public void ReturnEarly_Confirmed() { //arrange _view.ConfirmReturnEarly().Returns(true); // юзер соглашается "Вернуть фильм" var testMovieCopy = new MovieCopy(9999, "TEST COMMENT", 50) { Available = false }; // копия у кого-то в аренде // взяли 20 января, договорились вернуть 25, но вернули 23 var startDate = new DateTime(2020, 01, 20); var expectedEndDate = new DateTime(2020, 01, 25); var returnDate = new DateTime(2020, 01, 23); var testLeasing = new Leasing(startDate, expectedEndDate, 0, 0, 50) { MovieCopy = testMovieCopy }; _view.CurrentLeasing = testLeasing; testLeasing.ReturnEarly(returnDate); //act _presenter.ReturnEarly(returnDate); //assert Assert.AreEqual(testLeasing.TotalPrice, _view.CurrentLeasing.TotalPrice); Assert.AreEqual(testLeasing.MovieCopy.Available, _view.CurrentLeasing.MovieCopy.Available); Assert.AreEqual(testLeasing.ReturnDate, _view.CurrentLeasing.ReturnDate); _view.Received().Close(); }
public void ReturnDelayed_NotConfirmed() { //arrange _view.ConfirmReturnDelayed().Returns(false); // юзер отказывается "Вернуть фильм" var testMovieCopy = new MovieCopy(9999, "TEST COMMENT", 50) { Available = false }; // копия у кого-то в аренде var startDate = new DateTime(2020, 01, 20); var expectedEndDate = new DateTime(2020, 01, 25); var returnDate = new DateTime(2020, 01, 28); var leasing = new Leasing(startDate, expectedEndDate, 0, 0, 50) { MovieCopy = testMovieCopy }; _view.CurrentLeasing = leasing; const decimal fineMultiplier = 2; //act _presenter.ReturnDelayed(returnDate, fineMultiplier); //assert Assert.AreEqual(false, _view.CurrentLeasing.MovieCopy.Available); _view.DidNotReceive().Close(); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("LeasingId,LeasingStart,LeasingEnd,LeasingExtend,Id")] Leasing leasing) { if (id != leasing.LeasingId) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { _context.Update(leasing); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!LeasingExists(leasing.LeasingId)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } ViewData["Id"] = new SelectList(_context.ApplicationUsers, "Id", "Id", leasing.Id); return(View(leasing)); }
public ActionResult HotDealsEdit() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Session["username"] as string)) { if (Session["roleid"].ToString() == "1" || Session["roleid"].ToString() == "7") { try { Leasing leasing = new Leasing(); LeasingData ld = new LeasingData(); leasing.hotDeals = ld.GetHotDeals(); return(View(leasing.hotDeals)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(View("Error", ex)); } } else { return(View("Accessdenied")); } } else { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Login")); } }
CarBusiness GenerateBusiness(int index) { var cb = new CarBusiness(); cb.Name = "Car_" + index.ToString(); cb.Month = m_month; var count = m_rand.Next(1, 10); int start = 1; int end = 1; var dayCount = m_month.DayCount + 1; for (int i = 0; i < count && end < dayCount; i++) { var b = new Leasing(); b.Title = "bussy_" + i.ToString(); start = m_rand.Next(end, dayCount); b.DateStart = new DateTime(m_month.Year, m_month.Index, start); end = m_rand.Next(start, dayCount); b.DateEnd = new DateTime(m_month.Year, m_month.Index, end); b.CurrentMonth = m_month; cb.Add(b); end++; } return(cb); }
public ActionResult Index() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Session["username"] as string)) { try { Leasing leasing = new Leasing(); LeasingDataMonthly ld = new LeasingDataMonthly(); leasing.NewTenantOpenings = ld.GetNewTenantOpeningData(); leasing.DeliveredSpaces = ld.GetDelieverdSpaces(); leasing.keyDeals = ld.GetKeyDeals(); leasing.completedRenewals = ld.GetCompletedRenewals(); leasing.hotDeals = ld.GetHotDeals(); leasing.tenantsAtRisks = ld.GetTenantAtRisk(); leasing.tenantClosures = ld.GetTenantClosure(); return(View(leasing)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(View("Error", ex)); } } else { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Login")); } }
