public void Upsert_PopulatesPlayerPosition()
            var topN       = 5;
            var ladderId   = "myLadder";
            var playerName = "My Player";
            var firstEntry = new LadderEntry
                LadderId = ladderId,
                Platform = "PC",
                Username = playerName,
                Score    = 1000
            var secondEntryDifferentPlatform = new LadderEntry
                LadderId = ladderId,
                Platform = "PS4",
                Username = playerName,
                Score    = 3000,
                Position = 2

            var repository = CreateInMemoryRepository(topN);



        public LadderChange(LadderEntry previous, LadderEntry detected)
            Name = detected.Name;
            Bracket = detected.Request.Bracket;
            RegionID = detected.Request.RegionID;
            RealmID = detected.RealmID;
            PreviousRequestID = previous.Request.ID;
            PreviousClass = previous.ClassID;
            PreviousFaction = previous.FactionID;
            PreviousGenderID = previous.GenderID;
            PreviousRace = previous.RaceID;
            PreviousRanking = previous.Ranking;
            PreviousRating = previous.Rating;
            PreviousSpec = previous.SpecID;
            PreviousSeasonWins = previous.SeasonWins;
            PreviousSeasonLosses = previous.SeasonLosses;
            PreviousWeeklyWins = previous.WeeklyWins;
            PreviousWeeklyLosses = previous.WeeklyLosses;
            CurrentRequestID = detected.Request.ID;
            DetectedClass = detected.ClassID;
            DetectedFaction = detected.FactionID;
            DetectedGenderID = detected.GenderID;
            DetectedRace = detected.RaceID;
            DetectedRanking = detected.Ranking;
            DetectedRating = detected.Rating;
            DetectedSpec = detected.SpecID;
            DetectedSeasonWins = detected.SeasonWins;
            DetectedSeasonLosses = detected.SeasonLosses;
            DetectedWeeklyWins = detected.WeeklyWins;
            DetectedWeeklyLosses = detected.WeeklyLosses;

Exemple #3
        public LadderEntry Upsert(LadderEntry entry)
            var resultingEntry = _dbContext.Ladders
                                 .Where(l => l.LadderId == entry.LadderId &&
                                        l.Platform == entry.Platform &&
                                        l.Username == entry.Username)

            if (resultingEntry != null)
                _logger.LogInformation("<{0},{1},{2}> already exist. Updating.", entry.LadderId, entry.Platform, entry.Username);

                resultingEntry.Score = resultingEntry.Score < entry.Score
                    ? resultingEntry.Score : entry.Score;
                _logger.LogInformation("<{0},{1},{2}> needs to be created.", entry.LadderId, entry.Platform, entry.Username);
                resultingEntry = entry;

            resultingEntry.Position = ComputeCurrentPosition(resultingEntry.LadderId, resultingEntry.Score);

            _logger.LogInformation("Current position in ladder {0} is {1}", resultingEntry.LadderId, resultingEntry.Position);

        public void Upsert_UsernameIsUniquePerPlatformAndPerLadderId()
            var topN       = 5;
            var ladderId   = "myLadder";
            var playerName = "My Player";
            var firstEntry = new LadderEntry
                LadderId = ladderId,
                Platform = "PC",
                Username = playerName,
                Score    = 1000
            var secondEntryDifferentPlatform = new LadderEntry
                LadderId = ladderId,
                Platform = "PS4",
                Username = playerName,
                Score    = 3000

            var repository = CreateInMemoryRepository(topN);


Exemple #5
        private static Chart CompilePCByDL()
            BarGraph chart = new BarGraph("Player Count By Dueling Level", "graphs_pc_by_dl", 5, "Dueling Level", "Players", BarGraphRenderMode.Bars);

            int       lastLevel = -1;
            ChartItem lastItem  = null;

            Ladder ladder = Ladder.Instance;

            if (ladder != null)
                ArrayList entries = ladder.ToArrayList();

                for (int i = entries.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                    LadderEntry entry = (LadderEntry)entries[i];
                    int         level = Ladder.GetLevel(entry.Experience);

                    if (lastItem == null || level != lastLevel)
                        chart.Items.Add(lastItem = new ChartItem(level.ToString(), 1));
                        lastLevel = level;

