Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs validation to ensure lightbox is appropriate to be sent to user.
        /// </summary>
        private bool ValidateLightboxSendForUser(User user, Lightbox lightbox, bool?linked, out string errorMsg)
            errorMsg = string.Empty;

            if (linked.GetValueOrDefault(false))
                //linking to the lightbox so check not already linked
                if (IsLightboxLinked(lightbox.LightboxId.GetValueOrDefault(), user.UserId.GetValueOrDefault()))
                    errorMsg = "recipient " + user.Email + " is already linked to this lightbox";
                // copying the lightbox so check for duplicate name

                string newLightboxName = GetLightboxNameForSending(lightbox.Name);

                if (IsDuplicateName(newLightboxName, user.UserId.GetValueOrDefault()))
                    errorMsg = "recipient " + user.Email + " already has a lightbox with the same name";

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a copy of the lightbox asset to the lightbox, if it does not contain the asset
        /// </summary>
        public void AddAssetToLightbox(Lightbox lightbox, LightboxAsset lightboxAsset)
            if (!lightbox.IsNull && !lightboxAsset.IsNull)
                if (EntitySecurityManager.CanManageLightbox(User, lightbox))
                    if (!LightboxContainsAsset(lightbox, lightboxAsset.AssetId))
                        LightboxAsset lba = LightboxAsset.New();
                        lba.LightboxId = lightbox.LightboxId.GetValueOrDefault();
                        lba.AssetId    = lightboxAsset.AssetId;
                        lba.Notes      = lightboxAsset.Notes;
                        lba.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;

                        AuditLogManager.LogAssetAction(lightboxAsset.AssetId, User, AuditAssetAction.AddedToLightbox);
                        AuditLogManager.LogUserAction(User, AuditUserAction.AddToLightbox, string.Format("Added AssetId: {0} to LightboxId: {1}", lightboxAsset.AssetId, lightbox.LightboxId.GetValueOrDefault()));
                    m_Logger.DebugFormat("User: {0} (UserId: {1}) tried to add AssetId: {2} to LightboxId: {3} but couldn't due to insufficient permissions to manage ths lightbox", User.FullName, User.UserId, lightboxAsset.AssetId, lightbox.LightboxId.GetValueOrDefault());
Exemple #3
        public void RemoveAssetFromLightbox(int lightboxId, int assetId, string additionalNotes)
            Lightbox lb = GetLightboxById(lightboxId);

            if (EntitySecurityManager.CanManageLightbox(User, lb))
                if (LightboxContainsAsset(lb, assetId))
                    foreach (LightboxAsset lba in lb.GetLightboxAssetList())
                        if (lba.AssetId == assetId)

                            AuditLogManager.LogAssetAction(assetId, User, AuditAssetAction.RemovedFromLightbox);

                            string notes = string.Format("Removed AssetId: {0} from LightboxId: {1}", assetId, lightboxId);

                            if (!StringUtils.IsBlank(additionalNotes))
                                notes += string.Format(". {0}", additionalNotes);

                            AuditLogManager.LogUserAction(User, AuditUserAction.RemoveFromLightbox, notes);
                m_Logger.DebugFormat("User: {0} (UserId: {1}) tried to remove AssetId: {2} from LightboxId: {3} but couldn't due to insufficient permissions to manage ths lightbox", User.FullName, User.UserId, assetId, lightboxId);
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the default lightbox for the user.
        /// If the user does not have a default lightbox, but have lightboxes, the first lightbox
        /// will be made the default.  If the user has no lightboxes, returns a null lightbox
        /// </summary>
        public Lightbox GetDefaultLightbox()
            // Try and find the default lightbox and return it
            foreach (Lightbox lb in UserLightboxes)
                if (lb.IsDefault)

