Exemple #1
        private void SetUpSubmitButtons(bool enableSubmitFiles, bool enableSubmit)
            //Check if non e-learning and enable the appropriate button accordingly
            if (AssignmentProperties.RootActivityId == null)
                slkButtonSubmitFiles.Visible   = true;
                slkButtonSubmitFiles.Text      = PageCulture.Resources.LobbySubmitFilesText;
                slkButtonSubmitFiles.ToolTip   = PageCulture.Resources.LobbySubmitFilesToolTip;
                slkButtonSubmitFiles.ImageUrl  = Constants.ImagePath + Constants.NewDocumentIcon;
                slkButtonSubmitFiles.AccessKey = PageCulture.Resources.LobbySubmitFilesAccessKey;
                slkButtonSubmitFiles.Enabled   = enableSubmitFiles;
                if (enableSubmitFiles)
                    string url = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                               SPWeb.Url, Constants.SlkUrlPath, LearnerAssignmentGuidId.ToString(), QueryStringKeys.Source, RawSourceUrl);

                    slkButtonSubmitFiles.NavigateUrl = url;
                    slkButtonSubmitFiles.Target      = "_self";

                slkButtonSubmit.Visible = true;
                slkButtonSubmitFiles.Visible = false;

            slkButtonSubmit.Enabled = enableSubmit;
Exemple #2
        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1062:ValidateArgumentsOfPublicMethods")]    // parameters are validated
        protected void AppendContentFrameDetails(LearningSession session, StringBuilder sb)
            FramesetUtil.ValidateNonNullParameter("sb", sb);
            FramesetUtil.ValidateNonNullParameter("session", session);

            // The URL for attempt-based content frames is:
            // http://<...basicWebApp>/Content.aspx/<AssignmentView>/<LearnerAssignmentId>/otherdata/
            // the otherdata depends on the view
            sb.Append(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "/{0}", Convert.ToInt32(AssignmentView, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)));

            StoredLearningSession slsSession = session as StoredLearningSession;

            if (slsSession == null)
                // Not attempt-based view
                sb.AppendFormat("/{0}", LearnerAssignmentGuidId.ToString());

                // In review & ra views, append the current activity id
                if ((slsSession.View == SessionView.Review) || (slsSession.View == SessionView.RandomAccess))
                    sb.AppendFormat("/{0}", FramesetUtil.GetStringInvariant(slsSession.CurrentActivityId));
Exemple #3
        protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)

                // setting default title
                pageTitle.Text            = PageCulture.Resources.LobbyBeginAssignmentText;
                pageTitleInTitlePage.Text = PageCulture.Resources.LobbyBeginAssignmentText;


                LearnerAssignmentState learnerAssignmentStatus = LearnerAssignmentProperties.Status.Value;
                startAssignment = (Request.QueryString[startQueryStringName] == "true");

                if (AssignmentProperties.IsNonELearning)

                if (startAssignment && learnerAssignmentStatus == LearnerAssignmentState.NotStarted)
                    learnerAssignmentStatus = LearnerAssignmentProperties.Status.Value;

                ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "lblStatusValue", "var lblStatusValue = \"" + lblStatusValue.ClientID + "\";", true);

                StringBuilder clientScript        = new StringBuilder();
                string        submittedJavascript = string.Format("slkSubmittedUrl = '{0}{1}SubmittedFiles.aspx?LearnerAssignmentId=';", SPWeb.Url, Constants.SlkUrlPath);

                string sourceUrl = string.Format("slkSourceUrl = '&source={0}';", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Page.Request.RawUrl));

                ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "openSubmittedFiles", clientScript.ToString(), true);

                if (learnerAssignmentStatus == LearnerAssignmentState.Completed && AssignmentProperties.AutoReturn == true)
                    // assignment was probably changed to be "auto-return" after this learner submitted it; we'll
                    // re-submit now to invoke the auto-return mechanism; note that we use
                    // LearnerAssignmentState.Completed instead of LearnerAssignmentState.Final because
                    // the latter would throw a security-related exception (learner's aren't allowed to move their
                    // learner assignments into Final state) -- using Completed works because
                    // SlkStore.ChangeLearnerAssignmentState performs auto-return even if the current state is
                    // LearnerAssignmentState.Completed
                    // Set the property to null so that it will refresh the next time it is referenced
                    LearnerAssignmentProperties = null;


                tgrAutoReturn.Visible = AssignmentProperties.AutoReturn;
                contentPanel.Visible  = true;
            catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
                errorBanner.AddException(SlkStore, new SafeToDisplayException(PageCulture.Resources.LobbyInvalidLearnerAssignmentId, LearnerAssignmentGuidId.ToString()));
                contentPanel.Visible = false;
            catch (ThreadAbortException)
                // Calling Response.Redirect throws a ThreadAbortException which needs to be rethrown
            catch (Exception exception)
                errorBanner.AddException(SlkStore, exception);
                contentPanel.Visible = false;
Exemple #4
        /// <summary> Generates the url to view the submitted files. </summary>
        private string GenerateUrlForAssignmentReview()
            DropBoxManager manager = new DropBoxManager(AssignmentProperties);

            AssignmentFile[] assignmentFiles = manager.LastSubmittedFiles(true);

            if (assignmentFiles.Length != 1)
                return(string.Format("{0}{1}SubmittedFiles.aspx?LearnerAssignmentId={2}", SPWeb.Url, Constants.SlkUrlPath, LearnerAssignmentGuidId.ToString()));
        /// <summary>
        /// Send the non-elearning content to the response. Non-elearning content is any content other than
        /// scorm or lrm content. It is an error to call this method when the current learner assignment is elearning content.
        /// In some cases, this method will end the response.
        /// </summary>
        private void SendNonElearningContent()
            // Get the cached learner assignment properties
            LearnerAssignmentProperties la = GetLearnerAssignment();

            SharePointFileLocation spFileLocation;

            if (!SharePointFileLocation.TryParse(la.Assignment.Location, out spFileLocation))
                // location was not valid
                RegisterError(SlkFrameset.FRM_DocumentNotFoundTitleHtml, SlkFrameset.FRM_DocumentNotFound, false);

            // Find the location of the document in the Sharepoint Document Library and go there
            string documentUrl = GetNonElearningDocumentUrl(spFileLocation);

            // Special case handling for HTML files:
            //   * Launch directly from the document library, not from the Cache
            //   * Add the LearnerAssignmentId to the Query portion of the URL so that we pass the learning context down to the content
            // This enables us to have more advanced behavior (CMI Tracking, scoring, completion status) for "Non-ELearning" documents.
            // It is a first step towards a more comprehensive strategy for adding educational workflow to all types of documents.
            if (documentUrl.EndsWith("html", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || documentUrl.EndsWith("htm", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                string redirectUrl = String.Format("{0}?{1}={2}", documentUrl, FramesetQueryParameter.LearnerAssignmentId, LearnerAssignmentGuidId.ToString());
                Response.Redirect(redirectUrl, true); // ends response

            string framesetPath = GetFramesetPath();


            using (CachedSharePointFile cachedFile = new CachedSharePointFile(SlkStore.SharePointCacheSettings, spFileLocation, true))
                // If the current request URL does not include the file name of the file, then this request is the first frameset rendering.
                // That means this will redirect to a URL that does include the filename of the file. This redirection allows the browser to
                // properly handle the content.
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(framesetPath))
                    string redirectUrl = GetNonElearningFrameUrl(cachedFile.FileName);
                    Response.Redirect(redirectUrl, true);   // ends response

                // This is the first actual access of the file. If it doesn't exist, the exception will be caught by the Page_load method.

                // If this file is using IIS Compability mode, then we get the stream from the cached file and write it to the
                // response, otherwise, use TransmitFile.
                if (UseCompatibilityMode(cachedFile.FileName))