Exemple #6
        public static int GetExperienceGain(LadderEntry us, LadderEntry them, bool weWon)
            if (us == null || them == null)

            int ourLevel   = GetLevel(us.Experience);
            int theirLevel = GetLevel(them.Experience);

            int scalar = GetOffsetScalar(ourLevel, theirLevel, weWon);

            if (scalar == 0)

            int xp = 25 * scalar;

            if (!weWon)
                xp = (xp * GetLossFactor(ourLevel)) / 100;

            xp /= 100;

            if (xp <= 0)
                xp = 1;

            return(xp * (weWon ? 1 : -1));
        public void GetTopEntries_GetAllEntriesIfDBHasLessThanNEntriesForThatLadder()
            var TopN         = 10;
            var ladderId     = "myLadder";
            var platform     = "PC";
            var secondPlayer = new LadderEntry
                LadderId = ladderId,
                Platform = platform,
                Username = "******",
                Score    = 1000


            var repository = CreateInMemoryRepository(TopN);


            _logger.Verify(l => l.LogInformation(It.IsAny <string>()), Times.Once());
Exemple #8
        public void GetAllEntriesForLadder_ReturnsAllEntriesForGivenLadder()
            var myLadderId = "My Ladder Id";
            var myEntry    = new LadderEntry
                LadderId = myLadderId,
                Platform = "PC",
                Score    = 123,
                Username = "******"
            var myLadderList = new List <LadderEntry>
                new LadderEntry(),
                new LadderEntry(),
                new LadderEntry(),
                new LadderEntry(),


            .Setup(r => r.GetAllEntriesForLadder(myLadderId))

            var service = new LadderService(_repository.Object, _logger.Object);

            var result = service.GetAllEntriesForLadder(myLadderId);

        public void DeleteEntry_ReturnsTrueWhenGivenEntryIsInTheDatabaseAndRemovesTheEntry()
            var TopN       = 1;
            var ladderId   = "myLadder";
            var platform   = "PC";
            var playerName = "Giampaolo";
            //Here we add entries to db using context directly to test repository
            var secondPlayer = new LadderEntry
                LadderId = ladderId,
                Platform = platform,
                Username = playerName,
                Score    = 1000


            var repository = CreateInMemoryRepository(TopN);

            repository.DeleteEntry(ladderId, platform, playerName)

        public void Upsert_UpdateEntryIfAlreadyExistAndOnlyIfTheScoreIsBetter()
            var topN       = 5;
            var ladderId   = "myLadder";
            var platform   = "PC";
            var playerName = "My Player";
            var firstEntry = new LadderEntry
                LadderId = ladderId,
                Platform = platform,
                Username = playerName,
                Score    = 1000
            var secondEntryWorstScore = new LadderEntry
                LadderId = ladderId,
                Platform = platform,
                Username = playerName,
                Score    = 3000
            var thirdEntryBetterScore = new LadderEntry
                LadderId = ladderId,
                Platform = platform,
                Username = playerName,
                Score    = 900

            var repository = CreateInMemoryRepository(topN);

            var result = repository.Upsert(firstEntry);



            //Position is not relevant right now
            result.Position = 0;

            result = repository.Upsert(thirdEntryBetterScore);


            //Position is not relevant right now
            result.Position = 0;
        public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id)
            Trace.WriteLine("POST /LadderEntry/Delete/" + id);
            LadderEntry ladderEntry = db.LadderEntries.Find(id);

 public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "id,Rank,ArmyList,Army,PlayerName")] LadderEntry ladderEntry)
     Trace.WriteLine("POST /LadderEntry/Edit/" + ladderEntry.ID);
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         db.Entry(ladderEntry).State = EntityState.Modified;
        public void GetTopEntries_PopulatesPlayerPosition()
            var TopN         = 2;
            var ladderId     = "myLadder";
            var platform     = "PC";
            var secondPlayer = new LadderEntry
                LadderId = ladderId,
                Platform = platform,
                Username = "******",
                Score    = 1000
            var firstPlayer = new LadderEntry
                LadderId = ladderId,
                Platform = platform,
                Username = "******",
                Score    = 999,
                Position = 2
            var anotherPlatformPlayer = new LadderEntry
                LadderId = ladderId,
                Platform = "AnotherPlatform",
                Username = "******",
                Score    = 1,
                Position = 1
            var anotherLadderPlayer = new LadderEntry
                LadderId = "AnotherLadder",
                Platform = platform,
                Username = "******",
                Score    = 1


            var repository = CreateInMemoryRepository(TopN);