public ActionResult TenantsClosureEdit() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Session["username"] as string)) { if (Session["roleid"].ToString() == "1" || Session["roleid"].ToString() == "7") { try { Leasing leasing = new Leasing(); LeasingDataMonthly ld = new LeasingDataMonthly(); leasing.tenantClosures = ld.GetTenantClosure(); return(View(leasing.tenantClosures)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(View("Error", ex)); } } else { return(View("Accessdenied")); } } else { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Login")); } }
public bool ConfirmNewLeasing() { if (customersComboBox.SelectedIndex > -1) { if (startDatePicker.Value.Date < endDatePicker.Value.Date) { var leasing = new Leasing(startDatePicker.Value.Date, endDatePicker.Value.Date, Convert.ToInt32(customersComboBox.SelectedValue), CurrentMovieCopy.Id, CurrentMovieCopy.PricePerDay); var result = MessageBox.Show($"Прокат {CurrentMovie.Title}, {CurrentMovieCopy.Commentary} " + $"с {startDatePicker.Value.Date} по {endDatePicker.Value.Date} за {leasing.TotalPrice}?", "Прокат", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { return(true); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Дата окончания проката не может быть раньше даты начала"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Укажите клиента"); } return(false); }
void OnBuisenessSetted(Leasing business) { if (business == null) { return; } Text = business.Title; OnWidthChanged(ColumnWidth); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("LeasingId,LeasingStart,LeasingEnd,LeasingExtend,Id")] Leasing leasing) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(leasing); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } ViewData["Id"] = new SelectList(_context.ApplicationUsers, "Id", "Id", leasing.Id); return(View(leasing)); }
public Task <bool> Handle(CreateLeasingCommand request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var leasing = new Leasing { WorkorderId = request.WorkorderId, Amount = request.Amount, Currency = request.Currency }; _leasingRepository.Add(leasing); return(Task.FromResult(true)); }
public void AddLeasing(Leasing leasing) { if (!_leasingView.ConfirmNewLeasing()) { return; } var movieCopy = _context.MoviesCopies.Single(c => c.Id == leasing.MovieCopyId); movieCopy.Available = false; _context.LeasedCopies.Add(leasing); _context.SaveChanges(); _leasingView.Close(); }
public string Print() { Leasing leasing = new Leasing(); LeasingDataMonthly ld = new LeasingDataMonthly(); leasing.NewTenantOpenings = ld.GetNewTenantOpeningData(); leasing.DeliveredSpaces = ld.GetDelieverdSpaces(); leasing.keyDeals = ld.GetKeyDeals(); leasing.completedRenewals = ld.GetCompletedRenewals(); leasing.hotDeals = ld.GetHotDeals(); leasing.tenantsAtRisks = ld.GetTenantAtRisk(); leasing.tenantClosures = ld.GetTenantClosure(); return(new PageOrientations().RenderRazorViewToString(this, "Print", leasing)); }
public LeasingForm() { InitializeComponent(); leaseButton.Click += (sender, args) => { var startDate = startDatePicker.Value.Date; var endDate = endDatePicker.Value.Date; var customerId = Convert.ToInt32(customersComboBox.SelectedValue); var movieCopyId = CurrentMovieCopy.Id; var pricePerDay = CurrentMovieCopy.PricePerDay; var leasing = new Leasing(startDate, endDate, customerId, movieCopyId, pricePerDay); OnLeaseMovieCopy?.Invoke(leasing); }; }
