Exemple #1
        public override bool?DrawHealthBar(NPC npc, byte hbPosition, ref float scale, ref Vector2 position)
            if (Shield > 0)
                var bright = Lighting.Brightness((int)npc.Center.X / 16, (int)npc.Center.Y / 16);

                Main.instance.DrawHealthBar((int)position.X, (int)position.Y, npc.life, npc.lifeMax, bright, scale);

                var tex = ModContent.GetTexture(AssetDirectory.GUI + "ShieldBar1");

                var factor = Math.Min(Shield / (float)MaxShield, 1);

                var source = new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)(factor * tex.Width), tex.Height);
                var target = new Rectangle((int)(position.X - Main.screenPosition.X), (int)(position.Y - Main.screenPosition.Y), (int)(factor * tex.Width * scale), (int)(tex.Height * scale));

                Main.spriteBatch.Draw(tex, target, source, Color.White * bright * 1.5f, 0, new Vector2(tex.Width / 2, 0), 0, 0);

                if (Shield < MaxShield)
                    var texLine = ModContent.GetTexture(AssetDirectory.GUI + "ShieldBarLine");

                    var sourceLine = new Rectangle((int)(tex.Width * factor), 0, 2, tex.Height);
                    var targetLine = new Rectangle((int)(position.X - Main.screenPosition.X) + (int)(tex.Width * factor), (int)(position.Y - Main.screenPosition.Y), (int)(2 * scale), (int)(tex.Height * scale));

                    Main.spriteBatch.Draw(texLine, targetLine, sourceLine, Color.White * bright * 2, 0, new Vector2(tex.Width / 2, 0), 0, 0);


            return(base.DrawHealthBar(npc, hbPosition, ref scale, ref position));

        /// <summary>
        /// Checks for valid brightness of the given tile.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tileX"></param>
        /// <param name="tileY"></param>
        /// <param name="collideType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool CheckBrightness(int tileX, int tileY, out TileCollideType collideType)
            if (this.MinimumBrightness.HasValue || this.MaximumBrightness.HasValue)
                float brightness = Lighting.Brightness(tileX, tileY);

                if (this.MinimumBrightness.HasValue)
                    if (this.MinimumBrightness > brightness)
                        collideType = TileCollideType.BrightnessLow;
                if (this.MaximumBrightness.HasValue)
                    if (this.MaximumBrightness < brightness)
                        collideType = TileCollideType.BrightnessHigh;

            collideType = TileCollideType.None;
Exemple #3
        public override void HoldItem(Player player)
            if (player.itemAnimation <= 0)
                player.itemLocation.X -= 13 * player.direction;
                player.itemLocation.Y += 18;

            if (player.whoAmI == Main.myPlayer)
                for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
                    Vector2 dustPos = Main.MouseWorld + Vector2.UnitX.RotatedBy(i / 30f * MathHelper.TwoPi) * 50;
                    float   bright  = Lighting.Brightness((int)(dustPos.X / 16), (int)(dustPos.Y / 16));

                    Dust dust = Dust.NewDustPerfect(dustPos + Main.rand.NextVector2Circular(1, 1), DustType <VoidParticle>(), Vector2.Zero);
                    dust.noGravity = true;
                    dust.velocity  = Vector2.Zero;
                    dust.scale     = bright * 0.8f;

                    dust           = Dust.NewDustPerfect(dustPos, DustType <Crystalline.CrystallineDust>(), Vector2.Zero);
                    dust.noGravity = true;
                    dust.velocity  = Vector2.Zero;
                    dust.scale     = (1 - bright) * 0.8f;
Exemple #4
        public override bool?DrawHealthBar(byte hbPosition, ref float scale, ref Vector2 position)

            if (!showHealthBar)
                npc.position -= npc.visualOffset;
                result        = new bool?(false);
            else if (realLifeHealthBar)
                if (npc.realLife == -1)
                    result = new bool?(false);
                    float alpha = Lighting.Brightness((int)(npc.Center.X / 16f), (int)(npc.Center.Y / 16f));
                    Main.instance.DrawHealthBar(position.X, position.Y, Main.npc[npc.realLife].life, Main.npc[npc.realLife].lifeMax, alpha, scale);
                    npc.position -= npc.visualOffset;
                    result        = new bool?(false);
                if (npc.boss)
                    scale = 1.5f;
                result = null;
        private void drawVitricBackground(On.Terraria.Main.orig_DrawBackgroundBlackFill orig, Terraria.Main self)
            Player player = Main.LocalPlayer;

            VitricBackgroundDust.ForEach(BootlegDust => BootlegDust.Update());
            VitricBackgroundDust.RemoveAll(BootlegDust => BootlegDust.time <= 0);

