protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DepartmentCourses nd = new DepartmentCourses(txtIdCourse.Text); if (nd.CheckCourseNull()) { Lecture l = new Lecture(Session["ID_Lecture"].ToString()); if (l.checkIfLectureExsist()) { LectureOfCourse lec = new LectureOfCourse(txtIdCourse.Text, Session["ID_Lecture"].ToString()); if (lec.insertCourseForLecture()) { lblMsn.Visible = true; lblMsn.Text = "Has Been Added"; DepartmentCourses dd = new DepartmentCourses(Session["ID_Lecture"].ToString(), Session["Lecture"].ToString(), txtIdCourse.Text, Session["DepartmentLecture"].ToString()); //dd.UpdateRegisteringLecture(); dd.updateLectureName(); dd.UdpateLectureId(); } else { lblMsn.Visible = true; lblMsn.Text = "Already Exsist!"; } } else { lblMsn.Visible = true; lblMsn.Text = "Lecture is not exsist"; } } else { lblMsn.Visible = true; lblMsn.Text = "the course is unavailable "; } string sql = "select * from DepartmentCourses where Department='" + Session["DepartmentLecture"].ToString() + "' and Lecture='null' and LectureName='null'"; DataTable d = DBFunctions.SelectFromTable(sql); GridViewlist.DataSource = d; DataBind(); }
protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataTable dt1 = null; string sql = "select * from DepartmentCourses where Department='" + Session["DepartmentLecture"] + "'and Lecture='null' and LectureName='null'"; DataTable dt = DBFunctions.SelectFromTable(sql); GridViewRegistering.DataSource = dt; if (((CheckBox)GridViewRegistering.Rows[0].FindControl("CheckBox2")).Checked == true) { string s = dt.Rows[0]["IdCourse"].ToString(); string sql1 = "select * from DepartmentCourses where IdCourse='" + s + "'"; LectureOfCourse l = new LectureOfCourse(s, Session["ID_Lecture"].ToString()); if (l.insertCourseForLecture()) { DepartmentCourses d = new DepartmentCourses(Session["ID_Lecture"].ToString(), Session["Lecture"].ToString(), s, Session["DepartmentLecture"].ToString()); d.UpdateRegisteringLecture(); lblMsn.Visible = true; lblMsn.Text = "Has Been Added"; } else { lblMsn.Visible = true; lblMsn.Text = "Error!"; } dt1 = DBFunctions.SelectFromTable(sql1); } for (int i = 1; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { if (((CheckBox)GridViewRegistering.Rows[i].FindControl("CheckBox2")).Checked == true) { string s = dt.Rows[i]["IdCourse"].ToString(); // string sql1 = "select * from DeaprtmentCourses where IdCourse='" + s + "'"; LectureOfCourse l = new LectureOfCourse(s, Session["ID_Lecture"].ToString()); if (l.insertCourseForLecture()) { DepartmentCourses d = new DepartmentCourses(Session["ID_Lecture"].ToString(), Session["Lecture"].ToString(), s, Session["DepartmentLecture"].ToString()); d.UpdateRegisteringLecture(); lblMsn.Visible = true; lblMsn.Text = "Has Been Added"; } else { lblMsn.Visible = true; lblMsn.Text = "Error!"; } string sql2 = "select * from [DepartmentCourses] where IdCourse= '" + s + "'"; DataTable dt2 = DBFunctions.SelectFromTable(sql2); if (dt1 == null) { dt1 = dt2; } else { dt1.Merge(dt2); } } } GridViewPrint.DataSource = dt1; DataBind(); }