static CarBusiness GenerateBusiness(int index, Month start, Month end) { var cb = new CarBusiness(); cb.Name = "Car_" + index.ToString(); //start = new Month(start.Year, m_rand.Next(start.Index, end.Index + 1)); //end = new Month(end.Year, m_rand.Next(start.Index, end.Index + 1)); cb.Monthes = Month.GetMonthes(start, end); var count = m_rand.Next(1, 10); int startDayI = 1; var dayCount = Month.GetDaysCount(start, end); int endDayI = end.DayCount; int monthIndex = 0; var blockedFlag = m_rand.Next(1, 25); var addBlocked = App.SearchSettings.IncludeBlocked; for (int mi = start.Index; mi <= end.Index; mi++) { monthIndex = mi; for (int i = 0; i < count && endDayI <= end.DayCount; i++) { var b = new Leasing(); b.Title = "bussy_" + i.ToString(); startDayI = m_rand.Next(startDayI, endDayI); b.DateStart = new DateTime(start.Year, monthIndex, startDayI); endDayI = m_rand.Next(startDayI, dayCount); //b.DateEnd = new DateTime(end.Year, end.Index, end.DayCount <= endI ? endI : end); b.Monthes = cb.Monthes; b.CarName = cb.Name; b.Saler = "Saler_" + i.ToString(); if (addBlocked) { b.Blocked = blockedFlag == 23; //магическое число 23 (просто случайное число в пределах диапазона) } cb.Add(b); endDayI++; } } return(cb); }
public void Run() { //arrange // добавляем и сразу же сохраняем по цепочке чтобы последующие элементы получили актуальное значение необходимого Id var testMovie = new MovieOriginal("TEST TITLE", "TEST DESCR", 9999); _context.MoviesOriginal.Add(testMovie); _context.SaveChanges(); var testMovieCopy = new MovieCopy(testMovie.Id, "TEST COMMENT", 9999); _context.MoviesCopies.Add(testMovieCopy); _context.SaveChanges(); var testCustomer = new Customer("TEST NAME"); _context.Customers.Add(testCustomer); _context.SaveChanges(); var testLeasing = new Leasing(DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, testCustomer.Id, testMovieCopy.Id, 9999); _context.LeasedCopies.Add(testLeasing); _context.SaveChanges(); //act _presenter.Run(testLeasing.Id); //assert Assert.AreEqual(testLeasing.StartDate, _view.CurrentLeasing.StartDate); Assert.AreEqual(testLeasing.ExpectedEndDate, _view.CurrentLeasing.ExpectedEndDate); Assert.AreEqual(testLeasing.CustomerId, _view.CurrentLeasing.CustomerId); Assert.AreEqual(testLeasing.MovieCopyId, _view.CurrentLeasing.MovieCopyId); Assert.AreEqual(testLeasing.TotalPrice, _view.CurrentLeasing.TotalPrice); Assert.AreEqual(testMovieCopy.MovieId, _view.CurrentMovieCopy.MovieId); Assert.AreEqual(testMovieCopy.Commentary, _view.CurrentMovieCopy.Commentary); Assert.AreEqual(testMovieCopy.PricePerDay, _view.CurrentMovieCopy.PricePerDay); Assert.AreEqual(testMovie.Title, _view.CurrentMovie.Title); Assert.AreEqual(testMovie.Description, _view.CurrentMovie.Description); Assert.AreEqual(testMovie.YearReleased, _view.CurrentMovie.YearReleased); Assert.AreEqual(testCustomer.Name, _view.CurrentCustomer.Name); _view.Received().Show(); }
public void LeasingAdd_Confirmed() { //arrange _view.ConfirmNewLeasing().Returns(true); // юзер соглашается "Подтвердить нового пользователя" (MessageBox) var testMovieCopy = new MovieCopy(9999, "TEST", 9999); _context.MoviesCopies.Add(testMovieCopy); _context.SaveChanges(); var testLeasing = new Leasing(DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, 9999, testMovieCopy.Id, 9999); //act _presenter.AddLeasing(testLeasing); //assert Assert.AreEqual(false, testMovieCopy.Available); Assert.AreEqual(true, _context.LeasedCopies.Any()); _view.Received().Close(); }
public void LeasingAdd_NotConfirmed() { //arrange _view.ConfirmNewLeasing().Returns(false); var testMovieCopy = new MovieCopy(9999, "TEST", 9999); _context.MoviesCopies.Add(testMovieCopy); _context.SaveChanges(); var testLeasing = new Leasing(DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, 9999, testMovieCopy.Id, 9999); //act _presenter.AddLeasing(testLeasing); //assert Assert.AreEqual(true, testMovieCopy.Available); Assert.AreEqual(false, _context.LeasedCopies.Any()); _view.DidNotReceive().Close(); }
public ActionResult TenantsAtRiskEdit() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Session["username"] as string)) { if (Session["roleid"].ToString() == "1" || Session["roleid"].ToString() == "7") { Leasing leasing = new Leasing(); LeasingData ld = new LeasingData(); leasing.tenantsAtRisks = ld.GetTenantAtRisk(); return(View(leasing.tenantsAtRisks)); } else { return(View("Accessdenied")); } } else { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Login")); } }
