Exemple #1
        private int SelectLane(LocalRoadModel localRoadModel, LinePath rndfPath, double rndfPathWidth, CarTimestamp rndfPathTimestamp, int numLanesLeft, int numLanesRight)
            // check if we don't have a road model or it should be rejected
            bool nullRejection = localRoadModel == null;
            bool probRejection1 = false, probRejection2 = false, shapeRejection = false;

            if (localRoadModel != null)
                probRejection1 = (didRejectLast && localRoadModel.ModelProbability < model_probability_accept_threshold);
                probRejection2 = (!didRejectLast && localRoadModel.ModelProbability < model_probability_reject_threshold);
                shapeRejection = !CheckGeneralShape(rndfPath, rndfPathTimestamp, localRoadModel.CenterLaneModel);

            if (nullRejection || probRejection1 || probRejection2 || shapeRejection)
                int rejectionCode = -4;
                if (nullRejection)
                    rejectionCode = -2;
                else if (probRejection1 || probRejection2)
                    rejectionCode = -3;
                else if (shapeRejection)
                    rejectionCode = -4;


            // we decided stuff isn't completely stuff
            // we need to pick a lane that is the best fit

            // TODO: hysterysis factor--want to be in the "same lane" as last time

            // get the test results for each lane
            LaneModelTestResult leftTest   = TestLane(rndfPath, rndfPathTimestamp, localRoadModel.LeftLane);
            LaneModelTestResult centerTest = TestLane(rndfPath, rndfPathTimestamp, localRoadModel.CenterLaneModel);
            LaneModelTestResult rightTest  = TestLane(rndfPath, rndfPathTimestamp, localRoadModel.RightLane);

            // compute the lane existance probability values for left, center and right
            bool hasLeft  = numLanesLeft > 0;
            bool hasRight = numLanesRight > 0;

            double probLeftExists    = hasLeft ? 1 : extra_lane_probability;
            double probNoLeftExists  = hasLeft ? 0 : (1 - extra_lane_probability);
            double probRightExists   = hasRight ? 1 : extra_lane_probability;
            double probNoRightExists = hasRight ? 0 : (1 - extra_lane_probability);

            // calculate center lane probability
            double centerLaneExistanceProb = (probLeftExists * localRoadModel.LeftLane.Probability + probNoLeftExists * (1 - localRoadModel.LeftLane.Probability)) * (probRightExists * localRoadModel.RightLane.Probability + probNoRightExists * (1 - localRoadModel.RightLane.Probability));

            // calculate left lane probability
            double leftLaneExistanceProb = 0.5 * (probRightExists * localRoadModel.CenterLaneModel.Probability + probNoRightExists * (1 - localRoadModel.CenterLaneModel.Probability));

            // calculate right lane probability
            double rightLaneExistanceProb = 0.5 * (probLeftExists * localRoadModel.CenterLaneModel.Probability + probNoLeftExists * (1 - localRoadModel.CenterLaneModel.Probability));

            // now figure out what to do!!

            // create rankings for each duder
            // 0 - left lane
            // 1 - center lane
            // 2 - right lane

            // existance vote order
            int[] existanceVotes = GetVoteCounts(false, existanceVoteStep, double.NaN, leftLaneExistanceProb, centerLaneExistanceProb, rightLaneExistanceProb);
            // deviation vote order
            int[] deviatationVotes = GetVoteCounts(true, deviationVoteStep, double.NaN, leftTest.rndf_deviation, centerTest.rndf_deviation, rightTest.rndf_deviation);
            // number agreeing vote order
            int[] numAgreeVotes = GetVoteCounts(false, matchVoteStep, 0, leftTest.forward_match_count, centerTest.forward_match_count, rightTest.forward_match_count);
            // number rejected vote order
            int[] numRejectedVotes = GetVoteCounts(true, rejectVoteStep, 0, leftTest.forward_rejection_count, centerTest.forward_rejection_count, rightTest.forward_rejection_count);

            // vote on the stuff
            int selectedLane = DoVoting(3, existanceVotes, deviatationVotes, numAgreeVotes, numRejectedVotes);

Exemple #2
        private LaneModelTestResult TestLane(LinePath rndfPath, CarTimestamp rndfPathTimestamp, LocalLaneModel laneModel)
            // construct the result object to hold stuff
            LaneModelTestResult result = new LaneModelTestResult();

            // project the lane model's path into the rndf path's timestamp
            RelativeTransform relTransform  = Services.RelativePose.GetTransform(localRoadModel.Timestamp, rndfPathTimestamp);
            LinePath          laneModelPath = laneModel.LanePath.Transform(relTransform);