            VitricForegroundDust.ForEach(BootlegDust => BootlegDust.Update());
            VitricForegroundDust.RemoveAll(BootlegDust => BootlegDust.time <= 0);

            if (Main.playerLoaded && player.GetModPlayer <BiomeHandler>().ZoneGlass)
                Vector2 basepoint = (LegendWorld.vitricTopLeft != null) ? LegendWorld.vitricTopLeft * 16 + new Vector2(-2000, 1000) : Vector2.Zero;
                for (int k = 5; k >= 0; k--)
                    drawLayer(basepoint, ModContent.GetTexture("StarlightRiver/Backgrounds/Glass" + k), k + 1);
                    if (k == 5)
                        VitricBackgroundDust.ForEach(BootlegDust => BootlegDust.Draw(Main.spriteBatch));
                    if (k == 2)
                        VitricForegroundDust.ForEach(BootlegDust => BootlegDust.Draw(Main.spriteBatch));

                for (int k = (int)(player.position.X - basepoint.X) - (int)(Main.screenWidth * 1.5f); k <= (int)(player.position.X - basepoint.X) + (int)(Main.screenWidth * 1.5f); k += 30)
                    if (Main.rand.Next(500) == 0)
                        BootlegDust dus = new VitricDust(ModContent.GetTexture("StarlightRiver/GUI/Light"), basepoint + new Vector2(-2000, 1000), k, 1.5f, 0.3f, 0.1f);

                    if (Main.rand.Next(400) == 0)
                        BootlegDust dus2 = new VitricDust(ModContent.GetTexture("StarlightRiver/GUI/Light"), basepoint + new Vector2(-2000, 1000), k, 2.25f, 1f, 0.4f);

                for (int i = -2 + (int)(player.position.X - Main.screenWidth / 2) / 16; i <= 2 + (int)(player.position.X + Main.screenWidth / 2) / 16; i++)
                    for (int j = -2 + (int)(player.position.Y - Main.screenHeight) / 16; j <= 2 + (int)(player.position.Y + Main.screenHeight) / 16; j++)
                        if (Lighting.Brightness(i, j) == 0 || ((Main.tile[i, j].active() && Main.tile[i, j].collisionType == 1) || Main.tile[i, j].wall != 0))
                            Color color = Color.Black * (1 - Lighting.Brightness(i, j) * 2);
                            Main.spriteBatch.Draw(Main.blackTileTexture, new Vector2(i * 16, j * 16) - Main.screenPosition, color);
                        else if (i % 4 == 0 && j % 4 == 0 && Main.tile[i, j].wall == 0)
                            Lighting.AddLight(new Vector2(i * 16, j * 16), new Vector3(0.3f, 0.35f, 0.4f) * 2.1f);
Exemple #6
        public override void NearbyEffects(int i, int j, bool closer)
            if (Main.gameMenu)
                return;                //so worldgen dosent crash
            Tile tile = Main.tile[i, j];

            tile.inActive(Lighting.Brightness(i, j) > 0.25f);
Exemple #7
        public override void PostDraw(int i, int j, SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
            float brightness = Lighting.Brightness(i, j);

            if (brightness > 0.05f)
                var myworld = ModContent.GetInstance <FMCWorld>();
                myworld.QueueManaCrystalShardCheck(i, j, brightness);
Exemple #8
        public override float SpawnChance(NPCSpawnInfo spawnInfo)
            var tile       = Framing.GetTileSafely(spawnInfo.spawnTileX, spawnInfo.spawnTileY);
            var spawnPoint = new Vector2(spawnInfo.spawnTileX, spawnInfo.spawnTileY) * 16;

            return(spawnInfo.player.ZoneCorrupt &&
                   tile.wall == WallID.EbonstoneUnsafe &&
                   tile.liquid == 0 &&
                   Lighting.Brightness(spawnInfo.spawnTileX, spawnInfo.spawnTileY) <= 0.1f &&
                   !Main.npc.Any(n => n.type == NPCType <Stalker>() && Vector2.Distance(n.Center, spawnPoint) < 320) ? 1 : 0);
        public override void DrawEffects(PlayerDrawInfo drawInfo, ref float r, ref float g, ref float b, ref float a, ref bool fullBright)
            var num25 = Main.myPlayer;

            base.DrawEffects(drawInfo, ref r, ref g, ref b, ref a, ref fullBright);

            int num26 = 0;

            if (Main.HealthBarDrawSettings == 1)
                num26 = 10;
            else if (Main.HealthBarDrawSettings == 2)
                num26 = -20;
            int x          = (int)(Main.player[num25].position.X + (float)(Main.player[num25].width / 2));
            int y          = (int)(Main.player[num25].position.Y + (float)Main.player[num25].height + Main.player[num25].gfxOffY);
            int dy         = y + num26;
            int health     = Main.player[num25].statLife;
            int maxHealth  = Main.player[num25].statLifeMax2;
            var brightness = Lighting.Brightness((int)(x / 16f), (int)(y / 16f));

            if (Main.player[num25].active && !Main.player[num25].ghost && !Main.player[num25].dead)
                if (Main.player[num25].statLife != Main.player[num25].statLifeMax2)
                    Main.instance.DrawHealthBar(x, dy, health, maxHealth, brightness, 1f);

                dy += 10;
                if (GetInstance <Config>().ShowMana)
                    if (Main.player[num25].statMana != Main.player[num25].statManaMax2)
                        DrawManaBar(x, dy, Main.player[num25].statMana, Main.player[num25].statManaMax2, 1f);
                if (GetInstance <Config>().ShowPotionSickness)
                    if (Main.player[num25].statLife != Main.player[num25].statLifeMax2 || GetInstance <Config>().ShowPotionSicknessAtFullHealth)
                        for (int i = 0; i < Main.player[num25].buffType.Length; i++)
                            if (Main.player[num25].buffType[i] == BuffID.PotionSickness)
                                DrawPotionSickness(x, dy, Main.player[num25].buffTime[i]);
Exemple #10
        public override void PostDraw(int i, int j, SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
            Tile tile = Main.tile[i, j];
            int  off  = i + j;

