void Update()
        Frame f = m_leapController.Frame();

        // mark exising hands as stale.
        foreach (KeyValuePair <int, GameObject> h in m_hands)
            h.Value.GetComponent <LeapHand>().m_stale = true;

        // see what hands the leap sees and mark matching hands as not stale.
        for (int i = 0; i < f.Hands.Count; ++i)
            GameObject hand;
            m_hands.TryGetValue(f.Hands[i].Id, out hand);

            // see if hand existed before
            if (hand != null)
                // if it did then just update its position and joint positions.

                hand.transform.position = m_parent.TransformPoint(m_offset + f.Hands[i].PalmPosition.ToUnityScaled());
                hand.transform.forward  = f.Hands[i].Direction.ToUnity();

                LeapHand leapHand = hand.GetComponent <LeapHand>();
                leapHand.m_stale = false;
                leapHand.UpdateFingers(f.Hands[i], m_parent, m_offset);
                // else create new hand
                hand = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Hand")) as GameObject;
                // push it into the dictionary.
                m_hands.Add(f.Hands[i].Id, hand);

        // clear out stale hands.
        List <int> staleIDs = new List <int>();

        foreach (KeyValuePair <int, GameObject> h in m_hands)
            if (h.Value.GetComponent <LeapHand>().m_stale)
                // set for removal from dictionary.
        foreach (int id in staleIDs)