1, 1);
            Insection2 = new MyVector3(0, 0, 0);
            int       norInsec    = -1;
            int       notNorInsec = -1;
            MyVector3 tangential1 = new MyVector3(1, 1, 1);
            MyVector3 tangential2 = new MyVector3(1, 1, 1);

            List <MyCircle> CircleLists = new List <MyCircle>();

            CircleLists.Add(topCircle);     // Fix first circle

            int    iter = 0;
            double r    = double.MaxValue;

            System.Console.WriteLine(Math.Cos(2.0 / 3.0 * Math.PI));
            int MaxInter = 1000;

            GeneratedCenters = new List <MyVector3>();
            List <double>    radius  = new List <double>();
            List <double>    weights = new List <double>();
            List <MyVector3> dires   = new List <MyVector3>();

            while (--MaxInter > 0)                                           //
                if (Insection1 == Insection2)                                // 交点一直保持相同
                    System.Console.WriteLine("Warning: Insection is same!"); // 半径过小
                if (cur_dire.Dot(cur_dire_new) < 0)                                 // 移动方向反向
                    System.Console.WriteLine("Warning: Move Direction!");
                if (cur_p + offset * cur_dire == cur_p_new)                         // 中心点没有移动
                    System.Console.WriteLine("Warning: Center not move!");

                                  out norInsec,
                                  out notNorInsec);
                System.Console.WriteLine("{0} , {1}",
                                         MyVector3.Distance(boundary3[norInsec], cur_p_new),
                                         MyVector3.Distance(boundary3[notNorInsec], cur_p_new));
                test1 = new Line3(boundary3[norInsec], cur_p_new - boundary3[norInsec]);
                test2 = new Line3(boundary3[notNorInsec], cur_p_new - boundary3[notNorInsec]);

                if (MyVector3.Distance(boundary3[norInsec], cur_p_new) < topCircle.Radius / 20 || // close to bottom
                    MyVector3.Distance(boundary3[notNorInsec], cur_p_new) < topCircle.Radius / 20)
                    System.Console.WriteLine("Warning: Close to bottom!");

                if (tangential1.Dot(tangential2) < Math.Cos(2.0 / 3.0 * Math.PI))   //切线相向
                    System.Console.WriteLine("Warning: tangential get oppsite direction!");
                if (r < 0.0001)
                    System.Console.WriteLine("Warning: Radius is too small!");      // 半径过小
                //if (MyVector3.Distance(cur_p, cur_p_new) )
                //    System.Console.WriteLine("Warning: Radius is too small!");    // 半径过小
                //    break;

                if (iter != 0)
                    //offset = 1 / MyVector3.Distance(cur_p, cur_p_new) * 0.000001 + 0.5 * offset;
                    offset = topCircle.Radius / 20;
                    //System.Console.WriteLine("{0}", offset);
                    cur_dire = cur_dire_new;
                    cur_p    = cur_p_new + offset * cur_dire;
                    CircleLists.Add(new MyCircle(cur_p, r, cur_dire));

                    // Get Data for Fit
                    double weight = Math.Abs(cur_dire_new.Dot(cur_dire));

                // Step1: Get IntersectionPoitn
                RayTracein3DPlane(boundary3, cur_p, cur_dire, sectionPlane.Normal(), out norInsec, out notNorInsec);

                // Step2 : Get Two Local Tangential
                Insection1  = boundary3[norInsec];
                Insection2  = boundary3[notNorInsec];
                tangential1 = GetLocalTangential(norInsec, boundary3, cur_dire);
                tangential2 = GetLocalTangential(notNorInsec, boundary3, cur_dire);

                // Visualization
                setdirecLine = new Line3(cur_p, cur_dire);
                setLine1     = new Line3(Insection1, tangential1);
                setLine2     = new Line3(Insection2, tangential2);

                // Step3 : Get New Cur Direction and Cur Point
                cur_dire_new = (tangential1 + tangential2) / 2;
                RayTracein3DPlane(boundary3, cur_p, cur_dire_new, sectionPlane.Normal(), out norInsec, out notNorInsec);
                cur_p_new = (boundary3[norInsec] + boundary3[notNorInsec]) / 2;
                r         = 0.5 * MyVector3.Distance(boundary3[norInsec], boundary3[notNorInsec]);


            // Fit centers and radius;
            GeneratedCenters = FittingCentersCurve(GeneratedCenters, weights);
            int inter = 1;

            while (inter-- > 0)
                radius = FittRadius(radius);

            // ReBuild Object
            CircleLists.Add(topCircle);         // Fix first circle
            for (int i = 0; i < GeneratedCenters.Count; i++)
                CircleLists.Add(new MyCircle(GeneratedCenters[i], radius[i], dires[i]));

            CurveCyliner = new SweepMesh(CircleLists);
        }         // FillFromTwoLines

        private void FillFromThreeLines(CustomerAddressModel filled)
            string uLine1 = Line1.ToUpper();

            if (uLine1.StartsWith("APARTMENT") || uLine1.StartsWith("FLAT"))
                filled.FlatOrApartmentNumber = Line1;
                filled.HouseNumber           = Regex.Match(Line2, "\\d*").Value;

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filled.HouseNumber))
                    string[] line2 = Line2.Split(' ');
                    filled.HouseNumber = line2[0];
                    filled.Address1    = string.Join(" ", line2.Skip(1));
                    filled.Address2    = Line3;
                    filled.HouseNumber = Regex.Match(Line3, "\\d*").Value;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filled.HouseNumber))
                        string[] line3 = Line3.Split(' ');
                        filled.HouseNumber = line3[0];
                        filled.Address1    = string.Join(" ", line3.Skip(1));
                        filled.Address1 = Line3;

                    filled.HouseName = Line2;
                }                 // if

            }             // if

            bool neitherUnitNorBlock =
                !uLine1.Contains("UNIT") &&
                !uLine1.Contains("BLOCK") &&
                Regex.Match(Line1, "^\\d[0-9a-zA-Z ]*$").Success;

            if (neitherUnitNorBlock)
                filled.HouseNumber = Regex.Match(Line1, "\\d*").Value;

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filled.HouseNumber))

                var line1 = Line1.Split(' ');
                filled.HouseNumber = line1[0];
                filled.Address1    = string.Join(" ", line1.Skip(1));
                filled.Address2    = Line2;
                filled.HouseName = Line1;
                filled.Address1  = Line2;
                filled.Address2  = Line3;
            } // if
        }     // FillFromThreeLines
Exemple #7
        public void CustomSimulationStep(ushort vehicleID, ref Vehicle vehicleData, ref Vehicle.Frame frameData, ushort leaderID, ref Vehicle leaderData, int lodPhysics)
            bool debug = GlobalConfig.Instance.Debug.Switches[16] && GlobalConfig.Instance.Debug.NodeId == vehicleID;

            ushort leadingVehicle  = vehicleData.m_leadingVehicle;
            uint currentFrameIndex = Singleton <SimulationManager> .instance.m_currentFrameIndex;
            VehicleInfo leaderInfo;
            if (leaderID != vehicleID)
                leaderInfo = leaderData.Info;
                leaderInfo = this.m_info;
            TramBaseAI tramBaseAI = leaderInfo.m_vehicleAI as TramBaseAI;

            if (leadingVehicle != 0)
                frameData.m_position += frameData.m_velocity * 0.4f;
                frameData.m_position += frameData.m_velocity * 0.5f;

            frameData.m_swayPosition += frameData.m_swayVelocity * 0.5f;
            Vector3 wheelBaseRot      = frameData.m_rotation * new Vector3(0f, 0f, this.m_info.m_generatedInfo.m_wheelBase * 0.5f);
            Vector3 posAfterWheelRot  = frameData.m_position + wheelBaseRot;
            Vector3 posBeforeWheelRot = frameData.m_position - wheelBaseRot;

            float acceleration = this.m_info.m_acceleration;
            float braking      = this.m_info.m_braking;
            float curSpeed     = frameData.m_velocity.magnitude;

            Vector3 afterRotToTargetPos1Diff     = (Vector3)vehicleData.m_targetPos1 - posAfterWheelRot;
            float afterRotToTargetPos1DiffSqrMag = afterRotToTargetPos1Diff.sqrMagnitude;

            Quaternion curInvRot = Quaternion.Inverse(frameData.m_rotation);
            Vector3 curveTangent = curInvRot * frameData.m_velocity;

            if (debug)
                Log._Debug($"CustomTramBaseAI.SimulationStep({vehicleID}): ================================================");
                Log._Debug($"CustomTramBaseAI.SimulationStep({vehicleID}): leadingVehicle={leadingVehicle} frameData.m_position={frameData.m_position} frameData.m_swayPosition={frameData.m_swayPosition} wheelBaseRot={wheelBaseRot} posAfterWheelRot={posAfterWheelRot} posBeforeWheelRot={posBeforeWheelRot} acceleration={acceleration} braking={braking} curSpeed={curSpeed} afterRotToTargetPos1Diff={afterRotToTargetPos1Diff} afterRotToTargetPos1DiffSqrMag={afterRotToTargetPos1DiffSqrMag} curInvRot={curInvRot} curveTangent={curveTangent} this.m_info.m_generatedInfo.m_wheelBase={this.m_info.m_generatedInfo.m_wheelBase}");