            float sin   = (float)Math.Sin(StarlightWorld.rottime + off * 0.2f * 0.2f);
            Color color = new Color(1 - sin * 0.5f, 1, 1);
            float mult  = 0.2f - Lighting.Brightness(i, j) * 0.2f;

            spriteBatch.Draw(Main.tileTexture[tile.type], (new Vector2(i, j) + Helper.TileAdj) * 16 - Main.screenPosition, new Rectangle(tile.frameX, tile.frameY, 16, 16), color * mult);
            Lighting.AddLight(new Vector2(i, j) * 16, color.ToVector3() * 0.1f);
        public override void DrawEffects(int i, int j, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, ref Color drawColor, ref int nextSpecialDrawIndex)
            float off = (float)Math.Sin((i + j) * 0.2f) * 300 + (float)Math.Cos(j * 0.15f) * 200;

            float sin2  = (float)Math.Sin(StarlightWorld.rottime + off * 0.01f * 0.2f);
            float cos   = (float)Math.Cos(StarlightWorld.rottime + off * 0.01f);
            Color color = new Color(100 * (1 + sin2) / 255f, 140 * (1 + cos) / 255f, 180 / 255f);
            float mult  = Lighting.Brightness(i, j);

            //if (mult > 0.1f) mult = 0.1f;

            drawColor = color.MultiplyRGB(Color.White * mult);
Exemple #12
        public override bool PreDraw(int i, int j, int type, SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
            return(base.PreDraw(i, j, type, spriteBatch));

            float b = Lighting.Brightness(i, j);

            if (b <= 0.05 /*|| (type == TileID.Dirt && !Main.tile[i,j].active())*/)
                Vector2 screenLoc = new Vector2(192, 192) + (16f * new Vector2(i, j)) - Main.screenPosition;
                spriteBatch.Draw(ModContent.GetInstance <StarSailorMod>().pixel, new Rectangle((int)screenLoc.X, (int)screenLoc.Y, 16, 16), Color.Black);
            return(base.PreDraw(i, j, type, spriteBatch));
Exemple #13
 private static void DrawBlack()
     for (int i = -2 + (int)(Main.screenPosition.X) / 16; i <= 2 + (int)(Main.screenPosition.X + Main.screenWidth) / 16; i++)
         for (int j = -2 + (int)(Main.screenPosition.Y) / 16; j <= 2 + (int)(Main.screenPosition.Y + Main.screenHeight) / 16; j++)
             if (Lighting.Brightness(i, j) == 0 || ((Main.tile[i, j].active() && Main.tile[i, j].collisionType == 1) || Main.tile[i, j].wall != 0))
                 Color color = Color.Black * (1 - Lighting.Brightness(i, j) * 2);
                 Main.spriteBatch.Draw(Main.blackTileTexture, new Vector2(i * 16, j * 16) - Main.screenPosition, color);
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Gauges the overall light amount within an area.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tileX"></param>
        /// <param name="tileY"></param>
        /// <param name="width"></param>
        /// <param name="height"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static float GaugeBrightnessWithin(int tileX, int tileY, int width, int height)
            int   i = 0, j = 0;
            float avg = 0f;

            for (i = 0; i < width; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < height; j++)
                    avg += Lighting.Brightness(tileX + i, tileY + j);

            return(avg / (i * j));
Exemple #15
        public bool checkValidPosition(int x, int y)
            bool playerDistance = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < Main.player.Length; i++)
                Player p = Main.player[i];
                if (Vector2.Distance(p.Center / 16, Position.ToVector2()) < 40)
                    playerDistance = true;
                    Main.NewText("X : " + x + " - Y : " + y + " - Lighting level : " + Lighting.Brightness(x, y));

            return(Main.rand.Next(0, 10) == 1 && playerDistance && Lighting.Brightness(x, y) < 0.50);
Exemple #16
        public override void HoldItem(Player player)
            int index = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < Main.maxProjectiles; i++)
                if (Main.projectile[i].active && Main.projectile[i].owner == player.whoAmI && Main.projectile[i].type == item.shoot)
                    index = i;
            if (index == -1)
                Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center, Vector2.Zero, item.shoot, item.damage, item.knockBack, player.whoAmI);
                Main.projectile[index].Center   = player.Center;
                Main.projectile[index].timeLeft = 2;

            player.itemLocation.X -= item.width / 2 * player.direction;
            player.itemLocation   += new Vector2(6 * -player.direction, 6);
            // Add projectile spawn here

            if (player.whoAmI == Main.myPlayer)
                for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                    Vector2 dustPos = Main.MouseWorld + Vector2.UnitX.RotatedBy(i / 50f * MathHelper.TwoPi) * 100;
                    float   bright  = Lighting.Brightness((int)(dustPos.X / 16), (int)(dustPos.Y / 16));

