Exemple #1
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create the LatexEngine
            // Here you can pass a Configuration, otherwise
            // LatexEngine searches Configuration.xml
            // in the current directory and if it is not there
            // he searches it in ./Config/
            var engine = new LatexEngine();

            // Create an object, that you can use in your LaTeX
            var o = new {
                Value   = 25,
                x       = false,
                y       = true,
                z       = false,
                Headers = new string[] { "First", "Second", "Third", "Fourth" },
                Entries = new[] {
                    new[] { "11", "12", "13", "14" },
                    new[] { "21", "22", "23", "24" },
                    new[] { "31", "32", "33", "34" },
                    new[] { "41", "42", "43", "44" },
                    new[] { "51", "52", "53", "54" },
                    new[] { "61", "62", "63", "64" },

            // Create the PDF
            var src  = new FileInfo("TestFile.tex");
            var dest = new FileInfo("TestFile.pdf");

            using (var srcStream = src.OpenRead())
                using (var destStream = new FileStream(dest.FullName, FileMode.Create))
                    engine.Generate(srcStream, o, destStream);

            // Show the PDF
Exemple #2
        public void LatexEngineTestTex()
            string result;
            var    o = new MyObject();

            // locate miktexdummy.exe
            var miktexdummyFile = new FileInfo(typeof(miktexdummy.Program).Assembly.Location);

            if (!miktexdummyFile.Exists)
                throw new System.Exception("Cannot find 'miktexdummy.exe'");

            // setup engine to use miktexdummy.exe
            var engine = new LatexEngine(new LatexEngine.TexConfig()
                Command = miktexdummyFile.FullName,

            var input = @"%####%
%##  ##%


        {## print o.Value; ##}
        {## print o.Value2; ##}
        {## if (o.x) { ##}
        {## } else if (o.y) { ##}
        {## } else if (o.z) { ##}
        {## } else { ##}
        {## } ##}

            // testing
            using (var mem = new MemoryStream()) {
                using (var writer = new StreamWriter(mem, Encoding.UTF8, 1024, leaveOpen: true))

                // reset position to start
                mem.Position = 0;

                // generate
                using (var memOut = new MemoryStream()) {
                    engine.Generate(mem, o, memOut);

                    // reset position to start
                    memOut.Position = 0;

                    // check output
                    string output = null;
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(memOut, Encoding.UTF8, true, 1024, leaveOpen: true))
                        output = reader.ReadToEnd();
                    Assert.AreEqual(@"Ich bin ein PDF :D
" + @"
" + @"
" + @"
" + @"
" + @"
        " + @"
        " + @"
        " + o.Value.ToString() + @"
        " + o.Value2.ToString() + @"
        " + @"
        " + @"
\end{document}", output);