            Vector3 forward      = Vector3.forward;
            Vector3 targetMotion = Vector3.zero;
            float targetSpeed    = 0f;
            float motionFactor   = 0.5f;
            float turnAngle      = 0f;
            if (leadingVehicle != 0)
                VehicleManager vehMan = Singleton <VehicleManager> .instance;
                Vehicle.Frame leadingVehLastFrameData = vehMan.m_vehicles.m_buffer[(int)leadingVehicle].GetLastFrameData();
                VehicleInfo leadingVehInfo            = vehMan.m_vehicles.m_buffer[(int)leadingVehicle].Info;

                float attachOffset;
                if ((vehicleData.m_flags & Vehicle.Flags.Inverted) != (Vehicle.Flags) 0)
                    attachOffset = this.m_info.m_attachOffsetBack - this.m_info.m_generatedInfo.m_size.z * 0.5f;
                    attachOffset = this.m_info.m_attachOffsetFront - this.m_info.m_generatedInfo.m_size.z * 0.5f;

                float leadingAttachOffset;
                if ((vehMan.m_vehicles.m_buffer[(int)leadingVehicle].m_flags & Vehicle.Flags.Inverted) != (Vehicle.Flags) 0)
                    leadingAttachOffset = leadingVehInfo.m_attachOffsetFront - leadingVehInfo.m_generatedInfo.m_size.z * 0.5f;
                    leadingAttachOffset = leadingVehInfo.m_attachOffsetBack - leadingVehInfo.m_generatedInfo.m_size.z * 0.5f;

                Vector3 curPosMinusRotAttachOffset    = frameData.m_position - frameData.m_rotation * new Vector3(0f, 0f, attachOffset);
                Vector3 leadingPosPlusRotAttachOffset = leadingVehLastFrameData.m_position + leadingVehLastFrameData.m_rotation * new Vector3(0f, 0f, leadingAttachOffset);

                wheelBaseRot = leadingVehLastFrameData.m_rotation * new Vector3(0f, 0f, leadingVehInfo.m_generatedInfo.m_wheelBase * 0.5f);
                Vector3 leadingPosBeforeWheelRot = leadingVehLastFrameData.m_position - wheelBaseRot;

                if (Vector3.Dot(vehicleData.m_targetPos1 - vehicleData.m_targetPos0, (Vector3)vehicleData.m_targetPos0 - posBeforeWheelRot) < 0f && vehicleData.m_path != 0u && (leaderData.m_flags & Vehicle.Flags.WaitingPath) == (Vehicle.Flags) 0)
                    int someIndex = -1;
                    InvokeUpdatePathTargetPositions(tramBaseAI, vehicleID, ref vehicleData, vehicleData.m_targetPos0, posBeforeWheelRot, 0, ref leaderData, ref someIndex, 0, 0, Vector3.SqrMagnitude(posBeforeWheelRot - (Vector3)vehicleData.m_targetPos0) + 1f, 1f);
                    afterRotToTargetPos1DiffSqrMag = 0f;

                float attachRotDist = Mathf.Max(Vector3.Distance(curPosMinusRotAttachOffset, leadingPosPlusRotAttachOffset), 2f);

                float one = 1f;
                float attachRotSqrDist = attachRotDist * attachRotDist;
                float oneSqr           = one * one;
                int i = 0;
                if (afterRotToTargetPos1DiffSqrMag < attachRotSqrDist)
                    if (vehicleData.m_path != 0u && (leaderData.m_flags & Vehicle.Flags.WaitingPath) == (Vehicle.Flags) 0)
                        InvokeUpdatePathTargetPositions(tramBaseAI, vehicleID, ref vehicleData, posBeforeWheelRot, posAfterWheelRot, 0, ref leaderData, ref i, 1, 2, attachRotSqrDist, oneSqr);
                    while (i < 4)
                        vehicleData.SetTargetPos(i, vehicleData.GetTargetPos(i - 1));
                    afterRotToTargetPos1Diff       = (Vector3)vehicleData.m_targetPos1 - posAfterWheelRot;
                    afterRotToTargetPos1DiffSqrMag = afterRotToTargetPos1Diff.sqrMagnitude;
                afterRotToTargetPos1Diff = curInvRot * afterRotToTargetPos1Diff;

                float negTotalAttachLen = -((this.m_info.m_generatedInfo.m_wheelBase + leadingVehInfo.m_generatedInfo.m_wheelBase) * 0.5f + attachOffset + leadingAttachOffset);
                bool hasPath            = false;
                if (vehicleData.m_path != 0u && (leaderData.m_flags & Vehicle.Flags.WaitingPath) == (Vehicle.Flags) 0)
                    float u1;
                    float u2;
                    if (Line3.Intersect(posAfterWheelRot, vehicleData.m_targetPos1, leadingPosBeforeWheelRot, negTotalAttachLen, out u1, out u2))
                        targetMotion = afterRotToTargetPos1Diff * Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.Min(u1, u2) / 0.6f, 0f, 2f);
                        Line3.DistanceSqr(posAfterWheelRot, vehicleData.m_targetPos1, leadingPosBeforeWheelRot, out u1);
                        targetMotion = afterRotToTargetPos1Diff * Mathf.Clamp(u1 / 0.6f, 0f, 2f);
                    hasPath = true;

                if (hasPath)
                    if (Vector3.Dot(leadingPosBeforeWheelRot - posAfterWheelRot, posAfterWheelRot - posBeforeWheelRot) < 0f)
                        motionFactor = 0f;
                    float leadingPosBeforeToAfterWheelRotDist = Vector3.Distance(leadingPosBeforeWheelRot, posAfterWheelRot);
                    motionFactor = 0f;
                    targetMotion = curInvRot * ((leadingPosBeforeWheelRot - posAfterWheelRot) * (Mathf.Max(0f, leadingPosBeforeToAfterWheelRotDist - negTotalAttachLen) / Mathf.Max(1f, leadingPosBeforeToAfterWheelRotDist * 0.6f)));
                float estimatedFrameDist = (curSpeed + acceleration) * (0.5f + 0.5f * (curSpeed + acceleration) / braking) + (this.m_info.m_generatedInfo.m_size.z - this.m_info.m_generatedInfo.m_wheelBase) * 0.5f;
                float maxSpeedAdd        = Mathf.Max(curSpeed + acceleration, 2f);
                float meanSpeedAdd       = Mathf.Max((estimatedFrameDist - maxSpeedAdd) / 2f, 2f);
                float maxSpeedAddSqr     = maxSpeedAdd * maxSpeedAdd;
                float meanSpeedAddSqr    = meanSpeedAdd * meanSpeedAdd;
                if (Vector3.Dot(vehicleData.m_targetPos1 - vehicleData.m_targetPos0, (Vector3)vehicleData.m_targetPos0 - posBeforeWheelRot) < 0f && vehicleData.m_path != 0u && (leaderData.m_flags & (Vehicle.Flags.WaitingPath | Vehicle.Flags.Stopped)) == (Vehicle.Flags) 0)
                    int someIndex = -1;
                    InvokeUpdatePathTargetPositions(tramBaseAI, vehicleID, ref vehicleData, vehicleData.m_targetPos0, posBeforeWheelRot, leaderID, ref leaderData, ref someIndex, 0, 0, Vector3.SqrMagnitude(posBeforeWheelRot - (Vector3)vehicleData.m_targetPos0) + 1f, 1f);
                    afterRotToTargetPos1DiffSqrMag = 0f;
                    if (debug)
                        Log._Debug($"CustomTramBaseAI.SimulationStep({vehicleID}): dot < 0");

                if (debug)
                    Log._Debug($"CustomTramBaseAI.SimulationStep({vehicleID}): Leading vehicle is 0. vehicleData.m_targetPos0={vehicleData.m_targetPos0} vehicleData.m_targetPos1={vehicleData.m_targetPos1} posBeforeWheelRot={posBeforeWheelRot} posBeforeWheelRot={posAfterWheelRot} estimatedFrameDist={estimatedFrameDist} maxSpeedAdd={maxSpeedAdd} meanSpeedAdd={meanSpeedAdd} maxSpeedAddSqr={maxSpeedAddSqr} meanSpeedAddSqr={meanSpeedAddSqr} afterRotToTargetPos1DiffSqrMag={afterRotToTargetPos1DiffSqrMag}");

