/// <summary> /// Updates base design parameters based on provided data. /// </summary> /// <param name="VarList">Parameter data</param> void SetBaseDesign(Var_Type VarList) { try { string RefDes; IDXPWorkSpace CurrentWorkspace = DXP.GlobalVars.DXPWorkSpace; IDXPProject CurrentProject; int LogicalDocumentCount; int LoopIterator; IDXPDocument CurrentSheet; CurrentProject = CurrentWorkspace.DM_FocusedProject(); LogicalDocumentCount = CurrentProject.DM_LogicalDocumentCount(); ISch_ServerInterface SchServer = SCH.GlobalVars.SchServer; IClient Client = DXP.GlobalVars.Client; IServerDocument ServerDoc; IDXPDocument ActiveDoc = DXP.GlobalVars.DXPWorkSpace.DM_FocusedDocument(); //Save current open document so it can be reopened after process is done. Progress.Maximum = LogicalDocumentCount; Progress.Value = 0; UpdateLabel("Updating Variants"); bool DocOpened = false; //Iterate through all documents looking for scheatic docs. for (LoopIterator = 1; LoopIterator <= LogicalDocumentCount; LoopIterator++) { CurrentSheet = CurrentProject.DM_LogicalDocuments(LoopIterator - 1); if (CurrentSheet.DM_DocumentKind() == "SCH") { //Open document if not already open. DocOpened = false; if (Client.IsDocumentOpen(CurrentSheet.DM_FullPath())) { ServerDoc = Client.GetDocumentByPath(CurrentSheet.DM_FullPath()); DocOpened = true; } else { ServerDoc = Client.OpenDocument("SCH", CurrentSheet.DM_FullPath()); } //Client.ShowDocument(ServerDoc); ISch_Lib SchDoc; SchDoc = SchServer.LoadSchDocumentByPath(CurrentSheet.DM_FullPath()) as ISch_Lib; ISch_Iterator LibraryIterator, PIterator; ISch_Component Component; ISch_Parameter Param; VarParam <string, string> CompVars = new VarParam <string, string>(); if (SchDoc == null) { return; } //Iterate theough all components on the schematic. LibraryIterator = SchDoc.SchIterator_Create(); LibraryIterator.AddFilter_ObjectSet(new SCH.TObjectSet(SCH.TObjectId.eSchComponent)); Component = LibraryIterator.FirstSchObject() as ISch_Component; while (Component != null) { RefDes = Component.GetState_SchDesignator().GetState_Text(); if (VarList.Components.ContainsKey(Component.GetState_SchDesignator().GetState_Text())) { if (VarList.Components[Component.GetState_SchDesignator().GetState_Text()].Saved == false) { Component.UpdatePart_PreProcess(); CompVars = VarList.Components[Component.GetState_SchDesignator().GetState_Text()]; //Iterate theough all parameters in the component. PIterator = Component.SchIterator_Create(); PIterator.AddFilter_ObjectSet(new SCH.TObjectSet(SCH.TObjectId.eParameter)); Param = PIterator.FirstSchObject() as ISch_Parameter; while (Param != null) { if (Param.GetState_Name() != null) { if (Param.GetState_Name().ToUpper() != null) { //Set parameter data in component if it is in the provided parameter data. //Param = null; if (CompVars.ContainsKey(Param.GetState_Name().ToUpper())) { if (Param.GetState_Text() == "x") { Param.SetState_Text(CompVars[Param.GetState_Name().ToUpper()]); } else if (OverwriteValue(Param.GetState_Text().ToUpper(), CompVars[Param.GetState_Name().ToUpper()], Component.GetState_SchDesignator().GetState_Text(), Param.GetState_Name().ToUpper())) { Param.SetState_Text(CompVars[Param.GetState_Name().ToUpper()]); } } } } Param = PIterator.NextSchObject() as ISch_Parameter; } Component.UpdatePart_PostProcess(); VarList.Components[Component.GetState_SchDesignator().GetState_Text()].Saved = true; } } Component = LibraryIterator.NextSchObject() as ISch_Component; } if (ServerDoc.GetModified()) { ServerDoc.DoFileSave(""); } if (!DocOpened) { Client.CloseDocument(ServerDoc); } ServerDoc = null; } Progress.Value += 1; UpdateLabel("Updating Variants"); } Client.ShowDocument(Client.GetDocumentByPath(ActiveDoc.DM_FullPath())); return; } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorMail.LogError("Error in " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ".", ex); return; } }
