Exemple #1
        public List <ObjDoors> CurrentModelDoors(Document doc)
            List <ObjDoors> currentModelDoors = new List <ObjDoors>();

                LibraryGetItems library = new LibraryGetItems();
                List <Element>  doors   = library.GetFamilyElement(doc, BuiltInCategory.OST_Doors);
                foreach (Element door in doors)
                    LocationPoint location = door.Location as LocationPoint;
                    // Get level id parameter
                    Parameter levelId = door.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.FAMILY_LEVEL_PARAM);
                    // Get level value of id parameter
                    string parmLevel_Id = library.GetParameterValue(levelId);
                    // get all levels in current model
                    List <Level> levels = library.GetLevels(doc);
                    // find and match of door level and current model level to get level
                    Level levelName = levels.Find(x => Convert.ToString(x.Id.IntegerValue) == parmLevel_Id);

                    FamilySymbol familySymbol = library.GetFamilySymbol(doc, door.Name, BuiltInCategory.OST_Doors);
                    // find unique identification of door
                    //1bb68248-4b34-4821-9be3-8ddf47852209 = SOM ID
                    var    SOMIDParam = door.LookupParameter("SOM ID");
                    string doorId     = library.GetParameterValue(SOMIDParam);

                    ObjDoors ObjectDoor = new ObjDoors();
                    ObjectDoor.doorElement = door;
                    ObjectDoor.doorName    = door.Name;
                    ObjectDoor.doorId      = doorId;
                    ObjectDoor.doorWidth   = familySymbol.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.FAMILY_ROUGH_WIDTH_PARAM).AsDouble();
                    ObjectDoor.doorHeight  = familySymbol.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.FAMILY_ROUGH_HEIGHT_PARAM).AsDouble();
                    ObjectDoor.X           = location.Point.X;
                    ObjectDoor.Y           = location.Point.Y;
                    ObjectDoor.Z           = location.Point.Z;
                    ObjectDoor.level       = levelName;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get linked model and select all the doors.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doc"></param>
        /// <param name="uiApp"></param>
        /// <returns>Object of doors</returns>
        public List <ObjDoors> LinkedModelDoors(Document doc, UIApplication uiApp)
            FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(doc);

            IList <Element> elems = collector

            List <ObjDoors> LinkedModelDoors = new List <ObjDoors>();

            foreach (Element e in elems)
                RevitLinkType linkType = e as RevitLinkType;
                String        s        = String.Empty;

                foreach (Document linkedDoc in uiApp.Application.Documents)
                    if (linkedDoc.Title.Equals(linkType.Name))
                        LibraryGetItems library = new LibraryGetItems();
                        List <Element>  doors   = library.GetFamilyElement(linkedDoc, BuiltInCategory.OST_Doors);
                        foreach (Element door in doors)
                                LocationPoint location = door.Location as LocationPoint;
                                // Get level id parameter
                                Parameter levelId = door.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.FAMILY_LEVEL_PARAM);
                                // Get level value of id parameter
                                string parmLevel_Id = library.GetParameterValue(levelId);
                                // get all levels in linked model
                                List <Level> levels = library.GetLevels(linkedDoc);
                                // find and match of door level and linked model level to get level
                                Level levelName = levels.Find(x => Convert.ToString(x.Id.IntegerValue) == parmLevel_Id);

                                FamilySymbol familySymbol = library.GetFamilySymbol(linkedDoc, door.Name, BuiltInCategory.OST_Doors);
                                // find unique identification of door\
                                ObjDoors ObjectDoor = new ObjDoors();
                                ObjectDoor.doorElement = door;
                                ObjectDoor.doorName    = door.Name;
                                ObjectDoor.doorId      = door.Id.ToString();

                                ObjectDoor.doorWidth = door.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.DOOR_WIDTH).AsDouble();
                                    if (ObjectDoor.doorWidth == 0.0)
                                        ObjectDoor.doorWidth = familySymbol.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.DOOR_WIDTH).AsDouble();
                                catch { }

                                ObjectDoor.doorHeight = door.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.DOOR_HEIGHT).AsDouble();
                                    if (ObjectDoor.doorHeight == 0.0)
                                        ObjectDoor.doorHeight = familySymbol.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.DOOR_HEIGHT).AsDouble();
                                catch { }

                                ObjectDoor.doorSillHeight = door.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.INSTANCE_SILL_HEIGHT_PARAM).AsDouble();

                                ObjectDoor.X     = location.Point.X;
                                ObjectDoor.Y     = location.Point.Y;
                                ObjectDoor.Z     = location.Point.Z;
                                ObjectDoor.level = levelName;

                                FamilyInstance familyInstance = door as FamilyInstance;
                                ObjectDoor.HostObj = familyInstance.Host.Id.IntegerValue;
                                ObjectDoor.wall    = linkedDoc.GetElement(familyInstance.Host.Id) as Wall;
                            catch (Exception er)
                                string error = er.Message;