                int posIndex = 0;
                bool hasValidPathTargetPos = false;
                if ((afterRotToTargetPos1DiffSqrMag < maxSpeedAddSqr || vehicleData.m_targetPos3.w < 0.01f) && (leaderData.m_flags & (Vehicle.Flags.WaitingPath | Vehicle.Flags.Stopped)) == (Vehicle.Flags) 0)
                    if (vehicleData.m_path != 0u)
                        InvokeUpdatePathTargetPositions(tramBaseAI, vehicleID, ref vehicleData, posBeforeWheelRot, posAfterWheelRot, leaderID, ref leaderData, ref posIndex, 1, 4, maxSpeedAddSqr, meanSpeedAddSqr);
                    if (posIndex < 4)
                        hasValidPathTargetPos = true;
                        while (posIndex < 4)
                            vehicleData.SetTargetPos(posIndex, vehicleData.GetTargetPos(posIndex - 1));
                    afterRotToTargetPos1Diff       = (Vector3)vehicleData.m_targetPos1 - posAfterWheelRot;
                    afterRotToTargetPos1DiffSqrMag = afterRotToTargetPos1Diff.sqrMagnitude;

                if (debug)
                    Log._Debug($"CustomTramBaseAI.SimulationStep({vehicleID}): posIndex={posIndex} hasValidPathTargetPos={hasValidPathTargetPos}");

                if (leaderData.m_path != 0u && (leaderData.m_flags & Vehicle.Flags.WaitingPath) == (Vehicle.Flags) 0)
                    NetManager netMan         = Singleton <NetManager> .instance;
                    byte leaderPathPosIndex   = leaderData.m_pathPositionIndex;
                    byte leaderLastPathOffset = leaderData.m_lastPathOffset;
                    if (leaderPathPosIndex == 255)
                        leaderPathPosIndex = 0;
                    int noise;
                    float leaderLen = 1f + leaderData.CalculateTotalLength(leaderID, out noise);

                    if (debug)
                        Log._Debug($"CustomTramBaseAI.SimulationStep({vehicleID}): leaderPathPosIndex={leaderPathPosIndex} leaderLastPathOffset={leaderLastPathOffset} leaderPathPosIndex={leaderPathPosIndex} leaderLen={leaderLen}");

                    // reserve space / add traffic
                    PathManager pathMan = Singleton <PathManager> .instance;
                    PathUnit.Position pathPos;
                    if (pathMan.m_pathUnits.m_buffer[leaderData.m_path].GetPosition(leaderPathPosIndex >> 1, out pathPos))
                        netMan.m_segments.m_buffer[(int)pathPos.m_segment].AddTraffic(Mathf.RoundToInt(leaderLen * 2.5f), noise);
                        bool reservedSpaceOnCurrentLane = false;
                        if ((leaderPathPosIndex & 1) == 0 || leaderLastPathOffset == 0)
                            uint laneId = PathManager.GetLaneID(pathPos);
                            if (laneId != 0u)
                                Vector3 curPathOffsetPos              = netMan.m_lanes.m_buffer[laneId].CalculatePosition((float)pathPos.m_offset * 0.003921569f);
                                float speedAdd                        = 0.5f * curSpeed * curSpeed / this.m_info.m_braking;
                                float afterWheelRotCurPathOffsetDist  = Vector3.Distance(posAfterWheelRot, curPathOffsetPos);
                                float beforeWheelRotCurPathOffsetDist = Vector3.Distance(posBeforeWheelRot, curPathOffsetPos);
                                if (Mathf.Min(afterWheelRotCurPathOffsetDist, beforeWheelRotCurPathOffsetDist) >= speedAdd - 1f)
                                    reservedSpaceOnCurrentLane = true;

                        if (!reservedSpaceOnCurrentLane && pathMan.m_pathUnits.m_buffer[leaderData.m_path].GetNextPosition(leaderPathPosIndex >> 1, out pathPos))
                            uint nextLaneId = PathManager.GetLaneID(pathPos);
                            if (nextLaneId != 0u)

                    if ((ulong)(currentFrameIndex >> 4 & 15u) == (ulong)((long)(leaderID & 15)))
                        // check if vehicle can proceed to next path position

                        bool canProceeed          = false;
                        uint curLeaderPathId      = leaderData.m_path;
                        int curLeaderPathPosIndex = leaderPathPosIndex >> 1;
                        int k = 0;
                        while (k < 5)
                            bool invalidPos;
                            if (PathUnit.GetNextPosition(ref curLeaderPathId, ref curLeaderPathPosIndex, out pathPos, out invalidPos))
                                uint laneId = PathManager.GetLaneID(pathPos);
                                if (laneId != 0u && !netMan.m_lanes.m_buffer[laneId].CheckSpace(leaderLen))
                            if (invalidPos)
                                this.InvalidPath(vehicleID, ref vehicleData, leaderID, ref leaderData);
                            canProceeed = true;
                        if (!canProceeed)
                            leaderData.m_flags |= Vehicle.Flags.Congestion;

                float maxSpeed;
                if ((leaderData.m_flags & Vehicle.Flags.Stopped) != (Vehicle.Flags) 0)
                    maxSpeed = 0f;
                    if (debug)
                        Log._Debug($"CustomTramBaseAI.SimulationStep({vehicleID}): Vehicle is stopped. maxSpeed={maxSpeed}");
                    maxSpeed = Mathf.Min(vehicleData.m_targetPos1.w, GetMaxSpeed(leaderID, ref leaderData));
                    if (debug)
                        Log._Debug($"CustomTramBaseAI.SimulationStep({vehicleID}): Vehicle is not stopped. maxSpeed={maxSpeed}");

                if (debug)
                    Log._Debug($"CustomTramBaseAI.SimulationStep({vehicleID}): Start of second part. curSpeed={curSpeed} curInvRot={curInvRot}");

                afterRotToTargetPos1Diff = curInvRot * afterRotToTargetPos1Diff;
                if (debug)
                    Log._Debug($"CustomTramBaseAI.SimulationStep({vehicleID}): afterRotToTargetPos1Diff={afterRotToTargetPos1Diff} (old afterRotToTargetPos1DiffSqrMag={afterRotToTargetPos1DiffSqrMag})");
                Vector3 zero     = Vector3.zero;
                bool blocked     = false;
                float forwardLen = 0f;
                if (afterRotToTargetPos1DiffSqrMag > 1f)                   // TODO why is this not recalculated?
                    forward = VectorUtils.NormalizeXZ(afterRotToTargetPos1Diff, out forwardLen);
                    if (debug)
                        Log._Debug($"CustomTramBaseAI.SimulationStep({vehicleID}): afterRotToTargetPos1DiffSqrMag > 1f. forward={forward} forwardLen={forwardLen}");
                    if (forwardLen > 1f)
                        Vector3 fwd = afterRotToTargetPos1Diff;
                        maxSpeedAdd    = Mathf.Max(curSpeed, 2f);
                        maxSpeedAddSqr = maxSpeedAdd * maxSpeedAdd;
                        if (debug)
                            Log._Debug($"CustomTramBaseAI.SimulationStep({vehicleID}): forwardLen > 1f. fwd={fwd} maxSpeedAdd={maxSpeedAdd} maxSpeedAddSqr={maxSpeedAddSqr}");
                        if (afterRotToTargetPos1DiffSqrMag > maxSpeedAddSqr)
                            float fwdLimiter = maxSpeedAdd / Mathf.Sqrt(afterRotToTargetPos1DiffSqrMag);
                            fwd.x *= fwdLimiter;
                            fwd.y *= fwdLimiter;

                            if (debug)
                                Log._Debug($"CustomTramBaseAI.SimulationStep({vehicleID}): afterRotToTargetPos1DiffSqrMag > maxSpeedAddSqr. afterRotToTargetPos1DiffSqrMag={afterRotToTargetPos1DiffSqrMag} maxSpeedAddSqr={maxSpeedAddSqr} fwdLimiter={fwdLimiter} fwd={fwd}");

                        if (fwd.z < -1f)                           // !!!
                            if (debug)
                                Log._Debug($"CustomTramBaseAI.SimulationStep({vehicleID}): fwd.z < -1f. fwd={fwd}");

                            if (vehicleData.m_path != 0u && (leaderData.m_flags & Vehicle.Flags.WaitingPath) == (Vehicle.Flags) 0)
                                Vector3 targetPos0TargetPos1Diff = vehicleData.m_targetPos1 - vehicleData.m_targetPos0;
                                if ((curInvRot * targetPos0TargetPos1Diff).z < -0.01f)                                   // !!!
                                    if (debug)
                                        Log._Debug($"CustomTramBaseAI.SimulationStep({vehicleID}): (curInvRot * targetPos0TargetPos1Diff).z < -0.01f. curInvRot={curInvRot} targetPos0TargetPos1Diff={targetPos0TargetPos1Diff}");
                                    if (afterRotToTargetPos1Diff.z < Mathf.Abs(afterRotToTargetPos1Diff.x) * -10f)                                       // !!!
                                        if (debug)
                                            Log._Debug($"CustomTramBaseAI.SimulationStep({vehicleID}): afterRotToTargetPos1Diff.z < Mathf.Abs(afterRotToTargetPos1Diff.x) * -10f. fwd={fwd} targetPos0TargetPos1Diff={targetPos0TargetPos1Diff} afterRotToTargetPos1Diff={afterRotToTargetPos1Diff}");