            .And.HaveElementAt(0, anotherPlatformPlayer)
            .And.HaveElementAt(1, firstPlayer);

            _logger.Verify(l => l.LogInformation(It.IsAny <string>()), Times.Once());
        public void GetAllEntriesForPlatform_ReturnsAllEntriesForSpecifiedLadder()
            var TopN     = 1;
            var ladderId = "myLadder";
            var platform = "PC";
            //Here we add entries to db using context directly to test repository
            var secondPlayer = new LadderEntry
                LadderId = ladderId,
                Platform = platform,
                Username = "******",
                Score    = 1000
            var firstPlayer = new LadderEntry
                LadderId = ladderId,
                Platform = platform,
                Username = "******",
                Score    = 999
            var anotherPlatformPlayer = new LadderEntry
                LadderId = ladderId,
                Platform = "AnotherPlatform",
                Username = "******",
                Score    = 1
            var anotherLadderPlayer = new LadderEntry
                LadderId = "AnotherLadder",
                Platform = "AnotherPlatform",
                Username = "******",
                Score    = 1



            var repository = CreateInMemoryRepository(TopN);

Exemple #15
        public LadderEntry Find(Mobile mob)
            LadderEntry entry = (LadderEntry)m_Table[mob];

            if (entry == null)
                m_Table[mob] = entry = new LadderEntry(mob, this);
                entry.Index  = m_Entries.Count;

        public void DeleteEntry_ReturnsFalseWhenGivenEntryIsNotInTheDatabaseAndDoesntRemoveTheEntry()
            var TopN     = 1;
            var ladderId = "myLadder";
            var platform = "PC";
            //Here we add entries to db using context directly to test repository
            var secondPlayer = new LadderEntry
                LadderId = ladderId,
                Platform = platform,
                Username = "******",
                Score    = 1000
            var firstPlayer = new LadderEntry
                LadderId = ladderId,
                Platform = platform,
                Username = "******",
                Score    = 999
            var anotherPlatformPlayer = new LadderEntry
                LadderId = ladderId,
                Platform = "AnotherPlatform",
                Username = "******",
                Score    = 1
            var anotherLadderPlayer = new LadderEntry
                LadderId = "AnotherLadder",
                Platform = "AnotherPlatform",
                Username = "******",
                Score    = 1



            var repository = CreateInMemoryRepository(TopN);

            repository.DeleteEntry("foo", "bar", "baz")

        public void GetTopEntries_ReturnsTopNEntriesForSpecifiedLadder()
            var TopN     = 1;
            var ladderId = "myLadder";
            var platform = "PC";
            //Here we add entries to db using context directly to test repository
            var secondPlayer = new LadderEntry
                LadderId = ladderId,
                Platform = platform,
                Username = "******",
                Score    = 1000
            var firstPlayer = new LadderEntry
                LadderId = ladderId,
                Platform = platform,
                Username = "******",
                Score    = 999
            var anotherPlatformPlayer = new LadderEntry
                LadderId = ladderId,
                Platform = "AnotherPlatform",
                Username = "******",
                Score    = 1
            var anotherLadderPlayer = new LadderEntry
                LadderId = "AnotherLadder",
                Platform = platform,
                Username = "******",
                Score    = 1


            var repository = CreateInMemoryRepository(TopN);