            // Otherwise, there's no default lightbox, so
            // make the first one default that's not linked and return it
            if (UserLightboxes.Count > 0)
                Lightbox lb = UserLightboxes.FirstOrDefault(l => l.IsLinked == false);

                if (lb != null)
                    lb.IsDefault = true;

        private void InitialiseLightboxButton(int assetId)
            Lightbox defaultLightbox = ContextInfo.LightboxManager.GetDefaultLightbox();

            bool isAssetInLightbox = ContextInfo.LightboxManager.LightboxContainsAsset(Lightbox, assetId);
            bool isDefaultLightbox = Lightbox.LightboxId.Equals(defaultLightbox.LightboxId);

            string image;

            if (isAssetInLightbox)
                image = "lightbox1.gif";
                AddToLightboxImageButton.AlternateText = "click here to remove from lightbox: ";
                image = "lightbox0.gif";
                AddToLightboxImageButton.AlternateText = "click here to add to lightbox: ";

            Lightbox lb = (EntitySecurityManager.CanManageLightbox(CurrentUser, Lightbox)) ? Lightbox : defaultLightbox;

            AddToLightboxImageButton.ImageUrl       = SiteUtils.GetIconPath(image);
            AddToLightboxImageButton.AlternateText += lb.Name;

            if (isDefaultLightbox)
                AddToLightboxImageButton.AlternateText += " (default)";

            AddToLightboxImageButton.ToolTip = AddToLightboxImageButton.AlternateText;
Exemple #6
        public void SaveLightbox(Lightbox lb)

            if (lb.Summary.Length > 160)
                throw new InvalidLightboxException("summary cannot exceed 160 characters");

            if (lb.Notes.Length > 500)
                throw new InvalidLightboxException("notes cannot exceed 500 characters");

            if (lb.IsPublic && lb.Brands.Count == 0)
                throw new InvalidLightboxException("public lightboxes must be assigned to at least one brand");

            if (lb.CreateDate == DateTime.MinValue)
                throw new InvalidLightboxException("system error - invalid createdate");


        public override object GetDataSource()
            LightboxFinder finder = new LightboxFinder();

            finder.IsPublic = true;
            finder.SortExpressions.Add(new AscendingSort(Lightbox.Columns.Name));
Exemple #8
        private static bool IsDuplicateName(string newName, int userId)
            LightboxFinder finder = new LightboxFinder {
                UserId = userId, Name = newName
            int count = Lightbox.GetCount(finder);

            return(count > 0);
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get the data from the querystring, to be used to get the sent lightbox
            int    lightboxSentId = WebUtils.GetIntRequestParam("lsid", 0);
            int    senderId       = WebUtils.GetIntRequestParam("suid", 0);
            string ticks          = WebUtils.GetRequestParam("dst", string.Empty);

            // Ensure that we have all required querystring data
            if (lightboxSentId == 0 || senderId == 0 || ticks == string.Empty)
                Response.Redirect("~/Login.aspx?error=ContactSheetMissingData", false);

            // Get the lightbox
            m_lightboxSent = LightboxSent.Get(lightboxSentId);

            // Check posted data - ensure that the sender id and ticks match (ie. to ensure user is not messing with the querystring)
            if (!m_lightboxSent.SenderId.Equals(senderId) || ticks.Length < 6 || !m_lightboxSent.DateSent.Ticks.ToString().Substring(0, 6).Equals(ticks.Substring(0, 6)))
                Response.Redirect("~/Login.aspx?error=ContactSheetInvalidData", false);

            // Ensure the lightbox has not expired
            if (m_lightboxSent.ExpiryDate.HasValue && m_lightboxSent.ExpiryDate < DateTime.Now)
                Response.Redirect("~/Login.aspx?error=ContactSheetExpired", false);

            // Get the lightbox
            Lightbox lightbox = m_lightboxSent.Lightbox;

            // Update the UI with the lightbox information
            LightboxTitleLabel.Text          = lightbox.Name;
            LightboxSenderName.Text          = m_lightboxSent.Sender.FullName;
            LightboxSenderEmail.EmailAddress = m_lightboxSent.Sender.Email;
            LightboxDateSentLabel.Text       = m_lightboxSent.DateSent.ToString("HH:mm, dd MMMM yyyy");
            LightboxDateExpiresLabel.Text    = m_lightboxSent.ExpiryDate.HasValue ? m_lightboxSent.ExpiryDate.Value.ToString("HH:mm, dd MMMM yyyy") : "Never";
            LightboxNotesLabel.Text          = lightbox.Notes;