static CarBusiness GenerateBusiness(int index, Month month) { var cb = new CarBusiness(); cb.Name = "Car_" + index.ToString(); cb.Month = month; var count = m_rand.Next(1, 10); int start = 1; int end = 1; var dayCount = month.DayCount + 1; var blockedFlag = m_rand.Next(1, 25); var addBlocked = App.SearchSettings.IncludeBlocked; for (int i = 0; i < count && end < dayCount; i++) { blockedFlag = m_rand.Next(1, 25); var b = new Leasing(); b.Title = "bussy_" + i.ToString(); start = m_rand.Next(end, dayCount); b.DateStart = new DateTime(month.Year, month.Index, start); end = m_rand.Next(start, dayCount); b.DateEnd = new DateTime(month.Year, month.Index, end); b.CurrentMonth = month; b.CarName = cb.Name; b.Saler = "Saler_" + i.ToString(); if (addBlocked) { b.Blocked = blockedFlag == 23; //магическое число 23 (просто случайное число в пределах диапазона) } cb.Add(b); end++; } return(cb); }
private void btLeasing_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (dgvAirplanesToBuy.SelectedRows.Count == 0 || dgvAirplaneData.Rows.Count == 0) { return; } double priceL = (int)dgvAirplaneData.Rows[3].Cells[1].Value; //цена за лизинг в месяц double priceAll = (int)dgvAirplaneData.Rows[1].Cells[1].Value; Leasing leasing = new Leasing(priceL, priceAll, dt); leasing.Activate(); if (leasing.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } int idx = dgvAirplanesToBuy.SelectedRows[0].Index; //самолет, которые хотят взять в лизинг airport.ListAirplanes.Add(CopyAirplane(airport.ListAirplanesToBuy[idx])); //добавляем самолет в аэропорт dgvAirplanesOfTheAirport.Rows.Add(airport.ListAirplanes[airport.ListAirplanes.Count - 1].Model); airport.ListAirplanes[airport.ListAirplanes.Count - 1].Status = Airplane.StatusAirplane.INLEASING; //указываем, что самолет в лизинге airport.ListAirplanes[airport.ListAirplanes.Count - 1].Tenancy = leasing.tenancy; //устанавливаем дату, когда самолет перейдет в собственность }
public MonthBusiness GetBusinessByMonth(Month month, SearchSettings settings = null, Region region = null) { if (settings == null) { settings = App.SearchSettings; } var carBusinesses = new List <CarBusiness>(); #region Old /* * var sql = $@"SELECT DISTINCT * l.[Document No_] * ,h.[Salesperson Code] * ,h.[Bal_ Account No_] * ,h.[Sell-to Customer Name] as Buyer * ,h.[Bill-to Name] * ,h.[Ship-to Name] * ,l.[Description] as CarName * ,l.[Vehicle Reg_ No_] as CarNumber * ,h.[Venicle Operation Area] * ,h.[Date Begin] as DateStart * ,h.[Time Begin] * ,h.[Date End] as DateEnd * ,h.[Time End] * ,h.[Comment Text] as Comment * FROM [CARLSON_Test_10052018].[dbo].[Carlson$Sales{(invoice ? " Invoice" : "")} Line] l * INNER JOIN [CARLSON_Test_10052018].[dbo].[Carlson$Sales{(invoice ? " Invoice" : "")} Header] h ON h.[Sell-to Customer No_] = l.[Sell-to Customer No_] * WHERE l.[Vehicle Reg_ No_] != '' * AND h.[Date End] > h.[Date Begin] * ORDER BY l.[Document No_], h.[Date Begin]"; */ #endregion var sql = string.Empty; if (settings.SelectedDBSearchType == DBSearchType.All) { var sb = new StringBuilder(1000); sb.Append("SELECT DISTINCT ("); //настройки с поиском старых заказов var oldSettings = new SearchSettings(settings); oldSettings.SelectedDBSearchType = DBSearchType.Old; sb.Append(GetBusinessByMonthQuery(month, oldSettings, region)); sb.Append("\r\n UNION \r\n"); //объединяем два запроса //настройки с поиском актуальных заказов var curentSettings = new SearchSettings(settings); curentSettings.SelectedDBSearchType = DBSearchType.Curent; sb.Append(GetBusinessByMonthQuery(month, curentSettings, region)); sb.Append(")"); sql = sb.ToString(); } else { sql = GetBusinessByMonthQuery(month, settings, region); } //sql = $@"SELECT // i.[No_] // , i.[Description] as CarName // , i.[Vehicle Reg_ No_] as CarNumber // , i.[Blocked] // , l.[Document No_] // ,h.[Salesperson Code] // ,h.[Bal_ Account No_] // ,h.[Sell-to Customer Name] as Buyer // ,h.[Bill-to Name] // ,h.[Ship-to Name] // ,h.[Venicle Operation Area] // ,h.[Date Begin] as DateStart // ,h.[Time Begin] // ,h.[Date End] as DateEnd // ,h.