                                        /*fwd.z = 0f;
                                         * afterRotToTargetPos1Diff = Vector3.zero;*/
                                        maxSpeed = 0.5f;                                         // NON-STOCK CODE

                                        if (debug)
                                            Log._Debug($"CustomTramBaseAI.SimulationStep({vehicleID}): (1) set maxSpeed={maxSpeed}");
                                        posAfterWheelRot = posBeforeWheelRot + Vector3.Normalize(vehicleData.m_targetPos1 - vehicleData.m_targetPos0) * this.m_info.m_generatedInfo.m_wheelBase;
                                        posIndex         = -1;
                                        InvokeUpdatePathTargetPositions(tramBaseAI, vehicleID, ref vehicleData, vehicleData.m_targetPos0, vehicleData.m_targetPos1, leaderID, ref leaderData, ref posIndex, 0, 0, Vector3.SqrMagnitude(vehicleData.m_targetPos1 - vehicleData.m_targetPos0) + 1f, 1f);

                                        if (debug)
                                            Log._Debug($"CustomTramBaseAI.SimulationStep({vehicleID}): afterRotToTargetPos1Diff.z >= Mathf.Abs(afterRotToTargetPos1Diff.x) * -10f. Invoked UpdatePathTargetPositions. posAfterWheelRot={posAfterWheelRot} posBeforeWheelRot={posBeforeWheelRot} this.m_info.m_generatedInfo.m_wheelBase={this.m_info.m_generatedInfo.m_wheelBase}");
                                    posIndex = -1;
                                    InvokeUpdatePathTargetPositions(tramBaseAI, vehicleID, ref vehicleData, vehicleData.m_targetPos0, posBeforeWheelRot, leaderID, ref leaderData, ref posIndex, 0, 0, Vector3.SqrMagnitude(posBeforeWheelRot - (Vector3)vehicleData.m_targetPos0) + 1f, 1f);
                                    vehicleData.m_targetPos1 = posAfterWheelRot;
                                    fwd.z = 0f;
                                    afterRotToTargetPos1Diff = Vector3.zero;
                                    maxSpeed = 0f;

                                    if (debug)
                                        Log._Debug($"CustomTramBaseAI.SimulationStep({vehicleID}): Vehicle is waiting for a path. posIndex={posIndex} vehicleData.m_targetPos1={vehicleData.m_targetPos1} fwd={fwd} afterRotToTargetPos1Diff={afterRotToTargetPos1Diff} maxSpeed={maxSpeed}");
                            motionFactor = 0f;
                            if (debug)
                                Log._Debug($"CustomTramBaseAI.SimulationStep({vehicleID}): Reset motion factor. motionFactor={motionFactor}");

                        forward = VectorUtils.NormalizeXZ(fwd, out forwardLen);
                        float curve = Mathf.PI / 2f /* 1.57079637f*/ * (1f - forward.z);                       // <- constant: a bit inaccurate PI/2
                        if (forwardLen > 1f)
                            curve /= forwardLen;
                        float targetDist = forwardLen;
                        if (debug)
                            Log._Debug($"CustomTramBaseAI.SimulationStep({vehicleID}): targetDist={targetDist} fwd={fwd} curve={curve} maxSpeed={maxSpeed}");

                        if (vehicleData.m_targetPos1.w < 0.1f)
                            maxSpeed = this.CalculateTargetSpeed(vehicleID, ref vehicleData, 1000f, curve);
                            maxSpeed = Mathf.Min(maxSpeed, CalculateMaxSpeed(targetDist, vehicleData.m_targetPos1.w, braking * 0.9f));
                            maxSpeed = Mathf.Min(maxSpeed, this.CalculateTargetSpeed(vehicleID, ref vehicleData, 1000f, curve));
                        if (debug)
                            Log._Debug($"CustomTramBaseAI.SimulationStep({vehicleID}): [1] maxSpeed={maxSpeed}");
                        maxSpeed = Mathf.Min(maxSpeed, CalculateMaxSpeed(targetDist, vehicleData.m_targetPos2.w, braking * 0.9f));
                        if (debug)
                            Log._Debug($"CustomTramBaseAI.SimulationStep({vehicleID}): [2] maxSpeed={maxSpeed}");
                        targetDist += VectorUtils.LengthXZ(vehicleData.m_targetPos2 - vehicleData.m_targetPos1);
                        maxSpeed    = Mathf.Min(maxSpeed, CalculateMaxSpeed(targetDist, vehicleData.m_targetPos3.w, braking * 0.9f));
                        if (debug)
                            Log._Debug($"CustomTramBaseAI.SimulationStep({vehicleID}): [3] maxSpeed={maxSpeed}");
                        targetDist += VectorUtils.LengthXZ(vehicleData.m_targetPos3 - vehicleData.m_targetPos2);
                        if (vehicleData.m_targetPos3.w < 0.01f)
                            targetDist = Mathf.Max(0f, targetDist + (this.m_info.m_generatedInfo.m_wheelBase - this.m_info.m_generatedInfo.m_size.z) * 0.5f);
                        maxSpeed = Mathf.Min(maxSpeed, CalculateMaxSpeed(targetDist, 0f, braking * 0.9f));
                        if (debug)
                            Log._Debug($"CustomTramBaseAI.SimulationStep({vehicleID}): [4] maxSpeed={maxSpeed}");
                        CarAI.CheckOtherVehicles(vehicleID, ref vehicleData, ref frameData, ref maxSpeed, ref blocked, ref zero, estimatedFrameDist, braking * 0.9f, lodPhysics);
                        if (debug)
                            Log._Debug($"CustomTramBaseAI.SimulationStep({vehicleID}): CheckOtherVehicles finished. blocked={blocked}");
                        if (maxSpeed < curSpeed)
                            float brake = Mathf.Max(acceleration, Mathf.Min(braking, curSpeed));
                            targetSpeed = Mathf.Max(maxSpeed, curSpeed - brake);
                            if (debug)
                                Log._Debug($"CustomTramBaseAI.SimulationStep({vehicleID}): maxSpeed < curSpeed. maxSpeed={maxSpeed} curSpeed={curSpeed} brake={brake} targetSpeed={targetSpeed}");
                            float accel = Mathf.Max(acceleration, Mathf.Min(braking, -curSpeed));
                            targetSpeed = Mathf.Min(maxSpeed, curSpeed + accel);
                            if (debug)
                                Log._Debug($"CustomTramBaseAI.SimulationStep({vehicleID}): maxSpeed >= curSpeed. maxSpeed={maxSpeed} curSpeed={curSpeed} accel={accel} targetSpeed={targetSpeed}");
                else if (curSpeed < 0.1f && hasValidPathTargetPos && leaderInfo.m_vehicleAI.ArriveAtDestination(leaderID, ref leaderData))
                if ((leaderData.m_flags & Vehicle.Flags.Stopped) == (Vehicle.Flags) 0 && maxSpeed < 0.1f)
                    if (debug)
                        Log._Debug($"CustomTramBaseAI.SimulationStep({vehicleID}): Vehicle is not stopped but maxSpeed < 0.1. maxSpeed={maxSpeed}");
                    blocked = true;
                if (blocked)
                    leaderData.m_blockCounter = (byte)Mathf.Min((int)(leaderData.m_blockCounter + 1), 255);
                    leaderData.m_blockCounter = 0;
                if (forwardLen > 1f)
                    turnAngle    = Mathf.Asin(forward.x) * Mathf.Sign(targetSpeed);
                    targetMotion = forward * targetSpeed;
                    Vector3 vel = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(afterRotToTargetPos1Diff * 0.5f - curveTangent, braking);
                    targetMotion = curveTangent + vel;
            bool mayBlink   = (currentFrameIndex + (uint)leaderID & 16u) != 0u;
            Vector3 springs = targetMotion - curveTangent;
            Vector3 targetAfterWheelRotMotion  = frameData.m_rotation * targetMotion;
            Vector3 targetBeforeWheelRotMotion = Vector3.Normalize((Vector3)vehicleData.m_targetPos0 - posBeforeWheelRot) * (targetMotion.magnitude * motionFactor);
            targetBeforeWheelRotMotion -= targetAfterWheelRotMotion * (Vector3.Dot(targetAfterWheelRotMotion, targetBeforeWheelRotMotion) / Mathf.Max(1f, targetAfterWheelRotMotion.sqrMagnitude));
            posAfterWheelRot           += targetAfterWheelRotMotion;
            posBeforeWheelRot          += targetBeforeWheelRotMotion;
            frameData.m_rotation        = Quaternion.LookRotation(posAfterWheelRot - posBeforeWheelRot);
            Vector3 targetPos = posAfterWheelRot - frameData.m_rotation * new Vector3(0f, 0f, this.m_info.m_generatedInfo.m_wheelBase * 0.5f);
            frameData.m_velocity = targetPos - frameData.m_position;
            if (leadingVehicle != 0)
                frameData.m_position += frameData.m_velocity * 0.6f;
                frameData.m_position += frameData.m_velocity * 0.5f;
            frameData.m_swayVelocity    = frameData.m_swayVelocity * (1f - this.m_info.m_dampers) - springs * (1f - this.m_info.m_springs) - frameData.m_swayPosition * this.m_info.m_springs;
            frameData.m_swayPosition   += frameData.m_swayVelocity * 0.5f;
            frameData.m_steerAngle      = 0f;
            frameData.m_travelDistance += targetMotion.z;
            if (leadingVehicle != 0)
                frameData.m_lightIntensity = Singleton <VehicleManager> .instance.m_vehicles.m_buffer[(int)leaderID].GetLastFrameData().m_lightIntensity;
                frameData.m_lightIntensity.x = 5f;
                frameData.m_lightIntensity.y = ((springs.z >= -0.1f) ? 0.5f : 5f);
                frameData.m_lightIntensity.z = ((turnAngle >= -0.1f || !mayBlink) ? 0f : 5f);
                frameData.m_lightIntensity.w = ((turnAngle <= 0.1f || !mayBlink) ? 0f : 5f);
            frameData.m_underground = ((vehicleData.m_flags & Vehicle.Flags.Underground) != (Vehicle.Flags) 0);
            frameData.m_transition  = ((vehicleData.m_flags & Vehicle.Flags.Transition) != (Vehicle.Flags) 0);
            //base.SimulationStep(vehicleID, ref vehicleData, ref frameData, leaderID, ref leaderData, lodPhysics);
 protected void DrawLine(ref Line3 line)
     Gizmos.DrawLine(line.Center - line.Direction * _lineLength, line.Center + line.Direction * _lineLength);
Exemple #9
        static void ClowWater()
            List <Vector3> p3 = new List <Vector3>();