                    Dust dust = Dust.NewDustPerfect(dustPos + Main.rand.NextVector2Circular(1, 1), DustType <NPCs.ErilipahBiome.VoidParticle>(), Vector2.Zero);
                    dust.noGravity = true;
                    dust.velocity  = Vector2.Zero;
                    dust.scale     = bright * 0.8f;

                    dust           = Dust.NewDustPerfect(dustPos, DustType <Crystalline.CrystallineDust>(), Vector2.Zero);
                    dust.noGravity = true;
                    dust.velocity  = Vector2.Zero;
                    dust.scale     = (1 - bright) * 0.8f;
Exemple #17
        public static bool FindNearbyRandomAirTile(int tileX, int tileY, int radius, out int toX, out int toY)
            Tile tile      = null;
            int  wtf       = 0;
            bool isBlocked = false;

            toX = 0;
            toY = 0;

            if (tileX + radius <= 0 || tileX - radius >= Main.mapMaxX)
            if (tileY + radius <= 0 || tileY - radius >= Main.mapMaxY)

                    toX = Main.rand.Next(-radius, radius) + tileX;
                }while(toX <= 0 || toX >= Main.mapMaxX);
                    toY = Main.rand.Next(-radius, radius) + tileY;
                }while(toY <= 0 || toY >= Main.mapMaxY);

                //tile = Main.tile[toX, toY];
                tile = Framing.GetTileSafely(toX, toY);
                if (wtf++ > 100)

                bool _;
                isBlocked = TileHelpers.IsSolid(tile, true, true) ||
                            TileWallHelpers.IsDungeon(tile, out _) ||
                            TileHelpers.IsWire(tile) ||
            } while(isBlocked && ((tile != null && tile.type != 0) || Lighting.Brightness(toX, toX) == 0));

Exemple #18
        public bool NearLight()
            for (int x = -5; x < 5; x++)
                for (int y = -5; y < 5; y++)
                    int xPos = (int)(npc.Center.X / 16) + x;
                    int yPos = (int)(npc.Center.Y / 16) + y;

                    if (Lighting.Brightness(xPos, yPos) > 0.15f)

        public static bool FindNearbyRandomAirTile(int tile_x, int tile_y, int radius, out int to_x, out int to_y)
            Tile tile       = null;
            int  wtf        = 0;
            bool is_blocked = false;

            to_x = 0;
            to_y = 0;

            if (tile_x + radius <= 0 || tile_x - radius >= Main.mapMaxX)
            if (tile_y + radius <= 0 || tile_y - radius >= Main.mapMaxY)

                    to_x = Main.rand.Next(-radius, radius) + tile_x;
                }while(to_x <= 0 || to_x >= Main.mapMaxX);
                    to_y = Main.rand.Next(-radius, radius) + tile_y;
                }while(to_y <= 0 || to_y >= Main.mapMaxY);

                //tile = Main.tile[to_x, to_y];
                tile = Framing.GetTileSafely(to_x, to_y);
                if (wtf++ > 100)

                is_blocked = TileHelpers.IsSolid(tile, true, true) ||
                             TileWallHelpers.IsDungeon(tile) ||
                             TileHelpers.IsWire(tile) ||
            } while(is_blocked && ((tile != null && tile.type != 0) || Lighting.Brightness(to_x, to_x) == 0));

Exemple #20
        public override float SpawnChance(NPCSpawnInfo spawnInfo)
            if (CanSpawn && !spawnInfo.water && !Main.bloodMoon && !NPC.AnyNPCs(ModContent.NPCType <LiebreNPC>()) && !NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(GuardianBase.Liebre) && !NpcMod.HasMetGuardian(GuardianBase.Liebre))
                Tile tile = Main.tile[spawnInfo.spawnTileX, spawnInfo.spawnTileY];
                if (Lighting.Brightness(spawnInfo.spawnTileX, spawnInfo.spawnTileY) < 0.15f)
                    switch (EncounterTimes)
                    case 0:
                        if (!spawnInfo.player.ZoneDungeon && !spawnInfo.player.ZoneCorrupt && !spawnInfo.player.ZoneCrimson)
                            return(1f / 200);

                    case 1:
                        if (spawnInfo.player.ZoneCorrupt || spawnInfo.player.ZoneCrimson)
                            return(1f / 200);

                    case 2:
                        if (spawnInfo.player.ZoneDungeon)
                            return(1f / 200);

                    case 3:
                        if (spawnInfo.playerInTown)
                            return(1f / 200);
                    //Can spawn :D
Exemple #21
        public override void PostDraw(int i, int j, SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
            Tile  tile = Main.tile[i, j];
            float off  = (float)Math.Sin((i + j) * 0.2f) * 300 + (float)Math.Cos(j * 0.15f) * 200;

            float sin2  = (float)Math.Sin(StarlightWorld.rottime + off * 0.01f * 0.2f);
            float cos   = (float)Math.Cos(StarlightWorld.rottime + off * 0.01f);
            Color color = new Color(100 * (1 + sin2) / 255f, 140 * (1 + cos) / 255f, 180 / 255f);
            float mult  = Lighting.Brightness(i, j);

            if (mult > 0.1f)
                mult = 0.1f;

            if (mult != 0 && tile.slope() == 0 && !tile.halfBrick())
                spriteBatch.Draw(Main.tileTexture[tile.type], (new Vector2(i, j) + Helper.TileAdj) * 16 - Main.screenPosition, new Rectangle(tile.frameX, tile.frameY, 16, 16), color * mult);
Exemple #22
        private void DrawInterface_PlayerHealthBars()
            Player player = Main.player[Main.myPlayer];

            if (player.statLife == player.statLifeMax)