            _logger.Verify(l => l.LogInformation(It.IsAny <string>()), Times.Once());
        public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "ArmyList,Army,PlayerName,Rank")] LadderEntry ladderEntry)
            Trace.WriteLine("POST /LadderEntry/Create");

            if (ModelState.IsValid)

        public void GetEntryForUser_ComputesThePositionOfTheUserInTheLadder()
            var topN       = 5;
            var ladderId   = "myLadder";
            var platform   = "PC";
            var playerName = "My Player";
            var firstEntry = new LadderEntry
                LadderId = ladderId,
                Platform = platform,
                Username = playerName,
                Score    = 1001
            var secondEntry = new LadderEntry
                LadderId = ladderId,
                Platform = platform,
                Username = "******",
                Score    = 1002
            var thirdEntry = new LadderEntry
                LadderId = ladderId,
                Platform = "Another Platform",
                Username = playerName,
                Score    = 500,
                Position = 1
            var fourthEntry = new LadderEntry
                LadderId = "Another Ladder",
                Platform = "Another Platform",
                Username = playerName,
                Score    = 500


            var repository = CreateInMemoryRepository(topN);

            .GetEntryForUser(ladderId, "Another Platform", playerName)
        // GET: Todos/Edit/5
        public ActionResult Edit(int?id)
            Trace.WriteLine("GET /LadderEntry/Edit/" + id);
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            LadderEntry ladderEntry = db.LadderEntries.Find(id);

            if (ladderEntry == null)
Exemple #21
        private static Report CompileTop15()
            Report report = new Report("Top 15 Duelists", "80%");

            report.Columns.Add("6%", "center", "Rank");
            report.Columns.Add("6%", "center", "Level");
            report.Columns.Add("6%", "center", "Guild");
            report.Columns.Add("70%", "left", "Name");
            report.Columns.Add("6%", "center", "Wins");
            report.Columns.Add("6%", "center", "Losses");

            Ladder ladder = Ladder.Instance;

            if (ladder != null)
                ArrayList entries = ladder.ToArrayList();

                for (int i = 0; i < entries.Count && i < 15; ++i)
                    LadderEntry entry = (LadderEntry)entries[i];
                    int         level = Ladder.GetLevel(entry.Experience);
                    string      guild = "";

                    PlayerMobile player = entry.Mobile as PlayerMobile;

                    if (player != null)
                        if (player.Guild != null)
                            guild = player.Guild.m_Abbreviation;

                    ReportItem item = new ReportItem();

                    item.Values.Add(LadderGump.Rank(entry.Index + 1));
                    item.Values.Add(level.ToString(), "N0");
                    item.Values.Add(entry.Wins.ToString(), "N0");
                    item.Values.Add(entry.Losses.ToString(), "N0");


        public LadderEntry Upsert(LadderEntry entry)
            LadderEntry result = null;

            if (entry != null)
                    result = _repository.Upsert(entry);
                catch (Exception e)
                    _logger.LogError(e, "Upsert failed to read from repository");
        public LadderEntry GetEntryForUser(string ladderId, string platform, string username)
            LadderEntry result = null;

            if (IsValidGetEntryForUserInput(ladderId, platform, username))
                    result = _repository.GetEntryForUser(ladderId, platform, username);
                catch (Exception e)
                    _logger.LogError(e, "GetEntryForUser failed to read from repository");
Exemple #24
        public CharacterCell()

            if (DesignMode.IsDesignModeEnabled)
                LadderEntry entry = new LadderEntry()
                    Rank                = 2,
                    AccountName         = "Account Name",
                    CharacterClass      = "Ascendant",
                    CharacterName       = "Character Name",
                    CharacterLevel      = 65,
                    CharacterExperience = 69420
                BindingContext = entry;
Exemple #25
        public void Upsert_ReturnsTheUpdatedOrInsertedEntryIfEverythingIsOK()
            var entry = new LadderEntry
                LadderId = "My Ladder",
                Platform = "PC",
                Username = "******"

            .Setup(r => r.Upsert(entry))
            .Returns(() => entry);

            var service = new LadderService(_repository.Object, _logger.Object);