[Time End] // ,h.[Comment Text] as Comment // FROM Carlson$Item i // LEFT JOIN [Carlson$Sales {(settings.SelectedDBSearchType == DBSearchType.Curent ? string.Empty : invoice)}Line] l ON l.No_ = i.No_ // LEFT JOIN [Carlson$Sales {(settings.SelectedDBSearchType == DBSearchType.Curent ? string.Empty : invoice)}Header] h ON h.No_ = l.[Document No_] // WHERE 1 = 1 // {(settings.IncludeBlocked ? string.Empty : "AND i.Blocked = 0")} // AND i.IsService = 0 // AND i.IsFranchise = 0 // AND h.[Date Begin] IS NOT NULL // {(region == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(region.DBKey) ? "" : "AND i.[Responsibility Center] = '" + region.DBKey + "'")} // AND ((h.[Date Begin] BETWEEN '{month.GetSqlDate(1)}' AND '{month.Next().GetSqlDate(1)}') OR (h.[Date End] BETWEEN '{month.GetSqlDate(1)}' AND '{month.Next().GetSqlDate(1)}')) // ORDER BY l.[Document No_]"; try { using (var con = new SqlConnection(m_connectionString)) { var com = new SqlCommand(sql); com.Connection = con; con.Open(); using (var reader = com.ExecuteReader()) { var curentCar = string.Empty; var previosCar = string.Empty; var buyer = string.Empty; CarBusiness cb = null; while (reader.Read()) { curentCar = (string)reader["CarName"]; var no_ = (string)reader["No_"]; cb = carBusinesses.FirstOrDefault(_cb => _cb.ItemNo.Equals(no_)); if (cb == null) { previosCar = curentCar; cb = new CarBusiness(); cb.Month = month; cb.ItemNo = (string)reader["No_"]; carBusinesses.Add(cb); var number = ((string)reader["CarNumber"]).Trim(); var lastCharIndex = number.Last(c => char.IsLetter(c)) + 1; if ((lastCharIndex) < number.Length) { number = number.Substring(lastCharIndex, number.Length - lastCharIndex); } cb.Name = $"{curentCar} ({number})"; } buyer = (string)reader["Buyer"]; if (cb.Count > 0 && cb.Business.Last().Title.Equals(buyer)) { cb.Business.Last().DateEnd = ((DateTime)reader["DateEnd"]); } else { var b = new Leasing(); b.DateStart = ((DateTime)reader["DateStart"]); b.DateEnd = ((DateTime)reader["DateEnd"]); b.Title = buyer; b.Type = BusinessType.Leasing; b.Comment = (string)reader["Comment"]; b.CurrentMonth = month; cb.Add(b); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { m_loger.Log("Возникло исключение при запросе выборки из БД", ex); } var monthBusiness = new MonthBusiness(carBusinesses); monthBusiness.Month = month; return(monthBusiness); }
public void Add(Leasing leasing) { _leasingDbContext.Add(leasing); _leasingDbContext.SaveChanges(); }
void OnWidthChanged(double newWidth) { //где newWidth - ширина колонки дня if (newWidth <= 0d) { return; } Leasing b = Business; if (b == null) { return; } #region расчёт отступа слева var offsetLeft = 0d; var startDay = b.DateStart.Day; //если начало в текущем месяце if (b.MonthCount == 1 || b.DateStart.Month == b.CurrentMonth.Index) { if (startDay > 1) { //т.к. дня нумеруются с единицы, то для первого дня отступ будет 0 дней, для второго - 1 и т.д. var dayOffsetCount = startDay - 1; offsetLeft = dayOffsetCount * (newWidth) + (dayOffsetCount * 1); //1 - ширина границ у колонок } } //для продолжения / сквозного месяца смещения нет //изменяем отступ элемента от левого края if (offsetLeft > 0) { if (offsetLeft != Margin.Left) { Margin = new Thickness(offsetLeft, Margin.Top, Margin.Right, Margin.Bottom); } } #endregion #region асчёт ширины TextBlock'a var width = 0d; var dayCount = 1; //прибавляем единичку, так как при сложении/вычитании теряем день //если машину взяли/вернули в течении 1 месяца if (b.MonthCount == 1) { dayCount += (b.DateEnd - b.DateStart).Days; } //если машина занята несколько месяцев else { var currentMonth = b.CurrentMonth.Index; //для месяца, в котором начали съём if (b.DateStart.Month == currentMonth) { //отсчитываем от конца начального месяца dayCount += (b.CurrentMonth.DayCount - b.DateStart.Day); } //для месяца в котором закончили съём else if (b.DateEnd.Month == currentMonth) { dayCount = b.DateEnd.Day; //индекс дня - количество дней от начала месяца } //если