            Vector2 position   = player.position;
            float   positionX  = position.X + (float)(player.width / 2);
            float   positionY  = position.Y + (float)(player.height) + 10f;
            float   brightness = Lighting.Brightness(
                (int)(positionX / 16.0),
                (int)((positionY + (double)player.gfxOffY) / 16.0)

            // float scale = 1f;

            this.DrawHealthBar(positionX, positionY, player.statLife, player.statLifeMax, brightness);
Exemple #23
        private void DrawShieldForPlayers(On.Terraria.Main.orig_DrawInterface_14_EntityHealthBars orig, Main self)

            for (int k = 0; k < Main.maxPlayers; k++)
                var player = Main.player[k];

                if (player != null && player.active)
                    var mp = player.GetModPlayer <ShieldPlayer>();

                    if (k != Main.myPlayer && player.active && !player.ghost && !player.dead && player.statLife != player.statLifeMax2)
                        var offset = Main.HealthBarDrawSettings == 1 ? 10 : -20;

                        var tex = ModContent.GetTexture(AssetDirectory.GUI + "ShieldBar1");

                        var pos    = new Vector2(player.position.X - 8, player.position.Y + player.height + offset + player.gfxOffY);
                        var factor = Math.Min(mp.Shield / (float)mp.MaxShield, 1);

                        var source = new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)(factor * tex.Width), tex.Height);
                        var target = new Rectangle((int)(pos.X - Main.screenPosition.X), (int)(pos.Y - Main.screenPosition.Y), (int)(factor * tex.Width), tex.Height);

                        Main.spriteBatch.Draw(tex, target, source, Color.White * Lighting.Brightness((int)player.Center.X / 16, (int)player.Center.Y / 16) * 1.5f);

                        if (mp.Shield < mp.MaxShield && mp.Shield > 0)
                            var texLine = ModContent.GetTexture(AssetDirectory.GUI + "ShieldBarLine");

                            var sourceLine = new Rectangle((int)(tex.Width * factor), 0, 2, tex.Height);
                            var targetLine = new Rectangle((int)(pos.X - Main.screenPosition.X) + (int)(tex.Width * factor), (int)(pos.Y - Main.screenPosition.Y), 2, tex.Height);

                            Main.spriteBatch.Draw(texLine, targetLine, sourceLine, Color.White * Lighting.Brightness((int)player.Center.X / 16, (int)player.Center.Y / 16) * 2);
        public override void PreUpdate()
            #region check if pressing the buff key, not needed anymore
            bool   flag        = false;
            bool   flag2       = false;
            Keys[] pressedKeys = Main.keyState.GetPressedKeys();
            for (int k = 0; k < pressedKeys.Length; k++)
                if (pressedKeys[k] == Keys.LeftShift || pressedKeys[k] == Keys.RightShift)
                    flag = true;
                else if (pressedKeys[k] == Keys.LeftAlt || pressedKeys[k] == Keys.RightAlt)
                    flag2 = true;

                string a = string.Concat(pressedKeys[k]);
                if (pressedKeys[k] != Keys.Tab || !((flag && SocialAPI.Mode == SocialMode.Steam) | flag2))
                    if (a == Main.cBuff)
                        pressingQuickBuff   = true;
                        pressingQuickBuffCD = 1;
            if (pressingQuickBuff)
            if (pressingQuickBuffCD <= 0)
                pressingQuickBuff = false;

            #region darkness
            Point topLeft     = ((player.TopLeft) / 16).ToPoint();
            Point bottomRight = ((player.BottomRight) / 16).ToPoint();

            for (int i = topLeft.X; i <= bottomRight.X; i++)
                for (int j = topLeft.Y; j <= bottomRight.Y; j++)
                    if (Lighting.Brightness(i, j) > playerBrightestLight)
                        playerBrightestLight = Lighting.Brightness(i, j);


            for (int i = 0; i < potionConsumedCD.Length; i++)
                if (potionConsumedCD[i] > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < salesCD.Length; i++)
                if (salesCD[i] > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < buysCD.Length; i++)
                if (buysCD[i] > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < bossKilledCD.Length; i++)
                if (bossKilledCD[i] > 14400)
                if (bossKilledCD[i] > 0)

            if (placingAutoDriller > 0)
        public override void NearbyEffects(int i, int j, bool closer)
            Tile tile = Main.tile[i, j];

            tile.inActive(Lighting.Brightness(i, j) > 0.25f);
Exemple #26
        private static void DrawHealthBar(NPC npc, Vector2 position, float scale)
            float alpha = Lighting.Brightness((int)(npc.Center.X / 16f), (int)(npc.Center.Y / 16f));

            Main.instance.DrawHealthBar(position.X, position.Y, npc.life, npc.lifeMax, alpha, scale);
        public override bool PreDraw(SpriteBatch sb, Color drawColor)
            Player player = Main.player[npc.target];

            npc.spriteDirection = npc.direction;
            SpriteEffects effects = SpriteEffects.None;

            if (npc.spriteDirection == -1)
                effects = SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally;

