Exemple #1
        public void PrintLexDBName(FdoCache fcTLP)
            LangProject lp   = fcTLP.LangProject;
            LexDb       lxdb = lp.LexDbOA;

Exemple #2
        public void ListLexEntries(FdoCache fcTLP)
            LexDb           lxdb = fcTLP.LangProject.LexDbOA;
            FdoOwnColVector ocv  = lxdb.EntriesOC;

            int[] vecEntryHvos = ocv.hvoArray;
            foreach (LexEntry e in ocv)
                // Will return LexMajorEntry, LexSubentry, or LexMinorEntry,
                // since these are the classes that fit the signature of LexEntry.
                Console.WriteLine(e.CitationForm.VernacularDefaultWritingSystem + " is a " + e.GetType().Name);
Exemple #3
		public void MultilingualStringBasedonStringDictionary()
			FdoReferenceSequence<LgWritingSystem> systems = Cache.LangProject.CurVernWssRS;
			LexDb ld = Cache.LangProject.LexDbOA;
			LexEntry le = MakeLexEntry("xyzTest1", "xyzDefn1.1", null);
			MoForm m = MoForm.MakeMorph(le, "-is");
			// It will already have the right form.
			//m.FormAccessor.set_String(systems[1].Hvo, Cache.TsStrFactory.MakeString("iz", systems[1].Hvo));

			string t = "<entry><objAtomic objProperty='LexemeFormOA'/></entry>";
			string c = "<class name='MoForm'><multilingualStringElement name='form' simpleProperty='NamesWithMarkers'/></class>";
			string result = GetResultStringFromEntry(le, t, c);

			Assert.AreEqual(String.Format("<entry><form ws=\"fr\">-is</form>{0}<form ws=\"ur\">-iz</form>{0}</entry>", Environment.NewLine), result.Trim());
Exemple #4
        protected void AddMissingMSAs()
            int count = 0;

            LexDb l = m_cache.LangProj.LexDbOA;

            foreach (LexEntry e in l.EntriesOC)
                if (e.MorphoSyntaxAnalysesOC.Count == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Adding Stem MSAs to " + e.ShortName);
                    MoStemMsa s = e.MorphoSyntaxAnalysesOC.Add(new SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.Ling.MoStemMsa()) as MoStemMsa;
            Console.WriteLine("Changed " + count.ToString() + " entries.");