период начинается и заканчивается за пределами текущего месяца else { //берём первую дату месяца var curentDate = b.CurrentMonth[1]; //если 'начало' < 'текущая дата' < 'конец' dayCount = ((b.DateStart < curentDate) && (curentDate < b.DateEnd)) ? b.CurrentMonth.DayCount //берём количество дней в текущем месяце (закрашиваем всё) : 0; //0 - хз чего ещё делать. В этом месяце занятости не было, хз как сюда попало } } if (dayCount < 0) { m_loger.Log("Получен отрицательный период аренды. Значение сброшено в 0", MessageType.Debug , new LogParameter("Съёмщик", b.Title) , new LogParameter("Комментарий", b.Comment) , new LogParameter("Дата начала", b.DateStart.ToShortDateString()) , new LogParameter("Дата окончания", b.DateEnd.ToShortDateString())); dayCount = 0; } width = (newWidth * dayCount) + dayCount; //прибавляем количество дней, т.к. ширина границ - 1 Width = width; b.Width = width.ToString() + " | " + ActualWidth.ToString(); #endregion }
public MonthBusiness GetBusinessByMonthes(Month start, Month end, SearchSettings settings = null, Region region = null) { if (settings == null) { settings = App.SearchSettings; } var carBusinesses = new List <CarBusiness>(); var sql = string.Empty; if (settings.SelectedDBSearchType == DBSearchType.All) { var sb = new StringBuilder(1000); sb.Append("SELECT DISTINCT ").Append("("); //настройки с поиском старых заказов var oldSettings = new SearchSettings(settings); oldSettings.SelectedDBSearchType = DBSearchType.Old; sb.Append(GetBusinessByMonthesQuery(start, end, oldSettings, region)); //sb.Append(")"); sb.Append("\r\n UNION \r\n");//.Append("("); //объединяем два запроса //настройки с поиском актуальных заказов var curentSettings = new SearchSettings(settings); curentSettings.SelectedDBSearchType = DBSearchType.Curent; sb.Append(GetBusinessByMonthesQuery(start, end, curentSettings, region)); sb.Append(")");//.Append(" ORDER BY [Document No_]"); sql = sb.ToString(); } else { sql = GetBusinessByMonthesQuery(start, end, settings, region); } try { using (var con = new SqlConnection(m_connectionString)) { var com = new SqlCommand(sql); com.Connection = con; con.Open(); using (var reader = com.ExecuteReader()) { var curentCar = string.Empty; var previosCar = string.Empty; var buyer = string.Empty; CarBusiness cb = null; while (reader.Read()) { curentCar = (string)reader["CarName"]; var no_ = (string)reader["No_"]; cb = carBusinesses.FirstOrDefault(_cb => _cb.ItemNo.Equals(no_)); if (cb == null) { previosCar = curentCar; cb = new CarBusiness(); cb.Monthes = Month.GetMonthes(new DateTime(start.Year, start.Index, 1), new DateTime(end.Year, end.Index, 1)); cb.ItemNo = (string)reader["No_"]; carBusinesses.Add(cb); var number = ((string)reader["CarNumber"]).Trim(); var lastCharIndex = number.Last(c => char.IsLetter(c)) + 1; if ((lastCharIndex) < number.Length) { number = number.Substring(lastCharIndex, number.Length - lastCharIndex); } cb.Name = $"{curentCar} ({number})"; } buyer = (string)reader["Buyer"]; if (cb.Count > 0 && cb.Business.Last().Title.Equals(buyer)) { cb.Business.Last().DateEnd = ((DateTime)reader["DateEnd"]); } else { var b = new Leasing(); b.DateStart = ((DateTime)reader["DateStart"]); b.DateEnd = ((DateTime)reader["DateEnd"]); b.Title = buyer; b.Type = BusinessType.Leasing; b.Comment = (string)reader["Comment"]; b.Monthes = Month.GetMonthes(b.DateStart, b.DateEnd); b.Saler = (string)reader["Saler"]; b.Blocked = (bool)reader["Blocked"]; cb.Add(b); } } } } } catch (SqlException sqlEx) { m_loger.Log("Возникло исключение при запросе выборки из БД", sqlEx, new LogParameter("Запрос", sql)); } catch (Exception ex) { m_loger.Log("Возникло исключение при запросе выборки из БД", ex); } var monthBusiness = new MonthBusiness(carBusinesses); monthBusiness.Monthes = Month.GetMonthes(new DateTime(start.Year, start.Index, 1), new DateTime(end.Year, end.Index, 1)); return(monthBusiness); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a vehicle of a given state