            p3.Add(new Vector3(1.1, 0.9, 1.0));
            p3.Add(new Vector3(6.9, 7.1, 7.0));

            var line3fit = AutomationLibrary.Mathematics.Fitting.GeometricFits.FitLine(p3);

            var line3   = Line3.FromPointAndDirection(new Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), new Vector3(1, 1, 1));
            var nearest = line3.GetClosestPoint(new Vector3(27, -1.4, 19));

            List <Vector2> points = new List <Vector2>();

            using (var reader = System.IO.File.OpenText(@"C:\Users\douglas\desktop\pipe.csv"))
                reader.ReadLine(); // skip header
                while (true)
                    var line = reader.ReadLine();
                    if (line == null)
                    var nums   = line.Split(',');
                    var values = nums.Select(n => double.Parse(n)).ToArray();
                    points.Add(new Vector2(values[0], values[1]));

            var ellipse = AutomationLibrary.Mathematics.Fitting.GeometricFits.FitEllipse(points);

            var ellipseFunc       = AutomationLibrary.Mathematics.Curves.CircularFunction.FromCartesianPoints(ellipse.Center, points);
            var smoothEllipseFunc = ellipseFunc.SavitzkyGolaySmooth(3, 21);

            points.AddRange(GeneratePointsOnEllipticalArc(new Vector2(0.37, -2.4), 21, 24.26, 96.3 * Math.PI / 180.0, .020, -95.0 * Math.PI / 180.0, 97.0 * Math.PI / 180.0).Take(1000));

            var pointSet = new PointCloud2(points);

            var voronoi = AutomationLibrary.Mathematics.Geometry.Voronoi.VoronoiDiagram.ComputeForPoints(points);

            voronoi = voronoi.Filter(0); // build map of nearest points

            var centersOfInfiniteCells = new HashSet <Vector2>();

            foreach (var edge in voronoi.Edges)
                if (edge.IsPartlyInfinite)

            var pointSet2 = new PointCloud2(centersOfInfiniteCells);

            var mcc = pointSet2.ComputeMinimumCircumscribingCircle();
            var mic = ComputeMaximumInscribedCircle(pointSet, voronoi, mcc);
            var lsc = GeometricFits.FitCircle(points);

            using (var writer = System.IO.File.CreateText(@"C:\users\douglas\desktop\circlepoints.csv"))
                foreach (var point in pointSet)
                    writer.WriteLine("{0},{1}", point.X, point.Y);

            Console.WriteLine("n = {0}", points.Count);
            Console.WriteLine("MIC @ ({0}), r = {1}", mic.Center, mic.Radius);
            Console.WriteLine("LSC @ ({0}), r = {1}", lsc.Center, lsc.Radius);
            Console.WriteLine("MCC @ ({0}), r = {1}", mcc.Center, mcc.Radius);


            Console.WriteLine("draw.circle({0}, {1}, {2}, border='{3}')", mic.Center.X, mic.Center.Y, mic.Radius, "red");
            Console.WriteLine("draw.circle({0}, {1}, {2}, border='{3}')", lsc.Center.X, lsc.Center.Y, lsc.Radius, "blue");
            Console.WriteLine("draw.circle({0}, {1}, {2}, border='{3}')", mcc.Center.X, mcc.Center.Y, mcc.Radius, "green");

Exemple #10
 public FieldTrigger(byte doorId, Line3 boundary)
     DoorID   = doorId;
     Boundary = boundary;
Exemple #11
 // Token: 0x06000182 RID: 386 RVA: 0x000065CC File Offset: 0x000047CC
 public LineCurve3(Line3 line)
     this.Origin    = line.Origin;
     this.Direction = line.Direction;
Exemple #12
 public Line3 UpdateLine3()
     line3 = MathUtil.CreateLine3(LineObject);
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        ///     Allows you to compare another address object to determine if the two addresses are the same.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a2">Another address object.</param>
        /// <returns>If true, the current address matches the address in the parameter.</returns>
        public bool IsEqualTo(Address a2)
            if (a2 == null)

            var result = true;

            if (string.Compare(NickName.Trim(), a2.NickName.Trim(), true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != 0)
                result = false;
            if (string.Compare(FirstName.Trim(), a2.FirstName.Trim(), true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != 0)
                result = false;
            if (string.Compare(MiddleInitial.Trim(), a2.MiddleInitial.Trim(), true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != 0)
                result = false;
            if (string.Compare(LastName.Trim(), a2.LastName.Trim(), true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != 0)
                result = false;
            if (string.Compare(Company.Trim(), a2.Company.Trim(), true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != 0)
                result = false;
            if (string.Compare(Line1.Trim(), a2.Line1.Trim(), true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != 0)
                result = false;
            if (string.Compare(Line2.Trim(), a2.Line2.Trim(), true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != 0)
                result = false;
            if (string.Compare(Line3.Trim(), a2.Line3.Trim(), true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != 0)
                result = false;
            if (string.Compare(RegionBvin.Trim(), a2.RegionBvin.Trim(), true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != 0)
                result = false;
            if (string.Compare(City.Trim(), a2.City.Trim(), true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != 0)
                result = false;
            if (string.Compare(PostalCode.Trim(), a2.PostalCode.Trim(), true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != 0)
                result = false;
            if (string.Compare(CountryBvin.Trim(), a2.CountryBvin.Trim(), true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != 0)
                result = false;
            if (string.Compare(Phone.Trim(), a2.Phone.Trim(), true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != 0)
                result = false;
            if (string.Compare(Fax.Trim(), a2.Fax.Trim(), true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != 0)
                result = false;
            if (string.Compare(WebSiteUrl.Trim(), a2.WebSiteUrl.Trim(), true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != 0)
                result = false;
            //if (this.Residential != a2.Residential) {
            //    result = false;

        private void CreateSymmetryMesh(MyVector3 profilenormal_, double radius_)
            int n = this.profile.Count;     // base stroke point count
            int m = this.trajectory1.Count; // ref stroke point count

            // sweep the points, duplicate n times and offsetting
            List <double> vertices = new List <double>();

            foreach (MyVector3 points in profile)

            // set base stroke main axis
            MyVector3 dir         = profilenormal_.Normalize();
            MyVector3 basecenter3 = new MyVector3();

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                basecenter3 += this.profile[i];
            basecenter3 /= n;

            int closestidx = -1;
            double dis = double.MaxValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                double d = (this.profile[i] - this.trajectory1.First()).Length();
                if (d < dis)
                    closestidx = i;
                    dis        = d;
            double basescale = radius_;

            MyVector3 o3 = basecenter3;
            double    tx = 0, ty = 0, tz = 0;
            double    sn = 1;

