Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// cholesky factorization
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="A">hermitian matrix A. A must be a symmetric matrix.
        /// Therefore the upper triangular part of A must be
        /// <param name="throwException">throw an ILArgumentException if A
        /// is found not to be positive definite.</param>
        /// the (complex conjugate) of the lower triangular part. No check
        /// is made for that! <br/>
        /// The elements of A will not be altered.</param>
        /// <returns>cholesky factorization</returns>
        /// <remarks><para>if <paramref name="throwException"/> is true and
        /// A is found not to be positive definite, an ILArgumentException
        /// will be thrown and the operation will be canceled.</para>
        /// <para> If <paramref name="throwException"/> is false, check the
        /// return value's dimension to determine the success of the
        /// operation (unless you are sure, A was positive definite).
        /// If A was found not pos.def. the matrix returned
        /// will be of dimension [k x k] and the result of the cholesky
        /// factorization of A[0:k-1;0:k-1]. Here k is the first leading
        /// minor of A which was found to be not positive definite.  </para>
        /// The factorization is carried out by use of the LAPACK functions
        /// DPOTRF, ZPOTRF, SPOTRF or CPOTRF respectively. </remarks>
        public static ILArray <fcomplex> chol(
            ILArray <fcomplex> A, bool throwException)
            if (!A.IsMatrix)
                throw new ILArgumentSizeException("chol is defined for matrices only!");
            int n = A.Dimensions[0], info = 0;

            if (A.Dimensions[1] != n)
                throw new ILArgumentException("chol: input matrix must be square!");
            ILArray <fcomplex> ret = A.copyUpperTriangle(n);

            Lapack.cpotrf('U', n, ret.m_data, n, ref info);
            if (info < 0)
                throw new ILArgumentException("chol: illegal parameter error.");
            else if (info > 0)
                // not pos.definite
                if (!throwException)
                    if (info > 1)
                        int newDim = info - 1;
                        ret = A.copyUpperTriangle(newDim);
                        Lapack.cpotrf('U', newDim, ret.m_data, newDim, ref info);
                        if (info != 0)
                            throw new ILArgumentException("chol: the original matrix given was not pos. definit. An attempt to decompose the submatrix of order " + (newDim + 1).ToString() + " failed.");
                        return(ILArray <fcomplex> .empty(0, 0));
                    throw new ILArgumentException("chol: the matrix given is not positive definite!");