dependent on selected customer type(null,pri,bus). Has inputbox fault logic to stop the creation of bugged inputs /// </summary> private void create_vehicle_click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { bool car_null_exception = false; bool truck_null_exception = false; bool car_format_exception = false; bool truck_format_exception = false; bool error_found_truck = false; bool error_found_car = false; string car_boxes_empty_string = ""; string truck_boxes_empty_string = ""; string car_wrong_format_string = ""; string truck_wrong_format_string = ""; //selected private #region if (select_combobox_customer.SelectedValue is Private || select_combobox_customer.SelectedValue == null) { //Test if text boxes in the car section are empty. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textbox_car_model.Text) == true || string.IsNullOrEmpty(textbox_car_license.Text) == true || string.IsNullOrEmpty(textbox_car_price.Text) == true || string.IsNullOrEmpty(textbox_car_colour.Text) == true) { car_boxes_empty_string = "You have forgotten to fill in informationboxes in your car informations\n"; car_null_exception = true; } //Test if text boxes in the car section are in the right format if (IsALLnumeric(textbox_car_price.Text, false) == false) { car_wrong_format_string = "Your have format errors in your car informations\n"; car_format_exception = true; } if ((car_null_exception || car_format_exception) == true) { MessageBox.Show(car_boxes_empty_string + car_wrong_format_string); error_found_car = true; } } //selected business if (select_combobox_customer.SelectedValue is Business || select_combobox_customer.SelectedValue == null) { //Test if text boxes in the truck section are empty if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textbox_truck_model.Text) == true || string.IsNullOrEmpty(textbox_truck_license.Text) == true || string.IsNullOrEmpty(textbox_truck_rent.Text) == true || string.IsNullOrEmpty(textbox_truck_colour.Text) == true) { truck_boxes_empty_string = "You have forgotten to fill in informationboxes in your truck informations \n"; truck_null_exception = true; } //Test if text boxes in the truck section are in the right format if (IsALLnumeric(textbox_truck_rent.Text, false) == false) { truck_wrong_format_string = "Your have format errors in your truck informations\n"; truck_format_exception = true; } } //If any of the boxes were in the wrong format or empty, //then show the messagebox notifying the user and break the finalize action. if ((truck_null_exception || truck_format_exception) == true) { MessageBox.Show(truck_boxes_empty_string + truck_wrong_format_string); error_found_truck = true; } #endregion // if no errors found then complete the finalize action and bring up the finalize window. //check if private customer and create contract. if (error_found_car == false) { if (select_combobox_customer.SelectedValue == null) { if (combo_veh_size_small_item.IsSelected) //Remember to add size parameter { Small myveh = new Small(textbox_car_colour.Text, textbox_car_model.Text, Convert.ToInt32(textbox_car_price.Text), "in stock", textbox_car_license.Text); mycardealer.AddVehicle(myveh); } if (combo_veh_size_large_item.IsSelected) { Large myveh = new Large(textbox_car_colour.Text, textbox_car_model.Text, Convert.ToInt32(textbox_car_price.Text), "in stock", textbox_car_license.Text); mycardealer.AddVehicle(myveh); } MessageBox.Show("Car Added"); this.comboBox_Del_Vehicle.ItemsSource = mycardealer.VehicleList; } if (select_combobox_customer.SelectedValue is Private) { if (combo_veh_size_small_item.IsSelected) //Remember to add size parameter { Small myveh = new Small(textbox_car_colour.Text, textbox_car_model.Text, Convert.ToInt32(textbox_car_price.Text), "sold", textbox_car_license.Text); mycardealer.AddVehicle(myveh); Private b = (Private)select_combobox_customer.SelectedValue; mycardealer.DeleteCustomer(b.Address); Contract gui_contract = new