/// <summary> /// Get parameter data from the base design. /// </summary> /// <param name="VarList">Reference to the class that will store the gathered parameter data.</param> public void GetBaseVariants(ref Var_Type VarList) { try { IDXPWorkSpace CurrentWorkspace = DXP.GlobalVars.DXPWorkSpace; IDXPProject CurrentProject; int LogicalDocumentCount; int LoopIterator; IDXPDocument CurrentSheet; CurrentProject = CurrentWorkspace.DM_FocusedProject(); LogicalDocumentCount = CurrentProject.DM_LogicalDocumentCount(); ISch_ServerInterface SchServer = SCH.GlobalVars.SchServer; IClient Client = DXP.GlobalVars.Client; IServerDocument ServerDoc; IDXPDocument ActiveDoc = DXP.GlobalVars.DXPWorkSpace.DM_FocusedDocument(); //Save current open document so it can be reopened after process is done. VarParam <string, string> Parameters = new VarParam <string, string>(); string RefDes; bool DocOpened = false; Progress.Value = 0; Progress.Maximum = LogicalDocumentCount; UpdateLabel("Loading Variants"); //iterate through project documents. for (LoopIterator = 1; LoopIterator <= LogicalDocumentCount; LoopIterator++) { CurrentSheet = CurrentProject.DM_LogicalDocuments(LoopIterator - 1); //Check for schematic documents. if (CurrentSheet.DM_DocumentKind() == "SCH") { DocOpened = false; //Open documents if (Client.IsDocumentOpen(CurrentSheet.DM_FullPath())) { ServerDoc = Client.GetDocumentByPath(CurrentSheet.DM_FullPath()); DocOpened = true; } else { ServerDoc = Client.OpenDocument("SCH", CurrentSheet.DM_FullPath()); } //Client.ShowDocument(ServerDoc); ISch_Lib SchDoc; SchDoc = SchServer.LoadSchDocumentByPath(CurrentSheet.DM_FullPath()) as ISch_Lib; ISch_Iterator LibraryIterator, PIterator; ISch_Component Component; ISch_Parameter Param; if (SchDoc == null) { return; } //Iterate theough all components on the schematic. LibraryIterator = SchDoc.SchIterator_Create(); LibraryIterator.AddFilter_ObjectSet(new SCH.TObjectSet(SCH.TObjectId.eSchComponent)); Component = LibraryIterator.FirstSchObject() as ISch_Component; while (Component != null) { if (Component.GetState_SchDesignator().GetState_Text().Contains("?")) { MessageBox.Show("Detected and un-annotated refdes. Please Annotate the project and try again."); VarList = null; return; } RefDes = Component.GetState_SchDesignator().GetState_Text(); Parameters = new VarParam <string, string>(); //Iterate theough all parameters in the component. PIterator = Component.SchIterator_Create(); PIterator.AddFilter_ObjectSet(new SCH.TObjectSet(SCH.TObjectId.eParameter)); Param = PIterator.FirstSchObject() as ISch_Parameter; while (Param != null) { if (Param.GetState_Name() != null) { //Store specific parameter data. if ("PE_ENG" == Param.GetState_Name().ToUpper() || Param.GetState_Name().ToUpper() == "PE_FLT") { if (Param.GetState_Text() != "x") { Parameters.Add(Param.GetState_Name().ToUpper(), Param.GetState_CalculatedValueString()); } } } Param = PIterator.NextSchObject() as ISch_Parameter; } //Add stored parameter data to VarList. if (Parameters.Count > 0) { if (!VarList.Components.ContainsKey(RefDes)) { VarList.Components.Add(RefDes, Parameters); } } Component = LibraryIterator.NextSchObject() as ISch_Component; } //if (ServerDoc.GetModified()) // ServerDoc.DoFileSave(""); //Close opend documents. if (!DocOpened) { Client.CloseDocument(ServerDoc); } ServerDoc = null; } Progress.Value += 1; UpdateLabel("Loading Variants"); } Client.ShowDocument(Client.GetDocumentByPath(ActiveDoc.DM_FullPath())); return; } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorMail.LogError("Error in " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ".", ex); return; } }
