public ApplicationsExplorerView([ServiceDependency] WorkItem workItem) { this._workItem = workItem as LaytonWorkItem; InitializeComponent(); this.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(ApplicationsExplorerView_Paint); //Attach the Drawfilter to the tree applicationsTree.DrawFilter = UltraTree_DropHightLight_DrawFilter; UltraTree_DropHightLight_DrawFilter.Invalidate += new EventHandler(this.UltraTree_DropHightLight_DrawFilter_Invalidate); UltraTree_DropHightLight_DrawFilter.QueryStateAllowedForNode += new UltraTree_DropHightLight_DrawFilter_Class.QueryStateAllowedForNodeEventHandler(this.UltraTree_DropHightLight_DrawFilter_QueryStateAllowedForNode); // Set the display style foe the tree so that we can swap between vista and 'standard' trees AuditWizardConfiguration configuration = new AuditWizardConfiguration(); this.applicationsTree.DisplayStyle = (configuration.VistaTrees) ? UltraTreeDisplayStyle.WindowsVista : UltraTreeDisplayStyle.Standard; // Add the root nodes to the tree for OS and Publishers - the tree is not sorted at the root so we add OS first applicationsTree.Override.Sort = SortType.None; _rootOsNode = applicationsTree.Nodes.Add(MiscStrings.OperatingSystems, MiscStrings.OperatingSystems); _rootOsNode.LeftImages.Add(Properties.Resources.os_16); _rootOsNode.Override.Sort = SortType.Descending; // _rootPublisherNode = applicationsTree.Nodes.Add(MiscStrings.AllPublishers, MiscStrings.AllPublishers); _rootPublisherNode.LeftImages.Add(Properties.Resources.application_view_16); _rootPublisherNode.Override.Sort = SortType.Descending; _rootPublisherNode.Expanded = true; }
public ApplicationInstancesTabView([ServiceDependency] WorkItem workItem) { this.workItem = workItem as LaytonWorkItem; InitializeComponent(); mainSplitContainer.SplitterDistance = 104; headerGroupBox.SizeChanged += new EventHandler(headerGroupBox_SizeChanged); }
public SuppliersTabView([ServiceDependency] WorkItem workItem) { this.workItem = workItem as LaytonWorkItem; InitializeComponent(); // Center the header label CenterHeaderLabel(); }
public InstancesTabView([ServiceDependency] WorkItem workItem) { this.workItem = workItem as LaytonWorkItem; InitializeComponent(); // Restore any saved layout for the grid LoadLayout(); }
public AuditTrailTabView([ServiceDependency] WorkItem workItem) { this.workItem = workItem as LaytonWorkItem; InitializeComponent(); // Hook into the terminating event so that we can save the layout on exit this.workItem.Terminating += new EventHandler(workItem_Terminating); }
public AuditedDataTabView([ServiceDependency] WorkItem workItem) { this.workItem = workItem as LaytonWorkItem; InitializeComponent(); // See if we have a layout file saved and if so read it to initialize the grid //LoadLayout(); }
public ApplicationComplianceWidget([ServiceDependency] WorkItem workItem) { _workItem = workItem as LaytonWorkItem; InitializeComponent(); cbDashboardReportType1.SelectedIndex = 0; _selectedReport = cbDashboardReportType1.SelectedItem.ToString(); this.ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(); }
public SecurityTabView([ServiceDependency] WorkItem workItem) { this.workItem = workItem as LaytonWorkItem; InitializeComponent(); // Initialize the context menu for different products #if !_AUDITWIZARD_ this.contextMenuStrip1.Items[0].Visible = false; // No New User this.contextMenuStrip1.Items[1].Visible = false; // No Delete User #endif }
public GroupTabView([ServiceDependency] WorkItem workItem) { this.workItem = workItem as LaytonWorkItem; InitializeComponent(); backgroundWorker1 = new BackgroundWorker(); backgroundWorker1.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(backgroundWorker1_DoWork); backgroundWorker1.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(backgroundWorker1_RunWorkerCompleted); // See if we have a layout file saved and if so read it to initialize the grid LoadLayout(); }
public SummaryTabView([ServiceDependency] WorkItem workItem) { this.workItem = workItem as LaytonWorkItem; InitializeComponent(); InitializeUserDefinedCategoryTabs(); _listAssetTypes.Populate(); tree = new UltraTree(); bApply = false; m_objSupportContract = new SupportContract(); //LoadForm(); }