Contract(myveh, "contract"); b.AddContract(gui_contract); mycardealer.AddCustomer(b); //MessageBox.Show("ADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD contract\n"); } if (combo_veh_size_large_item.IsSelected) { Large myveh = new Large(textbox_car_colour.Text, textbox_car_model.Text, Convert.ToInt32(textbox_car_price.Text), "sold", textbox_car_license.Text); mycardealer.AddVehicle(myveh); Private b = (Private)select_combobox_customer.SelectedValue; //Delete the customer without the contract mycardealer.DeleteCustomer(b.Address); Contract gui_contract = new Contract(myveh, "contract"); b.AddContract(gui_contract); //Update the new customer with the contract mycardealer.AddCustomer(b); } // mycardealer.SaveCustomersToFile(); this.comboBox_del_customer.ItemsSource = mycardealer.LoadCustomers(); //__________ this.select_combobox_customer.ItemsSource = mycardealer.CustomerList; MessageBox.Show(mycardealer.ToString()); } mycardealer.SaveVehiclesToFile(); } //check if business customer and create lease. if (error_found_truck == false) { if (select_combobox_customer.SelectedValue == null) { Truck myveh = new Truck(textbox_truck_colour.Text, textbox_truck_model.Text, Convert.ToInt32(textbox_truck_rent.Text), "in stock", textbox_truck_license.Text); mycardealer.AddVehicle(myveh); MessageBox.Show(mycardealer.ToString()); //this.comboBox_Del_Vehicle.ItemsSource = mycardealer.VehicleList; } if (select_combobox_customer.SelectedValue is Business) { Truck myveh = new Truck(textbox_truck_colour.Text, textbox_truck_model.Text, Convert.ToInt32(textbox_truck_rent.Text), "leased", textbox_truck_license.Text); mycardealer.AddVehicle(myveh); Business b = (Business)select_combobox_customer.SelectedValue; mycardealer.DeleteCustomer(b.Address); Leasing gui_contract = new Leasing(myveh, "truckContract", Convert.ToInt32(textbox_truck_rent.Text), datepicker_truck_start.SelectedDate, datepicker_truck_end.SelectedDate); b.AddLease(gui_contract); mycardealer.AddCustomer(b); MessageBox.Show(mycardealer.ToString()); } mycardealer.SaveVehiclesToFile(); this.comboBox_Del_Vehicle.ItemsSource = mycardealer.VehicleList; MessageBox.Show(mycardealer.ToString()); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Leasing() { List <ShoppingCart> cart = SessionHelper.GetObjectFromJson <List <ShoppingCart> >(HttpContext.Session, "cart"); var id = _userManager.GetUserId(User); try { Leasing l = new Leasing { LeasingStart = DateTime.Now, Id = id }; _context.Add(l); LeasingDetail ld; foreach (var item in cart) { ld = new LeasingDetail { LeasingId = l.LeasingId, LeasingDetailAmount = item.Quantity, LeasingDetailExtend = true, LeasingDetailEnd = DateTime.Now.AddYears(1), ProductId = item.Product.ProductId }; var product = _context.Products.Where(p => p.ProductId == item.Product.ProductId).ToList(); foreach (var prod in product) { prod.ProductAvailability -= item.Quantity; } _context.Add(ld); } SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(); client.Host = ""; client.Port = 587; client.EnableSsl = true; client.UseDefaultCredentials = false; client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "dup@1234"); var user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(User); var email = user.Email; MailMessage mailMessage = new MailMessage(); mailMessage.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"); mailMessage.To.Add(email); mailMessage.Body = "Order no. " + l.LeasingId; mailMessage.Subject = "Your order is completed. Please pay your bill."; mailMessage.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(@"C:\PDF\Leasing.pdf")); client.Send(mailMessage); _context.SaveChanges(); } catch { ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Your cart can't be empty"; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Leasings", new { id = _context.Leasings.Last().LeasingId })); } cart = null; SessionHelper.SetObjectAsJson(HttpContext.Session, "cart", cart); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Leasings")); }