static void stopProcesses(string key) { O.each(O.copy(processes.get(key)), process => { if (!process.HasExited) {"killing pid " + process.Id); process.Kill(); } processes.get(key).Remove(process); });"all processes killed for " + key); }
void populateSlippageCache(Symbol symbol) { var manager = new SpudManager(); var bars = bars_[symbol]; var spud = new BarSpud(manager); var calculator = symbol.slippageCalculator(spud); each(sort(bars.Keys), date => { spud.set(bars[date]); slippageCache.get(date)[symbol] = calculator.slippage(); manager.newBar(); }); }
void addTrade(Position position, Trade trade) { if (position.isEntry(trade)) { positions.Add(position); positionsInfo.add(position); Action <Bar> onNewBar = bar => positionsInfo.get(position).add(simulator.pnlForPosition(position, 0.0)); simulator.addNewBarListener(position.symbol, onNewBar); position.onPositionClosed += () => { simulator.removeNewBarListener(position.symbol, onNewBar); positionsInfo.get(position).add(position.pnl(true, simulator.runInNativeCurrency())); }; } trades.Add(trade); }
void nextBar(DateTime date, Dictionary <Symbol, Bar> current, bool isLive) { trades.Clear(); if (!isLive) // in live mode, we have already filled orders for the bar we just went through (in the tick processing logic) { bridge.setCurrentSlippage(data.currentSlippages(date));"filling orders for bar: " + ymdHuman(date)); fillOrders(current); }"calling onNewBar for bar: " + ymdHuman(date)); bridge.processBar(current); processBarComplete(); each(current, (symbol, bar) => { var action = newBarListeners.get(symbol); action(bar); }); dateIndex++; }
public LiveWatcher(WatcherGui gui) { this.gui = gui; table = new QDataTable { { "tag", typeof(string) }, { "symbol", typeof(string) }, { "tomahawk", typeof(double) }, { "aim", typeof(double) }, { "diff", typeof(double) }, { "symbolHIDDEN", typeof(Symbol) } }; table.filter(row => { var visible = true; if (filterZeroes) { visible = (double)row["aim"] != 0 || (double)row["tomahawk"] != 0; } if (!showHidden_) { visible &= !isExcludedByTag.get((string)row["tag"]); } if (!tagFilter.Equals("ALL")) { visible &= row["tag"].Equals(tagFilter); } return(visible); }); }
void updateNode(Topic topic, MsivPv liveMarket, LiveMarketNode node) { var averager = ticksReceived.get(liveMarket); if (!topic.has("ticksReceived")) { return; } node.ticksReceived = topic.get <int>("ticksReceived"); node.runningOn = topic.get <string>("hostname"); averager.add(node.ticksReceived); node.tickRate = (float)averager.movingAverage(); node.size = isEqualSizes_ ? 1 : Math.Max(1F, node.tickRate); node.tickLag = ticks.get(liveMarket).tickLag; node.color = node.tickLag - 5000; node.isDown = now().Subtract(date(topic.get <string>("timestamp"))).TotalSeconds < 10; var downText = node.isDown ? "" : "DOWN "; node.lastTickProcessed = ticks.get(liveMarket).lastTickProcessed(); node.text = downText + + "\n" + node.tickRate.ToString("n0") + "/min, " + node.tickLag + "ms\n" + node.ticksReceived.ToString("n0") + "\n" + node.lastTickProcessed.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + "\n" + node.runningOn; }
public override double fxRate(Symbol symbol) { if (arguments().runInNativeCurrency) { return(1); } return(symbol.currency().isUSD() ? 1 : fxRates.get(symbol)[0].close); }
public List <QNode> nodes() { var bySystem = new LazyDictionary <string, List <LiveSystem> > (system => new List <LiveSystem>()); each(systems, liveSystem => bySystem.get(liveSystem.siv().system()).Add(liveSystem)); var result = list(convert(bySystem.keys(), system => { var liveSystems = bySystem.get(system); var systemNode = new QNode(system, liveSystems.Count, 0); each(liveSystems, liveSystem => { var liveSystemNode = systemNode.add(new LiveSystemNode(liveSystem, 1, 0)); var liveMarkets = list <MsivPv>(liveSystem.liveMarkets()); each(liveMarkets, liveMarket => { try { var symbol = new Symbol(; var liveMarketNode = new LiveMarketNode(symbol, 1, 0); liveSystemNode.add(liveMarketNode); var topic = new Topic(liveSystem.topicName(OrderTable.prefix, + "." + SystemHeartbeat.SUFFIX)); topic.subscribeIfNeeded(); updateModelNodes += () => updateNode(topic, liveMarket, liveMarketNode); symbol.subscribe(bar => recordMarketDataTickReceived(liveMarket, bar.time)); topic.subscribe(fields => { var tickTime = fields.time("lastTickProcessed"); ticks.get(liveMarket).systemProcessed(date(tickTime)); }); } catch (Exception ex) { LogC.err("exception caught subscribing to tick data for " + liveMarket + ", " + system, ex); gui.alertUser("exception caught susbcribing to data for " + liveMarket + ", " + system + ".\nSkipping... see log for details."); } }); updateModelNodes += () => updateNode(liveSystem, liveSystemNode); }); updateModelNodes += () => updateNode(systemNode); return(systemNode); })); timerManager().everyMillis(1000, updateModelNodes, out timer); LiveLauncher.subscribeHeartbeat(gui.launcherAvailable); LogC.ignore(timer); return(result); }