public OSTabView([ServiceDependency] WorkItem workItem) { this.workItem = workItem as LaytonWorkItem; InitializeComponent(); // Initialize the compliant/non-compliant appearances _noncompliantAppearance.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; _compliantAppearance.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; _notSpecifiedAppearance.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 110, 0); // Restore any saved layout for the grid LoadLayout(); }
public LocationsTabView([ServiceDependency] WorkItem workItem) { this.workItem = workItem as LaytonWorkItem; InitializeComponent(); // Initialize the list and tree views // Set the DefaultImage to a folder icon, since that is the most common // type of item we will be displaying this.locationsList.ItemSettings.DefaultImage = Properties.Resources.location_16; // Populate the UltraListView's SubItemColumns collection with the columns that will represent the // additional information associated with the locations this.locationsList.SubItemColumns.Clear(); UltraListViewSubItemColumn column = null; // Set the text for the MainColumn this.locationsList.MainColumn.Text = "Name"; // Add a column for the Starting IP address column = this.locationsList.SubItemColumns.Add("Starting IP Address"); column.DataType = typeof(string); // Add a column for the Ending IP Address. column = this.locationsList.SubItemColumns.Add("Ending IP Address"); column.DataType = typeof(string); // Set the UltraWinListView.ColumnAutoSizeMode property so that when the end user double-clicks // on the right edge of a column header, the column's width is adjusted to fully // display the text for all visible items and the header. this.locationsList.ViewSettingsDetails.ColumnAutoSizeMode = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinListView.ColumnAutoSizeMode.VisibleItemsAndHeader; // Set UltraWinListView.AutoFitColumns to 'ResizeAllColumns' so that all columns fit in the available // horizontal space. this.locationsList.ViewSettingsDetails.AutoFitColumns = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinListView.AutoFitColumns.ResizeAllColumns; // Tree View // ========= // // Set the tree view to be dynamically expanded this.locationsTree.Override.ShowExpansionIndicator = ShowExpansionIndicator.CheckOnExpand; // Set the display style foe the tree so that we can swap between vista and 'standard' trees AuditWizardConfiguration configuration = new AuditWizardConfiguration(); this.locationsTree.DisplayStyle = (configuration.VistaTrees) ? UltraTreeDisplayStyle.WindowsVista : UltraTreeDisplayStyle.Standard; // Add the root node to the tree - we expand the tree as and when expanded PopulateRoot(); }
public OverviewExplorerView([ServiceDependency] WorkItem workItem) { this.workItem = workItem as LaytonWorkItem; InitializeComponent(); serviceRunning = false; CheckServiceRunning(); timer = new Timer(); timer.Interval = 10000; timer.Tick += new EventHandler(timer_Tick); timer.Start(); RefreshView(); }
public HistoryTabView([ServiceDependency] WorkItem workItem) { this.workItem = workItem as LaytonWorkItem; InitializeComponent(); // See if we have a layout file saved and if so read it to initialize the grid LoadLayout(); // Set the format for the 'Date' column to be the default date/time format for the locale UltraGridColumn dateColumn = historyGridView.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns["Date"]; dateColumn.Format = "G"; // Populate icons list _iconMappings = new IconMappings(new AuditedItemsDAO()); }
public AdministrationExplorerView([ServiceDependency] WorkItem workItem) { this.workItem = workItem as LaytonWorkItem; InitializeComponent(); // Set up a paint handler to display the ghosted image this.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(administrationExplorerBar_Paint); // Create an appearance so that we can show which is the selected item this.selectedItemAppearance = new Infragistics.Win.Appearance(); this.selectedItemAppearance.BackColor = SystemColors.MenuHighlight; this.selectedItemAppearance.ForeColor = SystemColors.HighlightText; // Ensure that initially the 'General' group is the only one displayed UltraExplorerBarGroup generalGroup = this.administrationExplorerBar.Groups[GeneralOptionNames.generalGroup]; DisplayGroup(GeneralOptionNames.generalGroup); }
