public static void HideAllTexts() { foreach (KeyValuePair <BaseLabel, int> pair in LabelsBucket.GetLabels()) { Instance.HideText(pair.Value); } }
void Start() { SetupEnv(); totalUniqueLabels = labeledNames.Count; CsvWriter.SaveLabels(LabelsBucket.GetLabels().Select(pair => pair.Key).ToList()); Debug.Log("Total Labeled items: " + totalLabeledItems + " of which unique: " + totalUniqueLabels + " total void items: " + totalVoids); }
void TrySetLabelMat(Transform tr) { Renderer rend = tr.GetComponent <Renderer>(); if (rend != null) { Material[] curMats = rend.materials; for (int i = 0; i < rend.materials.Length; i++) { curMats[i] = new Material(labelMaterial); LabelIdentity identity = rend.GetComponent <LabelIdentity>(); int colVal = 0; if (identity != null) { colVal = LabelsBucket.GetLabelIndex(identity) + 1; totalLabeledItems++; if (!labeledNames.Contains(identity.labelName)) { labeledNames.Add(identity.labelName); } } else { Debug.Log("identity component not found on: " + + " each renderable must have an LabelIdentity component with a type set. Setting to void Val=[0]"); totalVoids++; } curMats[i].color = new Color32((byte)colVal, (byte)colVal, (byte)colVal, 255); } rend.materials = curMats; } else { //Debug.Log("MechRenderer not found on: " + + " , won't set."); } }
public static string LabelColors() { LabelClass labelClass = new LabelClass(); int len = LabelsBucket.GetLabels().Count; int labelClassIndex = 0; labelClass.colors = new Color32[len]; labelClass.labels = new int[len]; foreach (KeyValuePair <BaseLabel, int> pair in LabelsBucket.GetLabels()) { labelClass.labels[labelClassIndex] = pair.Value; if (LabelMaskCoordinator.HasState(pair.Key.labelName)) { labelClass.colors[labelClassIndex] = pair.Key.encoderColor; } else { labelClass.colors[labelClassIndex] = new Color32(0, 0, 0, 0); } //Debug.Log(pair.Key.encoderColor + " " + pair.Value + " " + pair.Key.labelName); labelClassIndex += 1; } labelClass.mime = "mimey"; string json = JsonUtility.ToJson(labelClass); return(json); }
void Start() { foreach (KeyValuePair <BaseLabel, int> pair in LabelsBucket.GetLabels()) { GameObject newText = Instantiate(textPrefab); newText.transform.parent = transform; newText.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition =; newText.GetComponent <RectTransform>().offsetMin =; newText.GetComponent <RectTransform>().offsetMax =; newText.GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = pair.Key.labelName; newText.GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().color = pair.Key.encoderColor; labelTexts[pair.Value] = newText; allIds.Add(pair.Value); } HideAllTexts(); }