Exemple #26
        public void UpdateEntry(LadderEntry entry)
            int index = entry.Index;

            if (index >= 0 && index < m_Entries.Count)
                // sanity

                int c;

                while ((index - 1) >= 0 && (c = entry.CompareTo(m_Entries[index - 1])) < 0)
                    index = Swap(index, index - 1);

                while ((index + 1) < m_Entries.Count && (c = entry.CompareTo(m_Entries[index + 1])) > 0)
                    index = Swap(index, index + 1);
Exemple #27
        public void Upsert_LogsErrorWhenRepositoryThrows()
            var entry = new LadderEntry
                LadderId = "My Ladder",
                Platform = "PC",
                Username = "******"

            var exceptionMessage = "An error occurred because blablabalabla";

            .Setup(r => r.Upsert(entry))
            .Throws(new Exception(exceptionMessage));

            var service = new LadderService(_repository.Object, _logger.Object);


            _logger.Verify(l => l.LogError(It.IsAny <Exception>(), It.IsAny <string>()), Times.Once());
        public void GetEntryForUser_ReturnsNullIfUserNotPresent()
            var topN       = 5;
            var ladderId   = "myLadder";
            var playerName = "My Player";
            var firstEntry = new LadderEntry
                LadderId = ladderId,
                Platform = "PC",
                Username = playerName,
                Score    = 1000


            var repository = CreateInMemoryRepository(topN);

            var result = repository.GetEntryForUser(ladderId, "AnotherPlatform", playerName);

Exemple #29
        public async Task InsertOrUpdateEntry_ReturnsOkAndGivenEntryIfJWTPayloadIsAValidEntry()
            var entry = new LadderEntry
                LadderId = "My Ladder Id",
                Platform = "MyCoolPlatform",
                Username = "******",
                Score    = 12000,
                Position = 1

            var client = _factory.CreateClient();

            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add(_factory.JWTHeaderName, PrepareJWTPayload(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(entry)));

            var response = await client.PostAsync("/ladder", new StringContent("{}", Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"));


            var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LadderEntry>(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());

Exemple #30
        public void GetEntryForUser_ReturnsMyEntryWhenMyKeyMatchesOneEntry()
            var myLadderId = "My Ladder Id";
            var myPlatform = "PC";
            var myUsername = "******";
            var myEntry    = new LadderEntry
                LadderId = myLadderId,
                Platform = myPlatform,
                Username = myUsername

            .Setup(r => r.GetEntryForUser(myLadderId, myPlatform, myUsername))
            .Returns(() => myEntry);

            var service = new LadderService(_repository.Object, _logger.Object);
            var result  = service.GetEntryForUser(myLadderId, myPlatform, myUsername);

Exemple #31
        public PlayerDetailGump(PlayerMobile from, PlayerMobile mobile)
            _from   = from;
            _mobile = mobile;

            Width = 320;

            int n = Notoriety.Compute(from, mobile);

            int notoColor = _notorietyColors[n];

            AddBorderedText(20, 18, Width - 40, 20, Center(mobile.Name ?? "Unknown"), notoColor, BlackColor32);

            AddSeperator(30, 40, Width - 60);

            const int LabelOffset = 20;
            const int LabelWidth  = 55;

            const int ValueOffset = 25 + LabelWidth;
            int       ValueWidth  = Width - (20 + ValueOffset);

            int y = 44;

            PlayerMobile pm = mobile as PlayerMobile;

            Guild guild = mobile.Guild as Guild;

            if (guild != null)
                AddBorderedText(LabelOffset, y, LabelWidth, 20, Right("Guild:"), LabelColor32, BlackColor32);

                AddBorderedText(ValueOffset, y, ValueWidth, 20, guild.Name ?? "Unknown", WhiteColor32, BlackColor32);
                y += 20;

            if (mobile.PublicMyRunUO && mobile.Kills >= 5)
                AddBorderedText(LabelOffset, y, LabelWidth, 20, Right("Kills:"), LabelColor32, BlackColor32);
                AddBorderedText(ValueOffset, y, ValueWidth, 20, mobile.Kills.ToString("N0"), WhiteColor32, BlackColor32);

                y += 20;

