Exemple #1
        private void MaxTextRegion(Size size, CircleF circle, double angle, double fratio, out float mxlen, out PointF center)
            // ew(Ex-Width)=(len*fratio)/2
            // half-rect
            // { w=ew+len*|cosa|/2
            //   h=ew+len*|sina|/2 }
            // { c0=...
            //   c1=... }

            double vx     = Math.Cos(angle);
            double vy     = Math.Sin(angle);
            double c0     = (fratio + Math.Abs(vx)) / 2;
            double c1     = (fratio + Math.Abs(vy)) / 2;
            double mxlenx = Math.Min(size.Width / (2 * c0), size.Height / (2 * c1));
            RectV  rect   = new RectV()
                C0 = c0, C1 = c1, W = size.Width, H = size.Height
            PtV     fp = FarthestPointToPoint(rect, circle.Center);
            float   cx = circle.Center.X, cy = circle.Center.Y;
            double  l = 0, r = mxlenx;
            Point2D c = new Point2D(cx, cy);

            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                double mid = (l + r) / 2;
                double px  = fp.X(mid);
                double py  = fp.Y(mid);
                double px0 = px + vx * mid / 2;
                double py0 = py + vy * mid / 2;
                double px1 = px - vx * mid / 2;
                double py1 = py - vy * mid / 2;

                Line2D  line = new Line2D(new Point2D(px0, py0), new Point2D(px1, py1));
                Point2D cp   = line.ClosestPointTo(c, true);

                if (cp.DistanceTo(c) < circle.Radius + mid * fratio / 2)
                    r = mid;
                    l = mid;
            mxlenx = (l + r) / 2;
            mxlen  = (float)mxlenx;
            center = new PointF((float)fp.X(mxlenx), (float)fp.Y(mxlenx));
        //Assumption: this method would never be called when the intersector's end points lie in the middle of an intersectee line
        //This is the case for meshes defined by an ordered set of vertices
        public static bool Intersects(this Line2D intersectee, Line2D intersector, double tolerance)
            var intPtIntersection = intersectee.IntersectWith(intersector);

            if (!intPtIntersection.HasValue)
            var intPt = intPtIntersection.Value;

            //There is no intersection if it's at the end points of the line doing the suppposed intersection
            if (intersector.StartPoint.EqualsWithinTolerance(intPt, tolerance) || intersector.EndPoint.EqualsWithinTolerance(intPt, tolerance))

            //By default MathNet defines lines with infinite length so determine if the intersection point is actually within the original bounds of the line
            var intersecteePt = intersectee.ClosestPointTo(intPt, true);
            var intersectorPt = intersector.ClosestPointTo(intPt, true);

            return(intersecteePt.EqualsWithinTolerance(intersectorPt, tolerance));