public void CheckRefDes() { try { IDXPWorkSpace CurrentWorkspace = DXP.GlobalVars.DXPWorkSpace; IDXPProject CurrentProject; int LogicalDocumentCount; int LoopIterator; IDXPDocument CurrentSheet; CurrentProject = CurrentWorkspace.DM_FocusedProject(); LogicalDocumentCount = CurrentProject.DM_LogicalDocumentCount(); ISch_Lib SchDoc; IClient Client = DXP.GlobalVars.Client; IServerDocument ServerDoc; IDXPDocument ActiveDoc = DXP.GlobalVars.DXPWorkSpace.DM_FocusedDocument(); //Save current open document so it can be reopened after process is done. List <string> lstRefDes = new List <string>(); List <string> Output = new List <string>(); string RefDes; Output.Add(DateTime.Now + "," + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(CurrentProject.DM_ProjectFullPath())); Output.Add(""); Output.Add("Compare,Ref1,Ref2"); DXP.Utils.PercentInit("Collecting Refdes Values", LogicalDocumentCount); bool DocOpened = false; //Loop through each SCH document in project. for (LoopIterator = 1; LoopIterator <= LogicalDocumentCount; LoopIterator++) { CurrentSheet = CurrentProject.DM_LogicalDocuments(LoopIterator - 1); if (CurrentSheet.DM_DocumentKind() == "SCH") { DocOpened = false; SchDoc = CurrentSheet as ISch_Lib; //Open document if not already open. if (Client.IsDocumentOpen(CurrentSheet.DM_FullPath())) { ServerDoc = Client.GetDocumentByPath(CurrentSheet.DM_FullPath()); DocOpened = true; } else { ServerDoc = Client.OpenDocument("SCH", CurrentSheet.DM_FullPath()); } Client.ShowDocument(ServerDoc); if (ServerDoc == null) { return; } ISch_Iterator LibraryIterator; ISch_Component Component; //Iterate theough all components on the schematic. LibraryIterator = SCH.GlobalVars.SchServer.GetCurrentSchDocument().SchIterator_Create(); LibraryIterator.AddFilter_ObjectSet(new SCH.TObjectSet(SCH.TObjectId.eSchComponent)); Component = LibraryIterator.FirstSchObject() as ISch_Component; while (Component != null) { RefDes = Component.GetState_SchDesignator().GetState_Text(); if (Component.GetState_CurrentPartID() == 1) { lstRefDes.Add(RefDes); } Component = LibraryIterator.NextSchObject() as ISch_Component; } if (!DocOpened) { Client.CloseDocument(ServerDoc); } ServerDoc = null; } DXP.Utils.PercentUpdate(); } DXP.Utils.PercentFinish(); Client.ShowDocument(Client.GetDocumentByPath(ActiveDoc.DM_FullPath())); lstRefDes.Sort(); DXP.Utils.PercentInit("Checking for Dupes", lstRefDes.Count); for (int i = 1; i < lstRefDes.Count; i++) { if (lstRefDes[i - 1] == lstRefDes[i]) { Output.Add("Duplicate, " + lstRefDes[i]); } DXP.Utils.PercentUpdate(); } DXP.Utils.PercentFinish(); DXP.Utils.PercentInit("Checking for Similar", lstRefDes.Count); string[] First, Second; for (int i = 1; i < lstRefDes.Count; i++) { First = SplitString(lstRefDes[i]); if (First.Length >= 2) { for (int j = 1; j < lstRefDes.Count; j++) { Second = SplitString(lstRefDes[j]); if (First.Length != Second.Length) { if (First.Length != 3 || Second.Length != 3) { if (Second.Length > 2) { if (First[0] == Second[0] && First[1] == Second[1] && i != j) { Output.Add("Similar, " + lstRefDes[i] + ", " + lstRefDes[j]); } } } } } } DXP.Utils.PercentUpdate(); } //Output.Add(""); DXP.Utils.PercentFinish(); bool match = false; DXP.Utils.PercentInit("Checking EM/FM Parts", lstRefDes.Count); for (int i = 0; i < lstRefDes.Count; i++) { if (lstRefDes[i].Length > 3) { if (lstRefDes[i].Contains("EM") || lstRefDes[i].Contains("FM")) { match = false; RefDes = lstRefDes[i].Remove(lstRefDes[i].Length - 2); for (int j = 1; j < lstRefDes.Count; j++) { if (lstRefDes[j].Contains("EM") || lstRefDes[j].Contains("FM")) { if (RefDes == lstRefDes[j].Remove(lstRefDes[j].Length - 2) && i != j) { Output.Add("Matched EM/FM, " + lstRefDes[i] + ", " + lstRefDes[j]); match = true; i += 1; break; } } } if (match == false) { Output.Add("Unmatched EM/FM, " + lstRefDes[i]); } } } DXP.Utils.PercentUpdate(); } DXP.Utils.PercentFinish(); Util.Log(Output, Util.ProjPath() + "Refdes Report.csv"); ServerDoc = Client.OpenDocument("Text", Util.ProjPath() + "Refdes Report.csv"); Client.ShowDocument(ServerDoc); return; } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorMail.LogError("Error in " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ".", ex); return; } }
/// <summary> /// Get component list with library IDs. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public void CheckParams() { try { ComponentList <string, string> Output = new ComponentList <string, string>(); IDXPWorkSpace CurrentWorkspace = DXP.GlobalVars.DXPWorkSpace; IDXPProject CurrentProject; int LogicalDocumentCount; int LoopIterator; IDXPDocument CurrentSheet; CurrentProject = CurrentWorkspace.DM_FocusedProject(); LogicalDocumentCount = CurrentProject.DM_LogicalDocumentCount(); ISch_ServerInterface SchServer = SCH.GlobalVars.SchServer; IClient Client = DXP.GlobalVars.Client; IServerDocument ServerDoc; IDXPDocument ActiveDoc = DXP.GlobalVars.DXPWorkSpace.DM_FocusedDocument(); //Save current open document so it can be reopened after process is done. pbProgress.Maximum = LogicalDocumentCount; pbProgress.Value = 0; UpdateLabel("Checking Parameters"); bool DocOpened = false; for (LoopIterator = 1; LoopIterator <= LogicalDocumentCount; LoopIterator++) { CurrentSheet = CurrentProject.DM_LogicalDocuments(LoopIterator - 1); if (CurrentSheet.DM_DocumentKind() == "SCH") { DocOpened = false; if (Client.IsDocumentOpen(CurrentSheet.DM_FullPath())) { ServerDoc = Client.GetDocumentByPath(CurrentSheet.DM_FullPath()); DocOpened = true; } else { ServerDoc = Client.OpenDocument("SCH", CurrentSheet.DM_FullPath()); } ISch_Document SchDoc; SchDoc = SchServer.LoadSchDocumentByPath(CurrentSheet.DM_FullPath()) as ISch_Document; ISch_Iterator LibraryIterator, PIterator; ISch_Component Component; VarParam <string, string> CompVars = new VarParam <string, string>(); ISch_Parameter Param; bool Flt = false, Eng = false; //Iterate theough all components on the schematic. LibraryIterator = SchDoc.SchIterator_Create(); LibraryIterator.AddFilter_ObjectSet(new SCH.TObjectSet(SCH.TObjectId.eSchComponent)); Component = LibraryIterator.FirstSchObject() as ISch_Component; while (Component != null) { //Iterate theough all parameters in the component. PIterator = Component.SchIterator_Create(); PIterator.AddFilter_ObjectSet(new SCH.TObjectSet(SCH.TObjectId.eParameter)); Param = PIterator.FirstSchObject() as ISch_Parameter; while (Param != null) { if (Param.GetState_Name() != null) { if ("PE_ENG" == Param.GetState_Name().ToUpper()) { Eng = true; } else if (Param.GetState_Name().ToUpper() == "PE_FLT") { Flt = true; } } Param = PIterator.NextSchObject() as ISch_Parameter; } if (!Flt) { Param = Component.AddSchParameter(); Param.SetState_Name("PE_FLT"); Param.SetState_Text("x"); } if (!Eng) { Param = Component.AddSchParameter(); Param.SetState_Name("PE_ENG"); Param.SetState_Text("x"); } Flt = false; Eng = false; Component = LibraryIterator.NextSchObject() as ISch_Component; } if (!DocOpened) { Client.CloseDocument(ServerDoc); } ServerDoc = null; } pbProgress.Value++; UpdateLabel("Checking Parameters"); } Client.ShowDocument(Client.GetDocumentByPath(ActiveDoc.DM_FullPath())); return; } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorMail.LogError("Error in " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ".", ex); return; } }
