/// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the SLK Settings XML for a given SPSite.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="spSiteGuid">The GUID of the SPSite to retrieve SLK Settings for.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A string containing SLK Settings XML, or null if <pr>spSiteGuid</pr> is not configured for
        /// use with SLK.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is static so it can used outside the context of IIS.  Only SharePoint
        /// administrators can perform this function.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="SafeToDisplayException">
        /// An error occurred that can be displayed to a browser user.
        /// </exception>
        public static string GetSettingsXml(Guid spSiteGuid)
            // only SharePoint administrators can perform this action

            // set <mapping> to the mapping between <spSiteGuid> and the LearningStore connection
            // information for that SPSite
            SlkSPSiteMapping mapping = SlkSPSiteMapping.GetMapping(spSiteGuid);

            if (mapping == null)

            // return the SLK Settings XML for this SPSite
            LearningStore learningStore = new LearningStore(mapping.DatabaseConnectionString,
                                                            String.Empty, ImpersonationBehavior.UseOriginalIdentity);

            using (LearningStorePrivilegedScope privilegedScope = new LearningStorePrivilegedScope())
                LearningStoreJob   job   = learningStore.CreateJob();
                LearningStoreQuery query = learningStore.CreateQuery(Schema.SiteSettingsItem.ItemTypeName);
                query.AddCondition(Schema.SiteSettingsItem.SiteGuid, LearningStoreConditionOperator.Equal, spSiteGuid);
                DataRowCollection dataRows = job.Execute <DataTable>().Rows;
                if (dataRows.Count != 1)
                    throw new SafeToDisplayException(LoadCulture(spSiteGuid).Resources.SlkSettingsNotFound, spSiteGuid);
                DataRow dataRow = dataRows[0];
        private static SlkSettings LoadSettings(SlkSPSiteMapping mapping, SPSite site, XmlSchema xmlSchema)
            // create a LearningStore. Read is in privileged scope so irrelevant what key is.
            // Cannot use current user as may be be called in a page PreInit event when it's not necessarily valid
            string        learningStoreKey = "SHAREPOINT\\System";
            LearningStore learningStore    = new LearningStore(mapping.DatabaseConnectionString, learningStoreKey, ImpersonationBehavior.UseOriginalIdentity);

            // read the SLK Settings file from the database into <settings>
            SlkSettings settings;

            using (LearningStorePrivilegedScope privilegedScope = new LearningStorePrivilegedScope())
                LearningStoreJob   job   = learningStore.CreateJob();
                LearningStoreQuery query = learningStore.CreateQuery(Schema.SiteSettingsItem.ItemTypeName);
                query.AddCondition(Schema.SiteSettingsItem.SiteGuid, LearningStoreConditionOperator.Equal, mapping.SPSiteGuid);
                DataRowCollection dataRows = job.Execute <DataTable>().Rows;
                if (dataRows.Count != 1)
                    throw new SafeToDisplayException(SlkCulture.GetResources().SlkSettingsNotFound, site.Url);
                DataRow  dataRow                 = dataRows[0];
                string   settingsXml             = (string)dataRow[0];
                DateTime settingsXmlLastModified = ((DateTime)dataRow[1]);
                using (StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(settingsXml))
                    XmlReaderSettings xmlSettings = new XmlReaderSettings();
                    xmlSettings.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema;
                    using (XmlReader xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(stringReader, xmlSettings))
                        settings = new SlkSettings(xmlReader, settingsXmlLastModified);