            // Get the lightbox assets
            EntityList <LightboxAsset> lightboxAssetList = lightbox.GetLightboxAssetList();

            // Ensure we have at least one row
            while (lightboxAssetList.Count < LightboxDataList.RepeatColumns)

            // Bind the datalist to the lightbox assets
            LightboxDataList.DataSource = lightboxAssetList;
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the lightbox with the specified ID
        /// </summary>
        public Lightbox GetLightboxById(int lightboxId)
            foreach (Lightbox lb in UserLightboxes)
                if (lb.LightboxId == lightboxId)

Exemple #11
        public void SetDefaultLightbox(int lightboxId)
            foreach (Lightbox lightbox in UserLightboxes)
                if (!lightbox.IsLinked) //don't update linked lightboxes
                    lightbox.IsDefault = (lightbox.LightboxId.GetValueOrDefault() == lightboxId);

Exemple #12
        public void RemoveLightbox(int lightboxId)
            // Ensure that we have more than one lightbox
            if (UserLightboxes.Count == 1)
                throw new InvalidLightboxException("cannot remove only lightbox");

            // Get the lightbox
            Lightbox lb = GetLightboxById(lightboxId);

            // Default lightboxes cannot be removed
            if (lb.IsDefault)
                throw new InvalidLightboxException("cannot remove default lightbox");

            if (lb.IsLinked)
                //remove linked lightbox
                LightboxLinked lightboxLinked = LightboxLinked.GetLightboxLinked(User.UserId.GetValueOrDefault(-1), lightboxId);

                if (!lightboxLinked.IsNull)

                // Update audit log
                AuditLogManager.LogUserAction(User, AuditUserAction.RemoveLightbox, string.Format("Removed linked lightbox: {0} (LightboxLinkedId: {1})", lb.Name, lightboxLinked.LightboxLinkedId));
                // Non-superadmins can only remove their own lightboxes
                if (User.UserRole != UserRole.SuperAdministrator && lb.UserId != User.UserId.GetValueOrDefault())
                    throw new InvalidLightboxException("cannot remove lightbox not created by you");

                // Delete it

                // Update audit log
                AuditLogManager.LogUserAction(User, AuditUserAction.RemoveLightbox, string.Format("Removed lightbox: {0} (LightboxId: {1})", lb.Name, lb.LightboxId));

            // Fire event
Exemple #13
        public IActionResult UpdateLightbox(Lightbox model)
            if (model?.TriggerType == "Image" && string.IsNullOrEmpty(model?.Caption))
                ModelState.AddModelError("Caption", "A caption is required for images");

            if (ModelState.IsValid)


Exemple #14
        public void MergeLightbox(int sourceLightboxId, int targetLightboxId, bool removeSource)
            if (sourceLightboxId == targetLightboxId)
                throw new InvalidLightboxException("source and target lightbox cannot be the same");

            Lightbox source = GetLightboxById(sourceLightboxId);
            Lightbox target = GetLightboxById(targetLightboxId);

            if (source.IsLinked)
                throw new InvalidLightboxException("cannot use linked lightboxes as the source");

            if (target.IsLinked)
                throw new InvalidLightboxException("cannot use linked lightboxes as the target");

            if (removeSource)
                if (source.IsDefault)
                    throw new InvalidLightboxException("source lightbox cannot removed as it is the default lightbox");

                if (!EntitySecurityManager.CanManageLightbox(User, source))
                    throw new InvalidLightboxException("source lightbox cannot removed as you do not have permission");

            foreach (LightboxAsset lba in source.GetLightboxAssetList())
                AddAssetToLightbox(targetLightboxId, lba);

            if (removeSource)
Exemple #15
        public Lightbox CreateLightbox(string name, bool isDefault)
            Lightbox lb = Lightbox.New();

            lb.UserId     = User.UserId.GetValueOrDefault();
            lb.Name       = name;
            lb.IsDefault  = false;
            lb.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;


            if (isDefault)