/// <summary> /// Get parameter data from the base design. /// </summary> /// <param name="VarList">Reference to the class that will store the gathered parameter data.</param> bool GetBaseVariants() { try { IDXPWorkSpace CurrentWorkspace = DXP.GlobalVars.DXPWorkSpace; IDXPProject CurrentProject; int LogicalDocumentCount; int LoopIterator; IDXPDocument CurrentSheet; CurrentProject = CurrentWorkspace.DM_FocusedProject(); LogicalDocumentCount = CurrentProject.DM_LogicalDocumentCount(); ISch_ServerInterface SchServer = SCH.GlobalVars.SchServer; IClient Client = DXP.GlobalVars.Client; IServerDocument ServerDoc; IDXPDocument ActiveDoc = DXP.GlobalVars.DXPWorkSpace.DM_FocusedDocument(); //Save current open document so it can be reopened after process is done. string RefDes; CompData NewComp; bool DocOpened = false; //iterate through project documents. for (LoopIterator = 1; LoopIterator <= LogicalDocumentCount; LoopIterator++) { CurrentSheet = CurrentProject.DM_LogicalDocuments(LoopIterator - 1); //Check for schematic documents. if (CurrentSheet.DM_DocumentKind() == "SCH") { DocOpened = false; //Open documents if (Client.IsDocumentOpen(CurrentSheet.DM_FullPath())) { ServerDoc = Client.GetDocumentByPath(CurrentSheet.DM_FullPath()); DocOpened = true; } else { ServerDoc = Client.OpenDocument("SCH", CurrentSheet.DM_FullPath()); } //Client.ShowDocument(ServerDoc); ISch_Lib SchDoc; SchDoc = SchServer.LoadSchDocumentByPath(CurrentSheet.DM_FullPath()) as ISch_Lib; ISch_Iterator LibraryIterator, PIterator; ISch_Component Component; ISch_Parameter Param; if (SchDoc == null) { return(false); } //Iterate theough all components on the schematic. LibraryIterator = SchDoc.SchIterator_Create(); LibraryIterator.AddFilter_ObjectSet(new SCH.TObjectSet(SCH.TObjectId.eSchComponent)); Component = LibraryIterator.FirstSchObject() as ISch_Component; while (Component != null) { NewComp = new CompData(""); if (Component.GetState_SchDesignator().GetState_Text().Contains("?")) { MessageBox.Show("Detected and un-annotated refdes. Please Annotate the project and try again."); return(false); } RefDes = Component.GetState_SchDesignator().GetState_Text(); NewComp.RefDes = RefDes; NewComp.Base_LibRef = Component.GetState_DesignItemId(); NewComp.UniqueID = Component.GetState_UniqueId(); //Iterate theough all parameters in the component. PIterator = Component.SchIterator_Create(); PIterator.AddFilter_ObjectSet(new SCH.TObjectSet(SCH.TObjectId.eParameter)); Param = PIterator.FirstSchObject() as ISch_Parameter; while (Param != null) { if (Param.GetState_Name() != null) { //Store specific parameter data. if ("PARTNUMBER" == Param.GetState_Name().ToUpper()) { NewComp.Base_Partnumber = Param.GetState_CalculatedValueString(); } } Param = PIterator.NextSchObject() as ISch_Parameter; } AddPart(NewComp); Component = LibraryIterator.NextSchObject() as ISch_Component; } //if (ServerDoc.GetModified()) // ServerDoc.DoFileSave(""); //Close opend documents. if (!DocOpened) { Client.CloseDocument(ServerDoc); } ServerDoc = null; } } Client.ShowDocument(Client.GetDocumentByPath(ActiveDoc.DM_FullPath())); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorMail.LogError("Error in " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ".", ex); return(false); } }