            Account acct = mobile.Account as Account;

            if (acct != null)
                TimeSpan age = DateTime.UtcNow - acct.Created;

                int ageInDays = ( int )age.TotalDays;

                int ageInYears  = ((ageInDays + 162) / 365);
                int ageInMonths = ((ageInDays + 15) / 30);
                int ageInWeeks  = ((ageInDays + 3) / 7);

                string ageString;

                if (ageInYears > 0)
                    ageString = String.Format("{0:N0} year{1}", ageInYears, ageInYears == 1?"":"s");
                else if (ageInMonths > 1)
                    ageString = String.Format("{0:N0} month{1}", ageInMonths, ageInMonths == 1?"":"s");
                else if (ageInWeeks > 1)
                    ageString = String.Format("{0:N0} week{1}", ageInWeeks, ageInWeeks == 1?"":"s");
                    ageString = String.Format("Newbie", ageInDays, ageInDays == 1?"":"s");

                AddBorderedText(LabelOffset, y, LabelWidth, 20, Right("Age:"), LabelColor32, BlackColor32);
                AddBorderedText(ValueOffset, y, ValueWidth, 20, ageString, WhiteColor32, BlackColor32);

                y += 20;

            PlayerState ps = PlayerState.Find(mobile);

            if (ps != null)
                Faction fac = ps.Faction;

                //AddItem( Width - 51, 7, 5535, (fac.Definition.HueSecondary ^ 0x0000) - 1 );
                AddItem(7, 7, 5534, (fac.Definition.HuePrimary ^ 0x0000) - 1);

                y += 8;

                AddBorderedText(LabelOffset, y, LabelWidth + ValueWidth, 20, fac.Definition.FriendlyName, WhiteColor32, BlackColor32);

                y += 21;
                AddSeperator(30, y, Width - 60);
                y += 3;

                string rank = String.Format(
                    "Level {0} {1}",

                AddBorderedText(LabelOffset, y, LabelWidth, 20, Right("Rank:"), LabelColor32, BlackColor32);
                AddBorderedText(ValueOffset, y, ValueWidth, 20, rank, WhiteColor32, BlackColor32);
                y += 20;

                AddBorderedText(LabelOffset, y, LabelWidth, 20, Right("Points:"), LabelColor32, BlackColor32);
                AddBorderedText(ValueOffset, y, ValueWidth, 20, String.Format("{0:N0}", ps.KillPoints), WhiteColor32, BlackColor32);
                y += 20;

            Ladder instance = Ladder.Instance;

            if (instance != null)
                LadderEntry entry = instance.Find(mobile);

                if (entry != null && (entry.Wins + entry.Losses) > 0)
                    y += 8;

                    AddBorderedText(LabelOffset, y, LabelWidth + ValueWidth, 20, "Duelist", WhiteColor32, BlackColor32);

                    y += 21;
                    AddSeperator(30, y, Width - 60);
                    y += 3;

                    string rank = LadderGump.Rank(entry.Index + 1);

                    AddBorderedText(LabelOffset, y, LabelWidth, 20, Right("Rank:"), LabelColor32, BlackColor32);
                    AddBorderedText(ValueOffset, y, ValueWidth, 20, rank, WhiteColor32, BlackColor32);
                    y += 20;

                    AddBorderedText(LabelOffset, y, LabelWidth, 20, Right("Level:"), LabelColor32, BlackColor32);
                    AddBorderedText(ValueOffset, y, ValueWidth, 20, Ladder.GetLevel(entry.Experience).ToString("N0"), WhiteColor32, BlackColor32);
                    y += 20;

                    AddBorderedText(LabelOffset, y, LabelWidth, 20, Right("Matches:"), LabelColor32, BlackColor32);
                    AddBorderedText(ValueOffset, y, ValueWidth, 20, String.Format("{0:N0}", (entry.Wins + entry.Losses)), WhiteColor32, BlackColor32);
                    y += 20;

            Height = y + 12;

            Ethic ethic = Ethic.Find(mobile);

            if (ethic == Ethic.Hero)
                AddItem(Width - 36, Height - 26, 7188);
            else if (ethic == Ethic.Evil)
                AddItem(Width - 35, Height - 36, 6232);