            AuditLogManager.LogUserAction(User, AuditUserAction.AddLightbox, string.Format("Created lightbox: {0} (LightboxId: {1})", lb.Name, lb.LightboxId));

Exemple #16
        public void RenameLightbox(int lightboxId, string newName)
            Lightbox lb = GetLightboxById(lightboxId);

            if (!lb.IsEditable)
                throw new InvalidLightboxException("you are not allowed to edit this lightbox");


            if (IsDuplicateName(newName, User.UserId.GetValueOrDefault(-1)))
                throw new InvalidLightboxException("A lightbox with that name already exists");

            lb.Name = newName;

        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if the specified user can manage the specified lightbox
        /// </summary>
        public static bool CanManageLightbox(User user, Lightbox lightbox)
            // Super admins can manage any lightbox
            if (user.UserRole == UserRole.SuperAdministrator)

            //if lightbox is linked then can edit if editable attribute set
            if (lightbox.IsLinked && lightbox.IsEditable)

            // Otherwise, lightbox can only be managed by its owner
            if (lightbox.UserId == user.UserId.GetValueOrDefault())

        protected void CopyAllToCartLinkButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get the lightbox
            Lightbox lb = ContextInfo.LightboxManager.GetLightboxById(SelectedLightboxId);

            // Get the assets and add them to the cart
            foreach (Asset asset in lb.GetAssetList())

            // Change offset to last page to show new assets
            PersistentLightboxCartInfo.CartOffSet = Int32.MaxValue;

            // Switch to cart view
            OpenPanel("cart", "open");

            if (LightboxAssetsCopiedToCart != null)
                LightboxAssetsCopiedToCart(this, EventArgs.Empty);
Exemple #19
        private Lightbox DuplicateLightbox(int lightboxId, string newName, int targetUserId)

            if (IsDuplicateName(newName, targetUserId))
                string message = (targetUserId == User.UserId.GetValueOrDefault()) ? "A lightbox with that name already exists" : "User already has a lightbox with that name";
                throw new InvalidLightboxException(message);

            Lightbox lightbox = GetLightboxById(lightboxId);

            Lightbox newLightbox = Lightbox.New();

            newLightbox.UserId     = targetUserId;
            newLightbox.Name       = newName;
            newLightbox.Summary    = lightbox.Summary;
            newLightbox.Notes      = lightbox.Notes;
            newLightbox.IsDefault  = false;
            newLightbox.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;


            foreach (LightboxAsset lba in lightbox.GetLightboxAssetList())
                LightboxAsset newlba = LightboxAsset.New();

                newlba.LightboxId = newLightbox.LightboxId.GetValueOrDefault();
                newlba.AssetId    = lba.AssetId;
                newlba.Notes      = lba.Notes;
                newlba.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;


Exemple #20
        public static void EnsureUserHasDefaultLightbox(User user)
            if (user.IsNew || user.IsNull)

            LightboxFinder finder = new LightboxFinder {
                UserId = user.UserId.GetValueOrDefault(), IsDefault = true
            int count = Lightbox.GetCount(finder);

            if (count == 0)
                Lightbox lb = Lightbox.New();
                lb.UserId     = user.UserId.GetValueOrDefault();
                lb.Name       = "My Assets";
                lb.IsDefault  = true;
                lb.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;

                AuditLogManager.LogUserAction(user, AuditUserAction.AddLightbox, "System created default lightbox as there were no other ligthboxes");
Exemple #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a lightbox to a user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lightboxId">The ID of the lightbox to send</param>
        /// <param name="subject">The subject of the email</param>
        /// <param name="message">The message to include in the email</param>
        /// <param name="recipient">The email address of the recipient</param>
        /// <param name="cc">The email address of the CC recipient (optional)</param>
        /// <param name="expiryDate">The date which the lightbox should expire (if sent to a non-registered user)</param>
        /// <param name="downloadLinks"></param>
        public void SendLightbox(int lightboxId, string subject, string message, string recipient, string cc, DateTime?expiryDate, bool?downloadLinks, bool?linked, bool?editable)
            ErrorList errors   = new ErrorList();
            Lightbox  lightbox = GetLightboxById(lightboxId);

