public void IsExpanded_HasDummyChildAndConferencesCountEqualZeroAndDivisionsCountEqualZero_RemovesDummyChildAndLoadsChildren()
            // Arrange
            // Instantiate class under test.
            var viewModel = new LeagueNodeViewModel(_parentControl, _controlService, _league, _conferenceRepository);

            // Set up needed infrastructure of class under test.
            var seasonID = 1920;

            var conferences = new List <Conference>();

            A.CallTo(() => _controlService.GetConferencesByLeagueAndSeason(A <string> .Ignored, A <int> .Ignored))

            var divisions = new List <Division>();

            A.CallTo(() => _controlService.GetDivisionsByLeagueAndSeason(A <string> .Ignored, A <int> .Ignored))

            // Act
            viewModel.IsExpanded = true;

            // Assert
            A.CallTo(() => _controlService.GetConferencesByLeagueAndSeason(_league.Name, seasonID))

            A.CallTo(() => _controlService.GetDivisionsByLeagueAndSeason(_league.Name, seasonID))

        public void TestCase1()
            // Arrange
            // Instantiate class under test.
            var viewModel = new LeagueNodeViewModel(_parentControl, _controlService, _league, _conferenceRepository);

            // TODO: Define argument variables of method under test.

            // TODO: Set up needed infrastructure of class under test.

            // Act
            // TODO: Call method under test.

            // Assert
            // TODO: Assert results of call to method under test.
        public void IsExpanded_HasDummyChildAndConferencesCountEqualZeroAndDivisionsCountGreaterThanZero_RemovesDummyChildAndLoadsChildren()
            // Arrange
            // Instantiate class under test.
            var viewModel = new LeagueNodeViewModel(_parentControl, _controlService, _league, _conferenceRepository);

            // Set up needed infrastructure of class under test.
            var seasonID = 1920;

            var conferences = new List <Conference>();

            A.CallTo(() => _controlService.GetConferencesByLeagueAndSeason(A <string> .Ignored, A <int> .Ignored))

            var divisionCount = 3;
            var divisions     = new List <Division>(divisionCount);

            for (int i = 1; i <= divisionCount; i++)
                var division = new Division
                    Name = $"Division {i}"
            A.CallTo(() => _controlService.GetDivisionsByLeagueAndSeason(A <string> .Ignored, A <int> .Ignored))

            // Act
            viewModel.IsExpanded = true;

            // Assert
            A.CallTo(() => _controlService.GetConferencesByLeagueAndSeason(_league.Name, seasonID))

            A.CallTo(() => _controlService.GetDivisionsByLeagueAndSeason(_league.Name, seasonID))

            Assert.IsInstanceOf <ObservableCollection <ITreeViewItemViewModel> >(viewModel.Children);
            Assert.AreEqual(divisionCount, viewModel.Children.Count);
            foreach (var child in viewModel.Children)
                Assert.IsInstanceOf <DivisionNodeViewModel>(child);
        public void IsExpanded_HasNoDummyChild_DoesNotLoadChildren()
            // Arrange
            // Instantiate class under test.
            var viewModel = new LeagueNodeViewModel(_parentControl, _controlService, _league, _conferenceRepository,
                                                    lazyLoadChildren: false);

            // Act
            viewModel.IsExpanded = true;

            // Assert
            #region LoadChildren()

            A.CallTo(() => _controlService.GetConferencesByLeagueAndSeason(A <string> .Ignored, A <int> .Ignored))

            #endregion LoadChildren()
        public void IsExpanded_HasDummyChildAndLoadChildrenCatchesException_ShowsExceptionMessage()
            // Arrange
            // Instantiate class under test.
            var viewModel = new LeagueNodeViewModel(_parentControl, _controlService, _league, _conferenceRepository,

            // Set up needed infrastructure of class under test.
            var ex = new Exception();

            A.CallTo(() => _controlService.GetConferencesByLeagueAndSeason(A <string> .Ignored, A <int> .Ignored))

            // Act
            viewModel.IsExpanded = true;

            // Assert
            A.CallTo(() => _sharedService.ShowExceptionMessage(ex, "Exception")).MustHaveHappenedOnceExactly();

            Assert.IsInstanceOf <ObservableCollection <ITreeViewItemViewModel> >(viewModel.Children);