private void overviewExplorerBar_ItemClick(object sender, ItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Item.Text.StartsWith("License Count") || e.Item.Text.StartsWith("Licenses In Use")) { return; } else if (e.Item.Text.StartsWith("Running") || e.Item.Text.StartsWith("Not Running")) { FormAuditWizardServiceControl serviceForm = new FormAuditWizardServiceControl(); serviceForm.ShowDialog(); CheckServiceRunning(); return; } LaytonWorkItem workItem = WorkItem as LaytonWorkItem; ((OverviewWorkItemController)workItem.Controller).DisplayDrilldownData(e.Item.Text); }
public ComputerTabView([ServiceDependency] WorkItem workItem) { this.workItem = workItem as LaytonWorkItem; InitializeComponent(); // Set the List View style assetListView.ShowGroups = true; assetListView.View = Properties.Settings.Default.ViewStyle; // Setup the context menu used by the list view assetListView.ContextMenu = this.contextMenu1; // Populate the context menu with the constants of the UltraListViewStyle // enumeration, so we can allow the end user to change the view. Note that we // will not support the 'Details' view as this is not really appropriate IGMenuItem menuItem = null; string[] enumNames = Enum.GetNames(typeof(UltraListViewStyle)); Array enumValues = Enum.GetValues(typeof(UltraListViewStyle)); for (int i = 0; i < enumValues.Length; i++) { // Skip details mode if (enumNames[i] == UltraListViewStyle.Details.ToString()) { continue; } menuItem = new IGMenuItem(enumNames[i], new EventHandler(this.contextMenuItem_Click)); UltraListViewStyle enumValue = (UltraListViewStyle)enumValues.GetValue(i); menuItem.Tag = enumValue; // If this value is the same one that the control's View // property is set to, check it if (assetListView.View == enumValue) { menuItem.Checked = true; } this.contextMenu1.MenuItems.Add(menuItem); } }
public OverviewTabView([ServiceDependency] WorkItem workItem) { this.workItem = workItem as LaytonWorkItem; InitializeComponent(); List <string> widgets = new List <string>(); widgets.Add("ApplicationComplianceWidget"); widgets.Add("ServerData Widget"); widgets.Add("Inventory Widget"); widgets.Add("News Feed Widget"); // Create the Widget manager object _widgetManager = new WidgetManager(this.widgetMatrixView, this.workItem); foreach (string widget in widgets) { _widgetManager.DisplayWidget(widget); } }
public SerialNumbersTabView([ServiceDependency] WorkItem workItem) { this.workItem = workItem as LaytonWorkItem; InitializeComponent(); }
public UploadSettingsTabView([ServiceDependency] WorkItem workItem) { this.workItem = workItem as LaytonWorkItem; InitializeComponent(); }
public AuditTrailExplorerView([ServiceDependency] WorkItem workItem) { this.workItem = workItem as LaytonWorkItem; InitializeComponent(); this.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(AuditTrailExplorerView_Paint); }
public DatabaseTabView([ServiceDependency] WorkItem workItem) { this.workItem = workItem as LaytonWorkItem; InitializeComponent(); }
public UserDefinedDataTabView([ServiceDependency] WorkItem workItem) { this.workItem = workItem as LaytonWorkItem; InitializeComponent(); }
void tasksTool_ToolClick(object sender, ToolClickEventArgs e) { LaytonWorkItem workItem = WorkItem as LaytonWorkItem; ((OverviewWorkItemController)workItem.Controller).AddTasks(); }
public ReportsExplorerView([ServiceDependency] WorkItem workItem) { this.workItem = workItem as LaytonWorkItem; InitializeComponent(); //InitializeControls(); }
void wizardTool_ToolClick(object sender, ToolClickEventArgs e) { LaytonWorkItem workItem = WorkItem as LaytonWorkItem; ((OverviewWorkItemController)workItem.Controller).RunStartupWizard(); }
public AuditTrailToolbarsController([ServiceDependency] WorkItem workItem) { this.workItem = workItem as LaytonWorkItem; }
void alertsTool_ToolClick(object sender, ToolClickEventArgs e) { LaytonWorkItem workItem = WorkItem as LaytonWorkItem; ((OverviewWorkItemController)workItem.Controller).AlertLog(); }
public AuditAgentTabView([ServiceDependency] WorkItem workItem) { this.workItem = workItem as LaytonWorkItem; auditAgentScannerDefinition = new AuditScannerDefinition(); InitializeComponent(); }
void configureTool_ToolClick(object sender, ToolClickEventArgs e) { LaytonWorkItem workItem = WorkItem as LaytonWorkItem; ((OverviewWorkItemController)workItem.Controller).ConfigureDashboard(); }