            User recipientUser = User.Empty;

            if (lightbox.IsLinked && !lightbox.IsEditable)
                errors.Add("you are not allowed to send this linked lightbox");

            if (StringUtils.IsBlank(subject))
                errors.Add("no subject entered");

            if (subject.Length > 150)
                errors.Add("subject length cannot exceed 150 characters");

            if (!StringUtils.IsEmail(recipient))
                errors.Add("no recipient email address entered");
            else if (recipient.Length > 150)
                errors.Add("recipient email address cannot exceed 150 characters");
                recipientUser = User.GetByEmail(recipient);

                if (!recipientUser.IsNull)
                    string errorMsg;
                    if (!ValidateLightboxSendForUser(recipientUser, lightbox, linked, out errorMsg))

            //get collection of cc emails and associated user objects
            Dictionary <string, User> ccUsers = new Dictionary <string, User>();

            if (!StringUtils.IsBlank(cc))
                //get valid email addresses from cc string (all lower case)
                string[] ccEmails;

                //SplitEmails returns false if there are any invalid
                //addresses contained in the cc string - currently no action
                //is taken
                StringUtils.SplitEmails(cc, out ccEmails);

                foreach (string address in ccEmails)
                    //check that address has not been added already
                    //and that cc user is not the same as the main recipient
                    if (!ccUsers.ContainsKey(address))
                        //validate address
                        if (address == recipient.ToLower())
                            errors.Add("recipient and cc email cannot be the same");
                        else if (cc.Length > 150)
                            errors.Add("cc email address cannot exceed 150 characters");
                            //find if a registered user associated with the address
                            User user = User.GetByEmail(address);

                            if (!user.IsNull)
                                //registered user - make sure lightbox is valid to send to them
                                string errorMsg;
                                if (ValidateLightboxSendForUser(user, lightbox, linked, out errorMsg))
                                    ccUsers.Add(address, user);
                                //unregistered user
                                ccUsers.Add(address, User.Empty);

            if (ccUsers.Count > MaxNumberCCEmails)
                errors.Add("exceeded maximum number of CC email addresses");

            if (message.Length > 400)
                errors.Add("message cannot be more than 400 characters");

            if (expiryDate.HasValue && expiryDate.Value <= DateTime.Now.Date)
                errors.Add("expiry date must be after today");

            if (lightbox.GetAssetList().Count == 0)
                errors.Add("cannot send empty lightbox");

            if (lightbox.IsPublic && lightbox.UserId != User.UserId.GetValueOrDefault())
                errors.Add("cannot send public lightbox");

            // Drop out with error if any validation errors occured
            if (errors.Count > 0)
                throw new InvalidLightboxException(errors);

            // First send the lightbox to the recipient
            SendLightboxToUser(lightbox, recipientUser, recipient, subject, message, expiryDate, downloadLinks, linked, editable);

            // Then send it to the CC user, if one is specified
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, User> user in ccUsers)
                SendLightboxToUser(lightbox, user.Value, user.Key, subject, message, expiryDate, downloadLinks, linked, editable);
Exemple #22
 public bool LightboxContainsAsset(Lightbox lightbox, int assetId)
     return(lightbox.GetLightboxAssetList().Any(lba => lba.AssetId == assetId));
        public override object GetDataSource()
            Dictionary <Int32, String> ht = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            foreach (Lightbox lb in ContextInfo.LightboxManager.UserLightboxes)
                // Filter out linked lightboxes if required

                if (!lb.IsLinked || !HideLinkedLightboxes)
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(lb.Name);

                    JoinableList jList = new JoinableList(", ");

                    if (lb.IsDefault)

                    if (lb.IsPublic)

                    if (lb.IsLinked)

                    if (jList.Count > 0)
                        sb.AppendFormat(" ({0})", jList);

                    ht[lb.LightboxId.GetValueOrDefault()] = sb.ToString();

            if (ShowPublicLightboxes)
                // Initialise finder to get public lightboxes
                LightboxFinder finder = new LightboxFinder {
                    IsPublic = true