            // get the zero point of the lane model path
            LinePath.PointOnPath laneZeroPoint = laneModelPath.ZeroPoint;

            // get the first waypoint on the RNDF path
            LinePath.PointOnPath rndfZeroPoint = rndfPath.ZeroPoint;

            // get the heading of the rndf path at its zero point and the heading of the lane model at
            // the rndf's zero point
            LinePath.PointOnPath laneStartPoint   = laneModelPath.GetClosestPoint(rndfZeroPoint.Location);
            Coordinates          laneModelHeading = laneModelPath.GetSegment(laneStartPoint.Index).UnitVector;
            Coordinates          rndfHeading      = rndfPath.GetSegment(rndfZeroPoint.Index).UnitVector;
            double angle = Math.Acos(laneModelHeading.Dot(rndfHeading));

            // check if the angle is within limits for comparing offset
            if (angle < 30 * Math.PI / 180.0)
                // get the deviation between lane zero point and rndf zero point
                result.rndf_deviation = rndfZeroPoint.Location.DistanceTo(laneZeroPoint.Location);

            // now start check for how many waypoints are accepted
            for (int i = rndfZeroPoint.Index + 1; i < rndfPath.Count; i++)
                // check the distance along the rndf path
                double rndfDistAlong = rndfPath.DistanceBetween(rndfZeroPoint, rndfPath.GetPointOnPath(i));
                // break out if we're too far along the rndf
                if (rndfDistAlong > 50)

                // get the waypoint
                Coordinates waypoint = rndfPath[i];

                // project on to lane path
                LinePath.PointOnPath laneWaypoint = laneModelPath.GetClosestPoint(waypoint);

                // check if we're too far along the lane path
                double distAlong = laneModelPath.DistanceBetween(laneZeroPoint, laneWaypoint);
                if (distAlong > lane_model_max_dist || distAlong < 0)

                // check if the deviation
                double dist = waypoint.DistanceTo(laneWaypoint.Location);

                // increment appropriate counts
                if (dist < lane_deviation_reject_threshold)

            // return the result
        private LaneModelTestResult TestLane(LinePath rndfPath, CarTimestamp rndfPathTimestamp, LocalLaneModel laneModel)
            // construct the result object to hold stuff
            LaneModelTestResult result = new LaneModelTestResult();

            // project the lane model's path into the rndf path's timestamp
            RelativeTransform relTransform = Services.RelativePose.GetTransform(localRoadModel.Timestamp, rndfPathTimestamp);
            LinePath laneModelPath = laneModel.LanePath.Transform(relTransform);

            // get the zero point of the lane model path
            LinePath.PointOnPath laneZeroPoint = laneModelPath.ZeroPoint;

            // get the first waypoint on the RNDF path
            LinePath.PointOnPath rndfZeroPoint = rndfPath.ZeroPoint;

            // get the heading of the rndf path at its zero point and the heading of the lane model at
            // the rndf's zero point
            LinePath.PointOnPath laneStartPoint = laneModelPath.GetClosestPoint(rndfZeroPoint.Location);
            Coordinates laneModelHeading = laneModelPath.GetSegment(laneStartPoint.Index).UnitVector;
            Coordinates rndfHeading = rndfPath.GetSegment(rndfZeroPoint.Index).UnitVector;
            double angle = Math.Acos(laneModelHeading.Dot(rndfHeading));

            // check if the angle is within limits for comparing offset
            if (angle < 30*Math.PI/180.0) {
                // get the deviation between lane zero point and rndf zero point
                result.rndf_deviation = rndfZeroPoint.Location.DistanceTo(laneZeroPoint.Location);

            // now start check for how many waypoints are accepted
            for (int i = rndfZeroPoint.Index + 1; i < rndfPath.Count; i++) {
                // check the distance along the rndf path
                double rndfDistAlong = rndfPath.DistanceBetween(rndfZeroPoint, rndfPath.GetPointOnPath(i));
                // break out if we're too far along the rndf
                if (rndfDistAlong > 50) {

                // get the waypoint
                Coordinates waypoint = rndfPath[i];

                // project on to lane path
                LinePath.PointOnPath laneWaypoint = laneModelPath.GetClosestPoint(waypoint);

                // check if we're too far along the lane path
                double distAlong = laneModelPath.DistanceBetween(laneZeroPoint, laneWaypoint);
                if (distAlong > lane_model_max_dist || distAlong < 0) {

                // check if the deviation
                double dist = waypoint.DistanceTo(laneWaypoint.Location);

                // increment appropriate counts
                if (dist < lane_deviation_reject_threshold) {
                else {

            // return the result
            return result;