//Check available movements from a cell and returns one of them randomly.
    private Movement GetRandomMovement(int fromCell)
        List <Movement> possibleMoves = LabryntRules.GetPossibleMovements(fromCell);
        int             randomIndex   = Random.Range(0, possibleMoves.Count);

    //Checks the Q-Matrix and returns the best move from the available ones.
    //Best movement is decided by choosing the one with the highest q-value. If the highest value appears in more
    //than one move, chooses randomly between those moves
    private Movement GetBestMovement(int fromCell)
        List <Movement> bestMovements     = new List <Movement>();
        List <Movement> possibleMovements = LabryntRules.GetPossibleMovements(fromCell);

        //There is at least one move from all cells (terminal states stop the algorithm before getting here)
        //so it is saved to compare with the rest.
        double highestQValue = qMat.GetQValue(fromCell, possibleMovements[0]);

        //Compare to other values, keep a list with the movements with highest q-value.
        for (int x = 1; x < possibleMovements.Count; x++)
            double qValue = qMat.GetQValue(fromCell, possibleMovements[x]);
            if (highestQValue == qValue)
            else if (highestQValue < qValue)
                highestQValue = qValue;

        //If more than one has the highest value, choos randomly between them.
        int index = 0;

        if (bestMovements.Count > 1)
            index = Random.Range(0, bestMovements.Count);