            List <MyVector3> onerow = new List <MyVector3>();


            for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                Line3     normalline = new Line3(o3, dir);
                MyVector3 refp1      = normalline.ProjectToLine(this.trajectory1[i]);
                MyVector3 refp0      = normalline.ProjectToLine(onerow[closestidx]);
                MyVector3 tv         = refp1 - refp0;
                tx += tv.x;
                ty += tv.y;
                tz += tv.z;
                o3 += tv;
                double d1 = (this.trajectory1[i] - refp1).Length();
                sn = d1 / basescale;

                double[] new_points = new double[n * 3];   //one row
                for (int j = 0, k = 0; j < n; ++j, k += 3) //move base point
                    new_points[k]     = vertices[k] + tx;
                    new_points[k + 1] = vertices[k + 1] + ty;
                    new_points[k + 2] = vertices[k + 2] + tz;
                    MyVector3 tp = new MyVector3(new_points, k);

                    double oplength = (o3 - tp).Length();
                    oplength = oplength * sn;
                    MyVector3 opdir = (tp - o3).Normalize();
                    double    t     = oplength;

                    new_points[k]     = opdir.x * t + o3.x;
                    new_points[k + 1] = opdir.y * t + o3.y;
                    new_points[k + 2] = opdir.z * t + o3.z;

                    onerow.Add(new MyVector3(new_points, k));

            List <int> findices = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < n - 1; ++j)
                    int s = i * n + j, t = i * n + j + 1;
                    int p = (i + 1) * n + j, q = (i + 1) * n + j + 1;
                    // s-t-p, t-p-q
                    findices.Add(s); findices.Add(p); findices.Add(t);
                    findices.Add(t); findices.Add(p); findices.Add(q);
            this.objectmesh = new Mesh(vertices, findices);
Exemple #15
        public void Column()
            var    k3d    = new Toolkit();
            var    logger = new MessageLogger();
            double length = 4.0;
            var    p0     = new Point3(0, 0, 0);
            var    p1     = new Point3(0, 0, length);
            var    axis   = new Line3(p0, p1);

            var resourcePath = @"";

            // get a material from the material table in the folder 'Resources'
            var materialPath = Path.Combine(resourcePath, "Materials/MaterialProperties.csv");
            var inMaterials  = k3d.Material.ReadMaterialTable(materialPath);
            var material     = inMaterials.Find(x => x.name == "Steel");

            // get a cross section from the cross section table in the folder 'Resources'
            var         crosecPath     = Path.Combine(resourcePath, "CrossSections/CrossSectionValues.bin");
            CroSecTable inCroSecs      = k3d.CroSec.ReadCrossSectionTable(crosecPath, out var info);
            var         crosec_family  = inCroSecs.crosecs.FindAll(x => x.family == "FRQ");
            var         crosec_initial = crosec_family.Find(x => x.name == "FRQ45/5");

            // attach the material to the cross section

            // create the column
            var beams = k3d.Part.LineToBeam(new List <Line3> {
            }, new List <string>()
            }, new List <CroSec>()
            }, logger,
                                            out var out_points);

            // create supports
            var supports = new List <Support>();

            supports.Add(k3d.Support.Support(p0, new List <bool>()
                true, true, true, false, false, true
            supports.Add(k3d.Support.Support(p1, new List <bool>()
                true, true, false, false, false, false

            // create a Point-load
            var loads = new List <Load>
                k3d.Load.PointLoad(p1, new Vector3(0, 0, -100))

            // create the model
            var model = k3d.Model.AssembleModel(beams, supports, loads,
                                                out info, out var mass, out var cog, out var message, out var warning);

            // calculate Th.I response
            model = k3d.Algorithms.AnalyzeThI(model, out var out_max_disp, out var out_g, out var out_comp, out message);

            // optimize the cross section
            model = k3d.Algorithms.OptiCroSec(model, crosec_family,
                                              out var maxDisplacements, out var compliances, out message);

            // disassemble the model
            k3d.Model.Disassemble(model, logger, out var points, out var lines, out var meshes, out beams, out var shells,
                                  out supports, out loads, out var materials, out var crosecs, out var joints);

            // check the buckling length,; a negative value means that the length was autogenerated
            Assert.AreEqual(beams[0].BucklingLength(BuilderElementStraightLine.BucklingDir.bklY), -length, 1E-10);
            // check the resulting cross section
            Assert.AreEqual(beams[0].BucklingLength(BuilderElementStraightLine.BucklingDir.bklY), -length, 1E-10);
            Assert.AreEqual(beams[0].crosec.name, "FRQ70/6");
Exemple #16
        private static readonly Logger Logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); //initalisieren des Loggers in diesem Reader

        public static Result ReadPostGIS(bool is3d, double minDist, string Host, int Port, string User, string Password, string DBname, string schema, string tintable, string tincolumn, string tinidcolumn, int tinid, bool postgis_bl, string bl_column, string bl_table, string bl_tinid)
            double scale  = 1.0;
            var    result = new Result();

            var tinB = Tin.CreateBuilder(true);

            Dictionary <int, Line3> breaklines = new Dictionary <int, Line3>();

                //prepare string for database connection
                string connString =

                //TIN Request
                using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(connString))
                    //open database connection

                    //ÜBERARBEITEN ggf. weitere Request-Möglichkeiten???

                    //select request for tin without breaklines via TIN ID
                    string tin_select = "SELECT " + "ST_AsEWKT(" + tincolumn + ") as wkt FROM " + schema + "." + tintable + " WHERE " + tinidcolumn + " = " + tinid;

                    //select request for breaklines via TIN ID + JOIN
                    string bl_select = null;
                    if (postgis_bl == true)
                        bl_select = "SELECT ST_AsEWKT(" + bl_table + "." + bl_column + ") FROM " + schema + "." + bl_table + " JOIN " + schema + "." + tintable + " ON (" + bl_table + "." + bl_tinid + " = " + tintable + "." + tinidcolumn + ") WHERE " + tintable + "." + tinidcolumn + " = " + tinid;
                    //TIN abfragen
                    using (var command = new NpgsqlCommand(tin_select, conn))
                        var reader = command.ExecuteReader();
                        Logger.Info("The following REQUEST have been sent: \n" + tin_select);
                        while (reader.Read())
                            //read column --> as WKT

                            string geom_string = (reader.GetValue(0)).ToString();
                            //Split - CRS & TIN

                            string[] geom_split = geom_string.Split(';');
                            //String for EPSG - Code --> Weiterverarbeitung???

                            string tin_epsg = geom_split[0];

                            //Gesamtes TIN
                            string tin_gesamt = geom_split[1];

                            //Split für den Anfang des TINs
                            char[] trim = { 'T', 'I', 'N', '(' };
                            tin_gesamt = tin_gesamt.TrimStart(trim);

                            //Split für jedes Dreieck
                            string[] separator  = { ")),((" };
                            string[] tin_string = tin_gesamt.Split(separator, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                            //Jedes Dreieck durchlaufen
                            int pnr = 0; //initalisieren
                            foreach (string face in tin_string)
                                //Punkte - Split über Komma
                                string[] face_points = face.Split(',');

                                //Split über Leerzeichen
                                string[] P1 = face_points[0].Split(' ');

                                double P1X = Convert.ToDouble(P1[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                double P1Y = Convert.ToDouble(P1[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                double P1Z = Convert.ToDouble(P1[2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                                var p1 = Point3.Create(P1X * scale, P1Y * scale, P1Z * scale);

                                string[] P2 = face_points[1].Split(' ');

                                double P2X = Convert.ToDouble(P2[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                double P2Y = Convert.ToDouble(P2[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                double P2Z = Convert.ToDouble(P2[2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                                var p2 = Point3.Create(P2X * scale, P2Y * scale, P2Z * scale);

                                string[] P3 = face_points[2].Split(' ');

                                double P3X = Convert.ToDouble(P3[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                double P3Y = Convert.ToDouble(P3[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                double P3Z = Convert.ToDouble(P3[2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                                var p3 = Point3.Create(P3X * scale, P3Y * scale, P3Z * scale);

                                //Punkte hinzufügen & jeweils eine Punktnummer hochzählen
                                tinB.AddPoint(pnr++, p1);
                                tinB.AddPoint(pnr++, p2);
                                tinB.AddPoint(pnr++, p3);

                                //Schleife zum erzeugen des Dreiecks
                                for (int i = pnr - 3; i < pnr; i++)
                                    tinB.AddTriangle(i++, i++, i++);

                    //TIN aus TIN-Builder erzeugen
                    Tin tin = tinB.ToTin(out var pointIndex2NumberMap, out var triangleIndex2NumberMap);
                    //Result beschreiben
                    result.Tin = tin;

                    if (postgis_bl == true)
                        //Bruchkanten abfragen
                        int index_poly = 0;
                        int index      = 0;
                        using (var command = new NpgsqlCommand(bl_select, conn))
                            var reader = command.ExecuteReader();
                            Logger.Info("The following REQUEST have been sent: \n" + bl_select);

                            while (reader.Read())
                                string polyline_string = (reader.GetValue(0)).ToString();

                                string[] poly_split = polyline_string.Split(';');

                                //Gesamte Polyline
                                string poly_gesamt = poly_split[1];

                                //Split für den Anfang des TINs
                                char[] trim = { 'L', 'I', 'N', 'E', 'S', 'T', 'R', 'I', 'N', 'G', '(' };
                                poly_gesamt = poly_gesamt.TrimStart(trim);

                                char[] trimEnd = { ')' };
                                poly_gesamt = poly_gesamt.TrimEnd(trimEnd);

