public LicenseLease GetLicenseLease(Database db, string productCode, Version version, DateTime?buildDate, string machine, string userName, string authenticatedUserName, DateTime now, Dictionary <int, string> errors)
            Settings settings = Settings.Default;

            // Get suitable active licenses.
            License[] licenses = (from license in db.Licenses
                                  where license.ProductCode == productCode && license.Priority >= 0
                                  orderby license.Priority
                                  select license).ToArray();

            // Check if the machine belongs to build server user.
            if (IsBuildServer(machine))
                License buildServerLicense = GetBuildServerLicense(licenses);
                if (buildServerLicense != null)
                    DateTime     endTime = now.AddDays(Settings.Default.NewLeaseDays);
                    LicenseLease buildServerLicenseLease = new LicenseLease(buildServerLicense.LicenseKey, now, endTime, endTime.AddDays(-settings.MinLeaseDays));

                    // Lease for build server should not be stored - build server users shouldn't steal developer licenses.

                // try to acquire lease in normal way

            Lease lease = GetLease(db, productCode, version, buildDate, machine, userName, authenticatedUserName, now, errors, licenses);

            if (lease == null)

            LicenseLease licenseLease = new LicenseLease(lease.License.LicenseKey,
                                                         lease.StartTime, lease.EndTime, lease.EndTime.AddDays(-settings.MinLeaseDays));

Exemple #2
        public void Main()
            Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid();

            MessageSink messageSink = new MessageSink();

            RegistryKey registryKey = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(string.Format("SOFTWARE\\SharpCrafters\\PostSharp\\LicenseClient\\{0}", guid));

            using ( registryKey )
                LicenseLease lease = null;
                while (true)
                    DateTime day = VirtualDateTime.UtcNow.ToLocalTime();

                    // We don't start before 9.
                    DateTime startTime = day.Date.AddHours(8 + (random.NextDouble() - 0.5) * 4);

                    double probWorksToday;
                    switch (day.DayOfWeek)
                    case DayOfWeek.Sunday:
                        probWorksToday = user.WorksOnWeekend;

                    case DayOfWeek.Saturday:
                        probWorksToday = user.WorksOnWeekend;

                        probWorksToday = 1;

                    if (random.NextDouble() < probWorksToday)
                        DateTime endTime = startTime.AddHours(9 + random.NextDouble());

                        // Which machine will he use this day?
                        int    machineIndex = (int)Math.Floor(random.NextDouble() * user.Machines.Count);
                        string machine      = user.Machines[machineIndex];

                        // We are running PostSharp every 15 minute.
                        for (DateTime time = startTime; time < endTime; time = time.AddMinutes(30 * random.NextDouble()))
                            //Console.WriteLine("{2} {0} waiting until {1}", VirtualDateTime.UtcNow.ToLocalTime(), time, user);

                            if (lease == null || lease.RenewTime < time)
                                Interlocked.Increment(ref waitingUsers);
                                Console.WriteLine("{2} {0} on {3}: Acquiring lease; waiting users = {1}", user.AuthenticatedName, waitingUsers, VirtualDateTime.UtcNow.ToLocalTime(), machine);

                                string url = Program.Url.TrimEnd('/') + string.Format("/Lease.ashx?user={0}&machine={1}&product={2}",
                                                                                      user.AuthenticatedName, machine,

                                Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                                lease = LicenseServerClient.TryGetLease(url, registryKey, VirtualDateTime.UtcNow.ToLocalTime(), messageSink);

                                if (lease == null)
                                    Console.WriteLine("Could not get a valid lease: lease is null");
                                else if (lease.EndTime < time)
                                    Console.WriteLine("Could not get a valid lease: lease end time is in the past");
                                else if (lease.RenewTime < time)
                                    Console.WriteLine("Got a lease with past renewal time: {0}, it is now {1}",
                                                      lease.RenewTime, time);

                                Interlocked.Decrement(ref waitingUsers);
                                Console.WriteLine("{3} {0}: response received in {1}, waiting users = '{2}'", user, stopwatch.Elapsed, waitingUsers, VirtualDateTime.UtcNow.ToLocalTime());
        public LicenseLease GetLicenseLease(Database db, string productCode, DateTime? buildDate, string machine, string userName, string authenticatedUserName, DateTime now, Dictionary<int, string> errors)
            Settings settings = Settings.Default;
            // Get suitable active licenses.
            License[] licenses = (from license in db.Licenses
                                  where license.ProductCode == productCode && license.Priority >= 0
                                  orderby license.Priority
                                  select license).ToArray();

            // Check if the machine belongs to build server user.
            if ( IsBuildServer( machine ) )
                License buildServerLicense = GetBuildServerLicense( licenses );
                if ( buildServerLicense != null )
                    DateTime endTime = now.AddDays( Settings.Default.NewLeaseDays );
                    LicenseLease buildServerLicenseLease = new LicenseLease( buildServerLicense.LicenseKey, now, endTime, endTime.AddDays( -settings.MinLeaseDays ) );

                    // Lease for build server should not be stored - build server users shouldn't steal developer licenses.
                    return buildServerLicenseLease;

                // try to acquire lease in normal way

            Lease lease = GetLease( db, productCode, buildDate, machine, userName, authenticatedUserName, now, errors, licenses );
            if ( lease == null )
                return null;

            LicenseLease licenseLease = new LicenseLease(lease.License.LicenseKey,
                    lease.StartTime, lease.EndTime, lease.EndTime.AddDays(-settings.MinLeaseDays));

           return licenseLease;