                // Non-superadmins should only see public lightboxes which are assigned
                // to a brand to which they are also assigned (so a user cannot see lightboxes
                // assigned to brands to which they do not have access).
                if (SessionInfo.Current.User.UserRole != UserRole.SuperAdministrator && BrandManager.IsMultipleBrandMode)
                    finder.BrandIdList.AddRange(SessionInfo.Current.User.Brands.Select(b => b.BrandId.GetValueOrDefault()));

                // Get the lightboxes
                List <Lightbox> lightboxList = Lightbox.FindMany(finder);

                foreach (Lightbox lb in lightboxList)
                    int lightboxId = lb.LightboxId.GetValueOrDefault();

                    // Check that the lightbox isn't already in the list
                    // (In case the current user has public lightboxes)
                    if (!ht.ContainsKey(lightboxId))
                        string lightboxName = string.Format("{0} (public)", lb.Name);
                        ht.Add(lightboxId, lightboxName);

Exemple #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a copy of the lightbox asset to the lightbox with the specified ID, if it does not contain the asset
        /// </summary>
        public void AddAssetToLightbox(int lightboxId, LightboxAsset lba)
            Lightbox lb = GetLightboxById(lightboxId);

            AddAssetToLightbox(lb, lba);
Exemple #25
 public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(Lightbox model)
     return(await Task.Run(() => View(model)));
Exemple #26
        private void SendLightboxToUser(Lightbox lightbox, User user, string recipient, string subject, string message, DateTime?expiryDate, bool?downloadLinks, bool?linked, bool?editable)
            m_Logger.Debug("SendLightboxToUser - start");

            int?createdLightboxId = null;
            int?linkedLightboxId  = null;

            if (!user.IsNull)
                //check to see if should link the lightbox or
                //make a new copy of it
                if (linked.GetValueOrDefault(false))
                    // create new linked lightbox
                    LightboxLinked linkedLightbox = LightboxLinked.New();
                    linkedLightbox.UserId     = user.UserId.GetValueOrDefault();
                    linkedLightbox.LightboxId = lightbox.LightboxId.GetValueOrDefault();
                    linkedLightbox.IsEditable = editable;
                    linkedLightbox.ExpiryDate = expiryDate;

                    linkedLightboxId = linkedLightbox.LightboxLinkedId;
                    // copying lightbox
                    string lightboxName    = lightbox.Name;
                    string newLightboxName = GetLightboxNameForSending(lightboxName);

                    Lightbox createdLightbox = DuplicateLightbox(lightbox.LightboxId.GetValueOrDefault(), newLightboxName, user.UserId.GetValueOrDefault());
                    createdLightboxId = createdLightbox.LightboxId.GetValueOrDefault();

            LightboxSent lbs = LightboxSent.New();

            lbs.LightboxId        = lightbox.LightboxId.GetValueOrDefault();
            lbs.CreatedLightboxId = createdLightboxId;
            lbs.SenderId          = User.UserId.GetValueOrDefault();
            lbs.RecipientEmail    = recipient;
            lbs.Subject           = subject;
            lbs.Message           = message;
            lbs.DateSent          = DateTime.Now;
            lbs.ExpiryDate        = expiryDate;
            lbs.DownloadLinks     = downloadLinks;
            lbs.LightboxLinkedId  = linkedLightboxId;

            if (lbs.RecipientEmail.Length > 150)
                throw new SystemException("Recipient email cannot exceed 150 characters");

            if (lbs.Subject.Length > 150)
                throw new SystemException("Subject cannot exceed 150 characters");

            if (lbs.Message.Length > 500)
                throw new SystemException("Message cannot exceed 500 characters");

            if (LightboxSentToUser != null)
                LightboxSentToUser(this, new LightboxSentEventArgs(lbs));

            AuditLogManager.LogUserAction(User, AuditUserAction.SendLightbox, string.Format("Sent LightboxId: {0} to: {1}", lightbox.LightboxId, recipient));

            m_Logger.Debug("SendLightboxToUser - end");