            Color buffColor = Color.White;            //Lighting.GetColor((int)((double)npc.position.X + (double)npc.width * 0.5) / 16, (int)(((double)npc.position.Y + (double)npc.height * 0.5) / 16.0));

            /*if (npc.behindTiles)
             * {
             *      int num44 = (int)((Body.position.X - 8f) / 16f);
             *      int num45 = (int)((Body.position.X + (float)Body.width + 8f) / 16f);
             *      int num46 = (int)((npc.position.Y - 8f) / 16f);
             *      int num47 = (int)((Body.position.Y + (float)Body.height + 8f) / 16f);
             *      for (int m = num44; m <= num45; m++)
             *      {
             *              for (int n = num46; n <= num47; n++)
             *              {
             *                      if (Lighting.Brightness(m, n) == 0f)
             *                      {
             *                              buffColor = Color.Black;
             *                      }
             *              }
             *      }
             * }*/
            Color alpha2 = npc.GetAlpha(buffColor);

            Texture2D texHead        = mod.GetTexture("NPCs/Kraid/Kraid_Head"),
                      texJaw         = mod.GetTexture("NPCs/Kraid/Kraid_Jaw"),
                      texNeck        = mod.GetTexture("NPCs/Kraid/Kraid_Neck"),
                      texBody        = mod.GetTexture("NPCs/Kraid/Kraid_Body"),
                      texBodyOverlay = mod.GetTexture("NPCs/Kraid/Kraid_BodyOverlay"),
                      texLegs        = mod.GetTexture("NPCs/Kraid/Kraid_Legs"),
                      texArm1        = mod.GetTexture("NPCs/Kraid/Kraid_Arm1"),
                      texArm2        = mod.GetTexture("NPCs/Kraid/Kraid_Arm2"),
                      texArmFront    = mod.GetTexture("NPCs/Kraid/Kraid_ArmFront"),
                      texArmBack     = mod.GetTexture("NPCs/Kraid/Kraid_ArmBack");

            if (state > 0)
                texHead        = mod.GetTexture("NPCs/Kraid/Kraid_Head_" + state);
                texJaw         = mod.GetTexture("NPCs/Kraid/Kraid_Jaw_" + state);
                texNeck        = mod.GetTexture("NPCs/Kraid/Kraid_Neck_" + state);
                texBody        = mod.GetTexture("NPCs/Kraid/Kraid_Body_" + state);
                texBodyOverlay = mod.GetTexture("NPCs/Kraid/Kraid_BodyOverlay_" + state);
                texLegs        = mod.GetTexture("NPCs/Kraid/Kraid_Legs_" + state);
                texArm1        = mod.GetTexture("NPCs/Kraid/Kraid_Arm1_" + state);
                texArm2        = mod.GetTexture("NPCs/Kraid/Kraid_Arm2_" + state);
                texArmFront    = mod.GetTexture("NPCs/Kraid/Kraid_ArmFront_" + state);
                texArmBack     = mod.GetTexture("NPCs/Kraid/Kraid_ArmBack_" + state);

            if (Body == null || ArmBack == null || ArmFront == null)

            Vector2 backArm1Pos = npc.Center + new Vector2(37 * npc.direction, 40) + (ArmBack.Center - (npc.Center + new Vector2(234 * npc.direction, 79))) * 0.25f;

            sb.Draw(texArm1, backArm1Pos + fullOffset - Main.screenPosition, new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(0, 0, texArm1.Width, texArm1.Height)), alpha2, 0f, new Vector2(texArm1.Width / 2, texArm1.Height / 2), 1f, effects, 0f);
            gorePosition[0] = backArm1Pos;

            Vector2 bvec1       = new Vector2(-94, 42);
            float   bveclength  = Vector2.Distance(Vector2.Zero, bvec1);
            float   bvecrot     = (float)Math.Atan2(bvec1.Y, bvec1.X) + ArmBack.rotation;
            Vector2 bvec2       = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(bvecrot) * bveclength, (float)Math.Sin(bvecrot) * bveclength);
            Vector2 bArm2Pos1   = backArm1Pos + new Vector2(0f, 30f),
                    bArm2Pos2   = ArmBack.Center + new Vector2(bvec2.X * npc.direction, bvec2.Y);
            Vector2 backArm2Pos = Vector2.Lerp(bArm2Pos1, bArm2Pos2, 0.5f);
            float   bArmRot     = (float)Math.Atan2((bArm2Pos2.Y - bArm2Pos1.Y) * npc.direction, (bArm2Pos2.X - bArm2Pos1.X) * npc.direction) - ((float)Math.PI * 0.375f) * npc.direction;

            sb.Draw(texArm2, backArm2Pos + fullOffset - Main.screenPosition, new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(0, 0, texArm2.Width, texArm2.Height)), alpha2, bArmRot, new Vector2(texArm2.Width / 2, texArm2.Height / 2), 1f, effects, 0f);
            gorePosition[1] = backArm2Pos;

            Vector2 bOrigin = new Vector2(109, 80);

            if (npc.direction == -1)
                bOrigin.X = (float)texArmBack.Width - bOrigin.X;
            Vector2 armBackPos = fullOffset + ArmBack.Center + new Vector2(-(float)(ArmBack.width / 2) * npc.direction, (float)ArmBack.height / 2 - 14f);

            sb.Draw(texArmBack, armBackPos - Main.screenPosition, new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(0, (texArmBack.Height / 6) * ArmBack.frame.Y, texArmBack.Width, texArmBack.Height / 6)), alpha2, ArmBack.rotation * npc.direction, bOrigin, 1f, effects, 0f);
            gorePosition[2] = armBackPos;