public void addToFerret(Fields fields, OrderSubmitter submitter) { fields.put("SYMBOL",; details.addToFerret(fields); duration.addToFerret(fields); ferretSubmission = new OrderSubmission(); ferretSubmission.addToFerretOrderSubmit(fields); fields.put("SIDE", direction.longShort("BUY", "SELL")); fields.put("QUANTITY", size); var config = configs.get(symbol.type()); fields.put("PLATFORM", config.platform()); fields.put("ROUTE", config.route()); fields.put("SECURITYTYPE", symbol.type().Equals("Future") ? "FUTURES" : "EQUITY"); fields.put("STATUS", "NEW"); fields.put("MESSAGETYPE", "NewOrder"); }
public void initialize() { each(StatusTracker.allLiveSystems(), liveSystem => { var tag = liveSystem.bloombergTag(); var tagTotals = tags.get(tag); each(list <MsivPv>(liveSystem.liveMarkets()), liveMarket => { var symbol = new Symbol(new Market(; if (!tagTotals.has(symbol)) { var myRow = addRow(tag, nameString(symbol), rowKey(tag, symbol)); myRow["symbolHIDDEN"] = symbol; } var symbolTotals = tagTotals.get(symbol); symbolTotals[liveSystem] = 0; new Topic(liveSystem.topicName("TOMAHAWK", + ".optimalPosition")).subscribe(fields => { lock (symbolTotals) { symbolTotals[liveSystem] = fields.numeric("liveValue"); lastUpdateTime.get(tag)[liveMarket] = date(fields.time("liveTimestamp")); var total = sum(symbolTotals.Values); gui.runOnGuiThread(() => { var myRow = row(tag, symbol); myRow["tomahawk"] = total; update(myRow); }); } }); }); }); new Topic("Positions.QMF.>", positionsBroker_).subscribe(fields => { var tag = fields.text("level1TagName"); var ticker = fields.text("ticker"); if (isEmpty(ticker)) { ticker = fields.text("securityId"); } var yellowKey = Strings.javaClassify(fields.text("yellowKey").ToLower()); gui.runOnGuiThread(() => { var myRow = row(tag, ticker, yellowKey); myRow["aim"] = fields.numeric("currentPosition"); update(myRow); }); }); }
void runSystem(Producer <SystemRunInfo> info, bool goLive) { try { gui.disableRunButton(); runInfo = info(); simulator = runInfo.newSimulator((symbol, definition) => plots.get(symbol).Add(definition)); each(simulator.symbols, symbol => simulator.addCollectible(symbol)); simulator.addNewTradeListener(addTrade); simulator.processBars(); } catch (Exception e) { gui.logAndAlert("failed during simulation run", e); return; } finally { runThread = null; gui.enableRunButton(); } gui.reportResults(this); if (goLive) { simulator.goLive(); } }
public Currency currency(Symbol symbol) { return(Bomb.ifNull(currencies.get(symbol), () => "can't get currency for " + symbol)); }
public virtual void cancelOrder(Order o) { o.cancel(); orders_.get(o.symbol).Remove(o); }
public virtual List <Position> positions(Symbol symbol) { return(positions_.get(symbol)); }
public List <MarketPeriod> activePeriods(Symbol symbol) { return(activePeriods_.get(symbol)); }
protected void addSystem(T key, S system) { systems_[key] = system; each(key.symbols(), symbol => systemsBySymbol.get(symbol).Add(system)); }
public object this[int index] { get { return(cache.get(runs()[index])); } set { throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
public MarketSession session(Symbol symbol, string name) { return(sessions.get(symbol).get(name)); }
public Dictionary <Symbol, Bar> currentBars(DateTime date) { return(dictionary(symbols, s => bars.get(s)[0])); }
Type slippageCalculator(Symbol symbol) { return(slippageCalculators.get(symbol)); }
public FakeBarLoader(IEnumerable <Symbol> symbols) { this.symbols = symbols; bars = new LazyDictionary <Symbol, BarSpud>(s => barSpud()); slippageCalculators = new LazyDictionary <Symbol, SlippageCalculator>(s => s.slippageCalculator(bars.get(s))); }
public string bloombergTicker(Symbol symbol) { return(bloombergTickers.get(symbol)); }
public Dictionary <Symbol, double> currentSlippages(DateTime date) { return(dictionary(symbols, s => slippageCalculators.get(s).slippage())); }
public string type(Symbol symbol) { return(types.get(symbol)); }
public void subscribe(Symbol symbol, TickListener listener) { tickListeners.get(symbol).add(listener); }
public void subscribe(Symbol symbol, ObservationListener listener) { observationListeners.get(symbol).add(listener); }
public void addTo(LazyDictionary <Symbol, List <Pair> > dictionary) { dictionary.get(left).Add(this); dictionary.get(right).Add(this); }
public override double slippage() { return(fixedSlippages.get(symbol)); }