                                //Split für jeden Punkt
                                string[] separator = { "," };
                                string[] polyline  = poly_gesamt.Split(separator, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                                //Jeden Punkt in der Polyline durchlaufen
                                int i = 0;
                                int j = 1;
                                    string[] point_start_values = polyline[i].Split(' ');
                                    double   p1X = Convert.ToDouble(point_start_values[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                    double   p1Y = Convert.ToDouble(point_start_values[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                    double   p1Z = Convert.ToDouble(point_start_values[2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                    Point3   p1  = Point3.Create(p1X * scale, p1Y * scale, p1Z * scale);

                                    string[]   point_end_values = polyline[j].Split(' ');
                                    double     p2X = Convert.ToDouble(point_end_values[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                    double     p2Y = Convert.ToDouble(point_end_values[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                    double     p2Z = Convert.ToDouble(point_end_values[2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                    Point3     p2  = Point3.Create(p2X * scale, p2Y * scale, p2Z * scale);
                                    Vector3    v12 = Vector3.Create(p2);
                                    Direction3 d12 = Direction3.Create(v12, scale);
                                    Line3      l   = Line3.Create(p1, d12);
                                        breaklines.Add(index, l); //Breakline hinzufügen
                                } while (j < polyline.Length);

                            result.Breaklines = breaklines;

                        //close database connection
                    Logger.Info("All database connections have been disconnected.");
                    Logger.Info("Reading PostGIS successful");
                    Logger.Info(result.Tin.Points.Count() + " points; " + result.Tin.NumTriangles + " triangels processed");
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.Error("Database connection failed!");
Exemple #17
        private static List <Triangle> Cut(Triangle tri, Line3 line)
            // Create coordinate system
            Vec3 norm  = tri.Normal;
            Vec3 xaxis = tri.Edge13.Normalized;
            Vec3 yaxis = Vec3.Cross(norm, xaxis);

            // Convert to 2d space
            Vec2 v1 = Vec2.Zero;                                     // Consider point 0 the origin
            Vec2 v2 = Collapse(tri.Item2 - tri.Item1, xaxis, yaxis); // Relative position of Item2
            Vec2 v3 = Collapse(tri.Item3 - tri.Item1, xaxis, yaxis); // Relative position of Item3

            Vec2 ls = Collapse(line.Item1 - tri.Item1, xaxis, yaxis);
            Vec2 le = Collapse(line.Item2 - tri.Item1, xaxis, yaxis);

            Line2 l12 = new Line2(v1, v2);
            Line2 l13 = new Line2(v1, v3);
            Line2 l23 = new Line2(v2, v3);

            Line2 cut = new Line2(ls, le);

            // Perform intersection test
            double k12, k13, k23;
            double c12, c13, c23;
            bool   i12 = l12.Intersects(cut, out c12, out k12);
            bool   i13 = l13.Intersects(cut, out c13, out k13);
            bool   i23 = l23.Intersects(cut, out c23, out k23);

            // Check cases
            List <Triangle> tris = new List <Triangle>();

            // Corner - Edge intersection (3 cases)
            if (IsCorner(c12, c13) && IsEdge(c23))
                // Crossing from corner 1 to edge 2->3
                Vec3 midpoint = Vec3.Lerp(tri.Item2, tri.Item3, c23);
                tris.Add(new Triangle(tri.Item1, tri.Item2, midpoint));
                tris.Add(new Triangle(tri.Item1, midpoint, tri.Item3));
            else if (IsCorner(c13, c23) && IsEdge(c12))
                // Crossing from corner 3 to edge 1->2
                Vec3 midpoint = Vec3.Lerp(tri.Item1, tri.Item2, c12);
                tris.Add(new Triangle(tri.Item1, midpoint, tri.Item3));
                tris.Add(new Triangle(midpoint, tri.Item2, tri.Item3));
            else if (IsCorner(c12, c23) && IsEdge(c13))
                // Crossing from corner 2 to edge 1->3
                Vec3 midpoint = Vec3.Lerp(tri.Item1, tri.Item3, c13);
                tris.Add(new Triangle(tri.Item1, tri.Item2, midpoint));
                tris.Add(new Triangle(midpoint, tri.Item2, tri.Item3));
            // Edge - Edge intersection (3 cases)
            else if (IsEdge(c12) && IsEdge(c23))
                // Collision crossing 1->2, 2->3
                Vec3 m1  = Vec3.Lerp(tri.Item1, tri.Item2, c12);
                Vec3 m2  = Vec3.Lerp(tri.Item2, tri.Item3, c23);
                Vec3 mid = (tri.Item1 + tri.Item3) / 2;

                tris.Add(new Triangle(tri.Item1, m1, mid));
                tris.Add(new Triangle(m1, m2, mid));
                tris.Add(new Triangle(mid, m2, tri.Item3));

                tris.Add(new Triangle(m1, tri.Item2, m2));
            else if (IsEdge(c12) && IsEdge(c13))
                // Collision crossing 1->3, 1->2
                Vec3 m1  = Vec3.Lerp(tri.Item1, tri.Item2, c12);
                Vec3 m2  = Vec3.Lerp(tri.Item1, tri.Item3, c13);
                Vec3 mid = (tri.Item2 + tri.Item3) / 2;

                tris.Add(new Triangle(m1, tri.Item2, mid));
                tris.Add(new Triangle(m1, mid, m2));
                tris.Add(new Triangle(m2, mid, tri.Item3));

                tris.Add(new Triangle(tri.Item1, m1, m2));
            else if (IsEdge(c13) && IsEdge(c23))
                // Collision crossing 1->3, 2->3
                Vec3 m1  = Vec3.Lerp(tri.Item1, tri.Item3, c13);
                Vec3 m2  = Vec3.Lerp(tri.Item2, tri.Item3, c23);
                Vec3 mid = (tri.Item1 + tri.Item2) / 2;

                tris.Add(new Triangle(mid, tri.Item2, m2));
                tris.Add(new Triangle(mid, m2, m1));
                tris.Add(new Triangle(tri.Item1, mid, m1));

                tris.Add(new Triangle(m1, m2, tri.Item3));
            // No intersection (1 case)
 private void AreEqual_ClosestPoints(Line3 line, Sphere sphere, Vector3 expectedLine, Vector3 expectedSphere)
     Closest.LineSphere(line.origin, line.direction, sphere.center, sphere.radius, out Vector3 linePoint, out Vector3 centerPoint);
     AreEqual(linePoint, expectedLine);
     AreEqual(centerPoint, expectedSphere);
Exemple #19
 // todo: check
 public static Vector3 ProjectionPoint(this Line3 l, Vector3 p)
     return(l.a + l.ab * ((p - l.a).MultS(l.ab) / l.Len2));
 private void True_Intersect(Line3 line, Sphere sphere, Vector3 expected)
     Assert.True(Intersect.LineSphere(line.origin, line.direction, sphere.center, sphere.radius, out IntersectionLineSphere intersection), format, line, sphere);
     Assert.AreEqual(IntersectionType.Point, intersection.type, format, line, sphere);
     AreEqual(intersection.pointA, expected);
        private void False_Intersect(Line3 line, Sphere sphere)
            IntersectionLineSphere intersection;

            Assert.False(Intersect.LineSphere(line.origin, line.direction, sphere.center, sphere.radius, out intersection), format, line, sphere);
        public void TwoPointLoads()
            var    k3d    = new Toolkit();
            var    logger = new MessageLogger();
            double length = 4.0;
            var    p0     = new Point3(0, 0, 0);
            var    p1     = new Point3(length, 0, 0);
            var    axis   = new Line3(p0, p1);

            var resourcePath = @"";

            // get a material from the material table in the folder 'Resources'
            var materialPath = Path.Combine(resourcePath, "Materials/MaterialProperties.csv");
            var inMaterials  = k3d.Material.ReadMaterialTable(materialPath);
            var material     = inMaterials.Find(x => x.name == "Steel");

            // get a cross section from the cross section table in the folder 'Resources'
            var         crosecPath     = Path.Combine(resourcePath, "CrossSections/CrossSectionValues.bin");
            CroSecTable inCroSecs      = k3d.CroSec.ReadCrossSectionTable(crosecPath, out var info);
            var         crosec_family  = inCroSecs.crosecs.FindAll(x => x.family == "FRQ");
            var         crosec_initial = crosec_family.Find(x => x.name == "FRQ45/5");

            // attach the material to the cross section

            // create the column
            var beams = k3d.Part.LineToBeam(new List <Line3> {
            }, new List <string>()
            }, new List <CroSec>()
            }, logger,
                                            out var out_points);

            // create supports
            var supports = new List <Support>
                k3d.Support.Support(p0, new List <bool>()
                    true, true, true, true, true, true

            // create a Point-load
            var loads = new List <Load>
                k3d.Load.PointLoad(p1, new Vector3(0, 100, 0), new Vector3(), "LC0"),
                k3d.Load.PointLoad(p1, new Vector3(0, 0, 50), new Vector3(), "LC1")