            Vector2 backLegPos = Body.Center + new Vector2((62 + texLegs.Width / 4) * npc.direction, 2) + bLegPos;

            sb.Draw(texLegs, backLegPos - Main.screenPosition, new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(texLegs.Width / 2, 0, texLegs.Width / 2, texLegs.Height)), alpha2, 0f, new Vector2(texLegs.Width / 4, 0), 1f, effects, 0f);
            gorePosition[3] = backLegPos;

            Vector2 bodyPos = fullOffset + Body.Center - new Vector2(117 * npc.direction, 38);

            sb.Draw(texBody, bodyPos - Main.screenPosition, new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(0, 0, texBody.Width, texBody.Height)), alpha2, 0f, new Vector2(texBody.Width / 2, texBody.Height / 2), 1f, effects, 0f);
            gorePosition[4] = bodyPos;

            for (int i = 0; i < Main.maxProjectiles; i++)
                if (Main.projectile[i].active && Main.projectile[i].type == mod.ProjectileType("KraidBellySpike") && Main.projectile[i].ai[0] == npc.whoAmI && Main.projectile[i].localAI[0] <= 35)
                    Projectile    projectile = Main.projectile[i];
                    SpriteEffects effects2   = SpriteEffects.None;
                    if (projectile.spriteDirection == -1)
                        effects2 = SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally;
                    Texture2D tex    = Main.projectileTexture[projectile.type];
                    int       num108 = tex.Height / Main.projFrames[projectile.type];
                    int       y4     = num108 * projectile.frame;
                    sb.Draw(tex, new Vector2((float)((int)(projectile.Center.X - Main.screenPosition.X)), (float)((int)(projectile.Center.Y - Main.screenPosition.Y + projectile.gfxOffY))), new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(0, y4, tex.Width, num108)), projectile.GetAlpha(Color.White), projectile.rotation, new Vector2((float)tex.Width / 2f, (float)projectile.height / 2f), projectile.scale, effects2, 0f);

            Vector2 bodyOvPos = fullOffset + Body.Center + new Vector2(85 * npc.direction, -7);

            sb.Draw(texBodyOverlay, bodyOvPos - Main.screenPosition, new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(0, 0, texBodyOverlay.Width, texBodyOverlay.Height)), alpha2, 0f, new Vector2(texBodyOverlay.Width / 2, texBodyOverlay.Height / 2), 1f, effects, 0f);

            Vector2 frontLegPos = Body.Center + new Vector2((-144 + texLegs.Width / 4) * npc.direction, 2) + fLegPos;

            sb.Draw(texLegs, frontLegPos - Main.screenPosition, new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(0, 0, texLegs.Width / 2, texLegs.Height)), alpha2, 0f, new Vector2(texLegs.Width / 4, 0), 1f, effects, 0f);
            gorePosition[5] = frontLegPos;

            bLegPrevPos = bLegPos;
            fLegPrevPos = fLegPos;

            float targetrotation = (float)Math.Atan2((player.Center.Y - npc.Center.Y) * npc.direction, (player.Center.X - npc.Center.X) * npc.direction);

            if (player.active && !mouthOpen)
                headRot = targetrotation * 0.3f;
                if (headRot < -0.15f)
                    headRot = -0.15f;
                if (headRot > 0.15f)
                    headRot = 0.15f;

            /*else if(Math.Abs(headRot) > 0.05f)
             * {
             *      headRot *= 0.9f;
             * }*/
                headRot = 0f;

            Vector2 hOffset = new Vector2(headOffset.X * npc.direction, headOffset.Y);

            Vector2 headPos = fullOffset + npc.Center + new Vector2((29 - texNeck.Width / 2) * npc.direction, -9) + new Vector2((float)Math.Max(Math.Ceiling(headOffset.X * 0.5f), 0f) * npc.direction, (float)Math.Floor(headOffset.Y * 0.5f));

            if (mouthOpen)
                headPos.X += roarFrame * npc.direction;
            sb.Draw(texNeck, headPos - Main.screenPosition, new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(0, 0, texNeck.Width, texNeck.Height)), alpha2, 0f, new Vector2(texNeck.Width / 2, 46), 1f, effects, 0f);
            gorePosition[6] = headPos;

            headPos = fullOffset + npc.Center + new Vector2(29 * npc.direction, -9) + hOffset;
            Vector2 hpos1 = headPos;

            if (mouthOpen)
                hpos1 += new Vector2(roarFrame * npc.direction, roarFrame);
            sb.Draw(texJaw, hpos1 - Main.screenPosition, new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(0, 0, texJaw.Width, texJaw.Height)), alpha2, headRot, new Vector2(texJaw.Width / 2, texJaw.Height / 2), 1f, effects, 0f);
            gorePosition[7] = hpos1;
            Vector2 hpos2 = headPos;

            if (mouthOpen)
                hpos2 += new Vector2(roarFrame * npc.direction, -roarFrame);
            sb.Draw(texHead, hpos2 - Main.screenPosition, new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(0, (texHead.Height / 6) * npc.frame.Y + (texHead.Height / 2) * npc.frame.X, texHead.Width, texHead.Height / 6)), alpha2, headRot, new Vector2(texHead.Width / 2, texHead.Height / 12), 1f, effects, 0f);
            gorePosition[8] = hpos2;

            Vector2 frontArm1Pos = npc.Center + new Vector2(-65 * npc.direction, 78) + (ArmFront.Center - (npc.Center + new Vector2(42 * npc.direction, 131))) * 0.25f;

            sb.Draw(texArm1, frontArm1Pos + fullOffset - Main.screenPosition, new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(0, 0, texArm1.Width, texArm1.Height)), alpha2, 0f, new Vector2(texArm1.Width / 2, texArm1.Height / 2), 1f, effects, 0f);
            gorePosition[9] = frontArm1Pos;

            Vector2 vec1         = new Vector2(-92, 62);
            float   veclength    = Vector2.Distance(Vector2.Zero, vec1);
            float   vecrot       = (float)Math.Atan2(vec1.Y, vec1.X) + ArmFront.rotation;
            Vector2 vec2         = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(vecrot) * veclength, (float)Math.Sin(vecrot) * veclength);
            Vector2 fArm2Pos1    = frontArm1Pos,
                    fArm2Pos2    = ArmFront.Center + new Vector2(vec2.X * npc.direction, vec2.Y);
            float   fArmRot      = (float)Math.Atan2((fArm2Pos2.Y - fArm2Pos1.Y) * npc.direction, (fArm2Pos2.X - fArm2Pos1.X) * npc.direction) - ((float)Math.PI / 2) * npc.direction;
            Vector2 frontArm2Pos = Vector2.Lerp(fArm2Pos1, fArm2Pos2, 0.5f);

            sb.Draw(texArm2, frontArm2Pos + fullOffset - Main.screenPosition, new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(0, 0, texArm2.Width, texArm2.Height)), alpha2, fArmRot, new Vector2(texArm2.Width / 2, texArm2.Height / 2), 1f, effects, 0f);
            gorePosition[10] = frontArm2Pos;

            Vector2 fOrigin = new Vector2(106, 63);

            if (npc.direction == -1)
                fOrigin.X = (float)texArmFront.Width - fOrigin.X;
            Vector2 armFrontPos = fullOffset + ArmFront.Center;

            sb.Draw(texArmFront, armFrontPos - Main.screenPosition, new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(0, (texArmFront.Height / 5) * ArmFront.frame.Y, texArmFront.Width, texArmFront.Height / 5)), alpha2, ArmFront.rotation * npc.direction, fOrigin, 1f, effects, 0f);
            gorePosition[11] = armFrontPos;

            if (fullAnim <= 0)
                fullOffset = Vector2.Zero;

            Texture2D rect = mod.GetTexture("Gore/Pixel");

            int num44 = (int)((Body.position.X - 240f) / 16f);
            int num45 = (int)((Body.position.X + (float)Body.width + 240f) / 16f);
            int num46 = (int)((npc.position.Y - 32f) / 16f);
            int num47 = (int)((Body.position.Y + (float)Body.height + 16f) / 16f);

            for (int m = num44; m <= num45; m++)
                for (int n = num46; n <= num47; n++)
                    Tile tile1 = Main.tile[m, n],
                         tile2 = Main.tile[m, n - 1],
                         tile3 = Main.tile[m, n + 1],
                         tile4 = Main.tile[m - 1, n],
                         tile5 = Main.tile[m - 1, n - 1],
                         tile6 = Main.tile[m - 1, n + 1],
                         tile7 = Main.tile[m + 1, n],
                         tile8 = Main.tile[m + 1, n - 1],
                         tile9 = Main.tile[m + 1, n + 1];
                    if (tile1 != null && tile1.active() && Main.tileSolid[(int)tile1.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tile1.type] &&
                        tile2 != null && tile2.active() && Main.tileSolid[(int)tile2.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tile2.type] &&
                        tile3 != null && tile3.active() && Main.tileSolid[(int)tile3.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tile3.type] &&
                        tile4 != null && tile4.active() && Main.tileSolid[(int)tile4.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tile4.type] &&
                        tile5 != null && tile5.active() && Main.tileSolid[(int)tile5.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tile5.type] &&
                        tile6 != null && tile6.active() && Main.tileSolid[(int)tile6.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tile6.type] &&
                        tile7 != null && tile7.active() && Main.tileSolid[(int)tile7.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tile7.type] &&
                        tile8 != null && tile8.active() && Main.tileSolid[(int)tile8.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tile8.type] &&
                        tile9 != null && tile9.active() && Main.tileSolid[(int)tile9.type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)tile9.type])
                        sb.Draw(rect, new Rectangle(m * 16 - (int)Main.screenPosition.X, n * 16 - (int)Main.screenPosition.Y, 16, 16), Color.Black);

                    float num = Lighting.Brightness(m, n);
                    //if(num < 1f)
                    if (num <= 0f)
                        Color color = Color.Black;
                        color *= 1f - num;
                        sb.Draw(rect, new Rectangle(m * 16 - (int)Main.screenPosition.X, n * 16 - (int)Main.screenPosition.Y, 16, 16), color);