            // create the model
            var model = k3d.Model.AssembleModel(beams, supports, loads,
                                                out info, out var mass, out var cog, out var message, out var is_warning);

            // calculate the displacements
            ThIAnalyze.solve(model, out var outMaxDisp, out var outG, out var outComp, out var warning, out model);
            Assert.AreEqual(54.338219302231252, outMaxDisp[0], 1e-5);
            Assert.AreEqual(27.169109651115626, outMaxDisp[1], 1e-5);
Exemple #23
            public Line3 Estimate(List <MyVector3> points)
                int iter = 200;

                if (points.Count == 0)
                Random rd = new Random();

                MyVector3 A = new MyVector3();
                MyVector3 B = new MyVector3();

                int maxpointinline = int.MinValue;

                for (int i = 0; i < iter; i++)
                    A = points[rd.Next(points.Count)];
                    B = points[rd.Next(points.Count)];
                    if (A == B)
                        continue;          //if can't generate line
                    Line3            testline    = new Line3(A, (B - A).Normalize());
                    List <MyVector3> tempinliers = new List <MyVector3>();
                    int inlierscount             = 0;
                    for (int j = 0; j < points.Count; j++)
                        if (points[j] != A && points[j] != B)
                            if (testline.DistanceToLine(points[j]) < thres)

                    if (inlierscount > maxpointinline)
                        maxpointinline = inlierscount;
                        this.bestline  = testline.Copy();
                        foreach (MyVector3 p in tempinliers)

                    if (inlierscount >= probability * points.Count)

                if (this.inliers.Count != 0)
                    double mint = double.MaxValue;
                    double maxt = double.MinValue;
                    foreach (MyVector3 p in this.inliers)
                        double t = this.bestline.ComputeT(p);
                        if (t > maxt)
                            maxt = t;
                        if (t < mint)
                            mint = t;
                    bestline.SetPoints(mint, maxt);

                if (bestline != null && bestline.startpoint.x != double.NaN && bestline.startpoint.y != double.NaN && bestline.startpoint.z != double.NaN &&
                    bestline.endpoint.x != double.NaN && bestline.endpoint.y != double.NaN && bestline.endpoint.z != double.NaN &&
                    (!bestline.startpoint.IsNull() && !bestline.endpoint.IsNull()))
        public string ToHtmlString()
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            if (NickName.Trim().Length > 0)
                sb.Append("<em>" + NickName + "</em><br />");
            if (LastName.Length > 0 || FirstName.Length > 0)
                if (MiddleInitial.Trim().Length > 0)
                    sb.Append(" " + MiddleInitial);
                sb.Append(" " + LastName + "<br />");
                if (Company.Trim().Length > 0)
                    sb.Append(Company + "<br />");
            if (Line1.Length > 0)
                sb.Append(Line1 + "<br />");
            if (Line2.Trim().Length > 0)
                sb.Append(Line2 + "<br />");
            if (Line3.Trim().Length > 0)
                sb.Append(Line3 + "<br />");

            MerchantTribe.Web.Geography.Country c = MerchantTribe.Web.Geography.Country.FindByBvin(CountryBvin);
            MerchantTribe.Web.Geography.Region  r = c.Regions.Where(y => y.Abbreviation == RegionBvin).FirstOrDefault();

            if (r != null)
                sb.Append(City + ", " + r.Abbreviation + " " + _PostalCode + "<br />");
                if (RegionName.Trim().Length > 0)
                    sb.Append(City + ", " + RegionName + " " + _PostalCode + "<br />");
                    sb.Append(City + ", " + _PostalCode + "<br />");
            if (c != null)
                sb.Append(c.DisplayName + "<br />");

            if (Phone.Trim().Length > 0)
                sb.Append(Phone + "<br />");
            if (Fax.Trim().Length > 0)
                sb.Append("Fax: " + Fax + "<br />");
            if (WebSiteUrl.Trim().Length > 0)
                sb.Append(WebSiteUrl + "<br />");
Exemple #25
        private void RayTracein3DPlane(List <MyVector3> points, MyVector3 curp, MyVector3 curdire, MyVector3 sectionPlaneNormal, out int norInsec, out int notNorInsec)
            // Param
            double insecPs_Dist_theshold          = 0.01;
            double insecP_DistBetweenRay_theshold = 20;

            MyVector3 cutNormal = sectionPlaneNormal.Cross(curdire).Normalize();

            ray = new Line3(curp, cutNormal);

            norInsec    = -1; // Normal side
            notNorInsec = -1; // Not Normal side
            double dist_left  = double.MaxValue;
            double dist_right = double.MaxValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                double dist_temp = ray.DistanceToLine(points[i]);
                if ((points[i] - curp).Dot(cutNormal) > 0)
                    // Normal side
                    if (dist_left > dist_temp)
                        dist_left = dist_temp;
                        norInsec  = i;
                    // Not Normal side
                    if (dist_right > dist_temp)
                        dist_right  = dist_temp;
                        notNorInsec = i;

            if (norInsec == -1)
                norInsec = notNorInsec;
                System.Console.WriteLine("Warining: norInsec == -1");
            else if (notNorInsec == -1)
                notNorInsec = norInsec;
                System.Console.WriteLine("Warining: notNorInsec == -1");
            else if (norInsec == -1 && notNorInsec == -1)
                System.Console.WriteLine("Error: Ray Tracein3DPlane, no intersection points");

            if (MyVector3.Distance(points[norInsec], points[notNorInsec]) < insecPs_Dist_theshold)
                // this two intersection is too close, so let them become same one.s
                System.Console.WriteLine("Warining: two intersection is too close");
                norInsec = notNorInsec;

            if (ray.DistanceToLine(points[norInsec]) > insecP_DistBetweenRay_theshold ||
                ray.DistanceToLine(points[notNorInsec]) > insecP_DistBetweenRay_theshold)
                System.Console.WriteLine("Warining: two intersection is too far");
                // this two intersection is too far, so let them become same one.s
                norInsec = notNorInsec;
Exemple #26
 public StraightTrajectory(Line3 trajectory, bool isSection = true)
     Trajectory = trajectory;
     IsSection  = isSection;
 private void AreEqual_ClosestPoint(Line3 line, Vector3 point, Vector3 expected)
     AreEqual(Closest.PointLine(point, line), expected);
        public void Beam()
            var    k3d    = new Toolkit();
            var    logger = new MessageLogger();
            double length = 4.0;
            var    p0     = new Point3(0, 0, 0);
            var    p1     = new Point3(length, 0, 0);
            var    axis   = new Line3(p0, p1);

            var resourcePath = Path.Combine(Utils.PluginPathExe(), @"..\..\Resources\");

            // get a material from the material table in the folder 'Resources'
            var materialPath = Path.Combine(resourcePath, "MaterialProperties.csv");
            var inMaterials  = k3d.Material.ReadMaterialTable(materialPath);
            var material     = inMaterials.Find(x => x.name == "Steel");

            // get a cross section from the cross section table in the folder 'Resources'
            var         crosecPath     = Path.Combine(resourcePath, "CrossSectionValues.csv");
            CroSecTable inCroSecs      = k3d.CroSec.ReadCrossSectionTable(crosecPath, out var info);
            var         crosec_family  = inCroSecs.crosecs.FindAll(x => x.family == "FRQ");
            var         crosec_initial = crosec_family.Find(x => x.name == "FRQ45/5");

            // attach the material to the cross section

            // create the column
            var beams = k3d.Part.LineToBeam(new List <Line3> {
            }, new List <string>()
            }, new List <CroSec>()
            }, logger,
                                            out var out_points);

            // create supports
            var supports = new List <Support>
                k3d.Support.Support(p0, new List <bool>()
                    true, true, true, true, false, false
                k3d.Support.Support(p1, new List <bool>()
                    false, true, true, false, false, false

            // create a Point-load
            var loads = new List <Load>
                k3d.Load.PointLoad(p1, new Vector3(0, 0, -100))

            // create the model
            var model = k3d.Model.AssembleModel(beams, supports, loads,
                                                out info, out var mass, out var cog, out var message, out var warning);

            // calculate the natural vibrations
            int    from_shape_ind = 1;
            int    shapes_num     = 1;
            int    max_iter       = 100;
            double eps            = 1e-8;
            var    disp_dummy     = new List <double>();
            var    scaling        = EigenShapesScalingType.matrix;

            model = k3d.Algorithms.NaturalVibes(model, from_shape_ind, shapes_num, max_iter, eps, disp_dummy, scaling,
                                                out List <double> nat_frequencies, out List <double> modal_masses, out List <Vector3> participation_facs,
                                                out List <double> participation_facs_disp, out model);

            Assert.AreEqual(nat_frequencies[0], 8.9828263788644716, 1e-8);
 private void AreEqual_Distance(Line3 line, Vector3 point, float expected = 0)
     AreEqual(Distance.PointLine(point, line), expected);
Exemple #30
 private static bool Equal(Line3 first, Line3 second) => first.a == second.a && first.b == second.b;